Units indexed by Title: L
- SCI3716 Laboratory and workplace management
- ECC3710 Labour economics
- ECC4371 Labour economics
- LAW7215 Labour law for corporate lawyers
- PRF4010 Labour market analysis and career planning
- LAW7298 Labour organisations
- BTX5070 Labour relations law
- BTX9070 Labour relations law
- CLS4070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CRT4070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CRT5070 Lacan and subjectivity
- GES3530 Landscape processes
- LIN2080 Language across time
- LIN3080 Language across time
- ALM5390 Language and Identity
- LIN2390 Language and identity
- LIN3390 Language and identity
- ALM5210 Language and learning
- EDF5114 Language and literacy in primary contexts
- GNM4165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GRN3165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GRN4165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- ALM4130 Language in society
- ALM5130 Language in society
- ALM5510 Language maintenance in practice
- ALM5510A Language maintenance in practice
- ALM5510B Language maintenance in practice
- ITA3990 Language study abroad program 3/1
- ITA3991 Language study abroad program 3/2
- ITA4491 Language study abroad program 4/2
- CHI1990 Language study abroad program
- CHI1991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2990 Language study abroad program
- CHI2991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2992 Language study abroad program
- CHI3990 Language study abroad program
- CHI3991 Language study abroad program
- CHI3992 Language study abroad program
- CHI4990 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4991 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4992 Language Study Abroad Program
- GRN3995 Language study abroad program
- GRN4995 Language study abroad program
- INM2990 Language study abroad program
- INM2991 Language study abroad program
- INM2992 Language study abroad program
- INM3990 Language study abroad program
- INM3991 Language study abroad program
- INM3992 Language study abroad program
- INM4990 Language study abroad program
- INM4991 Language study abroad program
- INM4992 Language study abroad program
- INM4993 Language study abroad program
- INS2990 Language study abroad program
- INS3990 Language study abroad program
- ITA2990 Language study abroad program
- ITA4490 Language study abroad program
- KOR4990 Language study abroad program
- SLA3400 Language study abroad program
- SPN4990 Language study abroad program
- JPL2991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL3991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL4991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL2993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL3993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL4993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL3992 Language Study in Japan 24 Points
- JPL4992 Language study in Japan 24 points
- JPL2990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- JPL3990 Language study in Japan 6 points
- JPL4990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- KOR2991 Language study in Korea 12 Points
- KOR3991 Language study in Korea 12 Points
- KOR2992 Language study in Korea 24 Points
- KOR3992 Language study in Korea 24 Points
- KOR2990 Language study in Korea 6 Points
- KOR3990 Language study in Korea 6 Points
- EDF6210 Language testing and assessment
- EIL4002 Language use in diverse fields
- EDF6236 Language, society and cultural difference
- PHL2120 Language, truth and power
- EDF4411 Languages other than English (LOTE) education 1
- EDF4412 Languages other than English (LOTE) education 2
- ECE4063 Large scale digital design
- SPN4650 Latin American studies in culture and power
- LAW4129 Law and discrimination 406
- LAW7129 Law and discrimination
- ECC4720 Law and economics
- ECX5472 Law and economics
- LAW4130 Law and social theory 406
- ENV415F Law and the environment
- ENV515F Law and the environment
- LCL7001 Law complementary unit
- LCL7002 Law complementary unit
- LEH1001 Law exchange unit
- LEH2001 Law exchange unit
