Units indexed by Title: D
- MAE4408 Damage tolerance and airworthiness
- EDF2618 Dance in education
- HSY3125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HSY4125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HYM4125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- ITA3470 Dante
- ITA4480 Dante
- MHP5193 Data analysis and results
- MHS5002 Data analysis and results
- MGX4200 Data analysis for organisational research
- ETF9121 Data analysis in business
- ETX2121 Data analysis in business
- SYM4055 Data analysis software for social research
- SYM5055 Data analysis software for social research
- GCO3812 Data communication and networks 1
- CSE3318 Data communications and computer networks
- FIT9020 Data communications
- FIT5012 Data compression techniques
- MPH2077 Data management and computing
- EPM5005 Data management and statistical computing
- LIN3180 Data management for linguists
- FIT3073 Data mining
- ETC1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETC9010 Data modelling and computing
- ETW1010 Data modelling and computing
- FIT2009 Data structures and algorithms
- FIT9015 Data structures and algorithms
- GCO3512 Data structures and algorithms
- FIT5095 Data warehousing
- FIT3118 Database design and administration
- FIT4038 Database management and implementation
- FIT9012 Database management systems
- IND3322 Database management
- FIT3128 Database systems design
- FIT9003 Database systems design
- FIT9019 Database technology
- FIT1004 Database
- FIT2010 Database
- DBA6007 DBA seminar
- HSY2920 Death and disease: Healers and quacks in history
- HSY3920 Death and disease: Healers and quacks in history
- FPA5007 Death investigation
- AFC2340 Debt markets and fixed income securities
- ETW3480 Decision analysis for managers
- LAW7248 Decision making for tribunal members
- FIT3051 Decision support systems for finance
- FIT2011 Decision support systems fundamentals
- HSY2045 Decoding 'The Da Vinci Code': histories behind the story
- HSY3045 Decoding 'The Da Vinci Code': Histories behind the story
- LAW7140 Defamation law
- PLT2850 Defended to death? Arms control and international security
- PLT3850 Defended to death? Arms control and international security
- ESC3201 Deformation and metamorphism of the crust
- CLS4100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CRT4100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CRT5100 Deleuze and Foucault
- MKX5751 Delivering customer value
- AUS1020 Democracy and nation
- ISA2045 Democratization and human rights in Africa
- ISA3045 Democratization and human rights in Africa
- MCM9201 Depression and anxiety disorders in general practice
- CGP1002 Depression and other mood disorders
- MCM9204 Dermatology
- MFM1004 Dermatology
- VCP5013 Dermatology
- VCW1109 Dermatology
- LIN1020 Describing and analysing language and communication
- CHE5178 Design for gaseous emissions
- DIS2906 Design for multimedia
- DTH4001 Design for theatre
- DTH5001 Design for theatre
- IND3317 Design III
- MEC3452 Design III
- LAW7254 Design law and practice
- CIV2226 Design of concrete and masonry structures
- CHM2762 Design of molecules and macromolecules
- IND4314 Design of productive systems
- EPM5007 Design of randomised controlled trials
- CIV2225 Design of steel and timber structures
- VCM4601 Design Principles for Multimedia 1
- VCM4602 Design Principles for Multimedia 2
- MDC4002 Design project (part 2)
- MDC4001 Design project (part 1)
- MDC5001 Design project (part three)
- CHE5181A Design project A
- CHE5181B Design project B
- CHE5181C Design project C
- CHE5181D Design project D
- CHE4170 Design project
- TAD4523 Design research methods and seminar
- DGN1001 Design studio 1
- MDS5022 Design theory workshop
- MEU9008 Designing for e-Learning in Health Professional Education
- HED5001 Designing for Learning
- CPE7602 Developing health care information systems
- MKF5401 Developing marketing orientation
- EDF6228 Developing materials for content-based teaching in languages
- FIT9029 Developing multimedia systems
- EDF6123 Developing the reflective practitioner
- COG2113 Development of thought and action
- PSY2031 Developmental and biological psychology
- FBS9004 Developmental aspects of forensic behavioural science
- DPSY6261 Developmental neuropsychology
- DEV3022 Developmental pathways to health and disease
- PHY3082 Developmental physiology
- EDF6504 Developmental psychology and counselling skills
- DFM3007 Diabetes
- MCM9307 Diabetes
- VCW1116 Diabetic foot
- SPN3730 Dictatorship and democracy in contemporary Spanish fiction
- MTH2032 Differential equations with modelling
- MTH3066 Differential equations
- MTH3110 Differential geometry
- MMD3307 Digital arts studio 5A
- MMD3308 Digital arts studio 6A
- DIS3905 Digital audio video - advanced production
