Related information
Units indexed by Title: B
- FIT3101 B2C internet commerce
- MID2107 Babies needing extra care (consortium unit NRSG335 Australian Catholic University)
- BEW4500 Bachelor of business and commerce honours
- MED7001 Bachelor of medical science 1
- MED7002 Bachelor of medical science 2
- AFF9140 Bank lending
- AFX4130 Bank management and risk analysis
- MKF9790 Banking and financial services marketing
- BTF2601 Banking law
- BTX9380 Banking law
- TAD2530 Baroque visual culture: From Caravaggio to Neo-Baroque 2A
- TAD3530 Baroque visual culture: From Caravaggio to Neo-Baroque 3A
- CHI2985 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3985 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI3850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI4850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI2986 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3986 Basic Interpreting Skills (Mandarin) 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI3860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI4860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- MAT1049 Basic mathematics
- MRE5101 Basic quantitative skills for reliability engineering
- PAC2171 Basis of drug action I
- PAC2182 Basis of drug action II
- COM4110 Battle lines: war and (post)modernity
- COM5110 Battle lines: war and (post)modernity
- ETC3420 Bayesian modelling and risk analysis
- EPM5013 Bayesian statistical methods
- MID9004 Becoming a midwife
- INM2430 Beginning Javanese, Part 1
- INM3430 Beginning Javanese, Part 1
- INM4439 Beginning Javanese, Part 1
- INM2440 Beginning Javanese, Part 2
- INM3440 Beginning Javanese, Part 2
- INM4449 Beginning Javanese, Part 2
- PSS1712 Behaviour across the lifespan
- PSY4513 Behaviour change interventions for practitioners
- ECC2600 Behaviour, rationality and organisation
- PSS2712 Behavioural disorders
- BNS4200 Behavioural neuroscience honours: Research design and analysis
- BNS4100 Behavioural neuroscience honours: Research project
- BHS4040 Behavioural studies in the 21st Century: Issues and paradigms
- MID2004 Being with Birthing Women
- CLS3150 Belief and perception
- CLS4155 Belief and perception
- MEU0004 Best evidence in health professional education
- JWC4020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWM4020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWM5020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- AUS2002 Beyond Gallipoli: Australians in two World Wars
- AUS3002 Beyond Gallipoli: Australians in two World Wars
- HSY2025 Beyond Machiavelli: Crisis and renewal in early modern Italy
- HSY3025 Beyond Machiavelli: Crisis and renewal in Early Modern Italy
- VAM4021 Beyond the Museum: Institutions and Insurrections
- VAM5021 Beyond the Museum: Institutions and Insurrections
- VSA4022 Beyond the Museum
- ALM5230 Bilingualism
- TRC4100 Bio-interfacing devices
- CHE2165 Bio-nano engineering
- CHM3730 Bioactive chemistry
- CHE4171 Biochemical engineering
- BCH4110 Biochemistry and molecular biology research project part time I
- BCH4120 Biochemistry and molecular biology research project part time II
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- PAC2151 Biochemistry and molecular biology
- BMS2021 Biochemistry of human function
- BTH2741 Biochemistry
- BIO2031 Biodiversity and bioresources
- CHB4215 Bioethics supervised research paper
- CHB5206 Bioethics supervised research paper
- CHB5204 Bioethics, public policy, and the law
- CHB2100 Bioethics, the human body and the international marketplace
- CHB3100 Bioethics, the human body and the international marketplace
- GES2170 Biogeography - the status of Australian Biota
- EPM5012 Bioinformatics
- ENG1110 Biological engineering I
- ENV2712 Biology and diversity
- EDF4402 Biology education
- BIO1011 Biology I
- BIO1022 Biology II
- BIO3990 Biology in action research project
- BIO3132 Biology of Australian vertebrates
- VCW1101 Biology of wound healing
- BIO4100 Biology research project
- MTE2548 Biomaterials I
- MTE4596 Biomaterials II
- ECE5809 Biomaterials
- MTE5596 Biomaterials
- ECE4084 Biomechanics of human musculoskeletal systems
- BMS3011 Biomedical basis of disease 1
- BMS3042 Biomedical basis of disease
- BMS1011 Biomedical chemistry