- LEH3001 Law exchange unit
- LEH3002 Law exchange unit
- LEH3003 Law exchange unit
- LEH3004 Law exchange unit
- LEH3018 Law exchange unit
- LEH3024 Law exchange unit
- LEH4001 Law exchange unit
- LEH4002 Law exchange unit
- LEH4003 Law exchange unit
- LEH4004 Law exchange unit
- LEH4018 Law exchange unit
- LEH4024 Law exchange unit
- LEH7001 Law exchange unit
- LEH7002 Law exchange unit
- LEH7003 Law exchange unit
- LEH7004 Law exchange unit
- MPH2065 Law for health systems
- LAW1102 Law in society
- LAW7083 Law of employee relations
- LAW4132 Law of employment 406
- LAW7213 Law of the internet
- LAW7417 Law of virtual worlds
- LAW7441 Law of workforce management
- LAW5217 Law reform and community development
- LAW4151 Law, gender and feminism 406
- LAW5125 Lawyers ethics and society 506
- LAW7331 Lawyers' responsibilities
- PLM4210 Leaders, politics and publics
- PLM5210 Leaders, politics and publics
- PLT4210 Leaders, politics and publics
- NUR2446 Leadership and management of nursing care
- EDF6822 Leadership and organisation
- MGX3991 Leadership principles and practices
- MGX9280 Leadership theory and practice
- MGX5670 Leadership
- EDF6904 Leading change: professional action research project
- EDF6902 Leading learning communities
- EDF1303 Learning and educational inquiry 1
- EDF1304 Learning and educational inquiry 2
- EDF2803 Learning and researching in work-related contexts
- EDF5112 Learning and teaching A
- EDF5113 Learning and teaching B
- PAR4101 Learning and teaching for paramedic clinical teachers
- MFM2007 Learning and teaching
- EDF6801 Learning at work in the knowledge economy
- EDF6323 Learning music: current research issues
- EDF4214 Learning technologies: databases and multimedia
- HSC2061 Legal and ethical frameworks
- NUR3543 Legal and ethical issues in contemporary nursing
- BTX5040 Legal aspects of corporate social responsibility
- LAW7415 Legal clinic
- ENH4195 Legal fictions: Bodies, image, discourse
- BTX9602 Legal framework of retirement funds
- GSB9602 Legal framework of retirement funds
- NUR1202 Legal issues and concepts
- CHB5255 Legal issues in bioethics and health care ethics
- CHB4204 Legal issues in bioethics
- LAW5133 Legal issues in medicine 506
- LAW4137 Legal philosophy 406
- LAW7285 Legal research and communication
- LAW7079 Legal research and problem solving
- EDF4413 Legal studies education
- DPSY5161 Legal, ethical and professional issues in neuropsychology
- LAW7061 Legislative and judicial refinement of the income tax base
- AFF3841 Lending decisions
- AFW3841 Lending decisions
- CLA1020 Life and culture in ancient Greece and Rome
- ASP1022 Life and the universe
- CVL4020 Life cycle events: Literature, music and life stories
- EDF1616 Lifespan physical activity and wellness
- MTH2021 Linear algebra with applications
- EPM5004 Linear models
- LIN4740 Linguistic theory
- COG3112 Linguistics and language processing
- LIN4990 Linguistics study abroad program
- LIN2490 Literacies and communication: Education, media and cyberspace
- LIN3490 Literacies and communication: Education, media and cyberspace
- ALM5270 Literacy
- EDF3306 Literacy
- ENH4620 Literary theory
- ENM4620 Literary theory
- ENM5620 Literary theory
- WRT4401 Literary theory
- INS3110 Literary traditions of Indonesia
- INS4119 Literary traditions of Indonesia
- INS5110 Literary traditions of Indonesia
- ENH2402 Literature and history
- ENH2130 Literature and Opposition, 1660-1800
- ENH3130 Literature and Opposition, 1660-1800
- CLS2420 Literature and phenomenology: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- CLS3420 Literature and phenomenology: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- DTM5100 Literature review
- HSY4820 Local and community history
- HYM4820 Local and community history
- HYM5820 Local and community history
- LAW7424 Local government contracts and procurement
- LAW7087 Local government law
- EDF6860 Locating oneself in global learning
- MKX3481 Logistics and fulfillment
- EPM5008 Longitudinal and correlated data analysis
- LAW7283 Loss, causation and damages
13 October 2017
15 February 2025