Related information
Units indexed by Mode: Off-campus
- AAH2240 Archaeological fieldwork in Tuscany
- AAH3240 Archaeological fieldwork in Tuscany
- ADD5091 Research methods
- ADD5092 Theory workshop
- ADD6093 Documentation studies
- ADM5001 Research methods
- ADM5002 Theory workshop
- AEH1001 Arts exchange unit
- AEH1002 Arts exchange unit
- AEH1003 Arts exchange unit
- AEH1004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4005 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4006 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AFF2401 Commercial banking and finance
- AFF3331 International banking and finance
- AFF3651 Treasury management
- AFF3841 Lending decisions
- AFG9040 Accounting theory and current issues
- AFG9041 Auditing and assurance
- AFG9044 Business finance
- AFG9070 Financial management
- AFG9071 Introductory accounting
- AFG9072 Management accounting
- AFG9073 Financial accounting
- AFW1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- AFW1002 Introduction to financial accounting
- AFW1004 Accounting and finance concepts
- AFW2020 Cost information for decision making
- AFW2341 International financial management
- AFW2491 Company reporting
- AFW2631 Financial management
- AFW2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFW3021 Performance measurement and control
- AFW3040 Accounting theory
- AFW3041 Auditing and assurance
- AFW3046 Investment and portfolio analysis
- AFW3050 Financial accounting issues
- AFX9510 Quantitative methods
- AIS1011 Introduction to Australian indigenous societies I
- AIS1012 Issues in aboriginal education
- AIS2025 Activism, politics and indigenous Australia
- AIS2035 Australian Indigenous literature
- AIS2045 Australian indigenous art and design
- AIS2170 Australian indigenous women
- AIS2808 Human rights and the indigenous Australian experience
- AIS3025 Activism, politics and indigenous Australia
- AIS3035 Australian Indigenous literature
- AIS3045 Australian indigenous art and design
- AIS3170 Australian indigenous women
- AIS3808 Human rights and the indigenous Australian experience
- AIS4041 Protocols and power in indigenous studies
- ALM4110 General linguistics
- ALM4130 Language in society
- ALM4150 Research design in applied linguistics
- ALM4250 Second language acquisition
- ALM4350 World Englishes
- ALM5130 Language in society
- ALM5150 Research design in applied linguistics
- ALM5230 Bilingualism
- ALM5250 Second language acquisition
- ALM5270 Literacy
- ALM5350 World Englishes
- ALM5370 Discourse analysis
- ALM5390 Language and Identity
- ALM5510 Language maintenance in practice
- ATD4090 Applied industry research
- ATM5001 Study Abroad - Tourism
- AUS2002 Beyond Gallipoli: Australians in two World Wars
- AUS3002 Beyond Gallipoli: Australians in two World Wars
- BEH1001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3005 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3006 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BIO1711 Human biology
- BIO1722 Cell biology
- BIO2721 Human development and genetics
- BIO2742 Exercise physiology and fitness assessment
- BTG9220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTG9221 Taxation law and practice
- BTG9241 Employment law
- BTG9270 Business law
- BTH1802 Fundamentals of biotechnology
- BTH2711 Introductory microbiology
- BTH2722 Microbial function and immunology
- BTH2732 Recombinant DNA technology
- BTH3741 Medical aspects of cell biology
- BTH3752 Molecular biology and biotechnology
- BTW1200 Business law
- BTW2220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTW2223 Corporate crime
- BTW3201 International trade law
- BTW3221 Taxation law and practice
- BTW3240 Administrative law
- BTW3241 Employment law
- BTW3242 Business taxation and GST
- BTW3641 Information technology law
- BTX5031 Insurance law
- BTX5130 International law and policy
- BTX9760 Risk control and the law
- CEH1001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH1002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH1003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH1004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5004 Information technology exchange unit
- CGP1002 Depression and other mood disorders
- CGP1003 Anxiety
- CHB4101 Ethics
- CHB4102 Questions of life and death
- CHB4203 Ethical issues in patient care
- CHB4204 Legal issues in bioethics
- CHB5101 Ethics
- CHB5102 Questions of life and death
- CHB5203 Health care ethics: Principles and practice
- CHB5204 Bioethics, public policy, and the law
- CHB5206 Bioethics supervised research paper
- CHE5172 Energy Systems
- CHE5173 Cogeneration and site utility systems
- CHE5174 Synthesis of reactor-separation systems
- CHE5175 Advanced distillation design
- CHE5177 Environmental design for aqueous emissions
- CHE5178 Design for gaseous emissions
- CHE5179 Control, operations and safety
- CHE5180 Cleaner production
- CHE5181A Design project A
- CHE5181B Design project B
- CHE5181C Design project C
- CHE5181D Design project D
- CHE5183 Process modelling and optimisation
- CHI1901 Chinese 1
- CHI1903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1990 Language study abroad program
- CHI1991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2901 Chinese 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2975 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2976 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2990 Language study abroad program
- CHI2991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2992 Language study abroad program
- CHI3903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3904 Chinese 4 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3955 Professional Chinese language internship, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3960 Professional Chinese language internship, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3975 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3976 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3990 Language study abroad program
- CHI3991 Language study abroad program
- CHI3992 Language study abroad program
- CHI4907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4990 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4991 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4992 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI5946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHM1011 Chemistry
- CHM1022 Chemistry
- CHM2741 Instrumental analysis
- CHM2752 Chemistry of the environment
- CHM2762 Design of molecules and macromolecules
- CIV5261 Flood management in urban and rural environments
- CIV5262 Planning and design of urban stormwater management measures
- CIV5263 Hydraulics of sewerage systems
- CIV5264 Management of water resources and related infrastructure
- CIV5301 Traffic engineering fundamentals
- CIV5302 Road traffic: engineering and management
- CIV5303 Quantitative methods
- CIV5304 Intelligent transport systems
- CIV5305 Transport modelling
- CIV5306 Road safety engineering
- CIV5307 Parking policy and design
- CIV5308 Case studies in transport
- CIV5310 Infrastructure project and policy evaluation
