Related information
Units indexed by Code: C
- CCS5100 Research Project in Medical Science
- CCS5101 Research Project in Medical Science (Part-time)
- CCS5200 Advanced Studies in Medical Science
- CCS5201 Advanced Studies in Medical Science (Part-time)
- CCS5300 Research Project in Health Sciences
- CCS5301 Research Project in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- CCS5400 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
- CCS5401 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- CEH1001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH1002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH1003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH1004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH2004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH3004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH4004 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5001 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5002 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5003 Information technology exchange unit
- CEH5004 Information technology exchange unit
- CER2113 Ceramic practice and theory 3A
- CER2114 Ceramic practice and theory 4A
- CER2123 Ceramic practice and theory 3B
- CER2124 Ceramic practice and theory 4B
- CER3115 Ceramic practice and theory 5
- CER3116 Ceramic practice and theory 6
- CGP1002 Depression and other mood disorders
- CGP1003 Anxiety
- CHB1010 Ethics, biotechnology and genetics: Current issues in bioethics
- CHB1020 Biotechnology, justice and the law
- CHB2100 Bioethics, the human body and the international marketplace
- CHB3100 Bioethics, the human body and the international marketplace
- CHB4101 Ethics
- CHB4102 Questions of life and death
- CHB4203 Ethical issues in patient care
- CHB4204 Legal issues in bioethics
- CHB4215 Bioethics supervised research paper
- CHB5101 Ethics
- CHB5102 Questions of life and death
- CHB5203 Health care ethics: Principles and practice
- CHB5204 Bioethics, public policy, and the law
- CHB5206 Bioethics supervised research paper
- CHB5207 Ethical issues in professional life
- CHB5233 Principles of health care ethics
- CHB5255 Legal issues in bioethics and health care ethics
- CHB5288 Ethical issues in legal and professional life
- CHE2161 Fluid mechanics
- CHE2162 Material and energy balances
- CHE2163 Heat and mass transfer
- CHE2164 Thermodynamics I
- CHE2165 Bio-nano engineering
- CHE3161 Chemistry and chemical thermodynamics
- CHE3162 Process control
- CHE3163 Sustainable processing I
- CHE3164 Reaction engineering
- CHE3165 Separation processes
- CHE3166 Process design
- CHE3167 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
- CHE3171 Bioprocess technology
- CHE3172 Nanotechnology and materials 1
- CHE3175 Sustainable process engineering case studies
- CHE4000 Chemical engineering science honours
- CHE4011 Chemical engineering science honours part time year 1 semester 1
- CHE4012 Chemical engineering science honours part time year 1 semester 2
- CHE4161 Engineer in society
- CHE4162 Particle technology
- CHE4163 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
- CHE4164 Integrated industrial project
- CHE4170 Design project
- CHE4171 Biochemical engineering
- CHE4172 Nanotechnology and materials 2
- CHE4173 Sustainable processing 2
- CHE4180 Chemical engineering project
- CHE5160 The pulp and paper industry
- CHE5161 Process engineering of pulping
- CHE5162 Unit operations of paper making
- CHE5163 Paper production properties and use
- CHE5164 Management and control in the pulp and paper industry
- CHE5165 Environmental aspects of pulp and paper making
- CHE5166 Special topics in pulp and paper
- CHE5167 Pulp and paper laboratory
- CHE5168 Industrial visits
- CHE5172 Energy Systems
- CHE5173 Cogeneration and site utility systems
- CHE5174 Synthesis of reactor-separation systems
- CHE5175 Advanced distillation design
- CHE5177 Environmental design for aqueous emissions
- CHE5178 Design for gaseous emissions
- CHE5179 Control, operations and safety
- CHE5180 Cleaner production
- CHE5181A Design project A
- CHE5181B Design project B
- CHE5181C Design project C
- CHE5181D Design project D
- CHE5182 Chemical process safety
- CHE5183 Process modelling and optimisation
- CHE9160 The pulp and paper industry
