
Life stories: memory, narrative and history


Bain Attwood and Esther Faye

8 or 12 points + 2-hour seminar per week + First semester + Clayton

Synopsis: This subject introduces the theoretical and conceptual frameworks deployed in the analysis of memory and life narratives, especially in the practices of oral history, collective biography and /memory narratives0, and the relationships between /history0 and memory as forms of remembering. Specific topics include memory and the Holocaust, /popular0 and /official0 memory, history and /nostalgia', Aboriginal oral histories, and relationships between psychoanalysis, autobiography and history.

Assessment: 8 points - Research essay (4000 words): 70% Take-home examination (2 hours): 30%. 12 points - Research essay (4000 words): 40% + Historiographical essay (3000 words): 30% + Take-home examination (2 hours): 30%