Related information
Units indexed by Title: P
- LAW5118 Pacific comparative law 506
- FOR2006 Paediatric forensic medicine
- DFM3003 Pain management
- MCM9303 Pain management
- PTG1511 Painting practice and theory 1A
- PTG1531 Painting practice and theory 1B
- PTG1512 Painting practice and theory 2A
- PTG1542 Painting practice and theory 2B
- PTG2513 Painting practice and theory 3A
- PTG2523 Painting practice and theory 3B
- PTG2514 Painting practice and theory 4A
- PTG2524 Painting practice and theory 4B
- PTG3515 Painting practice and theory 5
- PTG3516 Painting practice and theory 6
- NUR9203 Palliative care practice
- DFM3004 Palliative care
- MCM9304 Palliative care
- VCP5018 Palliative care
- CHE5163 Paper production properties and use
- CHE9163 Paper production properties and use
- SCW3304 Paradigms of practice
- FIT4001 Parallel and distributed systems
- FIT5174 Parallel and distributed systems
- BEH2032 Paramedic clinical practice 1
- BEH3031 Paramedic clinical practice 2
- BEH2012 Paramedic management of cardio-respiratory conditions
- BEH3032 Paramedic management of critical care specialty situations
- BEH3021 Paramedic management of health conditions at life stages
- BEH3011 Paramedic management of medical conditions
- BEH3051 Paramedic Management of Mental Health
- BEH2022 Paramedic management of trauma and environmental conditions
- PSS3719 Parapsychology
- LAW4163 Parents children and the state 406
- CIV5307 Parking policy and design
- MTH3011 Partial differential equations
- OCC3062 Participation community practice I: Development
- OCC4071 Participatory community practice 2: Implementation
- SCD4301 Participatory planning: Local, national and international perspectives
- CHE4162 Particle technology
- PLT2521 Parties and power in Australia
- PLT3521 Parties and power in Australia
- LAW7433 Patenting for commercialisation
- LAW7119 Patents for inventions
- MIC3032 Pathogenesis of bacterial infectious diseases
- MIN5090 Pathologies of the self
- GSB5011 Pathways from science to wealth
- VCG5021 Patient data and pharmacotherapy I
- VCG5022 Patient data and pharmacotherapy II
- VCG6022 Patient data and pharmacotherapy III
- COG2111 Pattern recognition and sensory processes
- MGX5620 Pay, participation and performance
- LAW7092 Payment systems and banking law
- AFC3440 Pension and financial planning
- PSS3720 People and other animals: Studying the relationship between humans and other species
- PSY3051 Perception and personality
- DWG2509 Perceptual drawing (the figure) A
- DWG3519 Perceptual drawing (the figure) B
- DWG3529 Perceptual drawing (the figure) C
- HSY4430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HYM4430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HYM5430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- DTS1001 Performance in context I
- DTS1002 Performance in context II
- DTH4003 Performance investigation
- DTH5003 Performance investigation
- MGF3361 Performance management
- AFC3131 Performance measurement and control
- AFF3431 Performance measurement and control
- AFW3021 Performance measurement and control
- PER3050 Performance project
- MUS2480 Performance studies: Indonesian Gamelan
- CLA2050 Performing Rome: from comedy to the Colosseum
- CLA3050 Performing Rome: from comedy to the Colosseum
- GSB9001 Personal development - critical thinking and communication
- GSB9002 Personal development - managing self and relationships
- GSB9003 Personal development - professional advancement
- AFF3111 Personal financial planning
- FBS9007 Personality disorder in the forensic context
- BHS2711 Personality: Beyond the persona
- BHS3711 Personality: Beyond the persona
- MOP5021 Personnel assessment
- MGX4100 Perspectives and paradigms in management theory
- CMH2002 Perspectives in developmental mental health
- MGX5210 Perspectives in organisations and management
- EDF5416 Perspectives of early childhood education
- NUR1101 Perspectives of health and wellness