- CIV5311 Infrastructure project management
- CIV5312 Asset management I
- CIV5313 Asset management II
- CIV5314 Transport planning and policy
- CIV5315 Transport economics
- CIV5316 Fundamentals of urban public transport
- CJM5005 Criminal Justice Internship
- CMA1001 History and philosophy: Channels and points
- CMA1002 Modern physiology: Physiology and assessment of pain
- CMA1003 Acupuncture techniques and therapeutics
- CMA1004 Clinical practice
- CMH1005 Clinical practice essentials
- CMH1006 The context for mental health practice
- CMH1007 Concepts in mental health illness
- CMH1008 Issues for mental health
- CMH2001 Mental health of the elderly
- CMH2002 Perspectives in developmental mental health
- CMH2003 Transcultural mental health
- CMH2004 Mental health in rural settings
- CMH2005 Dual disabilities
- CMH2006 Advanced psychological interventions
- CMH2007 Primary mental health practice
- COM1010 Media studies
- COM1020 Introduction to communication studies
- COM2408 Screen theories and techniques
- COM2409 Media texts
- COM2411 Media, culture, power
- COM2413 Cultural and communications policy
- COM2423 Media audiences
- COM3408 Screen theories and techniques
- COM3409 Media texts
- COM3411 Media, culture, power
- COM3413 Cultural and communications policy
- COM3423 Media audiences
- COM4130 Audiences and the social influence of media
- COM4131 Contemporary media and communications theory
- COM4201 Communication organisations and technologies
- COM4204 Communication economies and society
- COM4207 Strategic communication
- COM4209 Communication research
- COM4211 Researching global audiences
- COM4421 Media, social relations and power
- COM5130 Audiences and the social influence of media
- COM5201 Communication organisations and technologies
- COM5204 Communication economies and society
- COM5207 Strategic communication
- COM5209 Communication research
- COM5210 Research dissertation
- COM5210(A) Research Dissertation
- COM5210(B) Research Dissertation
- COM5211 Researching global audiences
- CPE7601 Healthcare information systems
- CPE7602 Developing health care information systems
- CPE7603 Contemporary issues in health informatics
- CPE7604 Health information systems management
- CPE7605 Electronic health record
- CPE7606 Project management for health professionals
- CRH1000 Rural health issues and practice
- CRH1001 Research methods in health
- CRH1002 Rural health politics and policies
- CRH1005 Alcohol and other drug related issues in rural communities
- CRH1010 Indigenous health for health professionals
- CRH1021 Interprofessional rural health project
- CRH1032 Applied research for health practitioners
- CRH1044 Minor thesis - Final grade
- CRH1047 Health, ecology and environmental change
- CRJ1001 Crime: Theory and practice
- CRJ1002 The criminal justice process
- CRJ2001 Comparative criminal justice: An international perspective
- CRJ2002 Crime and Violence: Rural, Regional and Urban Communities
- CRJ3001 Comparative criminal justice: An international perspective
- CRJ3002 Crime and Violence: Rural, Regional and Urban Communities
- CRJ3003 Offender Profiling
- CRJ4001 Crime prevention: A global perspective
- CRJ4002 Policing, security and risk management
- CRJ4004 Criminal behaviours and enterprises: Individuals, groups and organisations
- CRJ5004 Criminal behaviours and enterprises: Individuals, groups and organisations
- CVL4010 Rites of passage: Culture and celebrating life cycle events
- CVL4020 Life cycle events: Literature, music and life stories
- CVL4030 Celebrant and client: Legal, ethical and personal issues
- CVL4040 Professional celebration of rites of passage
- CVL5090 Civil ceremonies placement
- CWH1001 Family planning: Sexual and reproductive health
- DCP0001 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories I
- DCP0002 Normal developmental observation
- DCP0003 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories II
- DCP0004 Psychodynamic assessment of children and adolescents
- DCP0005 Principles of child psychotherapy
- DCP0006 Principles of adolescent psychotherapy
- DCP0007 Principles of short term therapy and crisis work
- DCP0008 Principles of working with parents
- DEH1001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH2001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH2002 Education Exchange 2
- DEH2003 Education Exchange 3
- DEH3001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH3002 Education Exchange 2
- DEH3003 Education Exchange 3
- DEH3004 Education Exchange 4
- DEH4001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH4002 Education Exchange 2
- DEH4003 Education Exchange 3
- DFM1001 Introduction to general practice
- DFM3003 Pain management
- DFM3008 Men's sexual and reproductive health
- DFM3010 Cardiovascular health
- DPH6001 Advanced epidemiology
- DPH6004 Health leadership and management
- EBP1000 Systematic review evidence for treatment interventions
- EBP1001 Implementation of the evidence
- EBP1002 Introduction to evidence-based practice
- ECC4364 Economics of climate change
- ECC4365 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ECC4366 Monetary economics
- ECC4369 International economics
- ECC4371 Labour economics
- ECC4380 History of economic thought
- ECC4381 Public finance
- ECC4383 Competition and regulation
- ECC4384 Mathematical economics
- ECC4650 Microeconomics
- ECC4660 Macroeconomics
- ECC4690 International trade
- ECC4700 Competition, regulation and policy
- ECC4710 Post-Keynesian economics
- ECC4720 Law and economics
- ECC4750 Financial economics
- ECC4790 Project evaluation
- ECC4810 Public economics
- ECC4830 Welfare economics
- ECC4840 Industrial organisation
- ECC4860 Applied economics research paper
- ECC4870 Health economics
- ECC4990 Economic evaluation of health services
- ECC9000 Microeconomics
- ECC9010 Macroeconomics
- ECC9400 Current issues in applied microeconomics
- ECF9210 Introduction to international economics
- ECG9101 Economic policy
- ECW1101 Introductory microeconomics
- ECW1102 Introductory macroeconomics
- ECW2141 Economics of labour markets
- ECW2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2730 Macroeconomic policy
- ECW2731 Managerial economics
- ECW3121 Economics of international trade and finance
- ECW3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECW3830 Competition and regulation
- ECX2123 Economics of innovation and high technology
- ECX9120 Introduction to microeconomic theory and policy
- ECX9700 Introduction to health economics
- ECX9710 Pharmaceutical economics
- ECX9720 Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
- ECX9730 Economic evaluation in health care
- ECX9741 Applied health economics and health policy
- EDF1304 Learning and educational inquiry 2
- EDF1503 Foundations of early childhood education
- EDF1614 Biophysical foundations of physical activity B
- EDF3501 Early childhood literacy
- EDF3502 Contexts and issues in family studies
- EDF3504 Early childhood expressive arts
- EDF3621 Outdoor education studies
- EDF4004 Assessing learning
- EDF4005 Productive classrooms
- EDF4006 Professional engagement