- BMS4100 Biomedical science research project
- BMS1042 Biomedical sciences and society
- COG3113 Bionics and prosthetics
- VPS3081 Biopharmaceutics
- EDF1613 Biophysical foundations of physical activity A
- EDF1614 Biophysical foundations of physical activity B
- BTH2811 Bioprocess technology
- CHE3171 Bioprocess technology
- EPM5011 Biostatistics practical project - Double unit
- EPM5015 Biostatistics practical project - Single unit
- LAW4193 Biotechnology and the law
- SCI3741 Biotechnology in action research project
- BTH2012 Biotechnology regulation, law and ethics
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- SCM3910 Biotechnology research project
- BTH3012 Biotechnology science, industry and commercialisation
- CHB1020 Biotechnology, justice and the law
- BTH1011 Biotechnology, science, business, law and ethics 1
- PHY2021 Body systems physiology
- BMS2031 Body systems
- DTS1320 Body, space, text
- DTS1420 Body, voice, text
- BNS2011 Brain structure and function I
- BNS2012 Brain Structure and Function II
- MKX2521 Brand management
- RAD3062 Breast imaging and professional skills 4
- CIV3222 Bridge design and assessment
- AUS2001 Broken earth: Journeys through the Australian landscape
- AUS3001 Broken earth: Journeys through the Australian landscape
- RLM4070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLM5070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLT4070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- IAR1211 Building construction and materials A
- IAR3205 Building construction and materials C
- IAR2204 Building materials and construction B
- HSM4310 Building Practice Wisdom in Social Welfare
- CIV3221 Building structures and technology
- AFF5080 Business accounting: strategic issues
- MBA9007 Business analysis
- AFX5320 Business analytics
- BTX9500 Business and corporations law
- ETC1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETW1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETX9000 Business and economic statistics
- BEH1001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3005 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3006 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4001 Business and economics exchange unit
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- BEH4003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9004 Business and economics exchange unit
- MGC2320 Business and government
- MGX5770 Business and government
- FIT3103 Business case development
- ETW2111 Business data modelling
- ECX3900 Business economics
- EDF4111 Business education
- MGX5020 Business ethics in a global environment
- AFG9044 Business finance
- AFX9540 Business finance
- ETF5231 Business forecasting
- ETX3231 Business forecasting
- FRN2701 Business French
- FRN3701 Business French
- ECX2550 Business in Asia
- ECX3550 Business in Asia
- FIT1006 Business information analysis
- FIT1028 Business information technology and systems
- FIT3003 Business intelligence and data warehousing
- FIT5093 Business intelligence applications
- FIT5097 Business intelligence modelling
- BEW3101 Business internship
- BTC1110 Business law
- BTG9270 Business law
- BTW1200 Business law
- BTX9020 Business law
- EDF4427 Business management education
- MKW2431 Business marketing
- ETC2480 Business modelling methods
- ETW2480 Business modelling methods
- ETF2480 Business modelling
- ETF9480 Business modelling
- FIT2006 Business process modelling and workflow
- FIT5160 Business process modelling, design and simulation
- ETC3490 Business simulation
- ETC4349 Business simulation
- FIT4024 Business statistics and applications
- ETW1102 Business statistics
- ETX1100 Business statistics
- BTF4250 Business tax planning
- BTF5250 Business tax planning
- BTC3350 Business taxation and GST
- BTC4335 Business taxation and GST
- BTF3951 Business taxation and GST
- BTW3242 Business taxation and GST
- MKX5371 Business to business marketing
- BTF4290 Business transactions taxes
- EUM4140 Business, civil society and lobbying in the European Union
- EUM5140 Business, civil society and lobbying in the European Union
- MKC2110 Buyer behaviour in marketing
- MKF2111 Buyer behaviour
- MKX1501 Buying for retail markets
13 October 2017
22 February 2025