- CCS5100 Research project in medical science
- CCS5101 Research project in medical science (part-time)
- CCS5200 Advanced studies in medical science
- CCS5201 Advanced studies in medical science (part-time)
- CCS5300 Research project in health sciences
- CCS5301 Research project in health sciences (part-time)
- CCS5400 Advanced studies in health sciences
- CCS5401 Advanced studies in health sciences (part-time)
- CDS1001 Communication design studio 1A
- CDS1002 Communication design studio 1B
- CDS1511 Photographic art direction
- CDS1531 Illustration for narrative
- CDS2001 Communication design studio 2A
- CDS2002 Communication design studio 2B
- CDS2511 Branding for designers
- CDS2512 Packaging design
- CDS2521 Creative coding
- CDS2522 Creative expression through physical computing
- CDS2523 Creative visualisation
- CDS2524 Unconventional publishing
- CDS2531 Illustration for animation
- CDS3001 Communication design studio 3A
- CDS3002 Communication design studio 3B
- CDS4001 Major project communication design part 1
- CDS4002 Major project communication design part 2
- CEM6881 Scanning electron microscopy
- CEM6882 Transmission electron microscopy
- CER1111 Ceramic practice and theory 1A
- CER1112 Ceramic practice and theory 2A
- CER2113 Ceramic practice and theory 3A
- CER2114 Ceramic practice and theory 4A
- CER2123 Ceramic practice and theory 3B
- CER2124 Ceramic practice and theory 4B
- CER3115 Ceramic practice and theory 5
- CER3116 Ceramic practice and theory 6
- CHE2161 Mechanics of fluids
- CHE2162 Material and energy balances
- CHE2163 Heat and mass transfer
- CHE2164 Thermodynamics I
- CHE2166 Introduction to process simulation
- CHE2167 Process material selection
- CHE2871 Biochemistry for engineers
- CHE3161 Chemistry and chemical thermodynamics
- CHE3162 Process control
- CHE3163 Sustainable processing I
- CHE3164 Reaction engineering
- CHE3165 Separation processes
- CHE3166 Process design
- CHE3167 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
- CHE3171 Bioprocess technology
- CHE3172 Nanotechnology and materials 1
- CHE4161 Engineer in society
- CHE4162 Particle technology
- CHE4164 Integrated industrial project
- CHE4170 Design project
- CHE4171 Biochemical engineering
- CHE4172 Nanotechnology and materials 2
- CHE4173 Sustainable processing 2
- CHE4180 Chemical engineering project
- CHE5167 Pulp and paper laboratory
- CHE5290 Biomass resource and its utilisation
- CHE5291 Engineering aspects of biomass pulping
- CHE5292 Chemistry of biomass processing
- CHE5293 Processing fibres into paper
- CHE5294 Performance of paper products
- CHE5295 Control of processes and quality
- CHE5296 Minimising environmental impact
- CHE5297 Recycling and contaminant removal
- CHE5298 Biorefinery foundations
- CHE5299 Biorefinery processes
- CHE5881 Advanced reaction engineering
- CHE5882 Biomass and biorefineries
- CHE5883 Nanostructured membranes for separation and energy production
- CHE5884 Process modelling and optimisation
- CHE5885 Principles and practices for sustainable development
- CHE6881 Advanced reaction engineering
- CHE6882 Biomass and biorefineries
- CHE6883 Nanostructured membranes for separation and energy production
- CHE6884 Process modelling and optimisation
- CHE6885 Principles and practices for sustainable development
- CHM1011 Chemistry I
- CHM1022 Chemistry II
- CHM1051 Chemistry I advanced
- CHM1052 Chemistry II advanced
- CHM1752 Chemistry for engineering
- CHM2752 Chemistry of the environment
- CHM2911 Inorganic and organic chemistry
- CHM2922 Spectroscopy and analytical chemistry
- CHM2942 Biological chemistry
- CHM2951 Environmental chemistry - water
- CHM2962 Food chemistry
- CHM2990 Introductory chemical research project
- CHM3180 Materials chemistry
- CHM3742 Chemistry of the environment 2
- CHM3911 Advanced physical chemistry
- CHM3922 Advanced organic chemistry
- CHM3930 Medicinal chemistry
- CHM3941 Advanced inorganic chemistry
- CHM3952 Advanced analytical chemistry
- CHM3960 Environmental chemistry
- CHM3972 Sustainable chemistry