- EDF4007 Schooling and diversity
- EDF4012 Educating students with special needs
- EDF4070 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4071 Professional experience 1B
- EDF4072 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4073 Professional experience 2B
- EDF4110 Arts education
- EDF4111 Business education
- EDF4112 English language and literacy education
- EDF4113 General science education
- EDF4114 Health, outdoor and physical education
- EDF4115 Information, communication technologies and new media
- EDF4116 Mathematics and numeracy education
- EDF4118 Social and environmental education
- EDF4201 Child development 4: children with additional educational needs
- EDF4205 Initiatives in health education
- EDF4211 Introduction to European arts
- EDF4214 Learning technologies: databases and multimedia
- EDF4236 Computers in education
- EDF4237 Curriculum developments in physical education and health
- EDF4238 Negotiated investigation in education
- EDF4240 Teaching language and literacy: curriculum and pedagogy
- EDF4250 Understanding classroom relationships
- EDF4303 The teacher as researcher
- EDF4401 Accounting education
- EDF4402 Biology education
- EDF4403 Chemistry education
- EDF4405 Economics education
- EDF4406 English education
- EDF4407 Geography education
- EDF4408 History education
- EDF4409 Health education
- EDF4410 Information technology/computing education
- EDF4415 Mathematics education
- EDF4416 Media education
- EDF4417 Music education 1
- EDF4418 Music education 2
- EDF4419 Physics education
- EDF4420 Science education
- EDF4421 Social education
- EDF4422 Outdoor education
- EDF4423 Physical education
- EDF4424 Psychology education
- EDF4425 Visual art education 1
- EDF4426 Visual art education 2
- EDF4427 Business management education
- EDF4501 Early childhood mathematics, science and technology
- EDF4502 The early childhood professional
- EDF4504 Contemporary issues in early childhood education
- EDF4510 Connecting the curriculum
- EDF4512 Gifted education
- EDF4513 Indigenous and traditional education in a global world
- EDF4514 Vocational and workplace learning
- EDF4701 Fieldwork placement I
- EDF4702 Fieldwork placement II
- EDF4730 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4731 Professional experience 1B
- EDF4733 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4734 Professional experience 2B
- EDF5154 Honours thesis extension 2
- EDF6005 Reading, interpreting and communicating research
- EDF6006 Introduction to quantitative research methods
- EDF6007 Qualitative approaches to research
- EDF6009 Special topic in research
- EDF6010 Professional project (A)
- EDF6012 Special focus on research A
- EDF6013 Special focus on research B
- EDF6020 Professional project (B)
- EDF6031 Masters thesis part 1
- EDF6032 Masters thesis part 2
- EDF6033 Masters thesis extension 1
- EDF6034 Masters thesis extension 2
- EDF6035 Masters thesis major rewrite
- EDF6114 Curriculum: design, critique and change
- EDF6233 Theory and practice of TESOL
- EDF6236 Language, society and cultural difference
- EDF6308 School and community literacy practices
- EDF6323 Learning music: current research issues
- EDF6324 European perspectives on music education
- EDF6444 Evaluation and development of educational software
- EDF6501 Counselling psychology: theory, research and practice
- EDF6503 Advanced professional counselling psychology: clinical, research, and ethical issues
- EDF6507 Clinical placement in psychology 1
- EDF6508 Clinical placement in psychology 2
- EDF6509 Clinical placement in psychology 3
- EDF6510 Exceptionality: assessment, intervention and research
- EDF6512 Clinical interventions in educational and developmental psychology
- EDF6530 Introduction to counselling across the lifespan
- EDF6531 Counselling for the professions
- EDF6532 Assessment in counselling
- EDF6533 Cognitive-behavioural approaches to crucial issues in living
- EDF6535 Psychology thesis part 1
- EDF6536 Psychology thesis part 2
- EDF6537 Psychology extension 1
- EDF6538 Psychology extension 2
- EDF6539 Psychology thesis extension 3
- EDF6540 Ethics in counselling
- EDF6541 Field experience in counselling
- EDF6601 Studies in special education/inclusion
- EDF6607 Gifted education: identification and programming
- EDF6613 Advanced studies in gifted education
- EDF6641 The social and political contexts of early childhood
- EDF6642 Contexts for childhood
- EDF6643 Values in early childhood education
- EDF6701 Globalisation and education
- EDF6702 Internationalising the curriculum
- EDF6703 International education markets
- EDF6801 Learning at work in the knowledge economy
- EDF6802 Adult education and training: theories and practices
- EDF6806 Sustainable community development
- EDF6810 Navigating education and work: global perspectives, local practices
- EDF6821 Power, authority and decision-making
- EDF6822 Leadership and organisation
- EDF6823 Management and change
- EDF6828 Resource management
- EDF6851 Mentoring and coaching 1
- EDF6901 Inner leadership: understanding self and others
- EDF6902 Leading learning communities
- EDF6903 Understanding environments
- EDF6904 Leading change: professional action research project
- EEH1005 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH2001 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH2002 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH2003 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3001 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3003 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3004 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3005 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3006 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3010 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3011 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3012 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3013 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3014 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3015 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3016 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3017 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4001 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4002 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4003 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4004 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4005 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4006 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4007 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4008 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4009 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4112 Engineering exchange unit
- ENG3001 Work experience in industry 1
- ENG3002 Work experience in industry 2
- ENH2401 English language and text
- ENH2402 Literature and history
- ENH2405 Contemporary fiction
- ENH2407 Authorship and writing
- ENH3405 Contemporary fiction
- ENH3407 Authorship and writing
- ENV1711 Environmental science 1 - the dynamic environment
