
Indigenous people and management of the tourism industry

Greg Douglas

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland and distance - Prerequisites: GSC1801 and GSC1808

Objectives On the successful completion of this subject students will have developed an understanding of the principles of management within the tourism industry. Students will have gained an appreciation for the historical involvement of indigenous Australians in the tourism industry. They will also have developed an understanding of the issues surrounding the use of Australian indigenous history and culture as tourism attractions, and be able to quantify the contribution of tourism to the Australian economy.

Synopsis This subject provides students with an opportunity to investigate and examine the contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make to the tourism industry in Australia. Case studies will provide the framework to study the various tourist attractions and management arrangements; particulary the level and nature of involvement of indigenous Australians.

Assessment Research proposal (1000 words): 20% Case study (3500 words): 50% Examination (1.5 hours): 30%

Prescribed texts

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commision The business of indigenous tourism (kit) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commision, 1996
Commonwealth Department of Tourism A talent for tourism: Stories about indigenous people in tourism Commonwealth Department of Tourism, 1994
Lundberg D E The tourist business Cahner's Books, 1990
Finlayson J Australian Aborigines and cultural tourism: Case studies of Aboriginal involvement in the tourist industry Wollongong, 1991

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