- CHE9161 Process engineering of pulping
- CHE9162 Unit operations of papermaking
- CHE9163 Paper production properties and use
- CHE9164 Management and control in the pulp and paper industry
- CHE9165 Environmental aspects of pulp and paper making
- CHE9166 Special topics in pulp and paper
- CHE9167 Pulp and paper laboratory
- CHE9168 Industrial visits
- CHI1010 Chinese 1
- CHI1020 Chinese 2
- CHI1030 Chinese 3
- CHI1040 Chinese 4
- CHI1050 Chinese 5
- CHI1060 Chinese 6
- CHI1070 Chinese 7
- CHI1080 Chinese 8
- CHI1090 Chinese 9
- CHI1100 Chinese 10
- CHI1110 Chinese 11
- CHI1120 Chinese 12
- CHI1450 Chinese for business communication, part 1
- CHI1460 Chinese for business communication, part 2
- CHI1650 Chinese translation 1
- CHI1660 Chinese translation 2
- CHI1901 Chinese 1
- CHI1902 Chinese 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1904 Chinese 4 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1990 Language study abroad program
- CHI1991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2010 Chinese 1
- CHI2020 Chinese 2
- CHI2030 Chinese 3
- CHI2040 Chinese 4
- CHI2050 Chinese 5
- CHI2060 Chinese 6
- CHI2070 Chinese 7
- CHI2080 Chinese 8
- CHI2090 Chinese 9
- CHI2100 Chinese 10
- CHI2110 Chinese 11
- CHI2120 Chinese 12
- CHI2335 Chinese media studies, part 1
- CHI2345 Chinese media studies, part 2
- CHI2430 Understanding modern China
- CHI2440 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI2450 Chinese for business communication part 1
- CHI2460 Chinese for business communication part 2
- CHI2550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI2560 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 2
- CHI2650 Chinese translation 1
- CHI2660 Chinese translation 2
- CHI2750 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1
- CHI2760 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2
- CHI2850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI2860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI2901 Chinese 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2902 Chinese 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2904 Chinese 4 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2960 Professional Chinese language internship, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2975 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2976 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2985 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2986 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2990 Language study abroad program
- CHI2991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2992 Language study abroad program
- CHI3050 Chinese 5
- CHI3060 Chinese 6
- CHI3070 Chinese 7
- CHI3080 Chinese 8
- CHI3090 Chinese 9
- CHI3100 Chinese 10
- CHI3110 Chinese 11
- CHI3120 Chinese 12
- CHI3335 Chinese media studies, part 1
- CHI3345 Chinese media studies, part 2
- CHI3430 Understanding modern China
- CHI3440 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI3450 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI3460 Chinese for business communication, Part 2
- CHI3550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI3560 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI3650 Chinese translation 1
- CHI3660 Chinese translation 2
- CHI3750 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1
- CHI3760 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2
- CHI3850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI3860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI3903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3904 Chinese 4 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3955 Professional Chinese language internship, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3960 Professional Chinese language internship, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3975 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3976 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3985 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3986 Basic Interpreting Skills (Mandarin) 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3990 Language study abroad program
- CHI3991 Language study abroad program
- CHI3992 Language study abroad program
- CHI4010 Chinese 1
- CHI4020 Chinese 2
- CHI4030 Chinese 3
- CHI4040 Chinese 4
