Related information
Units indexed by Code: E
- EBP1000 Systematic review evidence for treatment interventions
- EBP1001 Implementation of the evidence
- EBP1002 Introduction to evidence-based practice
- ECC1000 Principles of microeconomics
- ECC1100 Principles of macroeconomics
- ECC2000 Intermediate microeconomics
- ECC2010 Intermediate macroeconomics
- ECC2300 Current issues in macroeconomic policy
- ECC2360 Environmental economics
- ECC2400 Current issues in applied microeconomics
- ECC2410 Introductory econometrics
- ECC2440 Mathematics for economics and business
- ECC2450 Sports economics
- ECC2600 Behaviour, rationality and organisation
- ECC2700 Economic issues in health and health care
- ECC2800 Prosperity, poverty and sustainability in a globalised world
- ECC2840 Australian economic institutions and policy
- ECC2890 Economic development of East Asia
- ECC3410 Applied econometrics
- ECC3570 The international economy since 1945
- ECC3640 Economics of climate change
- ECC3650 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ECC3660 Monetary economics
- ECC3670 Economics of developing countries
- ECC3690 International economics
- ECC3710 Labour economics
- ECC3800 History of economic thought
- ECC3810 Public finance
- ECC3830 Competition and regulation
- ECC3840 Mathematical economics
- ECC3850 Economics pre-honours
- ECC3860 Integrated economic modelling
- ECC4364 Economics of climate change
- ECC4365 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ECC4366 Monetary economics
- ECC4367 Economics of developing countries
- ECC4369 International economics
- ECC4371 Labour economics
- ECC4380 History of economic thought
- ECC4381 Public finance
- ECC4383 Competition and regulation
- ECC4384 Mathematical economics
- ECC4650 Microeconomics
- ECC4660 Macroeconomics
- ECC4670 Economic development
- ECC4690 International trade
- ECC4700 Competition, regulation and policy
- ECC4710 Post-Keynesian economics
- ECC4720 Law and economics
- ECC4750 Financial economics
- ECC4790 Project evaluation
- ECC4810 Public economics
- ECC4830 Welfare economics
- ECC4840 Industrial organisation
- ECC4860 Applied economics research paper
- ECC4870 Health economics
- ECC4990 Economic evaluation of health services
- ECC5650 Microeconomic theory
- ECC5660 Macroeconomic theory
- ECC5690 Theories in international and development economics
- ECC5710 Health industry-based learning
- ECC5730 Advanced applied general equilibrium analysis
- ECC5800 Economics seminar
- ECC5810 Public economics
- ECC5840 Information, incentives and games
- ECC5850 Mathematical economic theory
- ECC5870 Advanced health economics
- ECC6650 Research topics in advanced microeconomics
- ECC6660 Research topics in advanced macroeconomics
- ECC6690 Research topics in open economy
- ECC9000 Microeconomics
- ECC9010 Macroeconomics
- ECC9400 Current issues in applied microeconomics
- ECE2011 Signal processing
- ECE2021 Electromagnetism
- ECE2031 Circuits and control
- ECE2041 Telecommunications
- ECE2061 Analogue electronics
- ECE2071 Computer organisation and programming
- ECE2072 Digital systems
- ECE3022 Wireless and Guided EM
- ECE3031 Control systems
- ECE3051 Electrical energy systems
- ECE3073 Computer systems
- ECE3091 Engineering design
- ECE3092 Systems engineering and reliability analysis
- ECE3093 Optimisation estimation and numerical methods
- ECE4012 Applied digital signal processing
- ECE4023 Radio frequency electronics
- ECE4024 Wireless communications
- ECE4032 Advanced control
- ECE4033 Industrialisation processes
- ECE4042 Communications theory
- ECE4043 Optical communications
- ECE4044 Telecommunications protocols
- ECE4045 Network performance
- ECE4053 Electrical energy - generation and supply
- ECE4055 Electrical energy - power electronic applications
- ECE4058 Electrical energy - high voltage engineering
- ECE4063 Large scale digital design
- ECE4064 Electronic test technology
- ECE4074 Advanced computer architecture
- ECE4075 Real time embedded systems
- ECE4077 Advanced computing techniques
- ECE4078 Intelligent robotics
- ECE4078 Intelligent robotics
- ECE4084 Biomechanics of human musculoskeletal systems
- ECE4086 Medical imaging technology
- ECE4087 Medical technology innovation
- ECE4094 Project A
- ECE4095 Project B
- ECE4099 Professional practice
- ECE5024 Wireless communications
- ECE5042 Communications theory
- ECE5043 Optical communications
- ECE5058 Electrical energy - high voltage engineering
- ECE5074 Advanced computer architecture
- ECE5075 Real time embedded systems
- ECE5094 Project A
- ECE5095 Project B
- ECE5809 Biomaterials
- ECE5810 Current biomedical engineering research
- ECF1100 Microeconomics
- ECF1200 Macroeconomics
- ECF2331 Monetary theory and policy
- ECF2450 Sports economics
- ECF2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECF3120 Consumer economics
- ECF3731 Managerial economics
- ECF5010 Research issues paper
- ECF5020 The economics of e-commerce
- ECF5030 The emergence of the knowledge based economy
- ECF5040 Industry economics
- ECF5050 Economics of innovation and high technology
- ECF5200 Game theory and business strategy
- ECF5300 Special Research Topics in Applied Economics
- ECF5610 Sustainable economic development and the environment
- ECF9210 Introduction to international economics
- ECF9530 Economics
