Related information
Units indexed by Code: H
- HED5001 Designing for Learning
- HED5002 Teaching for Learning
- HED5003 Assessing learning
- HED5004 Negotiated project
- HON4441 Combined thesis part 1
- HON4442 Combined Thesis Part 2
- HPL1503 Global and regional studies I: Modern world events and issues
- HPL1504 Global and regional studies II
- HPL2501 Australian history
- HPL2502 United states politics: Media and power
- HPL2505 Courtesans, concubines and conquest
- HPL2506 Researching and writing community history
- HPL2507 Politics and society
- HPL2510 Governing Australia: Federal politics and policy
- HPL2511 Community studies
- HPL3502 United States politics: Media and power
- HPL3503 International relations
- HPL3504 Theories and Research in History and Politics
- HPL3505 Courtesans, concubines and conquest
- HPL3506 Researching and writing community history
- HPL3507 Politics and society
- HPL3510 Governing Australia: Federal politics and policy
- HPL4000(A) Dissertation (History) Part 1
- HPL4000(B) Dissertation (History) Part 2
- HPL4001(A) Dissertation (Politics) Part 1
- HPL4001(B) Dissertation (Politics) Part 2
- HPL4503 International relations
- HPL4510 Research writing in history and politics
- HPL5503 International relations
- HSC1031 Foundations of health
- HSC1041 Health sociology
- HSC1051 Working With People
- HSC1052 Health and social care systems
- HSC1061 Introduction to research in health science
- HSC1072 Health promotion 1
- HSC1082 Population health
- HSC1092 Human body in health and illness
- HSC1301 Human structure and function 1
- HSC1302 Human structure and function 2
- HSC2031 Epidemiology and public health
- HSC2042 Population health and diversity
- HSC2051 Health Promotion 2
- HSC2052 Management in the health sector
- HSC2061 Legal and ethical frameworks
- HSC2062 Communicating health
- HSC2092 Community partnerships and capacity building
- HSC2301 Processes of disease
- HSC2302 Communicable diseases
- HSC3011 Contemporary health challenges
- HSC3031 Research Methods in Health Science
- HSC3052 Health Promotion in primary and clinical settings
- HSC3061 Health program evaluation
- HSC3072 Health policy and politics
- HSC3082 Health Promotion Practicum
- HSC5002 Health promotion: A determinants approach
- HSC5010 Working in the Australian healthcare system
- HSC5012 Strategies for health promotion
- HSC5022 Evaluation in health promotion
- HSC5031 Health promotion program planning
- HSC5032 Health literacy
- HSC5041 Significant issues for health promotion
- HSM4301 Program planning and evaluation in the human services
- HSM4302 Management and leadership in the human services
- HSM4303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSM4304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM4305 Research methods
- HSM4306 Research practicum
- HSM4309 Rethinking received ideas in social welfare
- HSM4310 Building Practice Wisdom in Social Welfare
- HSM4503 International relations
- HSM4521 Mechanisms for international governance
- HSM4801 Theory and practice in sociology
- HSM4802 Contemporary sociological issues
- HSM5301 Research Practicum
- HSM5302 Research Practicum
- HSM5303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSM5304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM5305 Research methods
- HSY1010 Medieval Europe
- HSY1020 Renaissance Europe
- HSY1050 Asian civilisations: The cycle of empires
- HSY1060 Asian civilisations: Crisis and transformation
- HSY1111 Nations at War I: From Napoleon to Gallipoli
- HSY1112 Nations at war 2: genocide and total war
- HSY1120 Conflict and coexistence: jews, christians, muslims
- HSY1190 The bible as history
- HSY1200 Histories of God
- HSY2015 History, film and TV in 20th century Australia
- HSY2025 Beyond Machiavelli: Crisis and renewal in early modern Italy
- HSY2045 Decoding 'The Da Vinci Code': histories behind the story
- HSY2050 Fears and fantasies: deviance and criminality in the modern world
- HSY2055 Murderous cities: Killers, slums and social reform
- HSY2060 History wars: the uses of the past
- HSY2065 Suspicious minds: A history of distrust
- HSY2075 Soldiers of fortune: mercenaries, states and violence
- HSY2085 Witches and depravity in the medieval and early modern world
- HSY2095 The modern middle east
- HSY2105 Religion and Genocide in 20th Century India
- HSY2130 The Ottoman Empire: From Gazi to Gallipoli
- HSY2140 Faith and power: Islam in history and society
- HSY2145 The history of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY2190 Modern Indonesia: Nation and State
- HSY2225 History and film: Nazi Germany and the Jewish holocaust
- HSY2260 Australian Aboriginal history
- HSY2265 The world of the bible: text and context
- HSY2275 Islam: Principles, civilisations, influences
- HSY2300 Twentieth century Australia
- HSY2325 From convict colony to white Australia
- HSY2400 Sexuality, decadence and modernity in Europe c1880-1918
- HSY2410 History of sexuality 1800 - to the Present
- HSY2415 Twentieth century news media: The prerogative of the harlot.
