

Monash University

Undergraduate - Area of study

Students who commenced study in 2014 should refer to this area of study entry for direction on the requirments; to check which units are currently available for enrolment, refer to the unit indexes in the the current edition of the Handbook. If you have any queries contact the managing faculty for your area of study.

print version

This area of study entry applies to students commencing this course in 2014 and should be read in conjunction with the relevant course entry in the Handbook. Any units listed for this area of study relate only to the 'Requirements' outlined in the Faculty of Arts component of any bachelors double degrees.

Managing facultyFaculty of Arts
Offered bySchool of Applied Media and Social Sciences
School of Arts
School of English, Communications and Performance Studies
Campus(es)Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Malaysia, South Africa


  • Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.
  • The sequence of units and units available differ between campuses, refer to the individual campus entries below. Also available via off-campus learning.


Caulfield and Clayton

On the Clayton and Caulfield campuses, the communications program focuses on new media and the dynamic changes in media and communication industries. We examine the organisation, processes and effects of traditional and new communications technologies such as print, television, film, electronic and digital media, and the complex relationships between audiences, producers and policy-makers.

Students learn to critically analyse the media and learn about the structure of communications industries and the relations between media, culture and power. Communications theory is an integral part of the discipline, coupled with an investigation of the practices, technologies and processes that make up modern media. The program offers an international approach, examining communications in national and international contexts. It prepares students to work across the public and private sectors, and a wide range of communications industries.


Upon successful completion of the major, students will be able to:

  • articulate an advanced understanding of the historical and interrelated disciplines of communications and media studies
  • apply core theoretical concepts of communications and media studies to specify debates in contemporary society
  • demonstrate advanced skills in critical analysis, including the ability to synthesise theories and concepts from a range of research fields and materials
  • demonstrate high-level skills in the presentation of ideas in both oral and written forms
  • develop key research questions and successfully complete individual research projects derived from research interests.

Berwick, Gippsland and off-campus learning

Communications offers a range of units designed to equip students with specialised but flexible skills in describing and analysing the organisation, processes, diverse uses and effects of 'traditional' and 'new' communications technologies including print, broadcasting, cinema and the internet. Communications is interdisciplinary, drawing on literary and screen theory, social and political theory, media and cultural studies. The emphasis is on media as productive of the ways in which the social relations between individuals and social/political institutions are organised. Units in communications provide students with an understanding of the practical operation of communication media as well as the social and cultural dimensions, considering relations between the audiences, producers and policy-makers involved. Communications is complemented by the related disciplines of journalism, public relations and writing, as well as other humanities and social sciences.


Upon successful completion of the major, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the functions of media in contemporary societies
  • understand the role of communications technologies in shaping our world
  • analyse communications as both an object of study and a field of practice
  • demonstrate excellent oral and written communication skills
  • utilise skills for analysing the media and communications from a range of theoretical perspectives.

South Africa and Malaysia

The communications program at Monash University Malaysia offers a professionally-oriented program with minors in writing and international studies.

At the South Africa campus, the program looks at interpersonal and organisational communication, the interplay between the media and culture, and the organisation, processes and effects of traditional and new communications technologies in the South African context.


Caulfield and Clayton

Minor in communications

Students completing a minorminor ( in communications must complete four units (24 points), including:

(a.) two first-year gateway unitsgateway units ( (12 points):

(b.) two elective units from List A only (12 points)

Note: Students can take the second-year cornerstone units from the major as electives.

Major in communications

Students completing a majormajor ( in communications must complete eight units (48 points), including:

(a.) two first-year gateway unitsgateway units ( (12 points):

(b.) at least two second-year cornerstone unitscornerstone units ( (12 points), chosen from:

  • ATS2436 New media: From the telegraph to twitter
  • ATS2439 Youth media: Understanding media research
  • ATS2440 The public sphere

(c.) at least one third-year capstone unitcapstone unit ( (6 points), chosen from:

  • ATS3732 Communications and media studies: Contemporary debates
  • ATS3954 Media industry project

(d.) two elective units from List A (12 points) and one elective unit from List B (6 points).

A minimum of three units (18 points) must be completed at third-year level.

Note: Students can take the remaining cornerstone and capstone units as electives.

Elective units

List A
  • ATS2250 Communications and cultures in the global era
  • ATS2446 Australian media histories
  • ATS3437 Communication and creativity
  • ATS3441 Class, culture and regional identity
  • ATS3445 Communications ethics, policy and law
  • ATS3763 The second media age
  • ATS3766 Animation cultures
  • ATS3897 Borderless media in East Asia
  • ATS3917 War and the media: Communication technology and the representation of war
List B
  • ATS2387/ATS3387 Beyond Gallipoli: Australians in the Great War*
  • ATS2442 Print cultures: Books as media
  • ATS2444/ATS3444 Inscribing Italy: Travels and imaginings*
  • ATS2457 Crime, media and culture
  • ATS2561 Sex and the media
  • ATS3091 Digital Literatures
  • ATS3391 A world of sport: Business, politics and media
  • ATS3443 On the road: Travel and representation

* Taught in Prato, Italy. This unit will require payment of an additional fee that may cover items such as accommodation, entry fees, excursions, coaches, transfers, flights and university administration.

Berwick, Gippsland and off-campus learning

First-year level

Students studying a sequence in communications must complete the following two units (12 points):

  • ATS1277 Media studies
  • ATS1278 Communication technologies and practices

Second/Third-year level

Students studying a minorminor ( or majormajor ( in communication must have completed the first-year sequence. In addition:

Compulsory units
Elective units


First-year level

Students studying a sequence in communications must complete the following two units (12 points):

  • ATS1277 Media studies
  • ATS1278 Communication technologies and practices

Second/Third-year level

Students studying a minorminor ( or majormajor ( in communications must have completed the first-year sequence. In addition:

Units include:

South Africa

First-year level

Students studying a sequence in communications must complete the following two units (12 points):

Second/Third-year level

Students studying a minorminor ( or majormajor ( in communications must have completed the first-year sequence. In addition:

Units include:

Relevant courses


  • 4099 Diploma of Higher Education Studies
  • 2327 Diploma in Liberal Arts
  • 2552 Diploma of Tertiary Studies


Single degrees

  • 0002 Bachelor of Arts
  • 3907 Bachelor of Arts (English Language)
  • 3910 Bachelor of Arts (Global)
  • 4077 Bachelor of Arts (International)
  • 1366 Bachelor of Arts (Languages)
  • 3920 Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences)
  • 1638 Bachelor of Arts Scholars Program
  • 2476 Bachelor of Communication
  • 4042 Bachelor of Journalism
  • 0202 Bachelor of Letters
  • 1275 Bachelor of Professional Communication
  • 4086 Bachelor of Social Science

Double degrees

  • 4640 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts
  • 4098 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
  • 0550 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
  • 0553 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance)
  • 0555 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Management)
  • 0556 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
  • 0542 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce
  • 0170 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics
  • 1541 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Primary)
  • 1641 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
  • 0080 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
  • 3054 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music
  • 0530 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
  • 3426 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work
  • 0002 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Theology
  • 3779 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Visual Arts
  • 4097 Bachelor of Arts Scholars Program and Bachelor of Commerce Scholars Program
  • 4403 Bachelor of Arts (Global) and Bachelor of Commerce
  • 3537 Bachelor of Arts (Global) and Bachelor of Science
  • 1941 Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Communication
  • 4634 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts
  • 4644 Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts
  • 4426 Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Business
  • 4425 Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Commerce
  • 4069 Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Science
  • 4648 Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts