- ACX3500 International study program in accounting
- ACX5951 International study program in accounting
- APG4224 Gender, violence and society: Criminal justice responses
- APG5044 Professional internship
- APG5091 Big ideas in international relations policy
- APG5180 Policy and political communication
- APG5390 Contemporary tourism and development in emerging economies
- APG5470 Managing multicultural teams
- APG5471 Leadership in intercultural environments
- APG5850 Research thesis B
- APG5856 Research project
- ATS1371 Life, death and morality (Introduction to philosophy A)
- ATS1835 Time, self and mind (Introduction to philosophy B)
- ATS2003 Chinese intermediate 1
- ATS2004 Chinese intermediate 2
- ATS2005 Chinese proficient 1
- ATS2006 Chinese proficient 2
- ATS2043 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1
- ATS2044 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2
- ATS2164 Italian transformations: Reading and writing self-discovery
- ATS2269 Exploring contemporary Australia: People, events, ideas
- ATS2275 The European Union from consensus to crisis
- ATS2332 Music - Overseas study program 2
- ATS2612 The Renaissance in Florence
- ATS2640 The ethics of global conflict
- ATS2840 Philosophy of mind
- ATS2861 God, freedom and evil
- ATS2867 Thinking about science
- ATS2872 Topics in Indian philosophy
- ATS2898 The Italian city: Historical and literary perspectives
- ATS2946 Critical thinking: How to analyse arguments and improve your reasoning skills
- ATS2992 Global immersion guarantee program
- ATS3005 Chinese proficient 1
- ATS3006 Chinese proficient 2
- ATS3007 Chinese studies advanced 1
- ATS3008 Chinese studies advanced 2
- ATS3009 Chinese studies advanced 3: Readings in modern literature
- ATS3010 Chinese studies advanced 4: Readings in modern literature
- ATS3011 Chinese studies advanced 5: Contemporary literature
- ATS3012 Chinese studies advanced 6: Contemporary literature
- ATS3013 Chinese business translation 1
- ATS3014 Chinese business translation 2
- ATS3129 Arts internship
- ATS3130 Arts international internship
- ATS3139 Extended major research unit
- ATS3164 Italian transformations: Reading and writing self-discovery
- ATS3170 Arts international experience
- ATS3215 Global creative cities
- ATS3224 Gender, violence and society: Criminal justice responses
- ATS3247 Italian proficient 2 (in country)
- ATS3275 The European Union from consensus to crisis
- ATS3311 Text and community in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- ATS3332 Music - Overseas study program 2
- ATS3612 The Renaissance in Florence
- ATS3828 Film music
- ATS3870 Philosophy of religion
- ATS3882 Metaphysics
- ATS3898 The Italian city: Historical and literary perspectives
- ATS3918 International journalism professional project
- ATS3935 Professional practice
- ATS4311 Text and community in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- BCH3990 Action in biochemistry research project
- BEX3006 Industry placement
- BEX3012 Industry placement
- BEX3024 Industry placement
- BEX3106 Industry placement
- BEX3112 Industry placement
- BEX3350 Industry project
- BEX3351 Industry project
- BEX3450 Industry project
- BEX3451 Industry project
- BEX3550 Industry project
- BEX5001 Industry placement
- BEX5006 Industry project
- BEX5012 Industry placement
- BEX5112 Industry project
- BEX5832 European business and society
- BFX3871 International study program in banking and finance
- BFX5860 International study program in banking and finance
- BME2032 Biomedical industry based learning
- BMS3990 Action in biomedical science minor research project
- CHM2990 Introductory chemical research project
- CHM3980 Chemistry study abroad
- CHM3990 Chemistry project
- DEV3990 Action in anatomy and developmental biology research project
- EAE3000 Earth, atmosphere and environment research project
- ECF2550 Business in Asia
- ECS2730 Intermediate macroeconomics
- ECS3830 Competition and regulation
- ECX3550 Business in Asia
- EDF4538 Mental health issues: Grief, trauma and substance abuse
- EDF5016 Inclusive teaching
- EDF5017 Numeracy for learners and teachers
- EDF5030 Science education in the primary years
- EDF5033 Humanities and social sciences education in the primary years
- EDF5545 Cognitive behaviour therapy
- EDF5552 Counselling practicum
- EDF5648 Instructional design: Harnessing digital technologies for learning
- EDF5667 Positive behaviour support
- EDF5933 Primary professional experience 3
- EDF5943 Secondary professional experience 3
- ENG5008 Work integrated learning
- ENS5930 Sustainability internship
- ETS1102 Business statistics
- FIT1051 Programming fundamentals in java
- FIT2002 IT project management
- FIT2081 Mobile application development
- FIT3048 Industry experience studio project 2
- FIT3140 Advanced programming
- FIT3199 Industry work experience
- FIT9131 Programming foundations in Java
- FST3800 Food science internship
- HUP3990 Human pathology in action research project
- IMM3990 Immunology in action research project
- LAW4160 Negotiation and conflict resolution
- LAW4173 Research unit A
- LAW4177 Introduction to family law
- LAW4214 Supervised research paper
- LAW4250 The global lawyer
- LAW4309 Lawyers ethics in practice
- LAW4806 Jessup moot competition
- LAW5050 Professional practice (JD)
- LAW5082 Masters research
- LAW5083 Extended research
- LAW5084 Minor thesis
- LAW5341 Trade mark practice
- LAW5350 Principles of taxation
- MAP5000 Research in advanced health professional practice
- MAP5001 Preparatory minor thesis
- MAP5002 Minor thesis
- MAP5010 Advanced health practice research project
- MBS3800 Medical bioscience internship
- MGS1010 Introduction to management
- MGS2351 International business
- MGX3991 Leadership principles and practices
- MKF3301 Services marketing
- MKM5211 Applied business project
- MKX3521 Global study programs in marketing
- MKX3631 Marketing internship
- MKX5123 Entrepreneurial innovation
- MKX5521 Global study programs in marketing
- MTH3000 Mathematics research project level 3
- MTH5840 Minor industry placement
- NUR5703 Pathophysiology for advanced clinical nursing
- NUR5704 Pathophysiology for advanced paediatric clinical nursing
- NUT1011 Human nutrition: An introduction to nutrients
- PAC3522 Applied research project
- PAR5400 Principles of advanced care paramedic practice
- PAR5410 Pharmacotherapy and clinical toxicology in advanced care paramedic practice
- PAR5450 Advanced care paramedic management of paediatric and obstetric patients
- PAR5460 Transition to practice in the intensive care simulated environment
- PHS2350 Physics and astronomy introductory research project 1
- PHS2360 Physics and astronomy introductory research project 2
- PHS3350 Physics and astronomy research project 1
- PHS3360 Physics and astronomy research project 2
- PHY3990 Action in physiology research project
- PMH3110 Psychology impact internship
- PSY1011 Psychology 1A
- PTY3162 Physiotherapy 6A: Clinical
- PTY3262 Physiotherapy 6B: Clinical
- PTY3362 Physiotherapy 6C: Clinical
- PTY3462 Clinical placement
- PTY4171 Physiotherapy 7A: Clinical
- PTY4172 Physiotherapy 7B: Clinical
- PTY4281 Physiotherapy 8A: Clinical
- PTY4282 Physiotherapy 8B: Clinical
- RTS5110 Radiation therapy science and practice 1
- SCI1800 The sustainable planet
- SCI3501 Impact through science 3A
- SCI3800 Science internship
- SCI3920 Science internship
- SCI3990 Science in action research project