- ECG9101 Economic policy
- ECG9102 Introduction to macroeconomic theory and policy
- ECG9121 Economics of international trade
- ECG9161 Theory and practice of economic reforms
- ECG9170 Issues in labour economics
- ECW1101 Introductory microeconomics
- ECW1102 Introductory macroeconomics
- ECW2141 Economics of labour markets
- ECW2450 Sports economics
- ECW2451 The business of sport
- ECW2600 Tourism economics
- ECW2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2730 Macroeconomic policy
- ECW2731 Managerial economics
- ECW3121 Economics of international trade and finance
- ECW3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECW3146 Regional development and policy
- ECW3150 Natural resources and environment
- ECW3291 Multinational trade and investment
- ECW3301 Case studies in international trade
- ECW3830 Competition and regulation
- ECX2123 Economics of innovation and high technology
- ECX2550 Business in Asia
- ECX3550 Business in Asia
- ECX3900 Business economics
- ECX4000 Reading subject
- ECX5000 Reading subject
- ECX5410 Applied microeconomics
- ECX5420 Applied macroeconomics
- ECX5465 Microeconomics
- ECX5466 Macroeconomics
- ECX5470 Competition, regulation and policy
- ECX5472 Law and economics
- ECX5475 Financial economics
- ECX5479 Project evaluation
- ECX5484 Industrial organisation
- ECX5486 Issues seminar
- ECX9120 Introduction to microeconomic theory and policy
- ECX9700 Introduction to health economics
- ECX9710 Pharmaceutical economics
- ECX9720 Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
- ECX9730 Economic evaluation in health care
- ECX9741 Applied health economics and health policy
- ECX9750 Principles of health economics for developing countries
- EDF1120 Multicultures in Australian society
- EDF1121 Exploring science
- EDF1124 Music fundamentals
- EDF1126 Information and computer technology in education
- EDF1127 Understanding science
- EDF1128 Gateway to mathematics
- EDF1204 Curriculum studies: primary maths 1
- EDF1303 Learning and educational inquiry 1
- EDF1304 Learning and educational inquiry 2
- EDF1305 Entering the profession 1
- EDF1306 Spaces of difference
- EDF1307 Early literacy and numeracy 1
- EDF1321 ECE: Movement, environment and community
- EDF1322 ECE: Science and technology
- EDF1324 ECE: Creative arts
- EDF1503 Foundations of early childhood education
- EDF1600 Introduction to the biophysical foundations of human movement
- EDF1611 Introduction to sport fitness and outdoor recreation
- EDF1612 Outdoor recreation education
- EDF1613 Biophysical foundations of physical activity A
- EDF1614 Biophysical foundations of physical activity B
- EDF1615 Experiential environmental education
- EDF1616 Lifespan physical activity and wellness
- EDF2002 The teachers' world
- EDF2004 Issues in classroom environments
- EDF2005 Professional responsibilities, practice and relationships
- EDF2120 Indigenous issues
- EDF2123 Exploring mathematics
- EDF2124 Program music: seeing with your ears
- EDF2125 Fitness leadership
- EDF2127 Art fundamentals
- EDF2201 Child development 1
- EDF2202 Child development 2
- EDF2203 Curriculum studies: primary studies of society and environment
- EDF2204 Curriculum studies : primary science
- EDF2241 Reading popular culture
- EDF2301 Multiliteracies: mediating the world
- EDF2302 Re-imagining children's learning
- EDF2303 Movement, environment and community
- EDF2304 Early literacy and numeracy 2
- EDF2306 Global educational contexts: policy, practice, and research
- EDF2321 Working with diverse learners
- EDF2323 Inquiry in professional practice: upper primary
- EDF2324 Inquiry in professional practice: junior primary
- EDF2330 The middle years: a period of transition
- EDF2611 Experiencing aquatic environments
- EDF2612 Experiential education in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF2613 Adventure education
- EDF2614 Outdoor leadership and programming
- EDF2615 Community physical activity and wellness
- EDF2616 Coaching
- EDF2618 Dance in education
- EDF2801 Adult educational practices 1
- EDF2802 Contexts of adult learning and development
- EDF2803 Learning and researching in work-related contexts
- EDF2805 Multimedia in adult education: implementation and evaluation
- EDF2905 Studio arts: two dimensional studies
- EDF3006 Adolescent development and learning
- EDF3007 Mediating the world of learning
- EDF3008 Researching educational practices
- EDF3009 Schooling: local - global
- EDF3105 Teaching studies B
- EDF3122 Studio arts: digital art (education)
- EDF3124 Introduction to world music
- EDF3125 Children's literature: issues and analysis
- EDF3201 Curriculum studies: primary art and music
- EDF3202 Curriculum studies: primary health and physical education
- EDF3203 Curriculum studies: primary technology
- EDF3301 Numeracy
- EDF3304 Integrating the curriculum 2: different places
- EDF3306 Literacy
- EDF3501 Early childhood literacy
- EDF3502 Contexts and issues in family studies
- EDF3504 Early childhood expressive arts
- EDF3506 Cultural studies (early childhood)
- EDF3507 Early childhood teaching studies 3
- EDF3508 Early childhood teaching studies 4
- EDF3613 Research issues in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF3614 Expeditionary learning
- EDF3615 Experiencing the Australian landscape
