
Journalism theory and practice B

John Tebbutt

8 points - 3 hours per week (one 1-hour lecture, one 2-hour tutorial) - Second semester - Gippsland and distance - Prerequisites: GSC1901 and GSC1402 or equivalents - Subject only available to students who commenced journalism prior to 1999 - Prohibited combination: GSC1903

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students will be able to demonstrate how to produce feature articles for magazines and newspapers; an understanding of the similarities and differences between news and feature writing; how to access and manage information.

Synopsis This subject aims to engage students in the production of magazine-style media products and to develop advanced reporting skills. It will focus on techniques and cultural implications of writing extended news features on issues of contemporary interest. Magazine design, layout, use of photographs etc is covered in relation to how it impacts on the presentation of feature articles. While this subject is not designed to provide detailed training in magazine production the need for a practical outlet for student work is recognised. Students, therefore, are encouraged to publish their work from the subject.

Assessment Three short written pieces: 60% - Feature article: 40% (totalling 6000 words)

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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