- ENV1722 Environmental science 2 - resource management issues
- ENV2712 Biology and diversity
- ENV2726 Conservation of bioresources
- ENV2747 Soil science
- ENV3639 Global resources and energy management
- ENV3647 Forest management
- ENV3656 Natural area management
- ENV3737 Environmental management
- ENV4260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- EPM5001 Health indicators and health surveys
- EPM5002 Mathematical background for biostatistics
- EPM5003 Principles of statistical inference
- EPM5004 Linear models
- EPM5005 Data management and statistical computing
- EPM5007 Design of randomised controlled trials
- EPM5008 Longitudinal and correlated data analysis
- EPM5009 Categorical data and generalised linear models
- EPM5010 Survival analysis
- EPM5011 Biostatistics practical project - Double unit
- EPM5012 Bioinformatics
- EPM5014 Probability and distribution theory
- EPM5015 Biostatistics practical project - Single unit
- EPM5016 Advanced clinical trials
- ETC4341 Applied econometrics
- ETW1102 Business statistics
- ETX2011 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- ETX9000 Business and economic statistics
- ETX9520 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- EUM4960 Intensive European Union study in Italy
- EUM5960 Intensive European Union study in Italy
- FBS9001 Fundamentals of forensic behavioural science
- FBS9002 The role of mental health in criminal offending
- FBS9003 Mental health and the correctional system
- FBS9004 Developmental aspects of forensic behavioural science
- FBS9005 The assessment and management of problem behaviours
- FBS9006 Advanced risk assessment and risk management
- FBS9007 Personality disorder in the forensic context
- FBS9009 Psychiatric nursing in the forensic context
- FEH1001 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH1002 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH1003 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH1004 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH2001 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH2002 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH2003 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH2004 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH3001 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH3002 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH3003 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH3004 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH3005 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH4001 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH4002 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH4003 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FEH4004 Exchange Art & Design Unit
- FIT1001 Computer systems
- FIT1002 Computer programming
- FIT1003 IT in organisations
- FIT1004 Database
- FIT1005 Networks and data communications
- FIT1009 e-Commerce systems
- FIT2001 Systems analysis and design
- FIT2002 Project management
- FIT2005 Systems analysis and design 2
- FIT2009 Data structures and algorithms
- FIT2020 Networks and data communications 2
- FIT2029 Web programming
- FIT2033 Computer models for business decisions
- FIT2034 Computer programming 2
- FIT2066 Computer programming for business
- FIT3002 Applications of data mining
- FIT3011 Enterprise programming
- FIT3019 Information systems management
- FIT3021 Infrastructure for e-commerce
- FIT3028 Multimedia concepts and application
- FIT3031 Information and network security
- FIT3037 Software engineering
- FIT3046 Operating environments
- FIT3047 Industrial experience project
- FIT3048 Industrial experience project
- FIT3072 Managing business records
- FIT3098 Social Informatics
- FIT3121 Archival systems
- FIT3122 Information and knowledge management systems
- FIT3123 Information access
- FIT3124 Professional practice
- FIT3125 Information organisation
- FIT3128 Database systems design
- FIT3501 CCNA Module 1
- FIT4005 IT research methods
- FIT4022 Computer models for business decisions
- FIT4024 Business statistics and applications
- FIT4026 Enterprise programming
- FIT4028 Information and network security
- FIT4126 Honours thesis
- FIT4186 Honours thesis
- FIT4246 Honours thesis
- FIT4501 CCNA Module 1
- FIT4503 CCNA Module 3
- FIT4606 Honours thesis
- FIT5000 Minor thesis extension
- FIT5014 Minor thesis
- FIT5016 Minor thesis
- FIT5017 Minor thesis
- FIT5022 Project management
- FIT5024 Applications of data mining
- FIT5042 Enterprise application development for the web
- FIT5077 e-Business application and development
- FIT5083 Wireless networks
- FIT5086 Information and knowledge management principles
- FIT5087 Archival systems
- FIT5088 Information and knowledge management systems
- FIT5090 Social informatics
- FIT5102 IT strategy and governance
- FIT5104 Professional practice
- FIT5105 Information access
- FIT5106 Information organisation
- FIT5107 Managing business records
- FIT5109 Research topic
- FIT5150 Project management as knowledge-based practice
- FIT5151 Object-oriented business application development
- FIT5152 User interface design and development
- FIT9003 Database systems design
- FIT9004 Computer programming for business
- FIT9005 Computer architecture and networks
- FIT9006 Information technology management
- FIT9008 Computer programming 1
- FIT9010 Computer systems
- FIT9012 Database management systems
- FIT9013 Computer programming 2
- FIT9014 Systems analysis and design 2
- FIT9015 Data structures and algorithms
- FOR1001 Medical evidence
- FOR1002 Injury interpretation
- FOR1003 Ethics, medicine and the law
- FOR2001 Traffic medicine
- FOR2003 Custodial medicine
- FOR2004 Elements of the forensic sciences
- FOR2005 Adult sexual assault
- FOR2006 Paediatric forensic medicine
- FOR2007 Elements of forensic toxicology
- FOR2010 Project in forensic medicine
- FOR5001 Sexual assault nursing I
- FOR5002 Sexual assault nursing II
- FOR5003 Understanding injuries
- FOR5004 Nursing and the criminal justice system
- FPA5001 Ethical and legal issues in forensic pathology
- FPA5002 Forensic science support for forensic pathology
- FPA5003 Foundations of clinical forensic medicine
- FPA5005 Medical testimony
- FPA5006 Interpreting injuries at autopsy
- FPA5007 Death investigation
- FRN2801 French studies abroad 2/1
- FRN2802 French studies abroad 2/2
- FRN2803 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 1
- FRN2807 French studies abroad 2
- FRN3804 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 1
- FRN3807 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 2
- FRN3901 French studies abroad 3/1
- FRN3902 French studies abroad 3/2
- FRN3903 French studies abroad 3/3
- FRN4913 French studies abroad 4/1
- FRN4914 French studies abroad 4/2
- GCO3500 Project
- GCO3512 Data structures and algorithms
- GCO3812 Data communication and networks 1
- GCO3824 Networks and data communications 2
- GCO9800 Industry project
- GES3260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- GHS9841 Research methods and issues
- GHS9850 Nursing practice and management
- GLM4000 Globalising research methods