- EDF3616 Camp planning and practices
- EDF3617 Professional practice in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF3618 Research planning in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF3619 Sport and physical activity education
- EDF3621 Outdoor education studies
- EDF3802 Work, development and identity
- EDF3804 Independent work-based project
- EDF3805 Educational project management
- EDF3806 Future directions in adult learning and development
- EDF3807 Contemporary workplaces: issues and practices
- EDF4004 Assessing learning
- EDF4005 Productive classrooms
- EDF4006 Professional engagement
- EDF4007 Schooling and diversity
- EDF4012 Educating students with special needs
- EDF4070 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4071 Professional experience 1B
- EDF4072 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4073 Professional experience 2B
- EDF4102 Curriculum studies: primary English 2
- EDF4104 Curriculum studies: primary mathematics 2
- EDF4105 Teaching studies C
- EDF4106 Teaching studies D
- EDF4110 Arts education
- EDF4111 Business education
- EDF4112 English language and literacy education
- EDF4113 General science education
- EDF4114 Health, outdoor and physical education
- EDF4115 Information, communication technologies and new media
- EDF4116 Mathematics and numeracy education
- EDF4117 Second language pedagogy
- EDF4118 Social and environmental education
- EDF4119 The world of Jewish education
- EDF4201 Child development 4: children with additional educational needs
- EDF4205 Initiatives in health education
- EDF4211 Introduction to European arts
- EDF4214 Learning technologies: databases and multimedia
- EDF4216 Issues and planning in primary mathematics
- EDF4220 Science education: teaching and learning in science
- EDF4236 Computers in education
- EDF4237 Curriculum developments in physical education and health
- EDF4238 Negotiated investigation in education
- EDF4240 Teaching language and literacy: curriculum and pedagogy
- EDF4248 Historical understanding in schools: from research Into practice
- EDF4250 Understanding classroom relationships
- EDF4303 The teacher as researcher
- EDF4311 Professional contexts 1
- EDF4312 Professional contexts 2
- EDF4401 Accounting education
- EDF4402 Biology education
- EDF4403 Chemistry education
- EDF4404 Drama education
- EDF4405 Economics education
- EDF4406 English education
- EDF4407 Geography education
- EDF4408 History education
- EDF4409 Health education
- EDF4410 Information technology/computing education
- EDF4411 Languages other than English (LOTE) education 1
- EDF4412 Languages other than English (LOTE) education 2
- EDF4413 Legal studies education
- EDF4415 Mathematics education
- EDF4416 Media education
- EDF4417 Music education 1
- EDF4418 Music education 2
- EDF4419 Physics education
- EDF4420 Science education
- EDF4421 Social education
- EDF4422 Outdoor education
- EDF4423 Physical education
- EDF4424 Psychology education
- EDF4425 Visual art education 1
- EDF4426 Visual art education 2
- EDF4427 Business management education
- EDF4428 Jewish studies education
- EDF4429 English as a second language (ESL) education
- EDF4501 Early childhood mathematics, science and technology
- EDF4502 The early childhood professional
- EDF4504 Contemporary issues in early childhood education
- EDF4506 Administration and management in early childhood services
- EDF4507 Early childhood teaching studies 5
- EDF4508 Early childhood teaching studies 6
- EDF4510 Connecting the curriculum
- EDF4511 ESL in content areas
- EDF4512 Gifted education
- EDF4513 Indigenous and traditional education in a global world
- EDF4514 Vocational and workplace learning
- EDF4701 Fieldwork placement I
- EDF4702 Fieldwork placement II
- EDF4730 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4731 Professional experience 1B
- EDF4733 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4734 Professional experience 2B
- EDF4801 Professional development and leadership at work
- EDF4802 Introduction to project and resource management
- EDF5110 Professional experience 1
- EDF5111 Professional experience 2
- EDF5112 Learning and teaching A
- EDF5113 Learning and teaching B
- EDF5114 Language and literacy in primary contexts
- EDF5115 Enabling literacy and numeracy
- EDF5116 Primary mathematics education
- EDF5117 Valuing science, innovation and society
- EDF5118 Health and wellbeing in the primary curriculum
- EDF5119 Communicating through the arts
- EDF5151 Honours thesis part 1
- EDF5152 Honours thesis part 2
- EDF5153 Honours thesis extension 1
- EDF5154 Honours thesis extension 2
- EDF5409 Play and pedagogy
- EDF5410 Curriculum studies: early childhood
- EDF5411 Social, political & professional contexts of early childhood teaching
- EDF5412 Field experience
- EDF5413 Family studies
- EDF5414 Child development principles
- EDF5415 Issues in child development
- EDF5416 Perspectives of early childhood education
- EDF6005 Reading, interpreting and communicating research
- EDF6006 Introduction to quantitative research methods
- EDF6007 Qualitative approaches to research
- EDF6008 Working with theory in research
- EDF6009 Special topic in research
- EDF6010 Professional project (A)
- EDF6012 Special focus on research A
- EDF6013 Special focus on research B