- ENV4020 Perspectives on environment and sustainability
- ENV5020 Perspectives on environment and sustainability
- TAD2102 Perspectives on post-war practices 2A
- TAD3102 Perspectives on post-war practices 3A
- PLM4520 Perspectives on world politics
- PLM5520 Perspectives on world politics
- COM4208 Persuasive communication
- COM5208 Persuasive communication
- VPS2011 Pharmaceutical biochemistry
- ECX9710 Pharmaceutical economics
- VCP3061 Pharmaceutical microbiology II
- VCP3031 Pharmaceutics II A
- VCP3032 Pharmaceutics II B
- VCP4031 Pharmaceutics III
- VCF4121 Pharmaceutics
- VCP6121 Pharmaceutics
- PAC2331 Pharmacists as communicators
- NUR2201 Pharmacology and therapeutics
- VCP3041 Pharmacology II A
- VCP3042 Pharmacology II B
- VCP4041 Pharmacology III
- PHA4110 Pharmacology research project part time I
- PHA4120 Pharmacology research project part time II
- PHA4100 Pharmacology research project
- RAD2031 Pharmacology
- VCF4141 Pharmacology
- VCP6141 Pharmacology
- VPS2062 Pharmacology
- PAC2342 Pharmacy in a public health context
- VCP3011 Pharmacy practice III A
- VCP3012 Pharmacy Practice IIIB
- VCP4011 Pharmacy practice IV A
- VCP4012 Pharmacy practice IV B
- VCP6151 Pharmacy practice
- PAC1311 Pharmacy, health and society I
- PAC1322 Pharmacy, health and society II
- PSY3220 Philosophical and theoretical psychology
- PHL2040 Philosophical explorations of world religions
- PHL3040 Philosophical explorations of world religions
- PHL3100 Philosophical issues in applied ethics
- MVA4021 Philosophies of the studio A
- MVA4022 Philosophies of the studio B
- PHL4010 Philosophy honours A
- PHL4020 Philosophy honours B
- PHM5010 Philosophy masters A
- PHM5110 Philosophy masters B
- PHM4020 Philosophy masters qualifying B
- PHL2260 Philosophy of Art
- PHL3260 Philosophy of Art
- PHL1090 Philosophy of film
- PHL3610 Philosophy of law
- PHL1650 Philosophy of mind
- PHL2650 Philosophy of mind
- PHL3650 Philosophy of mind
- PHL2670 Philosophy of religion
- PHL1070 Philosophy: Life, death and morality
- PHL1080 Philosophy: Time, self and freedom
- LIN2110 Phonetics and phonology
- LIN3110 Phonetics and phonology
- PHO2208 Photomedia - fabrication
- PHO2207 Photomedia - processes
- PHO3201 Photomedia dialogs
- PHO1203 Photomedia imaging 1
- TAD2137 Photomedia in modern and contemporary art
- TAD3137 Photomedia in modern and contemporary art
- PHO3207 Photomedia project 1A
- PHO3209 Photomedia Project 1B
- PHO3208 Photomedia project 2
- PHO3202 Photomedia virtual studio
- PHS3051 Photon physics
- PSC1071 Physical chemistry I
- PSC1072 Physical chemistry II
- EDF4423 Physical education
- ATM3040 Physical meteorology
- AFF2903 Physical risk treatment
- PHS1722 Physical science
- PAC1211 Physicochemical basis of pharmacy
- MMR4000 Physics and instrumentation 1
- MMR4024 Physics and instrumentation 2
- EDF4419 Physics education
- ASP3222 Physics for astrophysics
- ENG1081 Physics for engineering
- PHS1031 Physics for living world
- SON4000 Physics of medical ultrasound and instrumentation
- PHS3350 Physics project 1
- PHS3360 Physics project 2
- PHS4110 Physics thesis project part time I
- PHS4120 Physics thesis project part time II
- PHS4100 Physics thesis project
- PHS1042 Physics, energy and the environment
- PHS2022 Physics: electromagnetism, light and entropy
- PHS2011 Physics: quantum concepts and technologies
- PHS1011 Physics
- PHS1022 Physics
- PSC1081 Physiology I
- PSC1082 Physiology II
- PHY2032 Physiology of human health
- PHY4110 Physiology research project part time I
- PHY4120 Physiology research project part time I
- PHY4100 Physiology research project
- PTY1011 Physiotherapy 1
- PTY1022 Physiotherapy 2
- PTY2031 Physiotherapy 3
- PTY2042 Physiotherapy 4
- PTY3051 Physiotherapy 5
- PTY3062 Physiotherapy 6
- PTY4071 Physiotherapy 7 - campus
- PTY4070 Physiotherapy 7 - clinical
- PTY4082 Physiotherapy 8 - campus
- PTY4080 Physiotherapy 8 - clinical
- GES2760 Place and the politics of identity
- MOP5041 Placement 1
