Units indexed by Title: F
- RCD4601 Facilitating community development
- IND3319 Facilities planning and design
- HSY3135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY4135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HYM4135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- LAW7249 Fact finding in administrative proceedings
- WLI2000 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- WLI2005 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- WLI3000 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- WLI3005 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- MEH1001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH1002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2003 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2004 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3003 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3004 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- ENH2360 Fairy tale traditions
- ENH3360 Fairy Tale Traditions
- HSY2140 Faith and power: Islam in history and society
- HSY3140 Faith and power: Islam in history and society
- INT2075 Faith in the future: Religion and spirituality in a globalising world
- INT3075 Faith in the future: Religion and spirituality in a globalising world
- SCY2070 Families, labour and intimacy
- SCY3070 Families, labour and intimacy
- HSY4620 Family history and genealogy
- HYM4620 Family history and Genealogy
- HYM5620 Family history and genealogy
- LAW5218 Family law assistance program - professional practice
- LAW7407 Family law practice
- CWH1001 Family planning: Sexual and reproductive health
- LAW4162 Family property and financial disputes 406
- LAW7021 Family property
- EDF5413 Family studies
- PLT1120 Fanatics and fundamentalists: The global politics of violence
- HSY4370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HYM4370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HYM5370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HSY4490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HYM4490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HYM5490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- TAD2030 Fashion, Image, Advertising 2A
- TAD3030 Fashion, Image, Advertising 3A
- HSY2050 Fears and fantasies: deviance and criminality in the modern world
- HSY3050 Fears and fantasies: Deviance and criminality in the modern world
- JRN1903 Feature writing
- LAW5112 Federal criminal justice
- MID2109 Feeding Babies
- ENH2165 Feisty Damsels and Pale Riders: Reconfiguring romance in Australian fiction and film
- ENH3165 Feisty Damsels and Pale Riders: Reconfiguring romance in Australian fiction and film
- GND2080 Feminism and popular culture: Love, sex and romance
- GND3080 Feminism and popular culture: Love, sex and romance
- PHL2230 Feminist philosophers
- ENH4270 Feminist poetics
- ENM4270 Feminist Poetics
- ENM5270 Feminist Poetics
- GND4020 Feminist research (Honours)
- GND3020 Feminist research
- WSM4020 Feminist research
- GRS1005 Fertility regulation
- MGW2200 Festivals and events
- SCW2306 Field education and practice
- SCW3306 Field education and practice
- EDF6541 Field experience in counselling
- EDF5412 Field experience
- ESC3170 Field geology of New Zealand
- ESC2132 Field geology
- ESC3180 Field mapping
- MPH2049 Field methods for international health planning and evaluation
- GES3330 Field studies in regional sustainability
- GYM4330 Field studies in regional sustainability
- EDF4701 Fieldwork placement I
- EDF4702 Fieldwork placement II
- SWK3180 Fieldwork skills and practicum I
- SWK4560 Fieldwork skills and practicum II
- MUM4640 Fieldwork techniques and technology
- MUS4640 Fieldwork techniques and technology
- FTV3030 Film and television research methodologies
- FTM5330 Film festivals and internship
- FTV2050 Film genres
- FTV3050 Film genres
- HSY3165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HSY4165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HYM4165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- MED5100 Final MBBS grade
- IDA5310 Final project in M. Idea
- BTX5801 Final research project
- BTC3200 Finance law
- BTC4320 Finance law
- BTG9243 Finance law
- BTW3243 Finance law
- AFW2710 Financial accounting A
- AFW2720 Financial accounting B
- AFW3730 Financial accounting C
- AFW3050 Financial accounting issues
- AFC2120 Financial accounting
- AFG9073 Financial accounting
- AFX9530 Financial accounting
- AFC3230 Financial analysis and valuation
- ETC4460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC5460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC3460 Financial econometrics
- ETC4346 Financial econometrics
- ETF9300 Financial econometrics
- ECC4750 Financial economics
- ECX5475 Financial economics
- AFC2000 Financial institutions and markets
- AFG9144 Financial institutions management
- MPH2068 Financial issues in health care management
- AFF9250 Financial management theory
- AFF2631 Financial management
- AFG9070 Financial management
- AFW2631 Financial management
- AFF5230 Financial markets and long-term funding
- MTH3251 Financial mathematics
- AFF9130 Financial planning
- AFF5090 Financial reporting and statement analysis
- AFF5150 Financial reporting issues
- BTX5180 Financial services regulation
- AFF5130 Financial statement analysis and business valuation
- EDF2125 Fitness leadership
- MAE3404 Flight vehicle dynamics
- MAE3405 Flight Vehicle Propulsion
- CIV5261 Flood management in urban and rural environments