- EDF6020 Professional project (B)
- EDF6031 Masters thesis part 1
- EDF6032 Masters thesis part 2
- EDF6033 Masters thesis extension 1
- EDF6034 Masters thesis extension 2
- EDF6035 Masters thesis major rewrite
- EDF6114 Curriculum: design, critique and change
- EDF6115 Communication practices and the use of new media
- EDF6116 Motivation, engagement, and learning
- EDF6123 Developing the reflective practitioner
- EDF6201 Theory and principles of bilingual/immersion education
- EDF6210 Language testing and assessment
- EDF6224 Advanced practicum in language teaching: LOTE
- EDF6228 Developing materials for content-based teaching in languages
- EDF6232 Professional practice for teachers of English as a foreign language
- EDF6233 Theory and practice of TESOL
- EDF6234 Curriculum design and evaluation in languages education
- EDF6236 Language, society and cultural difference
- EDF6238 Advanced practicum in language teaching: TESOL
- EDF6301 New literacy studies
- EDF6308 School and community literacy practices
- EDF6310 Indigenous issues in education
- EDF6322 Teaching music: policy and practice
- EDF6323 Learning music: current research issues
- EDF6324 European perspectives on music education
- EDF6401 Research on teaching and learning science and mathematics
- EDF6402 Research on science and mathematics curriculum
- EDF6441 Issues in educational multimedia
- EDF6442 The impact of computer technology on education and society
- EDF6444 Evaluation and development of educational software
- EDF6447 Explorations in learning, instructional design and technology
- EDF6501 Counselling psychology: theory, research and practice
- EDF6502 Clinical assessment and psychopathology
- EDF6503 Advanced professional counselling psychology: clinical, research, and ethical issues
- EDF6504 Developmental psychology and counselling skills
- EDF6507 Clinical placement in psychology 1
- EDF6508 Clinical placement in psychology 2
- EDF6509 Clinical placement in psychology 3
- EDF6510 Exceptionality: assessment, intervention and research
- EDF6511 Cognitive, personality and educational assessment
- EDF6512 Clinical interventions in educational and developmental psychology
- EDF6517 Research and therapeutic interventions in counselling psychology
- EDF6530 Introduction to counselling across the lifespan
- EDF6531 Counselling for the professions
- EDF6532 Assessment in counselling
- EDF6533 Cognitive-behavioural approaches to crucial issues in living
- EDF6535 Psychology thesis part 1
- EDF6536 Psychology thesis part 2
- EDF6537 Psychology extension 1
- EDF6538 Psychology extension 2
- EDF6539 Psychology thesis extension 3
- EDF6540 Ethics in counselling
- EDF6541 Field experience in counselling
- EDF6601 Studies in special education/inclusion
- EDF6602 Evidence-informed inclusive and special education practice 1
- EDF6607 Gifted education: identification and programming
- EDF6610 The psychology of the gifted child
- EDF6613 Advanced studies in gifted education
- EDF6614 Inclusive and special education practice 2
- EDF6641 The social and political contexts of early childhood
- EDF6642 Contexts for childhood
- EDF6643 Values in early childhood education
- EDF6701 Globalisation and education
- EDF6702 Internationalising the curriculum
- EDF6703 International education markets
- EDF6751 Gender and education
- EDF6801 Learning at work in the knowledge economy
- EDF6802 Adult education and training: theories and practices
- EDF6806 Sustainable community development
- EDF6810 Navigating education and work: global perspectives, local practices
- EDF6821 Power, authority and decision-making
- EDF6822 Leadership and organisation
- EDF6823 Management and change
- EDF6828 Resource management
- EDF6851 Mentoring and coaching 1
- EDF6852 Mentoring and coaching 2
- EDF6860 Locating oneself in global learning
- EDF6861 Adult learning: perspectives and contexts
- EDF6862 Global/Local learning
- EDF6863 Fostering learning in practice
- EDF6864 Work and learning
- EDF6865 Understanding research
- EDF6901 Inner leadership: understanding self and others
- EDF6902 Leading learning communities
- EDF6903 Understanding environments
- EDF6904 Leading change: professional action research project
- EEH1005 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH2001 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH2002 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH2003 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3001 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3003 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3004 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3005 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3006 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3010 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3011 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3012 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3013 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3014 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3015 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3016 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH3017 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4001 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4002 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4003 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4004 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4005 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4006 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4007 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4008 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4009 Engineering exchange unit
