Executive certificates, graduate certificates and postgraduate certificates


Australian residents

Applications for all graduate certificates should be made directly to the faculty office at the relevant campus.
Applications normally close on the last working day in November for entry in February of the following year and by June 16 for entry in July of any year. Applications for all distance education graduate certificates are made directly to the student administration office at Gippsland by mid-October (telephone (03) 9902 6274). Further information is available from the distance education inquiry centre on telephone 1800 671 845.

International students

The opportunity exists for international students whose academic standard is at least equivalent to the minimum required to enrol on a full-fee-paying basis. Under the terms of their student visas, international students are required to study full-time.
Applications from international students must be made directly to Monash International Pty Ltd, Monash University, 871 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East, Victoria 3145, Australia. Telephone (03) 9903 2311; fax (03) 9903 2430.
Application forms are available from Monash International or from any faculty office.
All intending international students must satisfy university English requirements by meeting one of the following. Students who do not meet any of the English proficiency requirements listed below can undertake an intensive course in English in Australia and sit for TOEFL or IELTS and achieve the test score as required.

1. Language

Achieving a test score of 550 or better in the American Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and a score of five or better on the Test of Written English (TWE).


Achieving a test score of 6.0 or better on the International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) test. A score band of six or above in each individual band is the normal requirement of all faculties.

4. Australian Year 12 English examination (eg VCE, SAME, TEE)

Achieving a satisfactory pass in the English Language examination.

Executive Certificate in Information Technology

General information

Course code: To be advised · Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland and Peninsula campuses · Full time, part time and distance education study · Course leader: See the Monash Information Technology Institute (MITI) · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4800, or $1200 per subject


The Executive Certificate in Information Technology has been developed in response to industry and university pressure to facilitate access to information technology professional masters programs for people with little or no previous university study but with extensive relevant industry experience.


On successful completion the student will:

Admission requirements

Admission is ONLY available to people with extensive, relevant and advanced work experience. Specifically applicants must have six or more years of work experience in information technology, information systems or information management activities at either an executive, management or senior technical level.
This certificate is intended to lead to a professional, coursework masters program. Information industry research and development tasks such as the design and implementation of information systems, information technologies or information management procedures will be appropriately recognised in the articulation process.
In order to gain entry to the university's postgraduate programs from this
certificate, students must attain a credit average in their studies.

Credit provision

Prior work experience is recognised for purposes of gaining entry to the program only. Prior university or even postgraduate study will not gain credit. The faculty offers graduate, postgraduate and masters level awards that will better suit graduates in that they allow students to study the same range of subjects, and can grant credit for studies partially completed.


The course comprises four subjects. Typically, students undertake two subjects per semester for part-time mode, or four subjects per semester for full-time mode.

Course structure

The course consists of four subjects chosen from the graduate subjects of the Faculty of Information Technology.

Graduate Certificate of Business Systems

General information

Course code: 2422 · Program director: Dr Y Cheung · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4800, or $1200 per subject


The Graduate Certificate of Business Systems is offered by the School of Business Systems. This is an exit award for students enrolled in the Masters of Business Systems. The course covers the first module of the Master of Business Systems program. The aim of the program is to provide education and training in methods used in the analysis, design, development and application of computer systems to the management of business operations. This involves the study of business-related techniques, practices and procedures in areas such as management and commercial, financial, health and industrial systems, leading to an understanding of the application of computer systems and information technology for business purposes.
The course structure accommodates (a) those without previous studies in business systems who wish to upgrade their previous qualifications, and (b) those with prior studies in business systems.

Admission requirements

Admission normally requires a first degree which is recognised as equivalent to an Australian bachelors degree. Those expecting to complete their degree in the current year may apply.


The course consists of one semester of full-time study. The option of part-time study is available to Australian residents.


On completion of the GradCertBusSys, students will be able to:

Course structure

The course consists of four subjects, organised into a single module. The module includes computer literacy and numeracy components, complemented by studies in business systems.

Standard structure

plus two elective subjects where:
(a) the majority of subjects normally should be postgraduate subjects offered by the School of Business Systems
(b) elective subjects are chosen by the student
(c) one elective subject may be chosen from any postgraduate program of the university with the approval of the relevant teaching department and the head of the School of Business Systems or nominee.


Generally, students who have completed similar subjects in previous studies will normally be required to make substitutions. Credit will only be granted for postgraduate subjects that have not counted for the award of any other degree or diploma. Where credit is granted, the number of elective subjects that can be taken outside of the School of Business Systems is reduced. Subjects taken as part of the Graduate Diploma in Business Systems by distance education are considered to be subjects of the School of Business Systems.