- MOP5042 Placement 2
- MOP6021 Placement 3
- MOP6022 Placement 4
- HYM5420 Placement for holocaust and genocide studies
- MHP5102 Placement I
- MHP5112 Placement II
- MHP5122 Placement III
- ENV1011 Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
- ESC1011 Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
- ESC1022 Planet earth: dynamic systems, environmental change and resources
- CIV5262 Planning and design of urban stormwater management measures
- LAW7414 Planning and environmental law practice
- RUP3002 Planning communication
- LAW7059 Planning law
- BTH3611 Plant and cellular biotechnology
- BTH3820 Plant biotechnology
- BIO3082 Plant responses to the environment
- BIO2282 Plant structure and function
- PHL1130 Plato and platonism
- PHL2130 Plato and platonism
- EDF5409 Play and pedagogy
- CLS4030 Poetics
- CRT4030 Poetics
- CRT5030 Poetics
- ENH2650 Poetry: Text and performance
- ENH3650 Poetry: Text and performance
- PHA3052 Poisons and toxins
- CRI2015 Policing and society
- CRI3015 Policing and society
- PCE4010 Policing, protest and politics
- CRJ4002 Policing, security and risk management
- MGX5370 Policy analysis
- PCY3002 Policy internship
- SWM5140 Policy, program planning and evaluation I
- SWM5150 Policy, program planning and evaluation II
- SLA1050 Polish studies 5
- SLA1060 Polish studies 6
- SLA2070 Polish studies 7
- PLM4430 Political Islam
- PLM5430 Political Islam
- PLT4430 Political Islam
- PHL2510 Political philosophy
- PHL3510 Political philosophy
- SCY2480 Political sociology
- SCY3480 Political sociology
- PLT2340 Politics and modern Russia: Foundations and antecedents
- HPL2507 Politics and society
- HPL3507 Politics and society
- PLT2170 Politics and the media in Australia
- PLT3170 Politics and the media in Australia
- PLT2120 Politics and violence: Conquest, exclusion and reconciliation
- PLT3120 Politics and violence: Conquest, exclusion and reconciliation
- PLT2990 Politics of environmentalism
- PLT3990 Politics of environmentalism
- MTE4572 Polymer and composite processing and engineering
- MTE2545 Polymers and ceramics I
- MTE3546 Polymers and ceramics II
- ANY2140 Polynesia: Great anthropological debates
- ANY3140 Polynesia: Great anthropological debates
- TAD2207 Popular culture and contemporary communication 2
- TAD3207 Popular culture and contemporary communication 3A
- CLS4835 Popular culture and ethics
- CRT4830 Popular culture and ethics
- CRT5830 Popular culture and ethics
- CLS2075 Popular fiction and popular culture
- CLS3075 Popular fiction and popular culture
- ENH2404 Popular writing and criticism
- ENH3404 Popular writing and criticism
- SCY2310 Population and migration
- SCY3310 Population and migration
- HSC2042 Population health and diversity
- HSC1082 Population health
- AFF9350 Portfolio management and theory
- MUM5061A Portfolio of compositions and critical commentary - Part 1
- MUM5061B Portfolio of compositions and critical commentary - Part 2
- MOP5058 Positive psychology in the workplace
- PSY3250 Positive Psychology
- ECC4710 Post-Keynesian economics
- CLS2250 Post-Marxist critical theory
- CLS3250 Post-Marxist critical theory
- WRT2407 Postcolonial and diasporic literature
- MRU0039 Postgraduate research in ambulance and paramedic studies
- MRU0001 Postgraduate research in anaesthesia
- MRU0002 Postgraduate research in biochemistry and cell biology
- MRU0003 Postgraduate research in community health
- MRU0004 Postgraduate research in environmental health
- MRU0037 Postgraduate research in epidemiology and preventive medicine (high)
- MRU0005 Postgraduate research in epidemiology and preventive medicine
- MRU0006 Postgraduate research in forensic medicine
- MRU0013 Postgraduate research in general medicine
- MRU0007 Postgraduate research in general practice
- MRU0008 Postgraduate research in genetics
- MRU0009 Postgraduate research in health promotion
- MRU0026 Postgraduate research in health services management
- MRU0035 Postgraduate research in health services research