- GLM5000 Global research project
- GLM5001 Global workplace project
- GLO2000 Global studies
- GLO3000 Global studies
- GLO4000 Globalising research methods
- GRN3995 Language study abroad program
- GRN4375 Special reading course in German
- GRN4995 Language study abroad program
- GSB5601 Retirement funds management
- GSB5602 Taxation of retirement funds
- GSB9605 Retirement funds governance
- GSB9606 Retirement funds investments
- GSC3001 Cooperative placement
- GYM4260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- HPL1503 Global and regional studies I: Modern world events and issues
- HPL1504 Global and regional studies II
- HPL2501 Australian history
- HPL2506 Researching and writing community history
- HPL2507 Politics and society
- HPL2510 Governing Australia: Federal politics and policy
- HPL2511 Community studies
- HPL3503 International relations
- HPL3504 Theories and Research in History and Politics
- HPL3506 Researching and writing community history
- HPL3507 Politics and society
- HPL3510 Governing Australia: Federal politics and policy
- HPL4503 International relations
- HPL4510 Research writing in history and politics
- HPL5503 International relations
- HSC1031 Foundations of health
- HSC1041 Health sociology
- HSC1051 Working With People
- HSC1052 Health and social care systems
- HSC1061 Introduction to research in health science
- HSC1072 Health promotion 1
- HSC1082 Population health
- HSC1092 Human body in health and illness
- HSC5002 Health promotion: A determinants approach
- HSC5012 Strategies for health promotion
- HSC5022 Evaluation in health promotion
- HSC5031 Health promotion program planning
- HSC5032 Health literacy
- HSC5041 Significant issues for health promotion
- HSM4301 Program planning and evaluation in the human services
- HSM4302 Management and leadership in the human services
- HSM4303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSM4304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM4305 Research methods
- HSM4306 Research practicum
- HSM4801 Theory and practice in sociology
- HSM5301 Research Practicum
- HSM5302 Research Practicum
- HSM5303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSM5304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM5305 Research methods
- HSY2860 The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY3860 The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY4510 History and the museum
- HUM4000(A) Honours dissertation (A)
- HUM4000(B) Honours Dissertation (B)
- HUM4002 Selected topics in theory and practice
- HYM4510 History and the museum
- HYM5100 Public history research project
- HYM5170 Public history placement
- HYM5510 History and the museum
- IAR4406 Industrial experience
- INM1010 Indonesian 1
- INM1020 Indonesian 2
- INM1030 Indonesian 3
- INM1040 Indonesian 4
- INM1050 Indonesian 5
- INM1060 Indonesian 6
- INM1070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM2010 Indonesian 1
- INM2020 Indonesian 2
- INM2030 Indonesian 3
- INM2040 Indonesian 4
- INM2050 Indonesian 5
- INM2060 Indonesian 6
- INM2070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM2992 Language study abroad program
- INM3050 Indonesian 5
- INM3060 Indonesian 6
- INM3070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM3992 Language study abroad program
- INM4010 Indonesian 1
- INM4020 Indonesian 2
- INM4030 Indonesian 3
- INM4040 Indonesian 4
- INM4050 Indonesian 5
- INM4060 Indonesian 6
- INM4070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM4990 Language study abroad program
- INM4991 Language study abroad program
- INM4992 Language study abroad program
- INM4993 Language study abroad program
- INM5010 Indonesian 1
- INM5020 Indonesian 2
- INM5030 Indonesian 3
- INM5040 Indonesian 4
- INM5050 Indonesian 5
- INM5060 Indonesian 6
- INM5070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INS2020 Islam in the Malay world
- INS3020 Islam in the Malay world
- INT3140 After atrocity: the holocaust, South Africa, Rwanda
- INT4140 After atrocity: the holocaust, South Africa, Rwanda
- ITA2990 Language study abroad program
- ITA3990 Language study abroad program 3/1
- ITA3991 Language study abroad program 3/2
- ITA4490 Language study abroad program
- ITA4491 Language study abroad program 4/2
- ITM4010 Global justice: civil and human rights after 1945
- ITM4140 After atrocity: the holocaust, South Africa, Rwanda
- ITM5010 Global justice: civil and human rights after 1945
- JLG4059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- JLG5059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- JPL1059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- JPL2991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL2993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL3059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3990 Language study in Japan 6 points
- JPL3991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL3992 Language Study in Japan 24 Points
- JPL3993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL4481(A) Honours thesis in Japanese Part 1
- JPL4481(B) Honours thesis in Japanese Part 2
- JPL4720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan 12 points
- JPL4990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- JPL4991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL4992 Language study in Japan 24 points
- JPL4993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPS2140 Touring Japanese Culture
- JPS2990 Japanese studies in Japan 6 points
- JPS2991 Japanese studies in Japan (12 Points)
- JPS3140 Touring Japanese culture
- JPS3990 Japanese studies in Japan (6 Points)
- JPS3991 Japanese studies in Japan (12 Points)
- JPS3992 Japanese studies in Japan (24 Points)
- JRN1902 Newsroom practice and theory
- JRN1903 Feature writing
- JRN2901 International journalism
- JRN2903 Online journalism
- JRN2904 Editing for print media
- JRN2907 Radio and television journalism
- JRN2909 Media law
- JRN2910 Journalism ethics
- JRN3901 International journalism
- JRN3902 Applied journalism research project
- JRN3903 Online journalism
- JRN3904 Editing for print media
- JRN3909 Media law
- JRN3910 Journalism ethics
- JRN4901 Investigative journalism
- KOR2990 Language study in Korea 6 Points
- KOR2991 Language study in Korea 12 Points
- KOR2992 Language study in Korea 24 Points
- KOR3990 Language study in Korea 6 Points
- KOR3991 Language study in Korea 12 Points
- KOR3992 Language study in Korea 24 Points
- KOR4990 Language study abroad program
- LAW7000 Minor thesis
- LCL7001 Law complementary unit
- LCL7002 Law complementary unit
- LEH1001 Law exchange unit
- LEH2001 Law exchange unit
- LEH3001 Law exchange unit
- LEH3002 Law exchange unit
- LEH3003 Law exchange unit
- LEH3004 Law exchange unit
- LEH3018 Law exchange unit
- LEH3024 Law exchange unit
- LEH4001 Law exchange unit
- LEH4002 Law exchange unit
- LEH4003 Law exchange unit
- LEH4004 Law exchange unit
- LEH4018 Law exchange unit
- LEH4024 Law exchange unit
- LEH7001 Law exchange unit
- LEH7002 Law exchange unit
- LEH7003 Law exchange unit
- LEH7004 Law exchange unit
- LIN1010 The Language game: Why do we talk the way we do?