Graduate Certificate in Computing

General information

Course code: 0538 · Caulfield · Course leader: Mr John Carpenter · Fees forAustralian residents (subject to approval ): $4800, or $1200 per subject
This course is designed to provide students with a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of commercial computing and the necessary grounding to allow them to expand their knowledge and expertise by way of other formal courses or industrial experience. It is equivalent to half of the Graduate Diploma in Computing. Initial career outcomes for graduates are typically as computing paraprofessionals.
The objectives of the course are to educate students with a previous tertiary qualification in another discipline area to the level of a computing paraprofessional; to provide an opportunity for students with current work experience in a computing area (but who have no computing qualification) to gain a basic formal computing qualification.
On completion of the course, students will have gained basic knowledge in the following areas : system analysis and design; programming; computer technology and database technology. On successful completion of the course, students are eligible to apply for entry into the Graduate Diploma In Computing.

Admission requirements

A recognised tertiary degree, diploma or equivalent qualification in a non-computing discipline, or at least three years of work experience involving constant interactions with computing systems and applications in an organisation. A Year 11 (or equivalent) mathematics background is required. International students must provide evidence of English proficiency by fulfilling one of the following requirements:

Fee structure

The course is full fee-paying. Fees are paid up-front each semester, according to the number of subjects enrolled. In 1999, the fee is A$1000 per subject for Australian students, and A$1785 for international students.

Credit provision

Credit transfer will be considered on a case by case basis by the subject/ course leader and the faculty board.

Length of course

Six months full-time or one year part-time

Location and mode of enrolment

Caulfield on-campus, day and evening, full-time and part-time.

Structure/course outline

The course consists of subjects totalling 24 credit points (generally equivalent to four full-time subjects). For each subject, students typically attend two hours of lectures plus two hours of tutorials per week. Assessments are done via a combination of practical assignments, unit tests and formal examinations. Students must enrol in three compulsory core subjects, plus one elective subject to be selected from a predefined list.

Core subjects
Elective subjects (choose one)

Graduate Certificate in Computing by distance education

General information

Course code: 1772 · Gippsland campus · Course leader: Ken Harris · One year of part-time study (two subjects each semester) · Fees forAustralian residents (subject to approval ): $4800, or $1200 per subject
This course provides graduates in discipline areas other than computing with the opportunity to broaden and develop their computing skills and knowledge. It consists of one-half of the distance education version of the Graduate Diploma in Computing.
Students successfully completing the graduate certificate are eligible to apply for entry to the distance education version of the Graduate Diploma in Computing and if successful will receive advanced standing in that course.
Distance education students must have regular access to a microcomputer and an Internet service provider. Students intending to purchase a computer should contact the course leader to ensure compatibility with software used in the course.

Admission requirements

The normal requirement for admission is a recognised degree or diploma. A limited number of places will be made available to applicants who are not graduates but who have at least three years of work experience involving constant interaction with information systems in an organisation, at a level that indicates an ability to complete the course successfully.

Course structure

The course consists of four subjects, covering computer programming, information technology and information systems as follows:

Graduate Certificate in Decision Support Systems

General information

Course code: 1600 · Caulfield campus (some subjects are offered at Clayton) · Course coordinator: Mr Peter O'Donnell · Six months full-time or one year part-time · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4800, or $1200 per subject
The aim of the Graduate Certificate in Decision Support Systems is to provide graduate students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential to the appropriate application of information technology to the support of management decision making. Topics covered in the course include identification of decision problems, analysis and description of the nature of decision problems, alternative decision support systems designs, and techniques and methods relevant to decision support. Graduates are expected to work as management support specialists and consultants.
Note that the Graduate Certificate in Decision Support Systems forms the first half of the Graduate Diploma in Decision Support Systems and that students may progress to Graduate Diploma with full credit for their study.

Course structure

Students will be required to complete 24 credit points of study comprising three core subjects (18 points) and one elective subject (six points). Core subjects are:

The elective subject is to be selected from subjects in decision support offered by the School of Information Management and Systems or the School of Business Systems.

Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Communications

General information

Course code: 1598 · Clayton campus · Course leader: Dr Chintha Tellambura · Six months full-time or one year part-time · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4800, or $1200 per subject
The Graduate Certificate in Digital Communications is intended for professionals in either computing or communications who wish to undertake studies in computer communications. Its aims are to provide a thorough understanding of the central subject of the course, computer communications and to consolidate students' skills in the underlying foundation disciplines of computing, digital technology and communications.