- MRU0010 Postgraduate research in human biology
- MRU0019 Postgraduate research in immunology
- MRU0011 Postgraduate research in indigenous health
- MRU0012 Postgraduate research in medical science
- MRU0014 Postgraduate research in microbiology
- MRU0015 Postgraduate research in nursing
- MRU0016 Postgraduate research in obstetrics and gynaecology
- MRU0017 Postgraduate research in occupational health and safety
- MRU0041 Postgraduate research in occupational therapy
- MRU0018 Postgraduate research in paediatrics
- MRU0036 Postgraduate research in pathology
- MRU0020 Postgraduate research in pharmacology
- MRU0040 Postgraduate research in physiotherapy
- MRU0021 Postgraduate research in psychological medicine
- MRU0022 Postgraduate research in psychology
- MRU0034 Postgraduate research in public health
- MRU0044 Postgraduate research in radiography and medical imaging (high)
- MRU0023 Postgraduate research in radiography and medical imaging
- MRU0028 Postgraduate research in reproductive biology (Animal)
- MRU0027 Postgraduate research in reproductive biology (Human)
- MRU0025 Postgraduate research in rural health
- MRU0038 Postgraduate research in social work
- MRU0024 Postgraduate research in surgery
- CLS2790 Postmodernism and the novel
- CLS3790 Postmodernism and the novel
- INT2910 Poverty, ecology, and international justice
- INT3910 Poverty, ecology, and international justice
- PLT2940 Power and (in)justice in world politics
- PLT3940 Power and (in)justice in world politics
- PLT2870 Power and influence in Australia
- PLT3870 Power and influence in Australia
- GES2660 Power and poverty: Geographies of uneven Global development
- GES3660 Power and poverty: Geographies of uneven global development
- TRC3501 Power electronics and drives
- EDF6821 Power, authority and decision-making
- AIS2055 Power, knowledge, Aborigines: between representation and reality
- AIS3055 Power, knowledge, Aborigines: between representation and reality
- LAW7001 Practical perspectives on private international law
- VCW1127 Practical wound care training and assessment
- MID2006 Practice allegiances
- JRN4902 Practice and representation in journalism
- MPD5001 Practice development methodologies and implementation
- MCM9208 Practice management
- MFM1008 Practice management
- LIN2330 Pragmatics: Strategies for communication
- LIN3330 Pragmatics: Strategies for communication
- LAW7282 Pre trial analysis and preparation
- AAH4060 Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
- AAM4060 Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
- AAM5060 Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
- GRS1003 Pregnancy and parturition
- MCE1212 Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- DTS3970 Preparation for performance: Design
- NUR3004 Preparing for practice
- VCW1130 Pressure ulcer prediction, prevention and management
- MPH2060 Prevention: Policies and strategies
- MCM9305 Preventive care in clinical practice
- MFM1005 Preventive care in clinical practice
- DFM3005 Preventive care
- MDM4050 Primary Health Care for CBRNE events
- MPH2048 Primary health care in developing countries
- EDF5116 Primary mathematics education
- CMH2007 Primary mental health practice
- MPH2025 Principles and practice of public health
- MGX5780 Principles and practices of the WTO
- AFC1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- AFF1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- AFW1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- LAW7274 Principles of administrative law
- DCP0006 Principles of adolescent psychotherapy
- IMM3051 Principles of applied immunology
- DCP0005 Principles of child psychotherapy
- RLT2140 Principles of Christian theology
- RLT3140 Principles of Christian theology
- LAW7272 Principles of civil procedure
- LAW7268 Principles of constitutional law
- LAW7332 Principles of construction law
- LAW7428 Principles of contract law a
- LAW7429 Principles of contract law b
