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Students who commenced study in 2016 should refer to this course entry for direction on the requirements; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your course.

Monash University

Postgraduate - Course

Commencement year

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2016 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Faculty of Engineering.

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Course code


Credit points


Abbreviated title




Managing faculty


Admission and fees

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Course type

Single degree
Master's by coursework

Standard duration

2 years FT, 4 years PT

Two years (96 points) full-time, or part-time equivalent, for entry level 1.

One year (48 points) full-time,or part-time equivalent, for entry level 2.

Mode and location

On-campus (Clayton, Malaysia)


Master of Advanced Chemical Engineering
Master of Advanced Civil Engineering (Infrastructure Systems)
Master of Advanced Civil Engineering (Transport)
Master of Advanced Civil Engineering (Water)
Master of Advanced Electrical Engineering
Master of Advanced Engineering (Energy and Sustainability)
Master of Advanced Materials Engineering
Master of Advanced Mechanical Engineering

The actual award conferred depends on the specialisation completed.


  • The availability of specialisations varies by campus.


The Master of Advanced Engineering is designed for graduates who already have an undergraduate degree in engineering in a cognate discipline. The first year of the course is designed to develop skills in leadership, engineering design and data analysis. In the second year, you will complete core units to master your discipline and develop breadth of knowledge across engineering disciplines.

The Master of Advanced Engineering is available in the following specialisations:

  • Chemical engineering
  • Civil engineering (Infrastructure systems)
  • Civil engineering (Water)
  • Civil engineering (Transport)
  • Electrical engineering
  • Materials engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Energy and sustainability

Note: Students at Malaysia can only complete the energy and sustainability specialisation. This specialisation is not available for study at Clayton.


These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 9, the Bologna Cycle 2 and Monash Graduate AttributesAustralian Qualifications Framework level 9, the Bologna Cycle 2 and Monash Graduate Attributes (

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:

  1. understand, reflect critically upon, and proficiently apply the relevant sciences and scientific methods underpinning at least one specialist engineering practice area, to design and critically appraise solutions to complex problems.
  2. identify and critically appraise current developments and advanced technologies, and apply knowledge of these to at least one specialist area.
  3. engage in an internationalised world by reflecting on the social and environmental impact of at least one specialist engineering practice area, and contextualise complex design solutions to appropriately consider the impact on an international community.
  4. determine, analyse and proficiently apply theoretical, experimental, and numerical simulation of phenomena to predict, design, control and optimise the performance of complex engineering systems.
  5. apply systematic engineering synthesis, critical judgement, design processes, project management and innovative approaches to solve complex problems.
  6. articulate justifications, critique and interpretations of theoretical propositions, methodologies, design conclusions and professional decisions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  7. conduct independent investigation and critical reflection as a means to maintain ethical accountability in professional decisions.
  8. exhibit competent and effective team membership and leadership in a multi-disciplinary, cross-cultural environment.

Credit for prior studies

Students admitted at Entry level 1 (96 points):

  • a maximum of 25 per cent of course requirements may be credited for prior study.

Students admitted at Entry level 2 (48 points):

  • a maximum of 25 per cent of course requirements for previous graduate level studies may be credited for prior study.


The course comprises 96 points structured into five parts, Part A. Common core units, Part B. Enhancement units, Part C. Technical elective units, Part D. Discipline core units and Part E. Engineering project units. All students complete Part A, Part B and Part D. Depending upon prior qualifications you may receive credit for Part C and Part E.

  • Students admitted at Entry level 1 complete 96 points, comprising Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D and Part E.
  • Students admitted at Entry level 2 complete 48 points, comprising Part A, Part B and Part D.

Note: If you are eligible for credit for prior studies, but prefer to do a longer form of the course (Parts A-E), you may elect not to receive the credit.

Part A. Common core units

These units are designed to establish IT literacy and develop essential skills that translate theory to engineering practice.

Part B. Enhancement units

These units are designed to provide breadth; either outside of the chosen engineering specialisation and/or in disciplines allied with, and supportive of engineering (namely Information Technology and Business).

Part C. Technical elective units

These units are designed to deepen your understanding of specific topics and advanced elements within your discipline.