Admission requirements

The normal entry requirement is a three-year degree or diploma-level qualification in a discipline that provides a suitable basis for the course, eg computer science, data processing or electrical, electronic or communications engineering.
Applicants with a degree or diploma in a discipline not directly related to the course will be considered if they have relevant work experience in computers or communications. Applicants without degree or diploma qualifications may also be admitted on the basis of work experience. The level of work experience required would be at least five years in a position carrying significant technical responsibility in an area relevant to the course. The number of places available to applicants in this category is limited to 25 per cent.

Course structure

The Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Communications comprises 24 credit points of study taken over six months full-time or one year part-time.
Subjects may be taken in any order, subject to the prerequisites and corequisites defined for each subject. The subjects are:

Graduate Certificate in Health Informatics

General information

Course code: 2255 · Peninsula campus · Flexible delivery mode · Course director: Mr Peter Torokfalvy · One year part-time · Fees forAustralian residents (subject to approval ): $4800, or $1200 per subject
The Graduate Certificate in Health Informatics is a collaborative program jointly offered on the Peninsula campus by the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Medicine, through the Peninsula School of Computing and Information Technology, the Centre of Medical Informatics and the School of Nursing.
Graduates of this course will be professionals qualified to be involved in the identification, planning, implementation and use of computer-based information systems in all areas of the healthcare industry, including hospitals and government bodies. They will also be able to envision the potential benefits of using computers and will want to work at the interface of technology and society in the area of healthcare and its delivery.
Students are required to attend one weekend per semester at the Peninsula campus. These workshop and seminar sessions are usually conducted at the start of each semester and involve discussions and demonstrations to clarify and reinforce the study materials as well as presentation and discussion of assignment work with lecturers/tutors.
Students are assigned a mentor to provide a contact point throughout the course to help with global course-related issues. This scheme assists students to fully achieve the course objectives.

Admission requirements

The normal requirement for admission is a three-year degree or a diploma with a major in a health-related area. Consideration will also be given to applicants with substantial experience and/or professionally relevant qualifications, and who are currently employed in a senior position in a health-related area.

Course structure

The course is a one year part-time course consisting of four semester-length subjects offered in the semesters indicated below:

Students may elect to complete only one subject per semester over two years of part-time study, in which case the course progression will be as follows:

Graduate Certificate in Information Management and Systems

General information

Course code: 2419 · Caulfield campus · Course director: Dr Graeme Johanson · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4800, or $1200 per six-point subject · Fees for international students: $7140


The Graduate Certificate in Information Management and Systems (GCIMS) is offered by the School of Information Management and Systems as an exit point in the Master of Information Management and Systems. The aim of the GCIMS is to prepare students for careers in the management of information and the development of information systems. Graduates of the Graduate Certificate in Information Management and Systems are expected to play leading roles in the profession in Australia and other countries.

Admission requirements

Applicants for admission must normally have qualified for a bachelors degree at a satisfactory level at Monash University or at another tertiary institution approved by faculty board. Special entry provisions enable admission of candidates without formal tertiary qualifications who have extensive relevant professional experience in practice.

Course structure

To qualify with the GCIMS, students will exit the Master of Information Management and Systems after completing 24 points of graduate subjects. The subjects will be selected from the graduate subjects of the School of Information Management and Systems, however up to 12 points may be taken from outside the School of Information Management and Systems, subject to approval by the head of the school.

Graduate subjects offered by the School of Information Management and Systems

Certain subjects require background knowledge specific to particular specialisations, and admission to these subjects will need the approval of the subject coordinator. Students without appropriate background knowledge will be required to satisfactorily complete a selection of the four foundation subjects (IMS9001, IMS9003 and IMS9049) before proceeding to other graduate subjects (these subjects all have codes with the pattern IMS5XXX).

Graduate Certificate in Information Systems

General information

Course code: 1601 · Caulfield campus · Course coordinator: Dr Graeme Johanson· One year full-time or two years part-time · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4000, or $1000 per subject · No further intake
Refer to the course entry for the Master of Information Management and Systems for details pertaining to the Graduate Certificate of Information Management and Systems.
The Graduate Certificate in Information Systems is offered by the School of Information Management and Systems. It provides specialised and directed study in contemporary techniques, methods and technologies in information systems to computing professionals.
The aim of the Graduate Certificate in Information Systems is to provide graduate students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential to the appropriate application of information technology to support the information needs of business.

