Related information
Units indexed by Title: M
- MRE5006 Machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis
- ECW2730 Macroeconomic policy
- ECC5660 Macroeconomic theory
- ECC4660 Macroeconomics
- ECC9010 Macroeconomics
- ECF1200 Macroeconomics
- ECX5466 Macroeconomics
- ANY2110 Magic, science and religion
- ANY3120 Magic, science and religion
- RAD3092 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Physics and Technology)
- MRE5008 Maintenance and reliability engineering project
- MRE5002 Maintenance management
- MDM4030 Major incident management
- GYM5470 Major internship project
- DGN4001 Major project (design) part 1
- DGN4002 Major project (design) part 2
- FNA4002 Major project (fine art honours)
- MMD4107 Major Project (Multimedia & Digital Arts) Part 1
- MMD4108 Major Project (Multimedia & Digital Arts) Part 2
- VIS4002 Major project (visual arts honours)
- VCO4107 Major project (visual communication) part 1
- VCO4108 Major project (visual communication) part 2
- MKF5150 Major project
- GYM5490 Major research project
- TRN4201A Major translation project - Part 1
- TRN4201B Major translation project - Part 2
- TRN5201A Major translation project part 1
- TRN5201B Major translation project part 2
- TRN4201 Major translation project
- TRN5201 Major translation project
- PHL2115 Making knowledge: Modern scientific controversies
- PHL3115 Making knowledge: Modern scientific controversies
- PER2040 Making performance: Theory and practice
- MID1002 Making practice connections
- LAW4126E Malaysian and Singaporean legal systems
- FTV2120 Malaysian cinema
- FTV3120 Malaysian cinema
- BTW2213 Malaysian company law
- BTW2313 Malaysian corporate governance
- BTW3153 Malaysian income tax law
- MAL1000 Malaysian studies
- VSA2820 Male trouble: masculinities in visual culture
- VSA3820 Male trouble: Masculinities in visual culture
- AFG9072 Management accounting
- AFX9550 Management accounting
- EDF6823 Management and change
- CHE5164 Management and control in the pulp and paper industry
- CHE9164 Management and control in the pulp and paper industry
- HSM4302 Management and leadership in the human services
- MTE3544 Management and practice in materials engineering
- MGG5820 Management development for global business
- MGX3100 Management ethics and corporate governance
- TEC3199 Management for Engineers
- MGC3250 Management in small firms
- HSC2052 Management in the health sector
- MGW3381 Management information systems
- VCW1104 Management of acute wounds
- VCW1123 Management of burns
- VCW1105 Management of chronic wounds
- PAR4302 Management of emergency cardiac conditions
- PAR4304 Management of emergency medical conditions
- PAR4303 Management of emergency trauma and environmental conditions
- AFC3170 Management of financial intermediaries
- SWM5180 Management of human resources in the social services
- PAR4305 Management of paediatric and obstetric patients
- MGC3510 Management of technology
- CIV5264 Management of water resources and related infrastructure
- ENG4203 Management of water resources
- MGG5352 Management processes and systems
- MGG9370 Management theory and practice
- MBA9001 Managerial and leadership skills
- MGF1100 Managerial communication
- MGW1100 Managerial communication
- ECF3731 Managerial economics
- ECW2731 Managerial economics
- MGX9940 Managerial effectiveness
- MBA9008 Managing and leading people at work
- FIT3072 Managing business records
- FIT5107 Managing business records
- COM2015 Managing communication in multicultural organisations
- COM3015 Managing communication in multicultural organisations
- MPH2058 Managing community-based HIV programs in developing countries
- MGC3450 Managing conflict
- MGF3450 Managing conflict
- CJM4040 Managing criminal justice issues
- MGF2341 Managing employee relations
- MGF3381 Managing information systems
- MBA9009 Managing information
- LIN2160 Managing intercultural communication
- LIN3160 Managing intercultural communication
- LLC4070 Managing intercultural communication
- LLC5070 Managing intercultural communication
- MGC2120 Managing international business
- MGX9720 Managing organisational change
- MGX9600 Managing people and organisations
- MGF2511 Managing quality, innovation and knowledge
- MGW2511 Managing quality, innovation and knowledge
- MGW2332 Managing services
- IND4318 Managing strategic change
- MKX9640 Managing supply chain inventory
- MGX5171 Managing the multinational enterprise: cases and issues
- MGX5220 Managing work, family and life