- CHI4050 Chinese 5
- CHI4060 Chinese 6
- CHI4070 Chinese 7
- CHI4079 Chinese 7
- CHI4080 Chinese 8
- CHI4089 Chinese 8
- CHI4090 Chinese 9
- CHI4099 Chinese 9
- CHI4100 Chinese 10
- CHI4109 Chinese 10
- CHI4110 Chinese 11
- CHI4119 Chinese 11
- CHI4120 Chinese 12
- CHI4129 Chinese 12
- CHI4430 Understanding modern China
- CHI4439 Understanding modern China
- CHI4440 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI4449 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI4450 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI4459 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI4460 Chinese for business communication, Part 2
- CHI4469 Chinese for business communication, Part 2
- CHI4550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI4559 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI4560 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI4569 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI4850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI4860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI4907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4920(A) Dissertation Part 1
- CHI4920(B) Dissertation Part 2
- CHI4929(A) Dissertation Part 1
- CHI4929(B) Dissertation Part 2
- CHI4929 Dissertation
- CHI4945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4990 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4991 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4992 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI5010 Chinese 1
- CHI5020 Chinese 2
- CHI5030 Chinese 3
- CHI5040 Chinese 4
- CHI5050 Chinese 5
- CHI5060 Chinese 6
- CHI5070 Chinese 7
- CHI5080 Chinese 8
- CHI5090 Chinese 9
- CHI5100 Chinese 10
- CHI5110 Chinese 11
- CHI5120 Chinese 12
- CHI5450 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI5460 Chinese for Business Communication, Part 2
- CHI5907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5920 Research project
- CHI5930 Research essay in Chinese studies
- CHI5946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5990 Individual option
- CHM1011 Chemistry
- CHM1022 Chemistry
- CHM1031 The world of chemistry I
- CHM1042 The world of chemistry II
- CHM1752 Chemistry for engineering
- CHM2180 Materials chemistry: biomaterials, macromolecules and smart materials
- CHM2735 Chemistry - principles and practice
- CHM2741 Instrumental analysis
- CHM2752 Chemistry of the environment
- CHM2762 Design of molecules and macromolecules
- CHM2911 Molecular design and reactivity
- CHM2922 Instrumental and forensic chemistry
- CHM2942 Chemistry of life
- CHM2951 Environmental chemistry - water
- CHM2962 Food chemistry
- CHM2981 Chemistry at the interface
- CHM2990 Introductory chemical research project
- CHM3180 Materials chemistry: biomaterials, macromolecules and smart materials
- CHM3730 Bioactive chemistry
- CHM3742 Chemistry of aquatic systems and processes
- CHM3911 Spectroscopy, synchrotron and structure
- CHM3922 Synthesis 2: understanding chemical reactions
- CHM3932 Medicinal chemistry
- CHM3941 Synthesis 1: chemistry of bioactive compounds
- CHM3952 Analytical and forensic chemistry
- CHM3960 Environmental chemistry
- CHM3972 Sustainable chemistry
- CHM3981 Chemistry at the interface
- CHM3990 Chemistry project
- CHM4100 Chemistry research project
- CHM4110 Chemistry research project part time I
- CHM4120 Chemistry research project part time II
- CHM4201 Chemistry honours coursework
- CHM4211 Chemistry honours coursework part time I
- CHM4221 Chemistry honours coursework part time II
- CIV2206 Mechanics of solids
- CIV2207 Computing and water systems modelling
- CIV2225 Design of steel and timber structures
- CIV2226 Design of concrete and masonry structures
- CIV2242 Introductory geoengineering
- CIV2263 Water systems
- CIV2282 Transport and traffic engineering
- CIV3202 Industrial project
- CIV3203 Civil engineering construction
- CIV3204 Engineering investigation
- CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
- CIV3221 Building structures and technology
- CIV3222 Bridge design and assessment
- CIV3247 Geoengineering
- CIV3248 Groundwater and environmental geoengineering
- CIV3264 Urban water and wastewater systems
- CIV3283 Road engineering
- CIV4210 Project A
- CIV4211 Project B
- CIV4212 Civil engineering practice 4