Course structure

The Graduate Certificate in Information Systems comprises 24 credit points of study taken over one year full-time or two years part-time These subjects may be selected from the list below:

Postgraduate Certificate of Information Technology

General information

Course code: 2423 · Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland and Peninsula campuses · Course leaders: Mr S Giles (Caulfield), Associate Professor Jim Breen (Clayton), Dr G Lu (distance education), Dr D Casey (Peninsula) · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4800, or $1200 per six-point subject.
The Postgraduate Certificate of Information Technology is a cooperative program offered by all the schools of the Faculty of Information Technology. The course provides a broad program in information technology, enabling students to select specific areas for indepth study, or to construct a program from a range of suitably advanced subjects.
The aim of the program is:

Admission requirements

This course is an exit award of the Master of Information Technology and the Postgraduate Diploma of Information Technology, available after 24 points of study in graduate subjects of the Faculty of Information Technology.

Course structure

The course consists of 24 points of coursework subjects offered by the Faculty of Information Technology.

Postgraduate Certificate of Multimedia Computing

Refer to the Master of Multimedia Computing

Graduate Certificate in Network Computing

General information

Course code: 2325 · Peninsula campus · Mode: on-campus and flexible delivery · Course director: Mr Peter Torokfalvy · A minimum of one year of part- time study · Fees for Australian residents (subject to approval): $4800, or $1200 per subject
The Graduate Certificate in Network Computing is a part-time course designed for graduates in any non-computing discipline who wish to gain a first qualification in computing. The course aims to produce graduates who will have a comprehensive appreciation of the field of network computing, who will be able to assist with the design and construction of distributed applications operating on local area networks, wide area networks, intranets, extranets and the Internet. Graduates will be able to take an active role in the administration and management of these networks for organisations and will have an understanding of the legal and organisational issues that have become critical for successful implementation of networked applications. Graduates will be enabled to continually develop their skills in order to keep abreast with technological developments. In addition, the course fosters a professional approach to computing and an awareness of its social implications.
Some of the subjects offered in the Graduate Certificate in Network Computing may be presented in flexible delivery mode. Subjects offered in flexible delivery mode allow for self-directed learning, with the majority of coursework being completed by students working from home, or at their workplaces. The teaching method used will address the person-to-person contact problem through the use of email, individual and group chat facilities, and real-time audio and video contact. Many of the study materials are accessed through a personal computer. Students enrolled in subjects offered in flexible delivery mode will need a personal computer to access course materials and also require Internet access via an Internet Service Provider (ISP) of their choice.

Course structure

The course will comprise four semester-length, six credit-point subjects (24 points) chosen from offerings in the Bachelor of Network Computing. Two of these are core subjects (12 points), with the other two (12 points) being elective, enabling students to tailor the course to suit their particular interests. Core subjects are:

The electives are to be selected from subjects offered in the Bachelor of Network Computing offered by the Peninsula School of Computing and Information Technology. The electives provide the option of studies in the areas of programming techniques in a networked computing environment and data communications.
Note that the Graduate Certificate in Network Computing forms the first half of the Graduate Diploma in Network Computing and students may progress to the Graduate Diploma with full credit for their study.

Admission requirements

The minimum entry requirement for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Computing is a recognised degree or equivalent qualification in any field other than computing, information science or computer science. Applications will also be accepted from those who do not hold a degree but have relevant industry experience and training equivalent to at least two years of tertiary study; however only limited places are available in this category.

Graduate Certificate in Robotics

General information

Course code: 1602 · Clayton · Course leader: Mr Gordon Lowe · One-year full-time or two years part-time · 1999 fees for Australian residents: $3000, or $750 per three-point subject
The course provides specialised training in robotics for those intending to work as engineers, programmers, technical specialists or managers interested in the application of robotics to industrial processes in manufacturing industries.
Subject offerings enable students with specific experience in computer science, electrical engineering or mechanical engineering to acquire the multidisciplinary expertise that provides a clear appreciation of industrial robot operation and application. Graduates from the course will have an in-depth understanding, through theoretical material and practical exercises, of the issues that need to be addressed in engineering a functional industrial robot work-cell.

Admission requirements

The minimum entry requirement is a three-year degree or diploma in a course which provides a relevant foundation for studies in robotics, or an equivalent qualification. For example, a degree in engineering, science or data processing would be acceptable.
Applicants without degree or diploma qualifications may also be admitted on the basis of work experience. The level of work experience required would be at least five years in a position carrying significant technical responsibility in an area relevant to the course. The number of places available to applicants in this category is limited to 25 per cent.

Course structure

The Graduate Certificate in Robotics comprises 24 credit points of study taken over one year full-time or two years part-time. All subjects carry a weight of one unit with the exception of CSE4843 (Robotics project), which has a weight of 12 points.