- MGX5010 Mapping the business landscape
- BIO3021 Marine biology
- MKX9550 Marketing and the international consumer
- MKF3461 Marketing communication
- MKC2130 Marketing decision analysis
- MKF2131 Marketing decision analysis
- MKX5741 Marketing decision analysis
- MKF5280 Marketing environmental sustainability
- MKF5990 Marketing graduate seminar
- MKC3120 Marketing implementation
- MKX5123 Marketing innovation planning
- MKX3631 Marketing internship
- MKF2401 Marketing issues in packaging design
- BTC3300 Marketing law
- BTC4330 Marketing law
- BTF3181 Marketing law
- BTW3281 Marketing law
- MKC3300 Marketing law
- MKC2210 Marketing management
- MKF3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- MKW3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- ETC2500 Marketing research analysis
- MKC2500 Marketing research analysis
- MKF2121 Marketing research methods
- MKW2420 Marketing research methods
- MKX4060 Marketing research practice
- MKX9060 Marketing research practice
- MKF9120 Marketing research
- MKW3440 Marketing strategy
- MKF1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKX4050 Marketing theory
- MKX9050 Marketing theory
- MBA9006 Marketing
- MDM4060 Mass Gatherings Health Care
- MAE5409 Master of aerospace engineering: project thesis A
- MAE5410 Master of aerospace engineering: project thesis B
- MIMR5001 Master of biomedical science (Part 1): Monash Institute of Medical Research PT
- IRD5000 Master of biomedical science (Part 1): Monash Institute of Medical Research
- GSB5100 Master of business project
- PHM4010 Masters qualifying in philosophy A
- PHM4000A Masters qualifying research project - part 1
- PHM4000B Masters qualifying research project - part 2
- EDF6033 Masters thesis extension 1
- EDF6034 Masters thesis extension 2
- EDF6035 Masters thesis major rewrite
- EDF6031 Masters thesis part 1
- EDF6032 Masters thesis part 2
- MFM2001 Masters thesis
- CHE2162 Material and energy balances
- MTE4593 Materials and environment
- IDE1802 Materials and manufacturing 1
- IDE3814 Materials and manufacturing 2
- MSC4210 Materials applications part time I
- MSC4220 Materials applications part time II
- MSC3142 Materials characterisation and modelling
- MTE3547 Materials characterisation and modelling
- MTE5509 Materials characterisation
- CHM2180 Materials chemistry: biomaterials, macromolecules and smart materials
- CHM3180 Materials chemistry: biomaterials, macromolecules and smart materials
- MSC3111 Materials durability
- MTE3541 Materials durability
- MTE4571 Materials engineering design and practice
- MSC1010 Materials in our environment
- ENE2503 Materials properties and recycling
- MSC4110 Materials science project part time I
- MSC4120 Materials science project part time II
- MSC4100 Materials science project
- EPM5002 Mathematical background for biostatistics
- ECC5850 Mathematical economic theory
- ECC3840 Mathematical economics
- ECC4384 Mathematical economics
- ETC3840 Mathematical economics
- ETC4384 Mathematical economics
- AFX4180 Mathematical finance
- MTH3077 Mathematical modelling
- MTH2111 Mathematical structures
- MAT1055 Mathematics 1A
- MAT1085 Mathematics 1B
- EDF4116 Mathematics and numeracy education
- EDF4415 Mathematics education
- ETF2700 Mathematics for business
- ETF9700 Mathematics for business
- MAT1841 Mathematics for computer science 1
- MAT1830 Mathematics for computer science 2
- ECC2440 Mathematics for economics and business
- ETC2440 Mathematics for economics and business
- ENG1091 Mathematics for engineering
- PSC1041 Mathematics for pharmaceutical scientists
- MTH4210 Mathematics honours part 1
- MTH4220 Mathematics honours part 2
- MTH4100 Mathematics honours part 3 (project)
- MTH2222 Mathematics of uncertainty
- MTH2000 Mathematics research project level 2
- MTH3000 Mathematics research project level 3
- MBA5400 MBA corporate project 1
- MBA5410 MBA corporate project 2
- IDE2811 Mechanics and electronics for industrial design
- MEC2403 Mechanics of materials
- MTE2546 Mechanics of materials
- CIV2206 Mechanics of solids
- TRC2201 Mechanics
- HSM4521 Mechanisms for international governance
- TRC2100 Mechatronic design
- TRC3801 Mechatronics and manufacturing
- TRC4000 Mechatronics final year project I
- TRC4001 Mechatronics final year project II
- TRC2000 Mechatronics project I
- TRC3000 Mechatronics project II
- COM1510 Media and culture
- MKX9040 Media audience research
- COM2423 Media audiences
- COM3423 Media audiences
- MKX9021 Media customer relationship development