- CIV4234 Advanced structural analysis
- CIV4235 Advanced structural design
- CIV4248 Ground hazards and environmental geotechnics
- CIV4249 Foundation engineering
- CIV4261 Integrated urban water management
- CIV4268 Water resources management
- CIV4283 Transport planning
- CIV4284 Transport systems
- CIV5261 Flood management in urban and rural environments
- CIV5262 Planning and design of urban stormwater management measures
- CIV5263 Hydraulics of sewerage systems
- CIV5264 Management of water resources and related infrastructure
- CIV5301 Traffic engineering fundamentals
- CIV5302 Road traffic: engineering and management
- CIV5303 Quantitative methods
- CIV5304 Intelligent transport systems
- CIV5305 Transport modelling
- CIV5306 Road safety engineering
- CIV5307 Parking policy and design
- CIV5308 Case studies in transport
- CIV5310 Infrastructure project and policy evaluation
- CIV5311 Infrastructure project management
- CIV5312 Asset management I
- CIV5313 Asset management II
- CIV5314 Transport planning and policy
- CIV5315 Transport economics
- CIV5316 Fundamentals of urban public transport
- CJM4030 Criminal justice practice and reform
- CJM4040 Managing criminal justice issues
- CJM5000 Criminal justice research project
- CJM5005 Criminal Justice Internship
- CJM5050 Criminal justice dissertation
- CJM5050A Criminal justice dissertation - Part 1
- CJM5050B Criminal justice dissertation - Part 2
- CJM5060 Supervised reading in criminal justice and criminology
- CJM5080 Regulating criminal justice
- CLA1010 Classical mythology
- CLA1020 Life and culture in ancient Greece and Rome
- CLA1110 Introductory Latin A/1
- CLA1111 Introductory ancient Greek A/1
- CLA1120 Introductory Latin B/1
- CLA1121 Introductory ancient Greek B/1
- CLA1210 Intermediate Latin A/1
- CLA1211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/1
- CLA1220 Intermediate Latin B/1
- CLA1221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/1
- CLA2030 Ancient Greek epic
- CLA2040 Ancient Greek theatre
- CLA2050 Performing Rome: from comedy to the Colosseum
- CLA2060 Eros and the body: sexuality and body politics in the classical world
- CLA2110 Introductory Latin A/2
- CLA2111 Introductory ancient Greek A/2
- CLA2120 Introductory Latin B/2
- CLA2121 Introductory ancient Greek B/2
- CLA2210 Intermediate Latin A/2
- CLA2211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/2
- CLA2220 Intermediate Latin B/2
- CLA2221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/2
- CLA2310 Advanced Latin A/2
- CLA2320 Advanced Latin B/2
- CLA3030 Ancient Greek epic
- CLA3040 Ancient Greek theatre
- CLA3050 Performing Rome: from comedy to the Colosseum
- CLA3060 Eros and the body: Sexuality and body politics in the classical world
- CLA3110 Introductory Latin A/3
- CLA3111 Introductory ancient Greek A/3
- CLA3120 Introductory Latin B/3
- CLA3121 Introductory ancient Greek B/3
- CLA3210 Intermediate Latin A/3
- CLA3211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/3
- CLA3220 Intermediate Latin B/3
- CLA3221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/3
- CLA3310 Advanced Latin A/3
- CLA3320 Advanced Latin B/3
- CLA4000 Reading Greek
- CLA4010 Reading Latin
- CLA4020 Research seminar: Ritual and drama, the politics of antiquity
- CLA4030(A) Honours Dissertation in Classical Studies, Part 1
- CLA4030(B) Honours Dissertation in Classical Studies, Part 2
- CLA4110 Introductory Latin A/3
- CLA4111 Introductory ancient Greek A/3
- CLA4120 Introductory Latin B/3
- CLA4121 Introductory ancient Greek B/3
- CLA4210 Intermediate Latin A/3
- CLA4211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/3
- CLA4220 Intermediate Latin B/3
- CLA4221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/3
- CLA4310 Advanced Latin A/3
- CLA4320 Advanced Latin B/3
- CLS1010 Texts and contexts 1
- CLS1020 Texts and contexts 2
- CLS1220 Centres and margins
- CLS2000 Introduction to critical theory
- CLS2025 19th century fiction: Realism, capitalism and psychoanalysis
- CLS2030 Reading Freud and Jung
- CLS2035 Intellectuals and power: a history of institutions
- CLS2045 Writing lives: Women's auto/biography and historical fiction
- CLS2050 Narrative practices
- CLS2055 Nature, culture and colonisation
- CLS2075 Popular fiction and popular culture