- HSY2440 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- HSY2460 The Vietnam War
- HSY2555 Australian jewry: History and society
- HSY2560 Jews in the modern world
- HSY2570 Modern Israel: History, politics and society
- HSY2580 The holocaust in an age of genocide
- HSY2600 Cults and the end of time: A history of millenarian discourse
- HSY2630 Renaissance Florence
- HSY2640 The age of crusades: Cultures and societies
- HSY2645 Arthur: History and myth
- HSY2655 Troubadours and street singers: Music and popular culture 1100-1600
- HSY2710 The island world of Southeast Asia
- HSY2725 Nationalism and revolution in Southeast Asia
- HSY2735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- HSY2850 The Australian city: Contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HSY2860 The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY2920 Death and disease: Healers and quacks in history
- HSY2950 Slavery, freedom and revolution: The enlightenment and the French revolution
- HSY2955 Searching for the American dream
- HSY2985 Twentieth-century America: Race, rights and power
- HSY2990 The American civil war
- HSY2995 Dissent, revolution and freedom: Inventing the United States to 1850
- HSY3005 Special reading unit
- HSY3015 History, film and TV in 20th century Australia
- HSY3025 Beyond Machiavelli: Crisis and renewal in Early Modern Italy
- HSY3045 Decoding 'The Da Vinci Code': Histories behind the story
- HSY3050 Fears and fantasies: Deviance and criminality in the modern world
- HSY3055 Murderous cities: Killers, slums and social reform
- HSY3060 History wars: The uses of the past
- HSY3065 Suspicious minds: A history of distrust
- HSY3075 Soldiers of fortune: mercenaries, states and violence
- HSY3080 Reading history
- HSY3085 Witches and depravity in the medieval and early modern world
- HSY3095 The modern Middle East
- HSY3105 Religion and genocide in 20th century India
- HSY3125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HSY3130 The Ottoman empire: From Gazi to Gallipoli
- HSY3135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY3140 Faith and power: Islam in history and society
- HSY3145 The history of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY3165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HSY3190 Modern Indonesia: Nation and State
- HSY3195 Israelis and Palestinians between war and peace
- HSY3200 Advanced history workshop
- HSY3225 History and film: Nazi Germany and the Jewish holocaust
- HSY3260 Australian Aboriginal history
- HSY3265 The world of the bible: text and context
- HSY3275 Islam: Principles, civilisations, influences
- HSY3300 Twentieth century Australia
- HSY3325 From convict colony to white Australia
- HSY3400 Sexuality, decadence and modernity in Europe c1880-1918
- HSY3410 History of sexuality 1800 - to the present
- HSY3415 Twentieth century news media: The prerogative of the harlot.
- HSY3440 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- HSY3460 The Vietnam war
- HSY3555 Australian Jewry: History and society
- HSY3560 Jews in the modern world
- HSY3570 Modern Israel: History, politics and society
- HSY3580 The holocaust in an age of genocide
- HSY3600 Cults and the end of time: A history of millenarian discourse
- HSY3630 Renaissance Florence
- HSY3640 The age of crusades: Cultures and societies
- HSY3645 Arthur: History and myth
- HSY3655 Troubadours and street singers: Music and popular culture 1100-1600
- HSY3690 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- HSY3710 The island world of Southeast Asia
- HSY3725 Nationalism and revolution in Southeast Asia
- HSY3735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- HSY3805 Teaching history
- HSY3850 The Australian city: Contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HSY3860 The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY3920 Death and disease: Healers and quacks in history
- HSY3950 Slavery, freedom and revolution: The enlightenment and the French revolution
- HSY3955 Searching for the American dream
- HSY3985 Twentieth-Century America: Race, rights and power
- HSY3990 The American civil war
- HSY3995 Dissent, revolution and freedom: Inventing the United States to 1850
- HSY4030 Special subject 1: First semester
- HSY4040 Special subject 1: Second semester
- HSY4095 History and heritage
- HSY4115 Private and public voices in renaissance correspondence
- HSY4125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HSY4135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY4140 The Raj imagined: Stories and films of British India in their historical context
- HSY4165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HSY4175 Interpreting the Bible: Jewish and Christian perspectives
- HSY4180 Images of the Natural World: Issues in Environmental History
- HSY4185 Colonial encounters: Ideas of race and 'otherness'
- HSY4195 Israelis and Palestinians between war and peace
- HSY4210 History and memory: Oral history, life stories and commemoration
- HSY4260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HSY4270 Research methods in biography and life writing
- HSY4280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
- HSY4290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
- HSY4320 Citizens: Histories of Australian citizenship
- HSY4330 Cultures of devotion in Renaissance Italy
- HSY4340 The Highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- HSY4370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HSY4430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HSY4440 Genocidal thought
- HSY4470 Genocide and colonialism
- HSY4490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HSY4510 History and the museum
- HSY4590 Imagining Europe: Representations and images of a continent
- HSY4620 Family history and genealogy