- LIN1020 Describing and analysing language and communication
- LIN3030 Issues in language endangerment
- LIN4040 Researching and documenting languages
- LIN4990 Linguistics study abroad program
- LLC4070 Managing intercultural communication
- LLC5070 Managing intercultural communication
- MAT1049 Basic mathematics
- MAT1055 Mathematics 1A
- MAT1085 Mathematics 1B
- MAT1097 Quantitative analysis
- MBA9003 Economics for managers
- MBA9004 Accounting for business
- MBA9007 Business analysis
- MBA9008 Managing and leading people at work
- MCE1100 Introduction to mammalian embryology
- MCE1101 Infertility and treatment strategies
- MCE1103 IVF processes; embryo culture
- MCE1112 IVF processes: cryopreservation
- MCE1200 Total quality management in assisted reproductive technologies
- MCE1201 Micromanipulation, molecular embryology and stem cells
- MCE1212 Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- MCE1213 Regulation and ethics in assisted reproductive technologies
- MCM9014 Musculoskeletal medicine
- MCM9017 Medical ethics
- MCM9019 Ophthamology
- MCM9201 Depression and anxiety disorders in general practice
- MCM9202 Clinical nutrition
- MCM9204 Dermatology
- MCM9207 Child health
- MCM9208 Practice management
- MCM9212 Community geriatrics
- MCM9301 Women's sexual and reproductive health in general practice
- MCM9302 Stress management
- MCM9303 Pain management
- MCM9304 Palliative care
- MCM9305 Preventive care in clinical practice
- MCM9306 Issues in general practice prescribing
- MCM9307 Diabetes
- MCM9308 Mens sexual and reproductive health
- MCM9310 Cardiovascular health
- MDM4010 Introduction to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Health
- MDM4020 Emergency preparedness
- MDM4030 Major incident management
- MDM4040 Disaster recovery
- MEH1001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH1002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2003 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2004 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3003 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3004 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH4306 Integrated emergency medical system
- MEH4308 Clinical practicum
- MEH5010 Clinical research in emergency health services
- MEH5020 Clinical governance in emergency health service
- MEH5030 Clinical education in emergency health services
- MEH5040 Clinical leadership and management in emergency health services
- MEH5050 Emergency health services clinical project
- MEU0004 Best evidence in health professional education
- MEU0007 Contemporary issues in health professional education
- MEU0008 Advanced teaching practice development
- MEU9001 Teaching and learning in health professional education
- MEU9002 Clinical teaching
- MEU9003 Assessment in health professional education
- MEU9004 Course Planning in Health Professional Education
- MEU9005 Introduction to Leadership and Change management in Health Professional Education
- MEU9006 Evaluation in Health Professional Education
- MEU9007 Supervision in Health Professional Education
- MEU9008 Designing for e-Learning in Health Professional Education
- MEU9009 Advanced Clinical Assessment in Postgraduate Training
- MEU9010 Independent Study in Health Professional Education
- MEU9011 Educational research methods for the health professions
- MEU9012 Simulation in health professional education and assessment
- MEU9013 Independent Project in Health Professional Education
- MFM2000 Principles of general practice
- MFM2001 Masters thesis
- MFM2006 Introduction to research methods
- MFM2006R Introduction to research methods
- MFM2007 Learning and teaching
- MFM2008 Applied research in general practice
- MGG5352 Management processes and systems
- MGG5810 Cultural values and management practices
- MGG5820 Management development for global business
- MGG9370 Management theory and practice
- MGG9371 Strategic management
- MGW1010 Introduction to management
- MGW1100 Managerial communication
- MGW2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGW2322 Recruitment and selection
- MGW2323 Employment relations
- MGW2351 International business
- MGW2430 Human resource management
- MGW2700 Project management for small to medium enterprises
- MGW3121 International business strategy
- MGW3130 Organisational change and development
- MGW3352 Service operations management
- MGW3401 Strategic management
- MGW3430 International human resource management
- MGW3681 International management
- MGX5261 Human resource management issues
- MGX5300 Governance
- MGX5340 International public policy and management
- MGX5360 Strategic management in the public sector
- MGX5370 Policy analysis
- MGX5440 Public sector financial management
- MGX5461 Contemporary issues in globalisation
- MGX5551 Strategic human resource management
- MGX5631 International human resource management
- MGX5670 Leadership
- MGX5710 The contemporary world
- MGX5730 International trade policy
- MGX5760 International institutions and organisations
- MGX5770 Business and government
- MGX5900 Research report
- MGX5901 Research report (introduction)
- MGX9110 Diplomacy and statecraft
- MGX9220 Work and employment relations
- MGX9230 Public policy
- MGX9270 Public management
- MGX9600 Managing people and organisations
- MGX9720 Managing organisational change
- MGX9850 Human resource management
- MGX9940 Managerial effectiveness
- MHP5011 Introduction to health psychology
- MHP5032 Health promotion
- MHP5051 Clinical health psychology
- MHP5052 Counselling and professional practice 1
- MHP5062 Advanced health promotion
- MHP5071 Advanced clinical health psychology
- MHP5072 Psychological assessment
- MHP5081 Multivariate statistics
- MHP5102 Placement I
- MHP5112 Placement II
- MHP5122 Placement III
- MHP5191 Research design and proposal
- MHP5192 Research ethics and conduct
- MHP5193 Data analysis and results
- MHP5194 Writing up and submission
- MHS5000 Research design and proposal
- MHS5001 Research ethics and conduct
- MHS5002 Data analysis and results
- MHS5003 Writing up and submission
- MHT0001 Understanding mental development - Child to adolescent
- MHT0002 Mental health - Practical considerations
- MHT0003 Counselling techniques for members of the teaching profession
- MHT0004 Organisational and group aspects of the school environment
- MID1003 The childbearing journey
- MID2004 Being with Birthing Women
- MID3103 Childbearing obstacles
- MID3105 Women's health: Women's business
- MID9001 Woman midwife partnerships
- MID9003 Midwifery and maternity in context
- MIS4021 Medical imaging science 1
- MIS5000 Medical imaging science 2
- MKF5150 Major project
- MKF5280 Marketing environmental sustainability
- MKF5301 Minor thesis
- MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKW2402 Consumer behaviour
- MKW2420 Marketing research methods
- MKW2431 Business marketing
- MKW2460 Integrated marketing communication
- MKW3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- MKW3440 Marketing strategy
- MKW3442 Sales management
- MKW3444 International marketing
- MKX5611 Advanced supply chain management
- MKX5751 Delivering customer value
- MKX9640 Managing supply chain inventory
- MME5001 Clinical placement 1
- MME5002 Clinical placement 2
- MME5003 Clinical placement 3
- MME5004 Clinical placement 4
- MMR4000 Physics and instrumentation 1
- MMR4010 Professional practice 1
- MMR4012 Clinical studies 1