- LAW7265 Principles of contract law
- LAW7275 Principles of corporations law
- LAW7264 Principles of criminal law and procedure
- PHA3011 Principles of drug action
- ETC3400 Principles of econometrics
- ETC4340 Principles of econometrics
- FIT3033 Principles of educational multimedia
- LAW7420 Principles of environmental law
- LAW7269 Principles of equity
- LAW7273 Principles of evidence
- ETW3420 Principles of forecasting and applications
- MFM2000 Principles of general practice
- CHB5233 Principles of health care ethics
- MPH2067 Principles of health care quality improvement
- ECX9750 Principles of health economics for developing countries
- ECC1100 Principles of macroeconomics
- MKC1200 Principles of marketing
- MKX9031 Principles of media planning, buying and selling
- MIC3802 Principles of medical microbiology
- ECC1000 Principles of microeconomics
- MGX5630 Principles of negotiation
- RTP4000 Principles of oncology for the breast
- DEV2022 Principles of organ and body design
- PHA3801 Principles of pharmacology
- LAW7076 Principles of privacy and freedom of information
- LAW7267 Principles of property law
- PRL1002 Principles of public relations writing
- RTP5000 Principles of radiation oncology of the breast
- AFF5031 Principles of risk transfer
- DCP0007 Principles of short term therapy and crisis work
- EPM5003 Principles of statistical inference
- MGC2110 Principles of strategic management
- LAW7276 Principles of taxation
- LAW7266 Principles of torts
- LAW7271 Principles of trusts
- DCP0008 Principles of working with parents
- COM2130 Print cultures: Books as media
- COM3130 Print cultures: Books as media
- JRM4908 Print Features
- PRM1411 Printmedia practice and theory 1A
- PRM1431 Printmedia practice and theory 1B
- PRM1412 Printmedia practice and theory 2A
- PRM1442 Printmedia practice and theory 2B
- PRM2413 Printmedia practice and theory 3A
- PRM2423 Printmedia practice and theory 3B
- PRM2414 Printmedia practice and theory 4A
- PRM2424 Printmedia practice and theory 4B
- PRM3415 Printmedia practice and theory 5
- PRM3416 Printmedia practice and theory 6
- CRI2020 Prisons, power and justice
- CRI3020 Prisons, power and justice
- LAW7246 Privacy and information security in law cyberspace
- HSY4115 Private and public voices in renaissance correspondence
- HYM4115 Private and public voices in renaissance correspondence
- HYM5115 Private and public voices in Renaissance correspondence
- MGX5330 Privatisation
- FIT5169 Probabilistic expert systems
- EPM5014 Probability and distribution theory
- ETC2520 Probability and statistical inference for economics and business
- MTH3276 Probability models and simulation
- MBA9053 Problem solving and critical thinking techniques
- CHE3162 Process control
- CHE3166 Process design
- CHE5161 Process engineering of pulping
- CHE9161 Process engineering of pulping
- CHE5183 Process modelling and optimisation
- ENG1010 Process systems analysis
- HSC2301 Processes of disease
- GYM4620 Processing and deployment of image data in GIS
- MTE4573 Processing and engineering of metals and ceramics
- VPS2102 Product Development I
- VPS3101 Product development II
- VPS3102 Product development III
- IDE1602 Product drawing
- IDE2701 Product interface design
- MKF5271 Product management and planning
- IND4313 Production planning and control
- PER1260 Production practice
- INT2015 Production, consumerism and the environment in the contemporary world
- INT3015 Production, consumerism and the environment in the contemporary World
- EDF4005 Productive classrooms
- RUP3000 Professional (Third Year) planning internship
- CVL4040 Professional celebration of rites of passage
- CHI3955 Professional Chinese language internship, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI3550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI4550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI4559 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI2960 Professional Chinese language internship, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3960 Professional Chinese language internship, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2560 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 2
