Related information
Units indexed by Title: H
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- BME1130 Health and human behaviour
- HSC1052 Health and social care systems
- SWM5200 Health and social work
- EDF5118 Health and wellbeing in the primary curriculum
- NUR1102 Health assessment in clinical practice
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- DPH6004 Health leadership and management
- HSC5032 Health literacy
- MPH2050 Health of women and children in developing countries
- HSC3072 Health policy and politics
- HSC3061 Health program evaluation
- HSC1072 Health promotion 1
- HSC2051 Health Promotion 2
- NUR9844 Health promotion and education
- HSC3052 Health Promotion in primary and clinical settings
- HSC3082 Health Promotion Practicum
- HSC5031 Health promotion program planning
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- MHP5032 Health promotion
- MPH1016 Health promotion
- DPSY6107 Health psychology and behavioural medicine
- BND2031 Health psychology for dieticians
- PSY3130 Health psychology
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- MPH2069 Health systems policy
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- CRH1047 Health, ecology and environmental change
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- SCY2050 Health, technologies and society
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- CPE7601 Healthcare information systems
- AIS2090 Hearing the country: Studies in indigenous Australian ethnoecology
- AIS3090 Hearing the country: Studies in indigenous Australian ethnoecology
- CHE2163 Heat and mass transfer
- MEC4416 Heat and mass transfer
- JWC3010 Hebrew language and literature III, Part A
- JWC3020 Hebrew language and literature III, Part B
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- CLS4225 Hermeneutics
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- CRT5225 Hermeneutics
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- HSY1200 Histories of God
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- TAD3203 History and criticism of interiors and furniture 3A
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- LIN2190 History and sociolinguistics of English
- LIN3190 History and sociolinguistics of English
- HSY4510 History and the museum
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- HYM5510 History and the museum
- EDF4408 History education
- ECC3800 History of economic thought
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- PUB5001 History of publishing and the impact of the book
- HSY2410 History of sexuality 1800 - to the Present
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- SPN2950 History of the spanish language
- HSY2060 History wars: the uses of the past
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- HSY4810 History, biography and autobiography
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- HYM5290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
- HUM4000(A) Honours dissertation (A)
- HUM4000(B) Honours Dissertation (B)
- CLA4030(A) Honours Dissertation in Classical Studies, Part 1
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- ITA4000(B) Honours dissertation Part 2
- SPN4000(B) Honours dissertation part 2
- AIS4031 Honours dissertation
- FRN4902 Honours dissertation
- ITA4000 Honours dissertation
- SWK4002 Honours project seminar
- SWK4001 Honours research methods
- BND5021 Honours research project 1
- BND5022 Honours research project 2
- BHS4000(A) Honours Research Project Part 1
- PHL4000(A) Honours research project part 1
- BHS4000(B) Honours Research Project Part 2
- PHL4000(B) Honours research project part 2
- BHS4000 Honours Research Project
- PHL4000 Honours research project
- PTY3000 Honours research proposal
- COM4300 Honours research readings
- LAW5207 Honours research subject 512
- ASN4499 Honours seminar in Asian studies
- PTY2000 Honours systematic review
- GND4001 Honours thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words) Part 1
- GND4002 Honours Thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words) Part 2
- GND4000 Honours thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words)
- INM4929(A) Honours Thesis - Indonesian Part 1
- INM4929(B) Honours Thesis - Indonesian Part 2
- INM4929 Honours thesis - Indonesian
- EDF5153 Honours thesis extension 1
- EDF5154 Honours thesis extension 2
- FIT4000 Honours thesis extension
- ENV4100 Honours thesis in environmental science
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- JPL4483(A) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part B - Part 1
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- GES4860(A) Honours thesis part 1
- PLT4049(A) Honours thesis part 1
- UKR4000(A) Honours thesis part 1
- COM405H(B) Honours Thesis Part 2
- EDF5152 Honours thesis part 2
- GES4860(B) Honours thesis part 2
- PLT4049(B) Honours thesis part 2
- UKR4000(B) Honours thesis part 2
- COM4050(H) Honours Thesis
- FIT4126 Honours thesis
- FIT4186 Honours thesis
- FIT4246 Honours thesis
- FIT4606 Honours thesis
- PLT4049 Honours thesis
- PTY4000 Honours Thesis
- GEN2052 Human and population genetics
- BEH1012 Human biological concepts applied to paramedic practice
- BIO1711 Human biology
- HSC1092 Human body in health and illness
- FIT5165 Human computer interaction for multimedia applications
- FIT2016 Human computer interaction for multimedia
- BIO2721 Human development and genetics
- BEH2041 Human development and health across the lifespan
- ENV435E Human evolution and environment
- MPH2085 Human Factors for Patient Safety
- BMS2042 Human genetics
- BMS1052 Human neurobiology
- PSY3180 Human neuropsychology: Developmental and neurodegenerative disorders
- BND1010 Human nutrition: an introduction to nutrients
- FST3810 Human nutrition
- HUP3011 Human pathology 1: understanding disease processes
- HUP3022 Human pathology 2: pathology of human diseases
- MGC3420 Human resource development
- MGF3420 Human resource development
- MGG5325 Human resource development
- MGX5261 Human resource management issues
- MGC2430 Human resource management
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- MGW2430 Human resource management
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- MGX3441 Human resource strategy
- MGX5950 Human resources development
- BTX5841 Human resources management law
- BTX9841 Human resources management law
- LAW7418 Human rights advocacy: Australian law and practice
- LAW7439 Human rights and intellectual property
- AIS2808 Human rights and the indigenous Australian experience
- AIS3808 Human rights and the indigenous Australian experience
- LAW4172 Human rights in Australian law 406
- LAW7253 Human rights in the global economy
- SCW2307 Human services management and practice
- SCW3307 Human services management and practice
- HSM4304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM5304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM4303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSM5303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSC1301 Human structure and function 1
- HSC1302 Human structure and function 2
- FIT3063 Human-computer interaction
- CIV5263 Hydraulics of sewerage systems
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13 October 2017
14 January 2025