- CLS2080 Science fiction: From monsters to cyborgs
- CLS2085 Science Fiction: Monsters to Cyborgs
- CLS2100 Reading the canon: critical approaches
- CLS2130 Culture and society: Introduction to cultural theory
- CLS2160 Chinese literature and modernity
- CLS2180 Africa and its others
- CLS2250 Post-Marxist critical theory
- CLS2280 The fate of art: Philosophical aesthetics and contemporary culture
- CLS2420 Literature and phenomenology: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- CLS2530 Modernism in European literature
- CLS2550 The romantic revolution in European thought and literature
- CLS2790 Postmodernism and the novel
- CLS2810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century
- CLS2820 Earthworks: literature and environment
- CLS2920 Authority, death and desire: Medieval to renaissance literature
- CLS2950 Freud and feminism
- CLS3000 Introduction to critical theory
- CLS3025 19th Century Fiction: Realism, capitalism and psychoanalysis
- CLS3030 Reading Freud and Jung
- CLS3035 Intellectuals and power: a history of institutions
- CLS3045 Writing lives: Women's auto/biography and historical fiction
- CLS3050 Narrative practices
- CLS3055 Nature, culture and colonisation
- CLS3075 Popular fiction and popular culture
- CLS3080 Science fiction: From monsters to cyborgs
- CLS3085 Science Fiction: From Monsters to Cyborgs
- CLS3100 Reading the canon: critical approaches
- CLS3130 Culture and society: Introduction to cultural theory
- CLS3150 Belief and perception
- CLS3160 Chinese literature and modernity
- CLS3180 Africa and its others
- CLS3250 Post-Marxist critical theory
- CLS3280 The fate of art: Philosophical aesthetics and contemporary culture
- CLS3420 Literature and phenomenology: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- CLS3530 Modernism in European literature
- CLS3550 The romantic revolution in European thought and literature
- CLS3790 Postmodernism and the novel
- CLS3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century
- CLS3820 Earthworks: Literature and environment
- CLS3920 Authority, death and desire: Medieval to renaissance literature
- CLS3950 Freud and feminism
- CLS4030 Poetics
- CLS4070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CLS4080(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- CLS4080(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- CLS4100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CLS4155 Belief and perception
- CLS4200 Semiotics and Poststructuralism
- CLS4225 Hermeneutics
- CLS4760 Gender, body and performance
- CLS4835 Popular culture and ethics
- CMA1001 History and philosophy: Channels and points
- CMA1002 Modern physiology: Physiology and assessment of pain
- CMA1003 Acupuncture techniques and therapeutics
- CMA1004 Clinical practice
- CMH1005 Clinical practice essentials
- CMH1006 The context for mental health practice
- CMH1007 Concepts in mental health illness
- CMH1008 Issues for mental health
- CMH2001 Mental health of the elderly
- CMH2002 Perspectives in developmental mental health
- CMH2003 Transcultural mental health
- CMH2004 Mental health in rural settings
- CMH2005 Dual disabilities
- CMH2006 Advanced psychological interventions
- CMH2007 Primary mental health practice
- COG2111 Pattern recognition and sensory processes
- COG2112 Cognition and learning
- COG2113 Development of thought and action
- COG3111 Cognitive neuroscience
- COG3112 Linguistics and language processing
- COG3113 Bionics and prosthetics
- COM1010 Media studies
- COM1020 Introduction to communication studies
- COM1510 Media and culture
- COM1520 Communications and society
- COM2000 Media, modernities and the everyday
- COM2010 Computer and video games: Technology, culture, industry
- COM2015 Managing communication in multicultural organisations
- COM2025 Communication realms and interfaces
- COM2030 Media text: Practices and audiences
- COM2036 Strategic communication/Public relations practice
- COM2050 New media: Communications in the electronic age
- COM2055 Communication and creativity
- COM2065 Communicating science
- COM2070 Media mates and moguls: Political economy of the media
- COM2080 Youth media
- COM2100 The public sphere
- COM2120 Class, culture and regional identity
- COM2130 Print cultures: Books as media
- COM2140 On the road: travel and representation