- EEH4112 Engineering exchange unit
- EIL1010 English as an international language: Communication
- EIL1020 English as an international language: Language and critical analysis
- EIL2110 English as an international language: Meaning, language and purpose
- EIL2120 English as an international language: The language of spoken English
- EIL3102 English as an international language: Professional communication
- EIL3110 English as an international language: Language and culture
- EIL3130 English as an international language: Language and power
- EIL3210 English as an international language: The language of written english
- EIL4001 A critical approach to language
- EIL4002 Language use in diverse fields
- EIL4003 English as a tool for writing research
- EIL4004 International communication and culture
- EIL4101 Special topics in English as an international language
- EIL4201(A) English as an international language: Minor thesis and methodology part 1
- EIL4201(B) English as an international language: Minor thesis and methodology part 2
- EIL4201 English as an International language: Minor thesis and methodology
- EIL4301 English as an international language: Multilingual identity
- EIL4401 English in international professional contexts
- EIL4402 Renationalising English: Language, culture, and communication
- EIL4404 Issues in teaching English as an international language
- EIL5001 Research project in English as an international language
- ENE1621 Environmental engineering
- ENE2503 Materials properties and recycling
- ENE3048 Energy and the environment
- ENE3606 The air environment
- ENE3608 Environmental impact assessment and management systems
- ENE4212 Environmental design
- ENE4603 Environmental project A
- ENE4604 Environmental project B
- ENE4607 Environmental risk assessment
- ENG1010 Process systems analysis
- ENG1020 Engineering structures
- ENG1030 Electrical systems
- ENG1040 Engineering dynamics
- ENG1050 Engineering materials
- ENG1060 Computing for engineers
- ENG1061 Engineering profession
- ENG1070 Foundation chemistry
- ENG1071 Chemistry for engineering
- ENG1080 Foundation physics
- ENG1081 Physics for engineering
- ENG1090 Foundation mathematics
- ENG1091 Mathematics for engineering
- ENG1110 Biological engineering I
- ENG1210 Introduction to structural engineering
- ENG1211 Introduction to engineering systems
- ENG2000 Engineering load - branch selection pending
- ENG2091 Advanced engineering mathematics A
- ENG2092 Advanced engineering mathematics B
- ENG2202 Steel structures
- ENG2203 Concrete structures
- ENG2204 Water systems
- ENG2206 Introduction to geoengineering
- ENG2207 Waterway engineering
- ENG3001 Work experience in industry 1
- ENG3002 Work experience in industry 2
- ENG3201 Project management for engineers
- ENG3202 Geoengineering
- ENG3203 Environmental geoengineering
- ENG3204 Water and wastewater
- ENG3205 Traffic and transport
- ENG4001 Special studies in engineering 1
- ENG4002 Special studies in engineering 2
- ENG4201 Project
- ENG4202 Civil and environmental engineering practice
- ENG4203 Management of water resources
- ENG4204 Road engineering
- ENG4616 Schools technology studies project
- ENG4700 Engineering technology for biomedical imaging and sensing
- ENH1010 Reading writing literature
- ENH1200 Reading Africa - an introduction
- ENH1220 Worlds in conflict: Empire, margins, difference
- ENH1250 Academic writing
- ENH1260 Professional writing
- ENH1270 Murder most foul: Crime writing
- ENH1990 Introduction to fantasy narratives
- ENH2030 Rewriting Victorian Narratives: Origins and Oblivion
- ENH2055 Textual Theories and Practice: an Introduction
- ENH2110 Renaissance literature: Power and love
- ENH2130 Literature and Opposition, 1660-1800
- ENH2135 The Colonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1830-1950
- ENH2145 The Postcolonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1950-2000
- ENH2150 Australian Urban Fictions
- ENH2165 Feisty Damsels and Pale Riders: Reconfiguring romance in Australian fiction and film
- ENH2175 Reading otherwise: Literature, gender, psychoanalysis
- ENH2185 Advanced Professional Writing
- ENH2190 Gods and fairies: An introduction to middle English
- ENH2195 The poetics of memory
- ENH2225 Heroes' twilight: Representations of war and conflict
- ENH2230 Shakespeare: Interpretations and Transmutations
- ENH2315 Romantic literature I
- ENH2330 Victorian Literature
- ENH2360 Fairy tale traditions
- ENH2401 English language and text
- ENH2402 Literature and history
- ENH2404 Popular writing and criticism
- ENH2405 Contemporary fiction
- ENH2407 Authorship and writing
- ENH2410 Puritans and Sinners: Interrogating the American Tradition
- ENH2470 Modern english literature: Modernism and postmodernism
- ENH2530 Contemporary English literature
- ENH2570 Writing Women
- ENH2585 Writing gender and sexuality in English literature
- ENH2620 Grammar and expression
