code: 1708
The Bachelor of Arts (Communication) degree provides an interdisciplinary core
to educate graduates who are knowledgeable about mass communications and who
can apply that knowledge in a range of vocational and academic areas. The
degree is aimed at satisfying the community and professional needs of graduates
who not only have undertaken a major in communications theory in combination
with studies in humanities, but who will also have detailed knowledge of an
area of specialisation which will direct their future career paths.
Mass communications provides students with conceptual tools for describing and
analysing mass communications media in a number of different ways: as
industries, which employ people and are subject to various forms of regulation;
as a series of different textual forms, which audiences receive and make sense
of; and as institutions with a central role in the negotiation of social and
political relationships, such as those which exist between manufacturers,
advertisers, consumers, citizens and governments.
candidate for the degree must fulfil the following requirements to receive the
award of Bachelor of Arts (Communication):
(a) complete at least 144 points but not more than 162 points
(b) complete a minimum of 108 points within the School of Humanities,
Communications and Social Sciences
(c) complete a minimum of eight and a maximum of 10 first-level
(d) complete a minimum of 36 points at third-year level, including those
completed in the communications sequence
(e) complete the prescribed sequence in communication studies (54 points),
an arts minor sequence (24 points) and a specialisation sequence (36 points)
(f) undertake additional subjects to complete the 144 points needed for
the degree.
arts minor may be chosen from Australian studies, community studies,
history-politics, Indonesian, Koorie studies, psychology*, sociology or gender
studies (details on each discipline are provided under the entry for School of
Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences).
Please note that the specialisation sequence is not equivalent to a major.
complete the sequence in journalism, a student would be required to complete
six of the following subjects:
Compulsory subjects:
plus four of the following subjects:
Students will complete the following six subjects:
To complete a sequence in marketing, a student would be required to complete six of the following subjects:
complete a sequence in management, a student would be required to complete six
of the following subjects:
Recommended subjects:
plus one of the following subjects:
Students must complete all of the following subjects including at least two subjects at second-year level:
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