Units indexed by Code: R
- RAD1011 Radiographic imaging and methods 1
- RAD1021 Radiologic physics
- RAD1031 Radiologic biology 1
- RAD1041 Radiographic professional skills 1
- RAD1051 Clinical studies 1
- RAD1062 Radiographic imaging and methods 2
- RAD1072 Radiologic dosimetry and safety
- RAD1082 Radiologic biology 2
- RAD1092 Radiographic professional skills 2
- RAD1102 Clinical studies 2
- RAD2011 Radiographic imaging and methods 3
- RAD2021 Radiologic biology 3
- RAD2031 Pharmacology
- RAD2041 Clinical studies 3
- RAD2052 Medical imaging and methods 1 (DVI) and digital image processing 1
- RAD2062 Radiologic biology 4
- RAD2072 Radiographic professional skills 3
- RAD2082 Clinical studies 4
- RAD3011 Medical imaging and methods 2 (CT) and digital image processing 2
- RAD3021 Sonographic imaging and methods 1
- RAD3022 Sonographic imaging and methods 2
- RAD3031 Radiologic biology 5
- RAD3041 Clinical studies 5
- RAD3062 Breast imaging and professional skills 4
- RAD3082 Clinical studies 6
- RAD3092 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Physics and Technology)
- RAD4000 Radiography and medical imaging work experience
- RAD4070 Research in Medical Imaging
- RAD4080 Selected Topics in Medical Imaging & Advanced Ultrasound
- RAD4160 Advanced Medical Imaging and Clinical Skills
- RCD4601 Facilitating community development
- RCD4602 Theory and practice of community development 1
- RCD4603 Theory and practice of community development 2
- RCD4604 Collaborative engagement in communities
- RLM4000 Research paper in religion and theology
- RLM4040 Islamic thought in the modern world
- RLM4060 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RLM4070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLM4100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
- RLM4110 Sustainability and the sacred
- RLM4140 Confronting death through ceremony and symbol: A cross-cultural analysis
- RLM4145 Interpreting the sources of Islam: the Qur'an and hadith
- RLM5000 Research paper in religion and theology
- RLM5040 Islamic thought in the modern world
- RLM5060 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RLM5070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLM5100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
- RLM5110 Sustainability and the sacred
- RLM5140 Confronting death through ceremony and symbol: A cross-cultural analysis
- RLT2140 Principles of Christian theology
- RLT2160 Reforming theologies: Reforming societies
- RLT2170 Christian theology: Grace and church
- RLT2180 Scripture, sacrament and society
- RLT2210 Starring God: Religion, myth and film
- RLT2480 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- RLT3140 Principles of Christian theology
- RLT3145 Interpreting the sources of Islam: the Qur'an and Hadith
- RLT3160 Reforming theologies: Reforming societies
- RLT3170 Christian theology: Grace and Church
- RLT3180 Scripture, sacrament and society
- RLT3480 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- RLT4000(A) Minor thesis in religion and theology part 1
- RLT4000(B) Minor thesis in religion and theology part 2
- RLT4040 Islamic thought in the modern world
- RLT4070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLT4100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
- RLT4110 Sustainability and the sacred
- RLT4140 Confronting death through ceremony and symbol: A cross-cultural analysis
- RLT4145 Interpreting the sources of Islam: the Qur'an and Hadith
- RLT4400 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RTP4000 Principles of oncology for the breast
- RTP4010 Advanced clinical practice; Breast localisation and simulation 1
- RTP5000 Principles of radiation oncology of the breast
- RTP5010 Advanced clinical practice; Breast localisation and simulation 2
- RTS4021 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 1
- RTS5000 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 2
- RTS5020 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 3
- RUP1000 Strategic planning
- RUP1001 Statutory planning
- RUP2001 Spatial planning
- RUP2002 Sustainable communities
- RUP3000 Professional (Third Year) planning internship
- RUP3001 Economic development planning
- RUP3002 Planning communication
- RUR5100 Research Project in Rural Health
- RUR5101 Research Project in Rural Health (Part-time)
- RUR5200 Advanced Studies in Rural Health
- RUR5201 Advanced Studies in Rural Health (Part-time)
13 October 2017
22 February 2025