- EDF4416 Media education
- COM4302 Media flows
- COM4302(H) Media flows
- COM5302 Media flows
- LAW5144 Media law 1
- LAW4140 Media law 2
- JRN2909 Media law
- JRN3909 Media law
- COM2070 Media mates and moguls: Political economy of the media
- COM3070 Media mates and moguls: Political economy of the media
- COM1010 Media studies
- COM2030 Media text: Practices and audiences
- COM3030 Media text: practices and audiences
- COM2409 Media texts
- COM3409 Media texts
- SCY2021 Media, communications and societies
- SCY3021 Media, communications and societies
- COM2411 Media, culture, power
- COM3411 Media, culture, power
- COM4008 Media, ethics and practice
- COM5008 Media, Ethics and Practice
- COM2000 Media, modernities and the everyday
- COM3000 Media, modernities and the everyday
- COM4421 Media, social relations and power
- COM3090 Media, violence, protest, terror
- COM4090 Media, violence, protest, terror
- COM4090(H) Media, Violence, Protest, Terror
- EDF3007 Mediating the world of learning
- GEN3051 Medical and forensic genetics
- BTH3741 Medical aspects of cell biology
- MBI4110 Medical biology and immunology honours project part time I
- MBI4100 Medical biology and immunology honours project
- MBI4120 Medical biology honours project part time II
- BMS1031 Medical biophysics
- SCM3930 Medical bioscience research project
- MCM9017 Medical ethics
- FOR1001 Medical evidence
- RAD2052 Medical imaging and methods 1 (DVI) and digital image processing 1
- RAD3011 Medical imaging and methods 2 (CT) and digital image processing 2
- MIS4021 Medical imaging science 1
- MIS5000 Medical imaging science 2
- MIS5020 Medical imaging science 3
- ECE4086 Medical imaging technology
- BTH3722 Medical microbiology
- MIC3041 Medical microbiology
- MED7201 Medical Research Methods 1
- MED7202 Medical Research Methods 2
- MED7011 Medical Science Research Project A
- MED7012 Medical Science Research Project B
- ECE4087 Medical technology innovation
- FPA5005 Medical testimony
- BMC4210 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Coursework 1 (P/T)
- BMC4220 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Coursework 2 (Part time)
- BMC4200 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Coursework
- BMC4110 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Research Project 1 (Part time)
- BMC4111 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Research Project 2 (Part time)
- BMC4100 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Research Project
- VCP3021 Medicinal chemistry III A
- VCP3022 Medicinal chemistry III B
- CHM3932 Medicinal chemistry
- GMA1011 Medicine 1
- MED1011 Medicine 1
- GMA2022 Medicine 2
- MED1022 Medicine 2
- MED2031 Medicine 3
- MED2042 Medicine 4
- GMB3031 Medicine and Surgery 1
- MED3051 Medicine and surgery 1
- GMB3042 Medicine and Surgery 2
- MED3062 Medicine and surgery 2
- MUM5040 Medieval and renaissance music
- HSY4260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HYM4260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HYM5260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HSY1010 Medieval Europe
- RLM4060 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RLM5060 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RLT4400 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- DFM3008 Men's sexual and reproductive health
- SCY2460 Men, masculinity and society
- SCY3460 Men, masculinity and society
- MCM9308 Mens sexual and reproductive health
- MHT0002 Mental health - Practical considerations
- FBS9003 Mental health and the correctional system
- CMH2004 Mental health in rural settings
- NUR5215 Mental health nursing concepts and practice
- CMH2001 Mental health of the elderly
- NUR2104 Mental Health practice 1
- NUR3104 Mental Health practice 2
- VCP5017 Mental health
- EDF6851 Mentoring and coaching 1
- EDF6852 Mentoring and coaching 2
- MKF5140 Merchandise planning and control
- MPH2039 Meta analysis and systematic reviews
- BCH2022 Metabolic basis of human diseases
- JWL1311 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 1A
- JWL1331 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 1B
- JWL1312 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 2A
- JWL1342 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 2B
- JWL2313 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 3A
- JWL2323 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 3B
- JWL2314 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 4A