- MTH3360 Fluid dynamics
- MEC2404 Fluid mechanics I
- MEC3451 Fluid Mechanics II
- CHE2161 Fluid mechanics
- BTH3711 Food and industrial microbiology
- BND1022 Food chemistry
- CHM2962 Food chemistry
- BND2062 Food microbiology
- BND3011 Food science and skills
- BND4021 Food service management
- LAW7066 Forced migration and human rights
- ETW3232 Forecasting for business
- PLM4075 Foreign aid and world development B
- PLM5070 Foreign aid and world development B
- PLM5075 Foreign aid and world development B
- PLT2015 Foreign policies of the great and emerging powers
- PLT3015 Foreign policies of the great and emerging powers
- CRI2220 Forensic criminology: Victim and offender profiling
- CRI3220 Forensic criminology: Victim and offender profiling
- LAW7022 Forensic family law
- MPM5210 Forensic psychiatry
- PSS3718 Forensic psychology
- FPA5002 Forensic science support for forensic pathology
- ENV3647 Forest management
- FIT3013 Formal specification for software engineering
- FTV2190 Forms of narrative cinema
- FTV3190 Forms of narrative cinema
- VPS2071 Formulation Chemistry I
- VPS2072 Formulation Chemistry II
- VPS3071 Formulation chemistry III
- VPS3072 Formulation chemistry IV
- LAW7338 Forward with fairness: new labour law
- EDF6863 Fostering learning in practice
- ENG1070 Foundation chemistry
- CIV4249 Foundation engineering
- ENG1090 Foundation mathematics
- MTH9010 Foundation mathematics
- ENG1080 Foundation physics
- PHS1080 Foundation physics
- ARC1001 Foundation studio
- FIT2015 Foundations of 3D
- APS1020 Foundations of ambulance paramedic care
- APS1010 Foundations of ambulance paramedic practice
- BNS1072 Foundations of behavioural neuroscience
- FPA5003 Foundations of clinical forensic medicine
- COM3800 Foundations of communication
- EUR1200 Foundations of contemporary Europe: liberalism, socialism, romanticism
- EUR1100 Foundations of contemporary Europe: modernity and enlightenment
- PHS3031 Foundations of contemporary physics
- EDF1503 Foundations of early childhood education
- GEN2041 Foundations of genetics
- HSC1031 Foundations of health
- SCW1303 Foundations of interpersonal practice
- MKX9160 Foundations of marketing
- OCC1022 Foundations of occupational therapy practice
- FIT9017 Foundations of programming
- MPM1001 Foundations of psychiatry
- PRL1001 Foundations of public relations
- MTE5501 Fracture of engineering materials
- FRN2290 France on film
- FRN3290 France on film
- CRT6030 French language
- FRN2702 French Noir: Dark visions of self and society in post-war France
- FRN3702 French Noir: Dark visions of self and society in post-war France
- FRN2100 French studies 10
- FRN3100 French studies 10
- FRN4100 French studies 10
- FRN1010 French studies 1
- FRN2010 French studies 1
- FRN1020 French studies 2
- FRN2020 French studies 2
- FRN1030 French studies 3
- FRN2030 French studies 3
- FRN1040 French studies 4
- FRN2040 French studies 4
- FRN1050 French studies 5
- FRN2050 French studies 5
- FRN3050 French studies 5
- FRN1060 French studies 6
- FRN2060 French studies 6
- FRN3060 French studies 6
- FRN1070 French studies 7
- FRN2070 French studies 7
- FRN3070 French studies 7
- FRN1080 French studies 8
- FRN2080 French studies 8
- FRN3080 French studies 8
- FRN2090 French studies 9
- FRN3090 French studies 9
- FRN4090 French studies 9
- FRN2803 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 1
- FRN3804 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 1
- FRN3807 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 2
- FRN2801 French studies abroad 2/1
- FRN2802 French studies abroad 2/2
- FRN2807 French studies abroad 2
- FRN3901 French studies abroad 3/1
- FRN3902 French studies abroad 3/2
- FRN3903 French studies abroad 3/3
- FRN4913 French studies abroad 4/1
- FRN4914 French studies abroad 4/2
- BIO3122 Freshwater ecology
- CLS2950 Freud and feminism
- CLS3950 Freud and feminism
- LLC4050 Freud's Vienna
- LLC5050 Freud's Vienna
- PLM4340 Fringe politics and extremist violence: An Introduction to terrorism
- PLM5340 Fringe politics and extremist violence: An introduction to terrorism
- PLT4349 Fringe Politics and extremist violence: An introduction to terrorism
- HSY2325 From convict colony to white Australia
- HSY3325 From convict colony to white Australia
- FTV3020 From film theory to video practice
- MUS2140 From Schubert to Strauss: Music of the romantic ideal
- ENV4040 Frontiers in sustainability and environment
- ENV5040 Frontiers in sustainability and environment
- MKX9620 Fulfilment and order management
- IMM2011 Function of the immune system
- MSC3132 Functional materials and devices
- MTE3545 Functional materials and devices
- MSC2111 Functional materials
- MTE2544 Functional materials
- MTH1010 Functions and their applications
- PHS3062 Fundamental particle physics
- BTH1802 Fundamentals of biotechnology
- DEV3011 Fundamentals of developmental processes
- FST1800 Fundamentals of food science
- FBS9001 Fundamentals of forensic behavioural science
- GES2910 Fundamentals of geographical information science
- FIT1020 Fundamentals of information systems
- DPSY5104 Fundamentals of professional practice
- PHS3042 Fundamentals of solid-state physics
- CIV5316 Fundamentals of urban public transport
- AFF5270 Funds management
- IDE2810 Furniture 1
- IDE3815 Furniture design 2
- IDE4808 Furniture design 3
- EDF3806 Future directions in adult learning and development
- AFF3751 Futures and options markets
13 October 2017
09 February 2025