Units indexed by Title: W
- ASN2020 War and memory in the Asia Pacific: Legacies of World War II
- ASN3020 War and Memory in the Asia Pacific: Legacies of World War II
- PLM4310 Wars of recognition: Terrorism and political violence
- PLM5310 Wars of recognition: Terrorism and political violence
- PLT4319 Wars of recognition: Terrorism and political violence
- ENV3761 Waste management and remediation
- WTR4200 Water and community development
- ENG3204 Water and wastewater
- WTR4004 Water governance and policy
- WTR4300 Water planning and economics
- CIV4268 Water resources management
- WTR4400 Water supply and sanitation
- CIV2263 Water systems
- ENG2204 Water systems
- WTR4003 Water, sustainability and development
- ENG2207 Waterway engineering
- FIT2055 Web content management
- DIS1704 Web design
- FIT4041 Web development
- FIT2029 Web programming
- FIT5030 Web services and service oriented computing
- FIT1011 Web systems 1
- FIT2028 Web systems 2
- FIT3043 Web systems 3
- FIT2053 Web-based information systems
- FIT1012 Website authoring
- FIT9027 Website authoring
- ECC4830 Welfare economics
- SCW2312 Welfare law, rights & ethics
- AUS2220 Where do you get it? Consumerism in Australia
- AUS3220 Where do you get it? Consumerism in Australia
- LAW7409 Wills and estates practice
- LAW5128 Wills, probate and administration 506
- MAE4409 Wing design
- ECE3022 Wireless and Guided EM
- ECE4024 Wireless communications
- ECE5024 Wireless communications
- FIT5083 Wireless networks
- ANY2180 Witchcraft in the modern world
- ANY3180 Witchcraft in the modern world
- HSY2085 Witches and depravity in the medieval and early modern world
- HSY3085 Witches and depravity in the medieval and early modern world
- MID1001 With childbearing woman
- MID2005 With women: Rethinking pain (consortium unit NRSG216 Australian Catholic University)
- MID9001 Woman midwife partnerships
- DTS2160 Women and theatre
- DTS3160 Women and theatre
- ASN2170 Women in Asia: Gender, Tradition and Modernity
- ASN3170 Women in Asia: Gender, tradition and modernity
- FTV2070 Women in contemporary cinema: Culture and difference
- FTV3070 Women in contemporary Cinema: Culture and difference
- ITA3330 Women in Italy: Representations and realities
- ITA4340 Women in Italy: Representations and realities
- MED4082 Women's and children's health
- MID3106 Women's health practice
- MID3009 Women's health: Sociopolitical context (consortium unit NRSG219 Australian Catholic Uni)
- MID3105 Women's health: Women's business
- MFM1006 Women's health
- MCM9301 Women's sexual and reproductive health in general practice
- SCY2470 Women, gender and society
- SCY3470 Women, gender and society
- ASM4380 Women, psychiatry and madness
- SCY3380 Women, psychiatry and madness
- JST4120 Work and economic organisation in Japan
- JST5120 Work and economic organisation in Japan
- MGX5610 Work and employment relations in a global context
- MGX9220 Work and employment relations
- EDF6864 Work and learning
- SCY2560 Work and social change
- SCY3560 Work and social change
- SCY2804 Work and technology
- SCY3804 Work and technology
- ENG3001 Work experience in industry 1
- ENG3002 Work experience in industry 2
- MOP6011 Work groups, teams, training and development
- PRF4000 Work in context
- BEW3100 Work placement program
- EDF3802 Work, development and identity
- HSC5010 Working in the Australian healthcare system
- MID2108 Working with babies
- EDF2321 Working with diverse learners
- SWK3120 Working with families and groups: Theory and practice
- SWK3240 Working with individuals: theory and practice
- LIN4060 Working with linguistic archival materials
- HSC1051 Working With People
- EDF6008 Working with theory in research
- LAW7327 Workplace anti-discrimination law
- LAW7435 Workplace bargaining and agreements law
- BTC2720 Workplace law
- BTX5080 Workplace negotiations
- BTF4240 Workplace taxation
- BTF5240 Workplace Taxation
- ALM4350 World Englishes
- ALM5350 World Englishes
- PLT2050 World politics and international law
- PLT3050 World politics and international law
- AIA1000 World prehistory
- LAW4526E World trade organisation dispute settlement
- LAW7326 World Trade Organization (WTO) law
- ENH1220 Worlds in conflict: Empire, margins, difference
- VCW1102 Wound assessment
- VCW1103 Wound dressings
- ENH4265 Writers and the creative process
- ENM4260 Writers and the creative process
- ENM5260 Writers and the creative process
- ENH2780 Writing as Social Practice 1
- ENH3780 Writing as social practice 1
- AEL2001 Writing at work
- WRT3422 Writing experiments
- ENH2585 Writing gender and sexuality in English literature
- ENH3585 Writing gender and sexuality in English literature
- CLS2045 Writing lives: Women's auto/biography and historical fiction
- CLS3045 Writing lives: Women's auto/biography and historical fiction
- LLC4040 Writing madness
- LLC5040 Writing madness
- WRT3421 Writing techniques
- ENH4210 Writing the child
- ENM4210 Writing the child
- ENM5210 Writing the child
- MHP5194 Writing up and submission
- MHS5003 Writing up and submission
- ENH2570 Writing Women
- ENH3570 Writing women
- LLC4000(H) Writing worlds: The novel from Cervantes to Calvino
- PER3040 Writing/Performance
- LAW4191 WTO moot 406
13 October 2017
17 February 2025