- COM2150 Inscribing Italy: travels and imaginings
- COM2160 Communications ethics, policy and law
- COM2200 Animation cultures
- COM2240 Australian media histories
- COM2400 Music as communication
- COM2408 Screen theories and techniques
- COM2409 Media texts
- COM2411 Media, culture, power
- COM2413 Cultural and communications policy
- COM2417 Virtual cultures: Sex, politics and war in cyberspace
- COM2418 Digital culture and new reading practices
- COM2419 The cyborg subject: Identity and subjectivity in the 21st century
- COM2420 Communication research and methodology
- COM2423 Media audiences
- COM3000 Media, modernities and the everyday
- COM3010 Computer and video games: Technology, culture, industry
- COM3015 Managing communication in multicultural organisations
- COM3020 The second media age
- COM3025 Communication realms and interfaces
- COM3030 Media text: practices and audiences
- COM3036 Strategic communication/public relations practice
- COM3050 New media: Communications in the electronic age
- COM3055 Communication and creativity
- COM3060 The practising consultant
- COM3065 Communicating science
- COM3070 Media mates and moguls: Political economy of the media
- COM3080 Youth media
- COM3090 Media, violence, protest, terror
- COM3100 The public sphere
- COM3120 Class, culture and regional identity
- COM3130 Print cultures: Books as media
- COM3140 On the road: travel and representation
- COM3150 Inscribing Italy: travels and imaginings
- COM3160 Communications ethics, policy and law
- COM3200 Animation cultures
- COM3240 Australian media histories
- COM3300 Research readings
- COM3400 Music as communication
- COM3408 Screen theories and techniques
- COM3409 Media texts
- COM3411 Media, culture, power
- COM3413 Cultural and communications policy
- COM3417 Virtual cultures: Sex, politics and war in cyberspace
- COM3420 Communication research and methodology
- COM3423 Media audiences
- COM3650 Social drama and political rhetoric
- COM3700 Comedy
- COM3800 Foundations of communication
- COM4001 Researching and writing Australia
- COM4002 The first media age
- COM4006 New communications media
- COM4008 Media, ethics and practice
- COM4009 Issues in international communications
- COM400H(A) Dissertation Part 1
- COM400H(B) Dissertation Part 2
- COM4010(H) Research issues and methodology
- COM4010 Communications, convergence and public policy
- COM4020(H) Industry practice applied
- COM4020 Communications and cultural studies applied: Industry practice
- COM4030(H) Contemporary Media and Communications Theory
- COM4040(H) Current Issues in International Media and Communications
- COM4050(H) Honours Thesis
- COM405H(A) Honours Thesis Part 1
- COM405H(B) Honours Thesis Part 2
- COM4060(H) Readings in social, political and cultural theory
- COM4090(H) Media, Violence, Protest, Terror
- COM4090 Media, violence, protest, terror
- COM4110 Battle lines: war and (post)modernity
- COM4120 Cultural memory and the Spanish civil war
- COM4130 Audiences and the social influence of media
- COM4131 Contemporary media and communications theory
- COM4140 Communicating the body
- COM4201 Communication organisations and technologies
- COM4202 Communication policy and management
- COM4203(H) Communication systems and networks
- COM4203 Communication systems and networks
- COM4204(H) Communication economies and society
- COM4204 Communication economies and society
- COM4206 Communication arts and literacies
- COM4207 Strategic communication
- COM4208 Persuasive communication
- COM4209 Communication research
- COM4211 Researching global audiences
- COM4300 Honours research readings
- COM4302(H) Media flows
- COM4302 Media flows
- COM4421 Media, social relations and power
- COM4550(H) Eyewitness: Reportage, representation and war
- COM4550 Eyewitness: Reportage, representation and war
- COM5001 Researching and writing Australia
- COM5002 The first media age
- COM5004 Industry Research Project
- COM5006 New communications media
- COM5008 Media, Ethics and Practice
- COM5009 Issues in international communications
- COM5010 Communications, convergence and public policy
- COM5011(A) Industry research thesis part 1
- COM5011(B) Industry research thesis part 2
- COM5011 Industry research thesis
- COM5020 Communications and cultural studies applied: Industry practice
