

Monash University

Units indexed by Mode: Flexible

  • APG4314 Seeking justice: South Africa and Rwanda
  • APG4553 Field studies in regional sustainability
  • APG5044 Professional internship
  • APG5059 Internship (postgraduate)
  • APG5258 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental science
  • APG5336 Islam and modernity
  • APG5848 Research thesis
  • APG5849 Research thesis A
  • APG5850 Research thesis B
  • APG5856 Research project
  • ATS1340 English for academic purposes
  • ATS1371 Life, death and morality (Introduction to philosophy A)
  • ATS1835 Time, self and mind (Introduction to philosophy B)
  • ATS2170 Arts international experience
  • ATS2331 Music - Overseas study program 1
  • ATS2332 Music - Overseas study program 2
  • ATS2394 Australia and Asia
  • ATS3129 Arts internship
  • ATS3130 Arts international internship
  • ATS3170 Arts international experience
  • ATS3259 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental management
  • ATS3314 Seeking justice: South Africa and Rwanda
  • ATS3331 Music - Overseas study program 1
  • ATS3332 Music - Overseas study program 2
  • ATS3394 Australia and Asia
  • ATS3553 Field studies in regional sustainability
  • ATS3919 Journalism professional placement
  • ATS3948 Internship (undergraduate)
  • EDF4530 Lifespan development and counsellor identity
  • EDF4531 Professional practice in counselling
  • EDF4610 Interacting with research in education contexts
  • EDF4611 Investigating education issues in global contexts
  • EDF5534 Supervised professional counselling practice
  • EDF5613 Research approaches in education
  • EDF5614 Research project in education
  • EDF5620 Leading education and work
  • EDF5621 Challenging curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
  • EDF5622 Developing learners and learning
  • EDF5623 Deepening education and sustainability
  • EDF5632 Understanding inclusion in learning communities
  • EDF5635 Leading capable organisations
  • EDF5636 Leading organisational decision making
  • EDF5637 Inner leadership: Understanding self and others
  • EDF5640 Language, culture and curriculum
  • EDF5641 Pedagogy and assessment in TESOL
  • EDF5642 Bilingualism and content-based programs
  • EDF5645 Educating the gifted
  • EDF5646 Talent development and diversity
  • EDF5647 Technology and education key issues and debates
  • EDF5648 Instructional design: Harnessing digital technologies for learning
  • EDF5649 Language and literacies across educational contexts
  • EDF5651 Developing expertise in mathematics education
  • EDF5654 Teaching music: Theory and practice
  • EDF5655 Expertise in teaching
  • EDF5656 Practising inclusion
  • EDF5657 Indigenous perspectives in professional practice
  • EDF5658 Young people: Culture, communities and education
  • EDF5661 Designing learning for adults
  • EDF5662 Leading local, rural and regional learning and participation
  • EDF5663 Education and globalisation in the Asian century
  • EDF5664 Learning through participation
  • EDF5665 Environmental education, design and learning for sustainability
  • EDF5667 Positive behaviour support
  • EDF5670 Leadership studies
  • EDF5674 Engaging with practices of contemporary science
  • EDF5678 Leading learning communities
  • EDF5691 Professional project
  • EDF5692 Professional practice in special and inclusive education
  • EDF5693 Using and evaluating research evidence
  • EDF5694 Taking a stand in education debates
  • EDF5695 Self-study as professional inquiry
  • EDF5696 Professional practice for teachers of TESOL
  • EDF5699 Extended teaching practice
  • EDF5810 VCAL and VET at school
  • EDF5904 Children, families, communities
  • EDF5905 Early years literacy and numeracy
  • EDF6031 Masters thesis part 1
  • EDF6032 Masters thesis part 2
  • EDF6033 Masters thesis extension 1
  • EDF6532 Assessment in counselling
  • FIT5144 Research strategies and skills
  • FIT5203 Community informatics
  • FIT5204 Heritage informatics
  • GHS5850 Nursing leadership and management
  • HED5031 Higher education project: Design and literature review
  • HED5041 Research project development and implementation
  • HED5051 Learning and teaching in higher education in South East Asia
  • HED5052 Contemporary issues in higher education in South East Asia
  • HED5060 Principles and practices of effective teaching
  • HED5062 Contemporary learning environments
  • HED5070 Higher Degree Research student supervision
  • HED5081 Higher education inquiry
  • HED5092 Developing Higher Education innovations
  • MCE5112 IVF processes: embryo production and cryopreservation techniques (practical)
  • MCE5201 ICSI and research methods
  • MID1003 The childbearing journey
  • MID2004 Being with birthing women
  • MID2010 Working with birthing women
  • MID2110 Complementary therapies: an evidence based approach
  • MID3103 Childbearing obstacles
  • MID3202 Supporting the newborn infant
  • MID5005 Advancing midwifery practice
  • MIR4110 Introduction to disaster preparedness and management
  • MIR4160 Disaster resilience and community safety
  • MIR5110 Responsible research practice and project management in emergency and disaster settings
  • MIR5120 Research and evaluation in disaster preparedness and management
  • MPH5042 Climate change and public health
  • MPH5285 Human factors for patient safety
  • NUR2005 Introduction to maternity and paediatric nursing
  • NUR2007 Introduction to palliative care
  • NUR2203 Health promotion
  • NUR3006 Diversity in healthcare practice
  • NUR5008 Cognitive behavioural therapy for mental health professionals
  • NUR5112 Nursing practice in the Australian healthcare context
  • NUR5202 Nursing informatics
  • NUR5203 Palliative care practice
  • NUR5204 Education in health care practice
  • NUR5208 Therapeutic medication management
  • NUR5209 Education program development
  • NUR5218 Advanced clinical decision making
  • NUR5219 Advanced clinical practice for nurse practitioner
  • NUR5405 Explorations in child and family nursing
  • NUR5411 Advanced clinical assessment and diagnostic reasoning
  • NUR5703 Advanced pathophysiology and health assessment 1
  • NUR5704 Advanced pathophysiology and health assessment 2
  • NUR5844 Health promotion and education
  • NUR5923 Critical care nursing 1
  • NUR5924 Critical care nursing 2
  • NUR5925 Emergency nursing 1
  • NUR5926 Emergency nursing 2
  • NUT3007 Work placement
  • OCC5141 Occupational therapy for children with a disability and their families