- ENH2650 Poetry: Text and performance
- ENH2660 Here and there: The literature of travel
- ENH2680 Introduction to poetry writing
- ENH2681 Advanced poetry writing
- ENH2690 Gender and authority in Australian literature
- ENH2710 Orientations: Reading Asia
- ENH2750 Contemporary Women's Fiction and Theory
- ENH2770 Short fiction classic and contemporary
- ENH2780 Writing as Social Practice 1
- ENH2800 In Other Worlds: Postcolonial Literature
- ENH2810 Novel into film
- ENH2980 Introduction to fiction writing
- ENH2981 Advanced fiction writing
- ENH2991 Children's Literature: A Comparative Study
- ENH3030 Rewriting Victorian Narratives: Origins and Oblivion
- ENH3055 Textual Theories and Practice: an Introduction
- ENH3110 Renaissance literature: Power and love
- ENH3130 Literature and Opposition, 1660-1800
- ENH3135 The Colonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1830-1950
- ENH3145 The Postcolonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1950-2000
- ENH3150 Australian Urban Fictions
- ENH3165 Feisty Damsels and Pale Riders: Reconfiguring romance in Australian fiction and film
- ENH3175 Reading otherwise: Literature, gender, psychoanalysis
- ENH3180 The pleasures of the text: research in english
- ENH3185 Advanced Professional Writing
- ENH3190 Romance and ribaldry: an introduction to Middle English
- ENH3195 The poetics of memory
- ENH3225 Heroes' Twilight: Representations of War and Conflict
- ENH3230 Shakespeare: Interpretations and Transmutations
- ENH3315 Romantic Literature I
- ENH3330 Victorian Literature
- ENH3360 Fairy Tale Traditions
- ENH3404 Popular writing and criticism
- ENH3405 Contemporary fiction
- ENH3407 Authorship and writing
- ENH3410 Puritans and sinners: Interrogating the American tradition
- ENH3470 Modern English literature: Modernism and postmodernism
- ENH3530 Contemporary English literature
- ENH3570 Writing women
- ENH3585 Writing gender and sexuality in English literature
- ENH3620 Grammar and expression
- ENH3650 Poetry: Text and performance
- ENH3660 Here and there: The Literature of travel
- ENH3680 Introduction to poetry writing
- ENH3681 Advanced poetry writing
- ENH3690 Gender and authority in Australian literature
- ENH3710 Orientations: Reading Asia
- ENH3750 Contemporary women's fiction and theory
- ENH3770 Short fiction classic and contemporary
- ENH3780 Writing as social practice 1
- ENH3800 In other worlds: Postcolonial literature
- ENH3810 Novel into film
- ENH3980 Introduction to fiction writing
- ENH3981 Advanced fiction writing
- ENH3991 Children's literature: A comparative study
- ENH4195 Legal fictions: Bodies, image, discourse
- ENH4210 Writing the child
- ENH4250 Gothic revivals
- ENH4265 Writers and the creative process
- ENH4270 Feminist poetics
- ENH4280 The fiction industry
- ENH4340 Australian Autobiography
- ENH4370 Contemporary Australian poetry and fiction
- ENH4500 Supervised reading subject
- ENH4580 Ireland, Swift, England: Special author course
- ENH4600(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- ENH4600(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- ENH4600 Minor Thesis
- ENH4620 Literary theory
- ENH4700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENH4750 Exotic erotic other: World writing in English
- ENH4760 Visions and revisions: Reworkings
- ENM4120 Dissertation
- ENM4210 Writing the child
- ENM4250 Gothic revivals
- ENM4260 Writers and the creative process
- ENM4270 Feminist Poetics
- ENM4370 Contemporary Australian poetry and fiction
- ENM4580 Ireland, Swift, England: Special author subject
- ENM4620 Literary theory
- ENM4700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENM4750 Exotic erotic other: World writing in English
- ENM4760 Visions and revisions: Reworkings
- ENM5210 Writing the child
- ENM5250 Gothic revivals
- ENM5260 Writers and the creative process
- ENM5270 Feminist Poetics
- ENM5370 Contemporary Australian poetry and fiction
- ENM5580 Ireland, Swift, England: Special author subject
- ENM5620 Literary theory
- ENM5640 The Life of the text: Genesis, production, reception
- ENM5700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENM5750 Exotic erotic other: World writing in English
- ENM5760 Visions and revisions: Reworkings
- ENV1011 Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
- ENV1022 Australian physical environments: evolution, status and management
- ENV1711 Environmental science 1 - the dynamic environment
- ENV1722 Environmental science 2 - resource management issues
- ENV1800 Environmental science: a Southeast Asian perspective
- ENV2011 Environmental policy and management
- ENV2022 Environmental analysis 1: sampling and monitoring
- ENV2712 Biology and diversity
- ENV2726 Conservation of bioresources
- ENV2747 Soil science
- ENV2757 Environmental health
- ENV2792 Environmental modelling
- ENV3011 Environmental analysis 2: decision making
- ENV3022 Environmental technology
- ENV3639 Global resources and energy management
- ENV3647 Forest management
- ENV3656 Natural area management
- ENV3726 Atmospheric processes
- ENV3737 Environmental management
- ENV3761 Waste management and remediation
- ENV4020 Perspectives on environment and sustainability
- ENV4030 Environmental analysis
- ENV4040 Frontiers in sustainability and environment
- ENV4050 Environmental governance and citizenship
