Units by Organisational Unit - Department of Architecture - 2018
- ARC1001 Foundation studio 1
- ARC1002 Foundation studio 2
- ARC1102 Technologies and environments 1
- ARC1301 Architecture communications 1
- ARC2001 Architecture design studio 3
- ARC2002 Architecture design studio 4
- ARC2101 Technologies and environments 2
- ARC2301 Architecture communications 2
- ARC2401 Contemporary architecture
- ARC2402 19th and 20th century architecture
- ARC3001 Architecture design studio 5
- ARC3002 Architecture design studio 6
- ARC3101 Technologies and environments 3
- ARC3102 Integrated technologies, environments and professional studies
- ARC3401 Architecture and the city
- ARC3501 Advanced studies in architecture A
- ARC3502 Advanced studies in architecture B
- ARC4001 Advanced architecture project 1
- ARC4002 Advanced architecture project 2
- ARC4101 Integrated project- technologies, environments and professional practices
- ARC4201 Professional studies 1
- ARC4501 Advanced architecture studies 1
- ARC4502 Advanced architecture studies 2
- ARC5001 Advanced architecture project 3
- ARC5002 Final architecture project
- ARC5201 Professional practices
- ARC5401 Architecture research methods
- ARC5501 Advanced architecture studies 3
- ARC5502 Advanced studies in architecture 4
- DIS1912 Virtual space A
- DIS2910 Virtual space B
- IAR1112 Interior architecture studio 2
- IAR1113 Interior architecture studio 1
- IAR1114 Interior architecture studio 2
- IAR1211 Building construction and materials A
- IAR1401 Communication methods for interior architecture
- IAR1411 Communication and media
- IAR1602 Constructions and environments 1
- IAR2113 Interior architecture studio 3
- IAR2114 Interior architecture studio 4
- IAR2115 Interior architecture studio 3
- IAR2116 Interior architecture studio 4
- IAR2204 Building materials and construction B
- IAR2205 The production of space and place
- IAR2303 Structures and services A
- IAR2401 Interior architecture modelling
- IAR2411 Contemporary interior architecture
- IAR2501 Retail design 1
- IAR2601 Constructions and environments 2
- IAR2602 Constructions and environments 3
- IAR3115 Interior architecture studio 5
- IAR3116 Interior architecture studio 6
- IAR3117 Interior architecture studio 5
- IAR3118 Interior architecture studio 6
- IAR3205 Building construction and materials C
- IAR3303 Folio and reflection
- IAR3308 Structure and services B
- IAR3401 Interior architecture history and theory
- IAR3501 Studies in interior architecture
- IAR4117 Interior architecture studio 7
- IAR4118 Interior architecture studio 8
- IAR4119 Interior architecture studio 7
- IAR4120 Interior architecture design research project
- IAR4406 Industrial experience
- IAR4500 Research: Questions and processes
- IAR4501 Interior architecture design research documentation
- PPR3102 Professional practice for interior architecture
- UPD4001 Planning project 1: the compact city
- UPD4002 Planning project 2: the ecological city
- UPD4101 Applied professional practice: planning capabilities and competencies
- UPD4201 Planning study 1: regulating the city
- UPD4202 Planning study 2: economics and the city