- CHM3980 Chemistry study abroad
- CHM3990 Chemistry project
- CHM4100 Chemistry research project
- CHM4110 Chemistry research project part time I
- CHM4120 Chemistry research project part time II
- CHM4180 Medicinal chemistry research project
- CHM4201 Chemistry honours coursework
- CHM4211 Chemistry honours coursework part time I
- CHM4221 Chemistry honours coursework part time II
- CHM4280 Honours coursework in medicinal chemistry
- CIV2206 Mechanics of solids
- CIV2207 Computing and water systems modelling
- CIV2225 Design of steel and timber structures
- CIV2226 Design of concrete and masonry structures
- CIV2242 Geomechanics 1
- CIV2263 Water systems
- CIV2282 Transport and traffic engineering
- CIV2283 Civil engineering construction
- CIV3203 Civil engineering construction
- CIV3204 Engineering investigation
- CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
- CIV3221 Building structures and technology
- CIV3222 Bridge design and assessment
- CIV3247 Geomechanics 2
- CIV3248 Groundwater and environmental geomechanics
- CIV3264 Urban water and wastewater systems
- CIV3283 Road engineering
- CIV4210 Project A
- CIV4211 Project B
- CIV4212 Civil and environmental engineering practice
- CIV4234 Advanced structural analysis
- CIV4235 Advanced structural design
- CIV4248 Ground hazards engineering
- CIV4249 Foundation engineering
- CIV4261 Integrated urban water management
- CIV4268 Water resources management
- CIV4283 Transport planning
- CIV4284 Traffic systems
- CIV5301 Advanced traffic engineering
- CIV5302 Traffic engineering and management
- CIV5303 Quantitative methods
- CIV5304 Intelligent transport systems
- CIV5305 Travel demand modelling
- CIV5306 Road safety engineering
- CIV5308 Transport and traffic systems project
- CIV5309 Transport and traffic data
- CIV5310 Infrastructure project and policy evaluation
- CIV5311 Infrastructure project management
- CIV5312 Asset management 1
- CIV5313 Asset management 2
- CIV5314 Planning urban transport systems
- CIV5315 Transport economics
- CIV5316 Fundamentals of urban public transport
- CIV5318 Intelligent transportation systems: engineering and management
- CIV5319 Quantitative methods for transportation systems analysis
- CIV5320 Case studies in transportation systems
- CIV5321 Sustainable transportation systems planning
- CIV5322 Urban public transportation systems
- CIV5406 Modelling transportation systems
- CIV5881 Ground water hydrology
- CIV5882 Flood hydraulics and hydrology
- CIV5883 Surface water hydrology
- CIV5884 Water sensitive stormwater design
- CIV5885 Infrastructure dynamics
- CIV5886 Infrastructure geomechanics
- CIV5887 Infrastructure rehabilitation and monitoring
- CIV5888 Advanced computational methods
- CIV6301 Advanced traffic engineering
- CIV6302 Traffic engineering and management
- CIV6305 Travel demand modelling
- CIV6314 Transport planning and policy
- CIV6881 Ground water hydrology
- CIV6882 Flood hydraulics and hydrology
- CIV6883 Surface water hydrology
- CIV6884 Water sensitive stormwater design
- CIV6885 Infrastructure dynamics
- CIV6886 Infrastructure geomechanics
- CIV6887 Infrastructure rehabilitation and monitoring
- CIV6888 Advanced computational methods
- CMH5001 Mental health practice essentials
- CMH5002 The context for mental health practice
- CMH5003 Concepts in mental health illness
- CMH5004 Recovery oriented mental health practice
- CMH5005 Mental health of the elderly
- CMH5006 Transcultural mental health
- CMH5011 Contemporary research and practice in family violence
- CMH5012 Psychopharmacology and physical treatments in mental health care
- CPS5001 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories 1
- CPS5002 Normal developmental observation
- CPS5003 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories 2
- CPS5004 Psychodynamic assessment of children and adolescents
- CPS5005 Principles of child psychotherapy
- CPS5006 Principles of adolescent psychotherapy
- CPS5007 Principles of short term therapy
- CPS5008 Principles of working with parents