- ENV405C(A) Research project part 1
- ENV405C(B) Research project part 2
- ENV4100 Honours thesis in environmental science
- ENV414F Ecological systems and management
- ENV415F Law and the environment
- ENV416F Introduction to economics
- ENV423E The conserver society
- ENV4260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- ENV4300 Environmental design and data analysis for biologists
- ENV431E Environmental psychology
- ENV432E Environment and health
- ENV435E Human evolution and environment
- ENV4371 Stakeholder engagement & corporate environmental sustainability
- ENV4372 Strategic management for corporate environmental sustainability
- ENV437E Corporate sustainability management
- ENV441E Sustainability measurement
- ENV444E Directed project - corporate environmental management
- ENV445E Energy, environment infrastructure
- ENV5020 Perspectives on environment and sustainability
- ENV5030 Environmental analysis
- ENV5040 Frontiers in sustainability and environment
- ENV5050 Environmental governance and citizenship
- ENV514F Ecological systems and management
- ENV515F Law and the environment
- ENV516F Introduction to economics
- ENV520E Environmental economics and policy
- ENV521E Coastal environments
- ENV523E The conserver society
- ENV531E Environmental psychology
- ENV532E Environment and health
- ENV533E Environmental internship
- ENV537E Corporate sustainability management
- ENV541E Sustainability measurement
- ENV545E Energy, environment infrastructure
- EPM5001 Health indicators and health surveys
- EPM5002 Mathematical background for biostatistics
- EPM5003 Principles of statistical inference
- EPM5004 Linear models
- EPM5005 Data management and statistical computing
- EPM5006 Clinical biostatistics
- EPM5007 Design of randomised controlled trials
- EPM5008 Longitudinal and correlated data analysis
- EPM5009 Categorical data and generalised linear models
- EPM5010 Survival analysis
- EPM5011 Biostatistics practical project - Double unit
- EPM5012 Bioinformatics
- EPM5013 Bayesian statistical methods
- EPM5014 Probability and distribution theory
- EPM5015 Biostatistics practical project - Single unit
- EPM5016 Advanced clinical trials
- EPM5020 Comparative moral theory and ethics
- EPM5021 Research with vulnerable populations
- EPM5022 Critical appraisal skills
- EPM5023 International research bioethics
- EPM5024 Research, bioethics and law
- EPM5025 Research ethics practicum
- ERU0012 Research in engineering education
- ESC1011 Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
- ESC1022 Planet earth: dynamic systems, environmental change and resources
- ESC2032 The dynamic biosphere: changing fauna and flora through geological time
- ESC2111 The dynamic earth I: building of continents and the environment
- ESC2122 The dynamic earth II: global processes
- ESC2132 Field geology
- ESC3162 Ore deposit geology and global metallogeny
- ESC3170 Field geology of New Zealand
- ESC3180 Field mapping
- ESC3190 Hydrogeology and environmental geophysics
- ESC3200 Earth sciences project
- ESC3201 Deformation and metamorphism of the crust
- ESC3232 The dynamic biosphere: Changing fauna and flora through geological time
- ESC3291 Climates in geological time
- ESC3311 Geophysics: regional mapping
- ESC3332 Global dynamics and crustal evolution
- ESC3340 Geophysics: special topics
- ESC3410 Earth sciences special studies 1
- ESC3411 Sediments, basins and resources
- ESC3420 Earth sciences special studies 2
- ESC3421 Volcanology and igneous petrology
- ESC4100 Earth sciences research project
- ESC4110 Earth sciences research project part time I
- ESC4120 Earth sciences research project part time II
- ESC4200 Earth science honours coursework
- ESC4210 Earth science honours coursework part time I
- ESC4220 Earth science honours coursework part time II
- ETC1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETC1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETC2000 Intermediate microeconomics
- ETC2110 Intermediate macroeconomics
- ETC2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETC2430 Actuarial statistics
- ETC2440 Mathematics for economics and business
- ETC2450 Applied forecasting for business and economics
- ETC2470 Applied business modelling
- ETC2480 Business modelling methods
- ETC2500 Marketing research analysis
- ETC2520 Probability and statistical inference for economics and business
- ETC3400 Principles of econometrics
- ETC3410 Applied econometrics
- ETC3420 Bayesian modelling and risk analysis
- ETC3440 Introductory econometrics
- ETC3450 Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC3460 Financial econometrics
- ETC3470 Econometrics pre-honours
- ETC3490 Business simulation
- ETC3500 Survey data analysis
- ETC3510 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC3530 Contingencies in insurance and pensions
- ETC3840 Mathematical economics
- ETC3860 Integrated economic modelling
- ETC4010 Special reading unit in econometrics honours
- ETC4340 Principles of econometrics
- ETC4341 Applied econometrics
- ETC4345 Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC4346 Financial econometrics
- ETC4349 Business simulation
- ETC4350 Survey data analysis
- ETC4351 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC4384 Mathematical economics