- MMR4020 Radiobiology and dosimetry
- MMR4022 Clinical studies 2
- MMR4023 Professional practice 2
- MMR4024 Physics and instrumentation 2
- MMR4025 Clinical studies 3
- MMR5010 Clinical studies 4
- MMR5022 Clinical studies 5
- MMR5024 Evidence based practice in medical radiations
- MMR5025 Clinical studies 6
- MOP5021 Personnel assessment
- MOP5031 Multivariate statistics
- MOP5041 Placement 1
- MOP5042 Placement 2
- MOP5052 Recruitment, selection and appraisal
- MOP5058 Positive psychology in the workplace
- MOP5062 Contemporary organisational psychology
- MOP5072 Advanced research design and thesis proposal
- MOP6011 Work groups, teams, training and development
- MOP6021 Placement 3
- MOP6022 Placement 4
- MOP6031 Psychological interventions in organisations
- MOP6090 Organisational change and development
- MPD5001 Practice development methodologies and implementation
- MPH1040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH1041 Introductory biostatistics
- MPH2000 Regression methods for epidemiology
- MPH2002 Clinical epidemiology
- MPH2007 Chronic disease: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH2013 Research methods
- MPH2018 Infectious diseases: epidemiology and prevention
- MPH2022 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- MPH2036 Clinical trials
- MPH2037 Clinical measurement
- MPH2039 Meta analysis and systematic reviews
- MPH2041 Introduction to occupational health and safety
- MPH2042 Psychosocial work environment
- MPH2043 Chemical and biological hazards
- MPH2044 Ergonomic and physical hazards
- MPH2045 Environmental health risk assessment and management
- MPH2060 Prevention: Policies and strategies
- MPH2065 Law for health systems
- MPH2066 Clinical leadership and management
- MPH2067 Principles of health care quality improvement
- MPH2068 Financial issues in health care management
- MPH2069 Health systems policy
- MPH2072 Reform and development of health services
- MPH2073 Case study in health services management
- MPH2076 Safety management systems
- MPH2083 Ethics, good research practice and practical research methods
- MPH2084 Critical appraisal of occupational health and safety information
- MPH2086 Applying and Practicing the Principles of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
- MRE5001 Terotechnology and life cycle costs
- MRE5002 Maintenance management
- MRE5003 Industrial techniques in maintenance management
- MRE5004 Asset management techniques
- MRE5005 Quantitative techniques for asset management
- MRE5006 Machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis
- MRE5007 Risk engineering
- MRE5008 Maintenance and reliability engineering project
- MRE5101 Basic quantitative skills for reliability engineering
- MRE5102 Understanding reliability
- MRE5103 Advanced reliability
- MRE5104 Reliability applications
- MRP4001 Digital imaging in radiographic practice
- MRP4002 Computed tomography: Science and technology
- MRP4010 Contemporary professional practice
- MRP4011 CT clinical methods
- MRP4012 Advanced pathology for radiographic practice
- MRP4013 Radiographic interpretation and clinical decision making 1
- MRP4014 Multislice CT and clinical decision making 1
- MRP5011 Radiographic interpretation and clinical decision making 2
- MRP5012 Multislice CT and clinical decision making 2
- MTE5501 Fracture of engineering materials
- MTE5502 Corrosion: principles and prevention
- MTE5503 Composites and multiphase polymers
- MTE5505 Metals processing
- MTE5506 Modelling of materials processing
- MTE5508 Advanced ceramic engineering
- MTE5509 Materials characterisation
- MTE5515 Rubber technology
- MTE5516 Case studies in materials engineering
- MTH2010 Multivariable calculus
- MTH2032 Differential equations with modelling
- MTH2111 Mathematical structures
- MTH3066 Differential equations
- MTH3077 Mathematical modelling
- MTH3167 Combinatorics
- MTH9010 Foundation mathematics
- MTH9020 Calculus and linear algebra
- MTH9030 Chance, data and decisions
- MTH9040 Introduction to mathematical structures
- MVA4001 Studio discipline A
- MVA4002 Studio discipline B
- MVA4021 Philosophies of the studio A
- MVA4022 Philosophies of the studio B
- MVA5001 Studio project
- NMS4021 Nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy 1
- NMS5000 Nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy 2
- NMS5020 Nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy 3
- NUR2445 Clinical assessment in nursing
- NUR2446 Leadership and management of nursing care
- NUR4925 Emergency nursing
- NUR4926 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice
- NUR5215 Mental health nursing concepts and practice
- NUR5227 Integrated mental health care
- NUR5703 Advanced pathophysiology & health assessment
- NUR6201 Gerontological nursing practice
- NUR6405 Explorations in child and family nursing
- NUR9201 Case management in health care
- NUR9202 Nursing informatics
- NUR9203 Palliative care practice
- NUR9204 Education in nursing and midwifery
- NUR9208 Therapeutic medication management
- NUR9214 Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing
- NUR9215 Advanced nursing practice in context
- OHS1000 Introduction to art and design health and safety
- PAR3020 Trends in pre hospital care services
- PAR3030 Ethical, legal and cultural issues
- PAR3040 Evidence based practice
- PAR4201 Introduction to aeromedical retrieval
- PAR4202 Aeromedical retrieval - Clinical
- PAR4204 Aeromedical retrieval rescue
- PAR4205 Aeromedical retrieval project
- PAR4206 International aeromedical retrieval
- PHL1010 Introduction to philosophy A
- PHL1080 Philosophy: Time, self and freedom
- PHL2110 Res Cogitans: Descartes on mind and knowledge
- PHL2150 Ethics
- PHL2210 Thinking about science
- PHL2850 Topics in Indian Philosophy
- PHL3850 Topics in Indian Philosophy
- PHL3880 Space, time and deity: Themes from Leibniz and Hume
- PHL3890 Science, happiness and death in Stoic and Epicurean philosophy
- PHS1722 Physical science
- PLM5000 Research dissertation
- PLM5000A Research dissertation - Part 1
- PLM5000B Research dissertation - Part 2
- PMM2020 Economic and statistical decision making
- PMM3020 Psychology, management and marketing
- PRL1001 Foundations of public relations
- PRL1002 Principles of public relations writing
- PRL2001 Strategic communications management
- PRL2002 Public relations research and techniques
- PRL3004 Sports promotion cases
- PSS1711 Exploring human behaviour
- PSS1712 Behaviour across the lifespan
- PSS2711 Knowing me, knowing you: Perspectives on personality
- PSS2712 Behavioural disorders
- PSS3716 Psychology of sport and adventure
- PSS3717 Psychology at work
- PSS3718 Forensic psychology
- PSS3720 People and other animals: Studying the relationship between humans and other species
- PSS4711 Methods in psychological sciences
- PSY1011 Psychology 1A
- PSY1022 Psychology 1B
- PSY2031 Developmental and biological psychology
- PSY2042 Cognitive and social psychology
- PSY2051 Research design and analysis
- PSY2112 Organisational psychology
- PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
- PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
- PSY3051 Perception and personality
- PSY3062 Research methods and theory
- PSY3120 Introduction to counselling
- PSY3130 Health psychology
- PSY3160 Psychology of language
- PSY4100 Psychology honours: Research project
- PSY4210 Statistics and research design for professional psychology