- CHI3560 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI4560 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI4569 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- NUR1001 Professional communication
- TEC2190 Professional communications and project management
- EDF4311 Professional contexts 1
- EDF4312 Professional contexts 2
- EDF4801 Professional development and leadership at work
- EDF4006 Professional engagement
- EDF5110 Professional experience 1
- EDF4070 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4730 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4071 Professional experience 1B
- EDF4731 Professional experience 1B
- EDF5111 Professional experience 2
- EDF4072 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4733 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4073 Professional experience 2B
- EDF4734 Professional experience 2B
- SCY4660 Professional honours in social research I: Key issues
- SCY4670 Professional honours in social research II: Research project
- PSI3000 Professional internship
- PAR3010 Professional issues in paramedic practice
- NUR1443 Professional issues
- OCC1011 Professional issues
- LAW7292 Professional legal skills
- MID3110 Professional Midwifery practice
- LAW7423 Professional practice (jd)
- MMR4010 Professional practice 1
- MUS2020 Professional practice 1
- MMR4023 Professional practice 2
- MUS2030 Professional practice 2
- MUS3610 Professional practice 3
- MUS3620 Professional practice 4
- LAW5216 Professional practice 512
- PPR4002 Professional practice and business planning for design
- PPR4102 Professional practice and business planning for design
- PPR3202 Professional practice B
- PPR3102 Professional practice for interior architecture
- EDF6232 Professional practice for teachers of English as a foreign language
- EDF3617 Professional practice in sport and outdoor recreation
- ECE4099 Professional practice
- FIT3124 Professional practice
- FIT5104 Professional practice
- IND4337 Professional practice
- MEC4404 Professional practice
- MHP5082 Professional practice
- TRC4002 Professional practice
- EDF6010 Professional project (A)
- EDF6020 Professional project (B)
- PRF4020 Professional research and communication
- EDF2005 Professional responsibilities, practice and relationships
- MKX2300 Professional services marketing
- PRF4040 Professional studies internship
- ENH1260 Professional writing
- BEH2011 Professionalism and community based emergency health systems
- EDF2124 Program music: seeing with your ears
- HSM4301 Program planning and evaluation in the human services
- BND4042 Program planning
- FIT5170 Programming for distributed, parallel and mobile systems
- FIT3082 Programming languages and paradigms
- PLT2140 Progress and despair: Modern political ideologies and theories
- PLT3140 Progress and despair: Modern political ideologies and theories
- CIV4210 Project A
- ECE4094 Project A
- ECE5094 Project A
- CIV4211 Project B
- ECE4095 Project B
- ECE5095 Project B
- ECC4790 Project evaluation
- ECX5479 Project evaluation
- MEC4401 Project I
- MTE4525 Project I
- MEC4402 Project II
- MTE4526 Project II
- FOR2010 Project in forensic medicine
- KOR3001 Project in Korean 1
- KOR4001 Project in Korean 1
- KOR3002 Project in Korean 2
- KOR4002 Project in Korean 2
- FIT5150 Project management as knowledge-based practice
- CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
- ENG3201 Project management for engineers
- CPE7606 Project management for health professionals
- MGW2700 Project management for small to medium enterprises
- FIT2002 Project management
- FIT3086 Project management
- FIT5022 Project management
- FIT5057 Project management
- MBA9052 Project management
- WTR4001 Project Management
