
Aboriginal health

Proposed to be offered next in 2000

Marlene Drysdale

8 points - 3 hours per week (2-hour lecture, 1-hour tutorial) - First semester - Gippsland and distance - Prerequisites: GSC1801 and GSC1808

Objectives On the successful completion of this subject students will have an understanding of the social, political and economic impact of ill-health for Aboriginal communities. Students will be able to recognise and develop strategies that will assist Aboriginal communities to access funding and practice self determination in the delivery of health care to Indigenous Australians

Synopsis This subject provides students with an overview of the complexity of Aborignal health and ill-health. It also looks at the impact of colonisation on the health and well being of Aboriginal Australia. It will examine access to health care systems and evaluate how Aboriginal communities practice self-determination in the delivery of health care

Assessment Journal (1000 words) 20% Research topic proposal (1000 words) 20% Research project (4000 words) 60%

Prescribed texts

Cawte J Healer of arnham land UNSW Press, 1993
Reid J and Thompf P (eds) The health of Aboriginal Australia Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991

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