- HSY4660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
- HSY4690 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- HSY4730 Reading and writing Australian history
- HSY4740 The French revolution: Issues and debates
- HSY4760 The body, gender and history
- HSY4805 Teaching history
- HSY4810 History, biography and autobiography
- HSY4820 Local and community history
- HSY4840 Text and community in renaissance Italy
- HSY4950 Hidden transcripts: Cultural approaches to the past
- HSY4970(A) General seminar part 1
- HSY4970(B) General seminar part 2
- HSY4990(A) Dissertation part 1
- HSY4990(B) Dissertation part 2
- HSY4990 Dissertation
- HSYPLT401 Combined History and Politics Minor Thesis Part 1
- HSYPLT402 Combined History and Politics Minor Thesis Part 2
- HUM4000(A) Honours dissertation (A)
- HUM4000(B) Honours Dissertation (B)
- HUM4002 Selected topics in theory and practice
- HUP3011 Human pathology 1: understanding disease processes
- HUP3022 Human pathology 2: pathology of human diseases
- HUP3801 Essentials of pathology
- HYM4001 Research project in history
- HYM4002 Researching the past: Historical sources, method and interpretation
- HYM4050 Special subject in history (Semester 1)
- HYM4070 Special subject in history (1st Semester)
- HYM4075 Studying the renaissance
- HYM4080 Special subject in history (2nd Semester)
- HYM4085 Reading history
- HYM4095 History and heritage
- HYM4100A Research project in history Part 1
- HYM4100B Research project in history part 2
- HYM4115 Private and public voices in renaissance correspondence
- HYM4120 Reading and writing Australian history
- HYM4125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HYM4135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HYM4165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HYM4175 Interpreting the Bible: Jewish and Christian perspectives
- HYM4180 Images of the natural world: Issues in Environmental history
- HYM4185 Colonial encounters: Ideas of race and 'otherness'
- HYM4195 Israelis and Palestinians between war and peace
- HYM4200 History and memory: Oral history, life stories and commemoration
- HYM4260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HYM4270 Research methods in biography and life writing
- HYM4280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
- HYM4290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
- HYM4320 Citizens: Histories of Australian citizenship
- HYM4330 Cultures of devotion in Renaissance Italy
- HYM4340 The highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- HYM4370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HYM4430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HYM4440 Genocidal thought
- HYM4470 Genocide and colonialism
- HYM4490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HYM4510 History and the museum
- HYM4560 The past around Us
- HYM4590 Imagining Europe: Representations and images of a continent
- HYM4620 Family history and Genealogy
- HYM4640 The World Since 1900
- HYM4660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
- HYM4690 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- HYM4820 Local and community history
- HYM4840 Text and community in Renaissance Italy
- HYM4900 History, biography and autobiography
- HYM4950 Hidden transcripts: Cultural approaches to the past
- HYM4960 The body, gender and history
- HYM5035 Renaissance research project
- HYM5045A Renaissance research project Part 1
- HYM5045B Renaissance research project Part 2
- HYM5050 Special subject in history (Semester 1)
- HYM5060 Special subject in history (Semester II)
- HYM5070 Research project in history
- HYM5095 History and heritage
- HYM5100 Public history research project
- HYM5100A Research project in history Part 1
- HYM5105B Research project in history Part 2
- HYM5115 Private and public voices in Renaissance correspondence
- HYM5120 Reading and writing Australian history
- HYM5170 Public history placement
- HYM5175 Interpreting the Bible: Jewish and Christian perspectives
- HYM5180 Images of the natural world: Issues in environmental history
- HYM5185 Colonial encounters: Ideas of race and 'otherness'
- HYM5200 History and memory: Oral history, life stories and commemoration
- HYM5260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HYM5270 Research methods in biography and life writing
- HYM5280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
- HYM5290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
- HYM5320 Citizens: Histories of Australian citizenship
- HYM5330 Cultures of devotion in renaissance Italy
- HYM5340 The highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- HYM5370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HYM5410A Research project in holocaust and genocide studies - Part 1
- HYM5410B Research project in holocaust and genocide studies - Part 2
- HYM5420 Placement for holocaust and genocide studies
- HYM5430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HYM5440 Genocidal thought
- HYM5470 Genocide and colonialism
- HYM5480A Research project in biography and life writing - Part 1
- HYM5480B Research project in biography and life writing - Part 2
- HYM5490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HYM5510 History and the museum
- HYM5590 Imagining Europe: Representations and images of a continent
- HYM5620 Family history and genealogy
- HYM5640 The World since 1900
- HYM5660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
- HYM5740 The French revolution: Issues and debates
- HYM5820 Local and community history
- HYM5840 Text and community in renaissance Italy
- HYM5900 History, biography and autobiography
- HYM5950 Hidden transcripts: Cultural approaches to the past
- HYM5960 The body, gender and history
13 October 2017
22 February 2025