Related information
Units indexed by Code: G
- GAS4100 Applied sciences research project
- GAS4110 Applied sciences mathematics project
- GAS4200 Applied sciences honours coursework A
- GAS4211 Applied sciences honours coursework B
- GAS4222 Applied sciences honours coursework C
- GAS4300 Applied sciences literature survey
- GCO3500 Project
- GCO3512 Data structures and algorithms
- GCO3812 Data communication and networks 1
- GCO3824 Networks and data communications 2
- GCO9800 Industry project
- GEN2041 Foundations of genetics
- GEN2052 Human and population genetics
- GEN3030 Genetics of development
- GEN3040 Genomics and molecular genetics
- GEN3051 Medical and forensic genetics
- GEN3062 Conservation and ecological genetics
- GEN3990 Genetics in action research project
- GEN4100 Genetics research project
- GEN4200 Advanced coursework in genetics
- GES1003 Introduction to human Geography
- GES1004 Techniques in Geography and Environmental Science
- GES1020 Australian physical environments: Evolution, status and management
- GES1030 Introduction to Physical Geography
- GES1050 The Global challenge
- GES1070 Natural hazards and Human vulnerability
- GES2000 Research methods in Geography and Environmental Science
- GES2010 Global environmental management
- GES2080 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- GES2130 Soils, land use and the environment
- GES2160 Coastal Geomorphology and Management
- GES2170 Biogeography - the status of Australian Biota
- GES2190 Climatology: Surface-atmosphere processes and Interactions
- GES2210 Environmental hydrology
- GES2230 Climatology
- GES2240 Geomorphology and soils
- GES2250 Environmental assessment and decision making
- GES2320 Tourism and the Environment
- GES2340 Cities and sustainability
- GES2460 Environmental policy and management
- GES2660 Power and poverty: Geographies of uneven Global development
- GES2760 Place and the politics of identity
- GES2810 Geographical information systems (GIS) for Environmental Management
- GES2860 Climate change and variability
- GES2900 The Southern African atmospheric environment: A synoptic approach
- GES2910 Fundamentals of geographical information science
- GES3000 Research methods in Geography and environmental science
- GES3010 Global environmental management
- GES3080 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- GES3210 Environmental hydrology
- GES3220 Tourism and the environment
- GES3230 Climatology
- GES3240 Geomorphology and soils
- GES3250 Environmental assessment and decision making
- GES3260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- GES3270 Research project in geography and environmental science
- GES3330 Field studies in regional sustainability
- GES3340 Cities and sustainability
- GES3350 Resource evaluation and management
- GES3360 Soils, landscape and their management
- GES3370 Applied environmental climatology
- GES3420 Researching human environments
- GES3460 Environmental Policy and Management
- GES3470 Urbanisation and regional development in the Indo-Pacific rims
- GES3520 Social space: Urban justice
- GES3530 Landscape processes
- GES3555 Environmental change: past to future
- GES3570 Quaternary ecology and ecosystem Management
- GES3610 Geographical information systems for Business and social science applications
- GES3660 Power and poverty: Geographies of uneven global development
- GES3750 Sharing prosperity: Geographies of work, regional development and economy
- GES3810 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental management
- GES3820 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental management
- GES3890 Earth system interactions: From biogeochemical cycles to global change
- GES3900 The Southern African atmospheric environment: A synoptic approach
- GES4420 Researching human environments
- GES4520 Social space and urban justice
- GES4750 Sharing prosperity: Geographies of work, regional development and economy
- GES4820 Seminar in Geography
- GES4840 Directed studies in Geography
- GES4860(A) Honours thesis part 1
- GES4860(B) Honours thesis part 2
- GES4890 Earth system interactions: From biogeochemical cycles to global change
- GHS9841 Research methods and issues
- GHS9850 Nursing practice and management
- GLM4000 Globalising research methods
- GLM5000 Global research project
- GLM5001 Global workplace project
- GLO2000 Global studies
- GLO3000 Global studies
- GLO3001 Global research
- GLO4000 Globalising research methods
- GLO4011 Dissertation part I (Global studies)
- GLO4012 Dissertation part II (Global studies)
- GLS1211 Glass practice and theory 1A
- GLS1212 Glass practice and theory 2A
- GLS1231 Glass practice and theory 1B
- GLS1242 Glass practice and theory 2B
- GLS2213 Glass practice and theory 3A
- GLS2214 Glass practice and theory 4A
- GLS2223 Glass practice and theory 3B
- GLS2224 Glass practice and theory 4B
- GLS3215 Glass practice and theory 5
- GLS3216 Glass practice and theory 6
- GMA1011 Medicine 1
- GMA2000 Year A Graduate entry MBBS
- GMA2022 Medicine 2
- GMB3031 Medicine and Surgery 1
- GMB3042 Medicine and Surgery 2
- GND1010 Sex, gender, knowledge
- GND2010 Contemporary feminist theory
- GND2030 Gender, media and consumption
- GND2050 Sex, science and the body
- GND2070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
- GND2080 Feminism and popular culture: Love, sex and romance
- GND3010 Contemporary feminist theory
- GND3020 Feminist research
- GND3030 Gender, media and consumption
- GND3050 Sex, science and the body