- PSY4220 Ethical and professional issues in psychology
- PSY4230 Contemporary issues in psychobiology
- PSY4240 Contemporary issues in cross-cultural and indigenous psychology
- PSY4260 Contemporary issues in development psychology
- PSY4270 Psychological assessment
- PSY4501 Counselling
- PSY4502 Statistics and research design for professional psychology
- PSY4503 Psychological assessment
- PSY4504 Ethics and professional issues
- PSY4506 Psychological practice (Placement)
- PSY4507 Contemporary issues in psychobiology
- PSY4508 Contemporary issues in cross-cultural psychology
- PSY4509 Contemporary issues in cognition - Psycholinguistics
- PSY4510 Research project proposal
- PSY4511 Research project
- PSY4512 Contemporary issues in developmental psychology
- PSY4513 Behaviour change interventions for practitioners
- PSY4518 Research Project
- RTP4000 Principles of oncology for the breast
- RTP4010 Advanced clinical practice; Breast localisation and simulation 1
- RTP5000 Principles of radiation oncology of the breast
- RTP5010 Advanced clinical practice; Breast localisation and simulation 2
- RTS4021 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 1
- RTS5000 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 2
- RTS5020 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 3
- SCD4301 Participatory planning: Local, national and international perspectives
- SCD5302 Research practicum
- SCD5305 Research methods
- SCI1020 Introduction to statistical reasoning
- SCI2010 The practice and application of science
- SCI3716 Laboratory and workplace management
- SCI3740 Science in action research project
- SCI3741 Biotechnology in action research project
- SCI3742 Environmental management research project
- SCW1302 Governing inequality: Foundations of social welfare provision
- SCW1303 Foundations of interpersonal practice
- SCW1304 Communication and counselling skills
- SCW1305 Constructive groups and teams
- SCW2303 Case management theory and practice
- SCW2304 Community development
- SCW2306 Field education and practice
- SCW2307 Human services management and practice
- SCW2311 Social issues and personal values
- SCW3303 Insights Into practice
- SCW3306 Field education and practice
- SCW3307 Human services management and practice
- SCW3310 Social policy
- SCW4305 Research methods for social and community welfare
- SCY1801 Sociological reflections on everyday life
- SCY1802 Global sociology
- SCY2805 Sociology of deviance
- SCY2806 Sociology of health and illness
- SCY2811 Social justice
- SCY2816 Qualitative social research
- SCY2817 Quantitative social research
- SCY2818 Identity, gender and sexuality
- SCY3805 Sociology of deviance
- SCY3806 Sociology of health and illness
- SCY3811 Social justice
- SCY3815 Structure and analysis in sociology
- SCY3816 Interpretation and meaning in sociology
- SCY3818 Identity, gender and sexuality
- SCY4801 Theory and practice in sociology
- SEH1001 Science exchange unit
- SEH1002 Science exchange unit
- SEH1003 Science exchange unit
- SEH1004 Science exchange unit
- SEH2001 Science exchange unit
- SEH2002 Science exchange unit
- SEH2003 Science exchange unit
- SEH2004 Science exchange unit
- SEH2005 Science exchange unit
- SEH2006 Science exchange unit
- SEH2007 Science exchange unit
- SEH2008 Science exchange unit
- SEH3001 Science exchange unit
- SEH3002 Science exchange unit
- SEH3003 Science exchange unit
- SEH3004 Science exchange unit
- SEH3005 Science exchange unit
- SEH3006 Science exchange unit
- SEH3007 Science exchange unit
- SEH3008 Science exchange unit
- SLA3400 Language study abroad program
- SON4000 Physics of medical ultrasound and instrumentation
- SON4010 Embryology, anatomy and pathophysiology
- SON4020 Sonographic professional skills and sonography of the breast and thyroid
- SON4021 Sonographic abdominal imaging
- SON4022 Sonographic imaging of the reproductive system
- SON4023 Obstetric sonography
- SON4024 Musculoskeletal, neonatal and paediatric sonography
- SON4025 Sonographic vascular and postoperative imaging
- SON5000 Ultrasound research
- SPN1308 Study abroad program 1A
- SPN1309 Study abroad program 1B
- SPN2310 Study abroad program
- SPN3311 Study abroad program 3A
- SPN3312 Study abroad program 3B
- SPN4990 Language study abroad program
- SRH2002 Indigenous health and well-being
- SRH3001 Rural health issues 1: Health in the rural context
- SRH4101 Counselling for rural practice
- SRH4102 Rural health issues 2: Rural health policy and practice
- SRH4103 Rural health issues 3: The dynamics of rural health practice
- STA1010 Statistical methods for science
- STA2216 Applied statistics 2A
- SWK3120 Working with families and groups: Theory and practice
- SWK3180 Fieldwork skills and practicum I
- SWK3220 Social work in society
- SWK3230 Social work research
- SWK3240 Working with individuals: theory and practice
- SWK3250 Social work perspectives on human development
- SWK3260 Social policy and social justice I
- SWK4001 Honours research methods
- SWK4002 Honours project seminar
- SWK4003 Social Work honours dissertation
- SWK4410 Community work: Theory and practice
- SWK4420 The individual, health and society
- SWK4430 Cross-cultural social work: Theory and practice
- SWK4440 Social work management: Theory and practice
- SWK4450 Social policy and social justice II
- SWK4460 Critical and creative social work theory and practice
- SWK4560 Fieldwork skills and practicum II
- SWM5110 Advanced casework practice
- SWM5120 Criminology and social work
- SWM5130 Social service organisations, their behaviour and management
- SWM5140 Policy, program planning and evaluation I
- SWM5150 Policy, program planning and evaluation II
- SWM5160 Child abuse, child protection and the child in society
- SWM5170 Special research study
- SWM5180 Management of human resources in the social services
- SWM5190 Social work research
- SWM5200 Health and social work
- SWM5220 Social work and aged care
- SWM5230 Social workers, politics and social action
- SWM5250 Clinical supervision - becoming a professional developer
- TAD1101 Introduction to Visual Language
- TAD1102 Modernism and the avant-gardes
- TAD2130 Concept and creativity: the development of Italian art and design
- TAD2203 History and criticism of interiors and furniture 2A
- TAD2206 Ornament, meaning and design 2A
- TAD3203 History and criticism of interiors and furniture 3A
- TAD3206 Ornament, meaning and design 3A
- TSD1611 Understanding University Learning
- VCG6011 Speciality clinical placement
- VCG6012 Journal club
- VCG6013 Clinical research I
- VCG6021 Clinical research II
- VCG6023 Clinical research III
- VCP5011 Applied pharmacy practice I
- VCP5012 Applied pharmacy practice II
- VCP5013 Dermatology
- VCP5015 Geriatric pharmacy practice
- VCP5016 Geriatric disease state management
- VCW1101 Biology of wound healing
- VCW1102 Wound assessment
- VCW1103 Wound dressings
- VCW1104 Management of acute wounds
- VCW1105 Management of chronic wounds
- VCW1106 Systemic medication and wound healing
- VCW1108 Nutrition in wound healing
- VCW1109 Dermatology
- VCW1111 Alternative therapies
- VCW1112 Scar management
- VCW1113 Non-healing ulcers and pain management
- VCW1116 Diabetic foot
- VCW1123 Management of burns
- VCW1124 Clinical project I
- VCW1126 Clinical risk management and wound care
- VCW1128 Clinical project II
- WRT3421 Writing techniques
- WRT3422 Writing experiments
- WRT4401 Literary theory
13 October 2017
01 April 2025