Part D. Discipline core units

In this part you will identify, interpret and critically appraise current developments and advanced technologies, and apply knowledge within your discipline.

Part E. Engineering project units

In this part you will undertake two, year-long projects. The first is a research project, where you are invited to work closely with a faculty academic in their discipline, on a topic of your choice. The second is a design project developing a depth of design skills in your discipline.


The course progression mapcourse progression map ( will assist you to plan to meet the course requirements, and guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

Part A. Common core units (12 points)

Students complete:

  • ENG5001 Advanced engineering data analysis
  • ENG5002 Engineering entrepreneurship

Part B. Enhancement units (12 points)

Students complete two enhancement units from the list below:

  • BFF5901 Climate change and emissions trading
  • BTF5910 Sustainability regulation
  • CHE5882 Biomass and biorefineries
  • CHE5883 Nanostructured membranes for separation and energy production
  • CIV5304 Intelligent transport systems
  • CIV5306 Road safety engineering
  • CIV5310 Infrastructure project and policy evaluation
  • CIV5311 Infrastructure project management
  • CIV5312 Asset management I
  • CIV5313 Asset management II
  • CIV5315 Transport economics
  • CIV5316 Fundamentals of urban public transport
  • CIV5881 Ground water hydrology
  • CIV5884 Water sensitive stormwater design
  • ECE5886 Smart grids (Malaysia only)
  • ECF5953 Economics
  • ENG5003 Advanced design project A*
  • ENG5004 Advanced design project B*
  • ENG5005 Engineering project A*
  • ENG5006 Engineering project B*
  • ENG5881 Minor project (Malaysia only)
  • MEC5881 Engineering systems performance analysis
  • MEC5882 Instrumentation, sensing and monitoring
  • MEC5887 Environmental and air pollution control (Malaysia only)
  • MGF5011 Commercialisation
  • MGF5600 Managing innovation
  • MGF5991 Professional development - Career dynamics
  • MGF5992 Professional development - Self and relationship
  • MKF5916 Foundations of marketing
  • MTE5882 Advanced polymeric materials
  • MTE5883 Environmental durability and protection of metals and engineering materials
  • MTE5884 Materials for energy technologies

* Students completing the 96 point structure for this course cannot select this unit in Part B. as it is compulsory in Part E.

Part C. Technical elective units (24 points)

Students complete four technical elective units within their discipline from the list.

Note: Not all units will be available each year.

Chemical engineering

  • CHE4161 Engineer in society
  • CHE4162 Particle technology
  • CHE4171 Biochemical engineering
  • CHE4172 Nanotechnology and materials 2
  • CHE4173 Sustainable processing 2
  • CHE3161 Chemistry and chemical thermodynamics
  • CHE3162 Process control
  • CHE3163 Sustainable processing I
  • CHE3164 Reaction engineering
  • CHE3165 Separation processes
  • CHE3167 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
  • CHE3171 Bioprocess technology
  • CHE3172 Nanotechnology and materials 1
  • ENE3608 Environmental impact assessment and management systems

Civil engineering

  • CIV4234 Advanced structural analysis
  • CIV4235 Advanced structural design
  • CIV4248 Ground hazards engineering
  • CIV4249 Foundation engineering
  • CIV4261 Integrated urban water management
  • CIV4268 Water resources management
  • CIV4283 Transport planning
  • CIV4284 Traffic systems
  • ENE4607 Environmental risk assessment
  • ENG4700 Engineering technology for biomedical imaging and sensing

