[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]
Subjects indexed by subject code: S
- SCI1010: How science works
- SCI1020: The design of science
- SCI3092: Technology management for scientists
- SCI3094: Technology management for scientists II
- SCI3716: Laboratory and workplace management
- SCI3739: Applied research project
- SCY1100: Introduction to sociology I
- SCY1200: Introduction to sociology II
- SCY2021: Sociology of the mass media
- SCY2031: Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY2041: Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations
- SCY2100: Sociological perspectives
- SCY2150: Sociological research techniques for public policy
- SCY2181: Sociology of prisons
- SCY2261: Social research methods
- SCY2272: Sociology of popular music
- SCY2290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- SCY2400: Social psychology
- SCY2460: The sociology of men and masculinity
- SCY3021: Sociology of the mass media
- SCY3031: Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY3041: Sociology of ethnicity and minority relations
- SCY3070: Sociology of the family
- SCY3100: Sociological perspectives
- SCY3150: Sociological research techniques for public policy
- SCY3181: Sociology of prisons
- SCY3191: Deviance and social control
- SCY3261: Social research methods
- SCY3272: Sociology of popular music
- SCY3290: Spiritualities, faiths and religions: society and the transcendent
- SCY3310: Population and migration
- SCY3380: Women, psychiatry and madness
- SCY3400: Social psychology
- SCY3430: Society and environment
- SCY3460: Sociology of men and masculinity
- SCY3470: Women, gender and society
- SCY4310: Population and migration
- SCY4500: Sociology honours seminar A
- SCY4520: Sociology honours seminar B
- SCY4540: Theory and practice of sociology
- SCY4580: Thesis in sociology
- SCY4660: Professional Honours in Social Research I: Key Issues
- SCY4670: Professional Honours in Social Research II: Research Project
- SFT2021: Object-oriented programming systems
- SFT2110: Interactive programming
- SFT2121: Programming with data structures
- SFT2201: Software engineering practice
- SFT2204: Fourth-generation systems
- SFT2205: Commercial programming in COBOL
- SFT2208: UNIX programming
- SFT2305: Commercial programming in COBOL
- SFT3000: Application programming in C++
- SFT3001: UNIX system call programming
- SFT3002: Windows programming in C++
- SFT3007: Rapid Applications Programming with Windows
- SFT3021: Object-oriented programming systems
- SFT3030: Fourth-generation systems
- SFT3200: Developing graphical World Wide Web applications in Java
- SFT3205: Commercial programming in COBOL
- SFT3208: UNIX programming
- SFT3311: Reading subject
- SFT3316: Concurrent programming
- SFT3500: Industrial Experience Project
- SFT4000: Software development honours
- SFT4001: Software development honours part-time
- SFT4010: Reading subject
- SFT4020: Specifying non-sequential and real-time systems
- SFT4030: Software lifecycle processes
- SFT4040: Language design and semantics
- SFT4100: Systems programming I
- SFT4151: UNIX software design and development
- SFT4490: Object-oriented programming
- SFT5000: Distributed Object Technology
- SFT5010: Reading subject
- SFT5020: Distributed computation and simulation
- SFT5030: Visual programming
- SFT5040: Case study in engineering software for reuse
- SFT5050: Software metrics and reliability
- SFT5060: Multimedia applications on the Web
- SFT5510: Software systems engineering
- SFT5530: Systems verification, quality and standards
- SFT5610: Intelligent software systems
- SFT7600: Software development I
- SFT7640: Software development II
- SLA1040: Polish studies I/1A
- SLA1050: Polish studies I/2A
- SLA2040: Polish studies II/1A
- SLA2050: Polish studies II/2A
- SLA2110: Foundations of Slavic linguistics
- SLA2530: Modernism in European literature
- SLA2810: Comparative drama of the twentieth century
- SLA2910: The novel in Eastern Europe
- SLA3110: Foundations of Slavic linguistics
- SLA3150: Slavic contrastive studies
- SLA3170: Belief and perception
- SLA3400: Language study abroad program
- SLA3530: Modernism in European literature
- SLA3810: Comparative drama of the twentieth century
- SLA3830: Bakhtin and ethics: beyond structuralism
- SLA3910: The novel in Eastern Europe
- SLA4100: Topics in Slavic linguistics
