[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]
Subjects indexed by subject code: H
- HSY1010: Medieval Europe
- HSY1020: Renaissance Europe
- HSY1030: Australia: immigrant nation
- HSY1040: Australia today: an historical perspective
- HSY1050: Asian civilisations 1: the cycle of empires
- HSY1060: Asian civilisations 2: crisis and transformation
- HSY1070: Contemporary Europe: origins
- HSY1080: Contemporary Europe: East and West
- HSY1150: World War Two: the rise of fascism
- HSY1160: World War Two: the crushing of the Axis
- HSY2060: The uses of the past
- HSY2070: War and society in the modern world
- HSY2260: Australian Aboriginal history
- HSY2300: Twentieth-century Australia
- HSY2410: History of sexuality: 1800 to the present
- HSY2460: The Vietnam war
- HSY2470: The religious quest: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- HSY2495: History of Australian Feminism
- HSY2550: Australian Jewry - history and society
- HSY2560: Modern Jewish history
- HSY2570: Modern Israel: vision and reality
- HSY2580: The Holocaust
- HSY2600: Pursuing the millennium: dissent, apocalypse and the golden age
- HSY2630: Renaissance Florence
- HSY2655: Troubadours and Street-Singers: Music and Popular Culture 1100-1600
- HSY2840: Revolution, political development and social change in Britain, Russia and France, 1815-1914
- HSY2850: The Australian city: contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HSY2860: The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY2880: The heritage industry
- HSY2960: Imagining Europe: representations and images of a continent
- HSY2970: Creating Europe
- HSY2990: The American Civil War
- HSY3000: New approaches to history
- HSY3060: The uses of the past
- HSY3070: War and society in the modern world
- HSY3080: Reading history
- HSY3260: Australian Aboriginal history
- HSY3300: Twentieth-century Australia
- HSY3410: History of sexuality: 1800 to the present
- HSY3460: The Vietnam war
- HSY3470: The religious quest: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- HSY3495: History of Australian Feminism
- HSY3550: Australian Jewry - history and society
- HSY3560: Modern Jewish history
- HSY3570: Modern Israel: vision and reality
- HSY3580: The Holocaust
- HSY3600: Pursuing the millennium: dissent, apocalypse and the golden age
- HSY3630: Renaissance Florence
- HSY3655: Troubadours and Street-Singers: Music and Popular Culture 1100-1600
- HSY3710: The island world of Southeast Asia
- HSY3720: Nationalism and revolution in Southeast Asia
- HSY3805: Teaching history
- HSY3840: Revolution, political development and social change in Britain, Russia and France, 1815-1914
- HSY3850: The Australian city: contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HSY3860: The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY3960: Imagining Europe: representations and images of a continent
- HSY3970: Creating Europe
- HSY3980: Thinking God: Philosophical Theology and Postmodernity
- HSY3990: The American Civil War
- HSY4030: Special subject 1: first semester
- HSY4040: Special subject 1: second semester
- HSY4180: Plagues, peoples and the natural world
- HSY4210: Life stories: memory, narrative and history
- HSY4400: Hildegard of Bingen and her world
- HSY4610: The reforming impulse, 1150-1600
- HSY4700: Contours of Racial Thought
- HSY4730: Reading and writing Australian history
- HSY4780: Thinking God.Philosophical Theology and Postmodernity
- HSY4800: Teaching History
- HSY4950: Hidden transcripts: cultural approaches to the past
- HSY4970: General seminar
- HSY4990: Dissertation
- HYM4002: Researching the past: historical sources, method and interpretation
- HYM4090: The Australian ethnic experience
- HYM4110: Australian Aboriginal histories
- HYM4120: Reading and writing Australian history
- HYM4130: Reading landscapes
- HYM4140: The Raj imagined: Stories and films of "British" India in their historical context
- HYM4150: Freud, sexuality and history
- HYM4180: Images of the natural world: Issues in environmental history
- HYM4200: Life stories: memory, narrative and history
- HYM4230: Happy families? The western European family, 17th - 19th centuries
- HYM4500: Contours of racial thought
- HYM4870: Social theory and social history
- HYM4900: Biography and history
- HYM4910: Three traditions: perceptions of history in other cultures
- HYM4950: Hidden transcripts: cultural approaches to the past
- HYM4960: Gender and history
- HYM5090: The Australian ethnic experience
- HYM5100: Public history research project
- HYM5110: Australian Aboriginal histories
- HYM5120: Reading and writing Australian history
- HYM5130: Reading landscapes
- HYM5140: The Raj imagined: Stories and films of "British" India in their historical context
- HYM5150: Freud, sexuality and history
- HYM5170: Public history placement
- HYM5180: Images of the natural world: Issues in environmental history
- HYM5200: Life stories: memory, narrative and history
- HYM5230: Happy families? The western European family, 17th - 19th centuries
- HYM5500: Contours of racial thought
- HYM5900: Biography and history
- HYM5910: Three traditions: perceptions of history in other cultures
- HYM5950: Hidden transcripts: cultural approaches to the past
- HYM5960: Gender and History