Electrical engineering

  • ECE4012 Applied digital signal processing
  • ECE4023 Radio frequency electronics
  • ECE4024 Wireless communications
  • ECE4032 Advanced control
  • ECE4033 Industrial instrumentation and measurement technologies
  • ECE4042 Communications theory
  • ECE4043 Optical communications
  • ECE4044 Telecommunications protocols
  • ECE4045 Network performance
  • ECE4053 Electrical energy - generation and supply
  • ECE4054 Electrical energy - power converters and motor control
  • ECE4055 Electrical energy - power electronic applications
  • ECE4058 Electrical energy - high voltage engineering
  • ECE4063 Large scale digital design
  • ECE4064 Electronic test technology
  • ECE4074 Advanced computer architecture
  • ECE4075 Real time embedded systems
  • ECE4076 Computer vision
  • ECE4077 Advanced computing techniques
  • ECE4078 Intelligent robotics
  • ECE4081 Medical instrumentation
  • ECE4084 Biomechanics of human musculoskeletal systems
  • ECE4086 Medical imaging technology
  • ECE4087 Medical technology innovation
  • ECE4808 Organic electronics and micro devices
  • ECE4809 Solid state lighting
  • ECE4112 Signal processing
  • ECE4122 Advanced electromagnetics
  • ECE4142 Communications systems
  • ECE4162 Electronic systems design
  • ECE4174 Computer vision and robotics
  • ECE4175 Advanced digital systems
  • ECE4181 Biomedical engineering
  • ENG4700 Engineering technology for biomedical imaging and sensing

Materials engineering

  • ENG4700 Engineering technology for biomedical imaging and sensing
  • MTE4590 Modelling of materials
  • MTE4592 Advanced ceramics and applications
  • MTE4593 Materials and environment
  • MTE4594 Engineering alloy design, processing and selection
  • MTE4596 Biomaterials II
  • MTE4597 Engineering with nanomaterials
  • MTE4598 Electron microscopy

Mechanical engineering

  • ENG4700 Engineering technology for biomedical imaging and sensing
  • MEC4416 Momentum, energy and mass transport in engineering systems
  • MEC4418 Control systems
  • MEC4425 Micro/nano solid and fluid mechanics
  • MEC4426 Computer-aided design
  • MEC4428 Advanced dynamics
  • MEC4444 Industrial noise and control
  • MEC4446 Composite structures
  • MEC4447 Computers in fluids and energy
  • MEC4456 Robotics
  • MEC4459 Wind engineering

Part D. Discipline core units (24 points)

Students complete four discipline core units from their specialisation.

Chemical engineering

  • CHE5881 Advanced reaction engineering
  • CHE5882 Biomass and biorefineries
  • CHE5883 Nanostructured membranes for separation and energy production
  • CHE5884 Process modeling and optimisation

Civil engineering (Infrastructure systems)

  • CIV5885 Infrastructure dynamics
  • CIV5886 Infrastructure geomechanics
  • CIV5887 Infrastructure rehabilitation and monitoring
  • CIV5888 Advanced computational methods

Civil engineering (Transport)

  • CIV5301 Advanced traffic engineering
  • CIV5302 Traffic engineering and management
  • CIV5305 Travel demand modelling
  • CIV5314 Planning urban transport systems

Civil engineering (Water)

  • CIV5881 Ground water hydrology
  • CIV5882 Flood hydraulics and hydrology
  • CIV5883 Surface water hydrology
  • CIV5884 Water sensitive stormwater design

Electrical engineering

Materials engineering

  • MTE5881 Advanced materials characterisation and experimental methods
  • MTE5882 Advanced polymeric materials
  • MTE5883 Environmental durability and protection of metals and engineering materials
  • MTE5884 Materials for energy technologies

Mechanical engineering

  • MEC5881 Engineering systems performance analysis
  • MEC5882 Instrumentation, sensing and monitoring
  • MEC5883 Mechanical systems design
  • MEC5884 Sustainable engineering systems

Energy and sustainability engineering

  • CHE5885 Principles and practices for sustainable engineering
  • ECE5885 Energy efficient lighting
  • MEC5885 Energy conservation and management
  • MEC5886 Sustainable energy technologies

Part E. Engineering project units (24 points)

Students complete the following engineering project units:

  • ENG5003 Advanced design project A
  • ENG5004 Advanced design project B
  • ENG5005 Engineering project A
  • ENG5006 Engineering project B

Progression to further studies

This degree may serve as a pathway to a higher degree by research. Students will need to demonstrate a strong academic record in their prior and/or current studies. Students considering a research degree are advised to consult the course co-ordinator in regards to course progression.

Alternative exit(s)

Students may exit this course early and apply to graduate with the following award, provided they have satisfied the requirements indicated for that award during their enrolment in this Masters course:

  • Graduate Diploma of Engineering after successful completion of 48 credit points of study with a minimum of 24 credit points at level 5.