- GND3070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
- GND3080 Feminism and popular culture: Love, sex and romance
- GND4000 Honours thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words)
- GND4001 Honours thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words) Part 1
- GND4002 Honours Thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words) Part 2
- GND4010 Gender, sexuality, power
- GND4020 Feminist research (Honours)
- GND4030 Gender, globalisation and development: Research issues
- GNDPLT401 Combined Gender Studies and Politics Minor Thesis Part 1
- GNDPLT402 Combined Gender Studies and Politics Minor Thesis Part 2
- GNM4070 German studies 7
- GNM4080 German studies 8
- GNM4090 German studies 9
- GNM4100 German studies 10
- GNM4165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GNM4166 German language and society: Research project
- GNM4275 Critics of civilisation
- GNM4355 Research project in German studies
- GNM4365 Research project in German studies (2)
- GNM4365A Research project in German studies (2) - Part 1
- GNM4365B Research project in German studies (2) - Part 2
- GNM4375 Special reading course
- GNM4385 Age of Goethe
- GPS4100 Geophysics research project
- GPS4110 Geophysics research project part time I
- GPS4120 Geophysics research project part time II
- GPS4200 Geophysics honours coursework
- GPS4210 Geophysics honours coursework part time I
- GPS4220 Geophysics honours coursework part time II
- GRN1010 German studies 1
- GRN1020 German studies 2
- GRN1030 German studies 3
- GRN1040 German studies 4
- GRN1050 German studies 5
- GRN1060 German studies 6
- GRN1070 German studies 7
- GRN1080 German studies 8
- GRN1090 German studies 9
- GRN1100 German Studies 10
- GRN2010 German studies 1
- GRN2020 German studies 2
- GRN2030 German studies 3
- GRN2040 German studies 4
- GRN2050 German studies 5
- GRN2060 German studies 6
- GRN2070 German studies 7
- GRN2080 German studies 8
- GRN2090 German studies 9
- GRN2100 German studies 10
- GRN2135 Second language acquisition and attrition
- GRN2215 German studies, intermediate, part 1
- GRN3050 German studies 5
- GRN3060 German studies 6
- GRN3070 German studies 7
- GRN3080 German studies 8
- GRN3090 German studies 9
- GRN3100 German studies 10
- GRN3125 German dialects and dialectology
- GRN3135 Second language acquisition and attrition
- GRN3165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GRN3235 The contemporary novel
- GRN3245 On the brink of modernity (1890-1920)
- GRN3250 German travel writing from the 18th to the 20th century
- GRN3260 German romanticism - Literature, aesthetics, philosophy
- GRN3295 Introduction to the study of media culture
- GRN3995 Language study abroad program
- GRN4070 German studies 7
- GRN4080 German studies 8
- GRN4090 German studies 9
- GRN4100 German studies 10
- GRN4165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GRN4275 Critics of civilisation
- GRN4355 Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (1)
- GRN4365(A) Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (2) Part 1
- GRN4365(B) Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (2) Part 2
- GRN4365 Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (2)
- GRN4375 Special reading course in German
- GRN4415 German Studies 7
- GRN4995 Language study abroad program
- GRS1001 Introduction to reproductive endocrinology
- GRS1002 Gonadal development and function
- GRS1003 Pregnancy and parturition
- GRS1004 Reproductive health
- GRS1005 Fertility regulation
- GRS2001 Animal sciences
- GRS2002 Assisted reproductive and genetic technologies
- GSB5000 Commercialisation project
- GSB5011 Pathways from science to wealth
- GSB5100 Master of business project
- GSB5601 Retirement funds management
- GSB5602 Taxation of retirement funds
- GSB9001 Personal development - critical thinking and communication
- GSB9002 Personal development - managing self and relationships
- GSB9003 Personal development - professional advancement
- GSB9004 Accounting for business
- GSB9100 Research commercialisation planning
- GSB9601 General principles of retirement funds
- GSB9602 Legal framework of retirement funds
- GSB9603 Retirement funds administration
- GSB9604 Retirement funds benefits
- GSB9605 Retirement funds governance
- GSB9606 Retirement funds investments
- GSC3000 Applied social research
- GSC3001 Cooperative placement
- GVA2223 Minor printmaking 3
- GVA2423 Minor sculpture/woodcraft 3
- GVA2723 Minor photography 3
- GVA3224 Minor printmaking 4
- GVA3424 Minor sculpture/woodcraft 4
- GVA3724 Minor photography 4
- GYM4260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- GYM4330 Field studies in regional sustainability
- GYM4350 Resource evaluation and management
- GYM4370 Applied environmental climatology
- GYM4420 Researching human environments
- GYM4520 Social space and urban justice
- GYM4600 Global positioning systems (GPS): Applications in GIS
- GYM4610 Geographical information systems (GIS) for social science applications
- GYM4620 Processing and deployment of image data in GIS
- GYM4650 GIS applications: Project formulation and database assembly
- GYM4750 Sharing prosperity: Geographies of work, regional development and economy
- GYM4900 Research paper in Geography and environmental science
- GYM4920 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental science
- GYM5460 Minor internship project
- GYM5470 Major internship project
- GYM5480 Research project
- GYM5490 Major research project
13 October 2017
22 February 2025