- JWL2324 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 4B
- JWL3315 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 5
- JWL3316 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 6
- MTE5505 Metals processing
- PHL3690 Metaphysics
- PSS4711 Methods in psychological sciences
- VCO2409 Methods of production
- PAR4307 MICA paramedic clinical practicum
- MEC4425 Micro/nano solid and fluid mechanics
- BMS2052 Microbes in health and disease
- MIC2022 Microbes in health and disease
- BTH2722 Microbial function and immunology
- MIC4110 Microbiology research project part time I
- MIC4120 Microbiology research project part time II
- MIC4100 Microbiology research project
- ETC4420 Microeconometrics
- ETC5420 Microeconometrics
- ECC5650 Microeconomic theory
- ECC4650 Microeconomics
- ECC9000 Microeconomics
- ECF1100 Microeconomics
- ECX5465 Microeconomics
- MCE1201 Micromanipulation, molecular embryology and stem cells
- TRC3300 Microprocessor systems
- MSC3121 Microstructural design in structural materials
- MTE3542 Microstructural design in structural materials
- MSC2122 Microstructural development
- MTE2542 Microstructural development
- MTE3543 Microstructure to applications: the mechanics of materials
- MID9003 Midwifery and maternity in context
- MID3201 Midwifery practice elective
- DTS2010 Mime, mask and magic
- DTS3010 Mime, mask and magic
- PHL3590 Mind and meaning
- PLT2270 Ministers, minders and bureaucrats
- PLT3270 Ministers, minders and bureaucrats
- AAH2570 Minoans and Mycenaeans
- AAH3570 Minoans and Mycenaeans
- GYM5460 Minor internship project
- GVA2723 Minor photography 3
- GVA3724 Minor photography 4
- GVA2223 Minor printmaking 3
- GVA3224 Minor printmaking 4
- MAE4904 Minor research project
- MEC4403 Minor research project
- GVA2423 Minor sculpture/woodcraft 3
- GVA3424 Minor sculpture/woodcraft 4
- CRH1044 Minor thesis - Final grade
- FIT5000 Minor thesis extension
- RLT4000(A) Minor thesis in religion and theology part 1
- RLT4000(B) Minor thesis in religion and theology part 2
- CLS4080(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- ENH4600(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- FTV4002(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- LIN4660(A) Minor thesis Part 1
- VSA4002(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- CLS4080(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- ENH4600(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- FTV4002(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- LIN4660(B) Minor thesis Part 2
- VSA4002(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- BTX5490 Minor thesis
- ENH4600 Minor Thesis
- ETF5555 Minor thesis
- FIT5014 Minor thesis
- FIT5016 Minor thesis
- FIT5017 Minor thesis
- FIT5018 Minor thesis
- LAW7000 Minor thesis
- LIN4660 Minor thesis
- MKF5301 Minor thesis
- MOP6041 Minor thesis
- TRN4202 Minor translation project
- TRN5202 Minor translation project
- FIT5046 Mobile and distributed computing systems
- FIT3027 Mobile middleware
- FIT5031 Mobile software agents
- INT2050 Mobile worlds: Migrants, refugees and the politics of belonging
- INT3050 Mobile worlds: Migrants, refugees and the politics of belonging
- TRC3600 Modelling and control
- ETC3510 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC4351 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC5351 Modelling in finance and insurance
- AFC3540 Modelling in finance
- MTE5506 Modelling of materials processing
- MTE3590 Modelling of materials
- MTE4590 Modelling of materials
- IDE1502 Modelmaking and workshop practice
- PHA3042 Modern drug development
- EUR2140 Modern Eastern and Central Europe: Culture and society
- EUR3140 Modern Eastern and Central Europe: Culture and society
- ENH2470 Modern english literature: Modernism and postmodernism
- ENH3470 Modern English literature: Modernism and postmodernism
- LAW4154 Modern European civil codes 406
- LAW4154E Modern European civil codes: comparative tort
- JWC1010 Modern Hebrew language and literature I, Part A
- JWC1020 Modern Hebrew language and literature I, Part B
- JWC2010 Modern Hebrew language and literature II, Part A
- JWC2020 Modern Hebrew language and literature II, Part B
- HSY2190 Modern Indonesia: Nation and State
- HSY3190 Modern Indonesia: Nation and State
- INS5210 Modern Indonesian Literature - Defining National Identity
- HSY2570 Modern Israel: History, politics and society
- HSY3570 Modern Israel: History, politics and society
- ITA2270 Modern Italian literature and society II