- SLA4150: Slavic contrastive studies
- SLA4170: Belief and perception
- SLA4370: Russian syntax
- SLA4400: Language study abroad program
- SLA4600: Thesis
- SLA4830: Bakhtin and ethics: beyond structuralism
- SPN1010: Introductory Spanish IA
- SPN1020: Introductory Spanish IB
- SPN1070: Spanish language IA
- SPN1080: Spanish language IB
- SPN2010: Intermediate Spanish IA
- SPN2010R: Intermediate Spanish 1A
- SPN2020: Intermediate Spanish IB
- SPN2020R: Intermediate Spanish 1B
- SPN2070: Spanish language IIA
- SPN2080: Spanish language IIB
- SPN2130: Culture and civilisation of the Hispanic world
- SPN2190: Individual option
- SPN2290: Spanish linguistics in trading and communication
- SPN2310: Study abroad program
- SPN3010: Advanced Spanish IA
- SPN3020: Advanced Spanish IB
- SPN3250: Twentieth-century Hispanic American literature
- SPN3290: Spanish linguistics in trading and communication
- SPN3430: European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- SPN3630: Nineteenth-century Spanish literature
- SPN3730: Contemporary Spanish fiction
- SPN3750: Spanish American fiction since independence
- SPN3780: Women0s writing in the Hispanic world today
- SPN3850: The Spanish American /boom0 of literature
- SPN3880: Translation and Translators: Theory and Practice
- SPN3910: Discourse and power in the media and politics of the Hispanic world
- SPN3930: Individual option
- SPN4100: Honours dissertation
- SPN4250: Twentieth-century Spanish American literature
- SPN4430: European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War
- SPN4630: Nineteenth-century Spanish literature
- SPN4730: Contemporary Spanish fiction
- SPN4750: Spanish American fiction since independence
- SPN4780: Women0s writing in the Hispanic world today
- SPN4850: The Spanish American /boom0 of literature
- SPN4880: Translation and Translators: Theory and Practice
- SPN4910: Discourse and power in the media and politics of the Hispanic world
- SPN4930: Special reading course
- SPN4990: Language study abroad program
- SWH4001: Research methodology for social work
- SWH4002: The development of social work knowledge
- SWH4003: Honours dissertation
- SWK3110: Social work I
- SWK3120: Social work II
- SWK3130: Social work perspectives on human development I
- SWK3150: Social work research I
- SWK3170: Fieldwork I
- SWK3180: Fieldwork II
- SWK3190: Social policy and administration I
- SWK3210: Contexts of social work practice I
- SWK4510: Social work III
- SWK4520: Social work IV
- SWK4530: Social and behavioural studies I
- SWK4550: Fieldwork III
- SWK4560: Fieldwork IV
- SWK4570: Social policy and administration III
- SWK4610: Community health I
- SWK4830: Contexts of social work practice II
- SWM5110: Advanced casework practice
- SWM5120: Criminology and social work
- SWM5130: Social and community service organisations: their behaviour and management
- SWM5140: Policy, program planning and evaluation I
- SWM5150: Policy, program planning and evaluation II
- SWM5160: Child abuse, child protection and the state
- SWM5170: Special research study
- SWM5180: Management of human resources in the social and community services
- SWM5190: Social work research
- SWM5200: Health and social work
- SWM5210: Welfare politics: From the local to the global
- SWM5220: Social work and aged care
- SYM4005: Qualitative research strategies
- SYM4015: Secondary analysis of official statistics
- SYM4025: Survey research
- SYM4035: Theoretical and methodological issues in applied social research
- SYM4045: Applied statistics
- SYM4055: Application of computer techniques
- SYM4065: Issues in public policy
- SYM5005: Qualitative research strategies
- SYM5015: Secondary analysis of official statistics
- SYM5025: Survey research
- SYM5035: Theoretical and methodological issues in applied social research
- SYM5045: Applied statistics
- SYM5055: Application of computer techniques
- SYM5065: Issues in public policy
- SYM5075: Applied social research project
- SYS2001: Information Systems 3
- SYS2003: Professional Practice in Information Systems
- SYS2168: Systems design and implementation
- SYS2403: Professional Practice in Information Systems
- SYS3030: Industrial project
- SYS3500: Information systems project
- SYS3550: Information systems project
- SYS7500: Systems analysis
- SYS7510: Systems design and implementation