- DIS2601 Digital audio/video
- DIS4604 Digital audio/video
- DIS5604 Digital audio/video
- FIT5008 Digital communications project
- FIT5162 Digital communications software
- FIT4015 Digital communications technology and protocols
- FIT5173 Digital communications technology and protocols
- TRC4801 Digital communications
- COM2418 Digital culture and new reading practices
- TRC2300 Digital electronics
- VCO3305 Digital font design
- DIS3903 Digital imaging - the moving image
- MRP4001 Digital imaging in radiographic practice
- DIS3904 Digital imaging studio
- DIS2105 Digital imaging
- FIT2012 Digital media authoring
- FIT9028 Digital media authoring
- DIS3010 Digital Media Studio A
- DIS3020 Digital Media Studio B
- DIS1103 Digital processes for art and design 1
- DIS3906 Digital publication
- BHS3000 Digital selves
- ECE2072 Digital systems
- TEC2172 Digital systems
- FIT3008 Digital video post production
- MGX9110 Diplomacy and statecraft
- ISA2035 Diplomacy in contemporary international relations
- ISA3035 Diplomacy in contemporary international relations
- MKF5703 Direct marketing: creative and media
- MKX9701 Direct marketing
- ENV444E Directed project - corporate environmental management
- DBA6004 Directed reading 4
- FNM4920 Directed reading in French studies 1
- FNM5920 Directed reading in French studies 1
- FNM4930 Directed reading in French studies 2
- FNM5930 Directed reading in French studies 2
- MUM5020 Directed reading in music
- TRN4020 Directed reading in translation studies
- TRN5020 Directed reading in translation studies
- BEW4020 Directed studies 1
- BEW4030 Directed studies 2
- GES4840 Directed studies in Geography
- DTS3040 Directing workshop
- MDM4040 Disaster recovery
- ALM5370 Discourse analysis
- SPN3910 Discourse and power in the media and politics of the Hispanic world
- VPS3042 Disease states and pharmacological intervention
- HSY2995 Dissent, revolution and freedom: Inventing the United States to 1850
- HSY3995 Dissent, revolution and freedom: Inventing the United States to 1850
- HPL4000(A) Dissertation (History) Part 1
- HPL4000(B) Dissertation (History) Part 2
- JWC4000(A) Dissertation (Jewish Civilisation) Part 1
- JWC4000(B) Dissertation (Jewish Civilisation) Part 2
- HPL4001(A) Dissertation (Politics) Part 1
- HPL4001(B) Dissertation (Politics) Part 2
- TRN5090 Dissertation in translation/Interpreting studies
- TRN5090A Dissertation in translation/interpreting studies
- TRN5090B Dissertation in translation/interpreting studies
- AAH4730(A) Dissertation part 1
- ASN4929(A) Dissertation Part 1
- CHI4920(A) Dissertation Part 1
- CHI4929(A) Dissertation Part 1
- COM400H(A) Dissertation Part 1
- HSY4990(A) Dissertation part 1
- INT4000(A) Dissertation Part 1
- AAH4730(B) Dissertation part 2
- ASN4929(B) Dissertation Part 2
- CHI4920(B) Dissertation Part 2
- CHI4929(B) Dissertation Part 2
- COM400H(B) Dissertation Part 2
- HSY4990(B) Dissertation part 2
- INT4000(B) Dissertation Part 2
- GLO4011 Dissertation part I (Global studies)
- GLO4012 Dissertation part II (Global studies)
- ASN4929 Dissertation
- CHI4929 Dissertation
- ENM4120 Dissertation
- HSY4990 Dissertation
- FIT5043 Distributed database
- DPH6005 Doctor of public health: Public health practice
- IDA4320 Doctrines of development
- FTV2710 Documentary film: An Australian focus
- FTV3710 Documentary film: An Australian focus
- ADD6093 Documentation studies
- EDF4404 Drama education
- DTS3800 Drama in performance
- DTS2830 Drama into film
- DTS3830 Drama into film
- ENH4700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENM4700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENM5700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- DTH4000 Dramatic theory, criticism and research methods
- DTS4000 Dramatic theory, criticism and research methods
- DWG2507 Drawing (concept and research) A
- DWG2508 Drawing (concept and research) B
- DWG3508 Drawing (concept and research) C
- DWG2504 Drawing (Perceptual methodologies) A
- DWG3518 Drawing (Perceptual methodologies) B
- DWG1201 Drawing 1B (fine art/visual arts)
- DWG1301 Drawing 1C
- DWG1202 Drawing 2B (fine art/visual arts)
- DWG3511 Drawing for contemporary practice
- MPM5203 Drug and alcohol use disorders
- PAC2232 Drug delivery and disposition
- PAC1222 Drug delivery I
- VCP4092 Drug development
- VPS3012 Drug discovery and development
- PHA2022 Drugs and society
- PHA3021 Drugs in health and disease
- BNS3052 Drugs, brain and altered awareness
- CRI2030 Drugs, crime and society
- CRI3030 Drugs, crime and society
- CMH2005 Dual disabilities
- ATM3050 Dynamical meteorology
- TRC3200 Dynamical systems
- MEC2401 Dynamics I
- MEC3453 Dynamics II
- AIS2011 Dynamics of indigenous cultures
- AIS3011 Dynamics of indigenous cultures
13 October 2017
12 February 2025