- ITA3350 Modern Italian literature and society IV
- JWC2040 Modern Jewish literature
- JWC3040 Modern Jewish literature
- CMA1002 Modern physiology: Physiology and assessment of pain
- TAD1102 Modernism and the avant-gardes
- CLS2530 Modernism in European literature
- CLS3530 Modernism in European literature
- ANY2530 Modernities in the making: Indigenous peoples and colonial cultures
- ANY3530 Modernities in the making: Indigenous peoples and colonial cultures
- TAD2101 Modernity and the avantgardes 2A
- TAD3101 Modernity and the avantgardes 3A
- IMM3031 Molecular and cellular immunology
- VPS3091 Molecular basis of drug action
- BTH3752 Molecular biology and biotechnology
- MOL2022 Molecular biology: gene technology and its application
- MOL2011 Molecular biology: genes and their expression
- BMS1062 Molecular biology
- VPS2092 Molecular cell biology
- CHM2911 Molecular design and reactivity
- BMS3021 Molecular medicine and biotechnology
- MIC3011 Molecular microbiology
- MIC3022 Molecular virology and viral pathogenesis
- MKF3511 Monash Australian marketing study program
- MKF5511 Monash Australian marketing study program
- MMC4110 Monash medical school honours (project) part time I
- MMC4120 Monash medical school honours (project) part time II
- MMC4100 Monash medical school honours (project)
- ECC3660 Monetary economics
- ECC4366 Monetary economics
- ECF2331 Monetary theory and policy
- AFF1300 Money and capital markets
- AFW1300 Money and capital markets
- LAW7220 Money laundering
- AFF5260 Money market dealing
- AFF3301 Money market operations
- PHL3350 Moral psychology
- PLB1005 Moral studies: Contemporary ethical issues
- PHL2180 Morality, objectivity and agency: Issues in meta-ethics
- EDF6116 Motivation, engagement, and learning
- EDF2303 Movement, environment and community
- SCY2041 Multiculturalism, citizenship and identity
- SCY3041 Multiculturalism, citizenship and identity
- EDF1120 Multicultures in Australian society
- IND3318 Multidisciplinary industry project
- EDF2301 Multiliteracies: mediating the world
- MMD1302 Multimedia & digital arts studio A
- MMD2303 Multimedia and digital arts studio B
- MMD2304 Multimedia and digital arts studio C
- TAD4794 Multimedia and society
- FIT5084 Multimedia authoring and animation
- FIT3028 Multimedia concepts and application
- MMD5012 Multimedia design seminar
- MMD4001 Multimedia design studio 1
- MMD5002 Multimedia design studio 2
- MMD5003 Multimedia Design Studio 3
- VCM2002 Multimedia imaging (animation)
- VCM1002 Multimedia imaging (moving image studies)
- EDF2805 Multimedia in adult education: implementation and evaluation
- VCM5001 Multimedia Product Development
- FIT3084 Multimedia programming and the world wide web
- MMS5002 Multimedia studio 2M
- MMD3305 Multimedia studio 5A
- MMD3306 Multimedia studio 6A
- ECW3291 Multinational trade and investment
- MRP4014 Multislice CT and clinical decision making 1
- MRP5012 Multislice CT and clinical decision making 2
- MTH2010 Multivariable calculus
- MHP5081 Multivariate statistics
- MOP5031 Multivariate statistics
- ENH1270 Murder most foul: Crime writing
- HSY2055 Murderous cities: Killers, slums and social reform
- HSY3055 Murderous cities: Killers, slums and social reform
- PHY3072 Muscle and exercise
- MCM9014 Musculoskeletal medicine
- MFM1014 Musculoskeletal medicine
- SON4024 Musculoskeletal, neonatal and paediatric sonography
- AIS2120 Museums and galleries: popular expressions of indigenous cultures
- AIS3120 Museums and galleries: popular expressions of indigenous cultures
- MUS3390 Music aesthetics, criticism, sociology and psychology
- MUS1030 Music and popular culture: Asia and Australia
- MUS1000 Music and popular culture: Asia
- COM2400 Music as communication
- COM3400 Music as communication
- MUM4080 Music during the age of enlightenment, 1750-1800
- EDF4417 Music education 1
- EDF4418 Music education 2
- EDF1124 Music fundamentals
- MUS3880 Music of China, Japan and Korea
- MUS3330 Music of North and South India
- MUS3910 Music of Sub-Saharan Africa
- MUM4980 Music pedagogy
- MUS4980 Music pedagogy
- MUM5050 Music scholarship
- DTS2070 Music theatre
- DTS3070 Music theatre
- DTS2170 Musical Theatre Workshop
- DTS3170 Musical theatre workshop
- HSY2735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- HSY3735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- SHS2735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- SHS3735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
13 October 2017
22 February 2025