- PPR3103 Project planning and professional practice for design and multimedia
- FNA4001 Project studies (fine art honours)
- VIS4001 Project studies (visual arts honours)
- ENG4201 Project
- GCO3500 Project
- JST4060 Projects in Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST5060 Projects in Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JIT5940 Projects in Japanese interpreting and translation
- LAW3401 Property A
- LAW3402 Property B
- AFX3355 Property investment
- LAW7408 Property law practice
- ECC2800 Prosperity, poverty and sustainability in a globalised world
- LAW7330 Protecting the rights of minorities, marginalised and vulnerable people
- BCH3052 Protein biology: from sequence to structure and disease
- AIS4041 Protocols and power in indigenous studies
- MPM5204 Psychiatric ethics - Theory and practice
- FBS9009 Psychiatric nursing in the forensic context
- MPM1005 Psychiatry in physical health and illness
- LAW7207 Psychiatry, psychology and law
- DCP0001 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories I
- DCP0003 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories II
- DCP0004 Psychodynamic assessment of children and adolescents
- LIN2430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
- LIN3430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
- DPSY5102 Psychological assessment part 1
- DPSY5202 Psychological assessment part 2
- MHP5072 Psychological assessment
- PSY4270 Psychological assessment
- PSY4503 Psychological assessment
- PSL3072 Psychological foundations of law
- PSY3230 Psychological foundations of law
- MOP6031 Psychological interventions in organisations
- PSY4505 Psychological practice (Placement) A
- PSY4506 Psychological practice (Placement)
- PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
- PSY1011 Psychology 1A
- PSY1022 Psychology 1B
- DPSY7112 Psychology and children's and family law
- DPSY7212 Psychology and civil law
- DPSY7211 Psychology and criminal law
- PSS3717 Psychology at work
- EDF4424 Psychology education
- EDF6537 Psychology extension 1
- EDF6538 Psychology extension 2
- PSY4100 Psychology honours: Research project
- PSY3160 Psychology of language
- PSY3240 Psychology of Music
- PSS3716 Psychology of sport and adventure
- EDF6539 Psychology thesis extension 3
- EDF6535 Psychology thesis part 1
- EDF6536 Psychology thesis part 2
- PMM3020 Psychology, management and marketing
- APY1910 Psychology
- DPSY5101 Psychopathology part 1
- DPSY5201 Psychopathology part 2
- DPSY6105 Psychopharmacology
- DPSY6203 Psychopharmacology
- MPM5207 Psychopharmacology
- MPH2042 Psychosocial work environment
- FNA2003 Public art
- ECC4810 Public economics
- ECC5810 Public economics
- ECC3810 Public finance
- ECC4381 Public finance
- MPH2053 Public health in refugee settings
- BND3082 Public health nutrition
- MPH2031 Public health policy
- HYM5170 Public history placement
- HYM5100 Public history research project
- MGX9270 Public management
- MGX9230 Public policy
- MKW3261 Public relations campaigns
- PRJ3261 Public relations campaigns
- MKW3231 Public relations consulting
- PRJ3231 Public relations consulting
- PRJ3631 Public relations internship
- MKW2221 Public relations principles and practice
- PRJ2221 Public relations principles and practice
- PRL2002 Public relations research and techniques
- PRL2003 Public relations theory and processes
- PRJ1220 Public relations writing
- LAW7041 Public sector employment law
- MGX5440 Public sector financial management
- MKW2251 Publicity and promotion
- PRJ2251 Publicity and promotion
- PUB4001 Publishing history, culture and commerce
- PUB5005 Publishing industry project
- PUB5100 Publishing internship project
- PUB4003 Publishing processes and new technology
- CHE5167 Pulp and paper laboratory
- CHE9167 Pulp and paper laboratory
- ENH2410 Puritans and Sinners: Interrogating the American Tradition
- ENH3410 Puritans and sinners: Interrogating the American tradition
13 October 2017
15 February 2025