- ETC4400 Econometric theory
- ETC4410 Applied econometrics 2
- ETC4420 Microeconometrics
- ETC4430 Quantitative economic policy
- ETC4460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC4480 Optimization for management
- ETC4541 Special topics in econometrics
- ETC4860 Research paper
- ETC5000 Special reading unit 1
- ETC5010 Special reading unit 2
- ETC5020 Special reading unit 3
- ETC5351 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC5400 Research topics in econometrics
- ETC5410 Special topics in econometrics
- ETC5420 Microeconometrics
- ETC5460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC5470 Econometrics graduate seminar
- ETC9010 Data modelling and computing
- ETF2480 Business modelling
- ETF2700 Mathematics for business
- ETF3200 Quantitative business analysis
- ETF3300 Quantitative methods for financial markets
- ETF3480 Optimisation for managers
- ETF3500 Survey data analysis
- ETF3600 Quantitative models for business research
- ETF5000 Special reading unit 1
- ETF5010 Special reading unit 2
- ETF5020 Special reading unit 3
- ETF5200 Applied econometrics
- ETF5231 Business forecasting
- ETF5300 Applied financial econometrics
- ETF5400 Special topics in econometrics I
- ETF5410 Special topics in econometrics II
- ETF5470 Econometrics graduate seminar
- ETF5480 Optimisation for managers
- ETF5500 Survey data analysis
- ETF5550 Research project
- ETF5555 Minor thesis
- ETF5600 Quantitative models for business research
- ETF9100 Introductory applied econometrics
- ETF9121 Data analysis in business
- ETF9200 Econometric analysis in business
- ETF9300 Financial econometrics
- ETF9350 Econometrics for financial markets
- ETF9480 Business modelling
- ETF9700 Mathematics for business
- ETW1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETW1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETW1102 Business statistics
- ETW2111 Business data modelling
- ETW2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETW2420 Survey methods and managerial statistics
- ETW2480 Business modelling methods
- ETW3112 Survey data analysis
- ETW3200 Quantitative business analysis
- ETW3232 Forecasting for business
- ETW3410 Applied econometrics
- ETW3420 Principles of forecasting and applications
- ETW3480 Decision analysis for managers
- ETX1100 Business statistics
- ETX2011 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- ETX2121 Data analysis in business
- ETX3231 Business forecasting
- ETX5440 Econometric theory
- ETX5443 Quantitative economic policy
- ETX9000 Business and economic statistics
- ETX9344 Introductory econometrics
- ETX9520 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- EUM4010 European Union: History, debates, politics
- EUM4020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European integration
- EUM4130 Comparative regionalism
- EUM4140 Business, civil society and lobbying in the European Union
- EUM4160 The European Union and the world
- EUM4230 Research paper in European and international studies
- EUM4940 European Union study in region part A
- EUM4950 European Union study in region part B
- EUM4960 Intensive European Union study in Italy
- EUM4970 European Union internship in Brussels
- EUM5010 European Union: History, debates, politics
- EUM5020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European integration
- EUM5130 Comparative regionalism
- EUM5140 Business, civil society and lobbying in the European Union
- EUM5160 The European Union and the world
- EUM5200 Research in European and international studies
- EUM5200A Research in European and international studies A
- EUM5200B Research in European and international studies B
- EUM5230 Research paper in European and international studies
- EUM5940 European Union study in region part A
- EUM5950 European Union study in region part B
- EUM5960 Intensive European Union study in Italy
- EUM5970 European Union internship in Brussels
- EUR1100 Foundations of contemporary Europe: modernity and enlightenment
- EUR1200 Foundations of contemporary Europe: liberalism, socialism, romanticism
- EUR2080 The identity of Europe today
- EUR2090 Culture and conflict: Europe in the 20th century
- EUR2110 The European Union: Institutions, policy-making and evolution
- EUR2140 Modern Eastern and Central Europe: Culture and society
- EUR2620 The idea of Europe: recent debates among intellectuals and policy-makers
- EUR2910 European studies in Europe - Part A
- EUR2920 European studies in Europe - Part B
- EUR3080 The Identity of Europe today
- EUR3090 Culture and conflict: Europe in the 20th century
- EUR3110 The European Union: Institutions, policy-making and evolution
- EUR3140 Modern Eastern and Central Europe: Culture and society
- EUR3620 The idea of Europe: recent debates among intellectuals and policy-makers
- EUR3910 European studies in Europe - Part A
- EUR3920 European studies in Europe - Part B
- EUR4000(A) Research project part 1
- EUR4000(B) Research project part 2
- EUR4000 Research project
- EUR4020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European Integration
- EUR4530 Special reading course
- EUR4620 The idea of Europe: recent debates among intellectuals and policy-makers
- EUR4910 Advanced European studies in Europe part A
- EUR4920 Advanced European studies in Europe Part B
13 October 2017
14 March 2025