- COM5110 Battle lines: war and (post)modernity
- COM5120 Cultural memory and the Spanish civil war
- COM5130 Audiences and the social influence of media
- COM5140 Communicating the body
- COM5201 Communication organisations and technologies
- COM5203 Communication systems and networks
- COM5204 Communication economies and society
- COM5206 Communication Arts and Literacies
- COM5207 Strategic communication
- COM5208 Persuasive communication
- COM5209 Communication research
- COM5210(A) Research Dissertation
- COM5210(B) Research Dissertation
- COM5210 Research dissertation
- COM5211 Researching global audiences
- COM5220 Research dissertation
- COM5302 Media flows
- COM5303 International Field Trip in Media and Communications
- COM5550 Eyewitness: Reportage, representation and war
- CPE7601 Healthcare information systems
- CPE7602 Developing health care information systems
- CPE7603 Contemporary issues in health informatics
- CPE7604 Health information systems management
- CPE7605 Electronic health record
- CPE7606 Project management for health professionals
- CRH1000 Rural health issues and practice
- CRH1001 Research methods in health
- CRH1002 Rural health politics and policies
- CRH1005 Alcohol and other drug related issues in rural communities
- CRH1010 Indigenous health for health professionals
- CRH1016 Interprofessional rural health practice
- CRH1021 Interprofessional rural health project
- CRH1032 Applied research for health practitioners
- CRH1044 Minor thesis - Final grade
- CRH1047 Health, ecology and environmental change
- CRI1001 Understanding crime
- CRI1002 Criminal justice in action: Police, courts and corrections
- CRI2008 Crime and the media
- CRI2015 Policing and society
- CRI2020 Prisons, power and justice
- CRI2030 Drugs, crime and society
- CRI2040 Crime and punishment
- CRI2050 International crime and justice
- CRI2060 Criminal behaviour in South Africa: A psychosocial approach
- CRI2140 Sex and crime
- CRI2210 Child justice: Human rights, law reform and socio-criminology of deviance
- CRI2220 Forensic criminology: Victim and offender profiling
- CRI2270 Victimology
- CRI2271 Victimology in South Africa
- CRI3008 Crime and the media
- CRI3015 Policing and society
- CRI3020 Prisons, power and justice
- CRI3030 Drugs, crime and society
- CRI3040 Crime and punishment
- CRI3050 International crime and justice
- CRI3060 Criminal behaviour in South Africa: A psychosocial approach
- CRI3140 Sex and crime
- CRI3210 Child Justice: Human rights, Law reform and socio-criminology of deviance
- CRI3220 Forensic criminology: Victim and offender profiling
- CRI3270 Victimology
- CRI3271 Victimology in South Africa
- CRI4000(A) Criminal Justice Honours Thesis Part 1
- CRI4000(B) Criminal Justice Honours Thesis Part 2
- CRI4010 Criminology and criminal justice for the 21st century
- CRI4020 Researching criminal justice
- CRJ1001 Crime: Theory and practice
- CRJ1002 The criminal justice process
- CRJ2001 Comparative criminal justice: An international perspective
- CRJ2002 Crime and Violence: Rural, Regional and Urban Communities
- CRJ3001 Comparative criminal justice: An international perspective
- CRJ3002 Crime and Violence: Rural, Regional and Urban Communities
- CRJ3003 Offender Profiling
- CRJ4001 Crime prevention: A global perspective
- CRJ4002 Policing, security and risk management
- CRJ4004 Criminal behaviours and enterprises: Individuals, groups and organisations
- CRJ5004 Criminal behaviours and enterprises: Individuals, groups and organisations
- CRT4030 Poetics
- CRT4070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CRT4080(A) Research Project Part 1
- CRT4080(B) Research Project Part 2
- CRT4100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CRT4200 Semiotics and post-structuralism
- CRT4225 Hermeneutics
- CRT4760 Gender, body and performance
- CRT4830 Popular culture and ethics
- CRT5030 Poetics
- CRT5070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CRT5100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CRT5200 Semiotics and Post-Structuralism
- CRT5225 Hermeneutics
- CRT5760 Gender, body and performance
- CRT5830 Popular culture and ethics
- CRT6000 Critical theory: A survey
- CRT6010 Critical theory: An approach
- CRT6020 Critical theory: A theorist
- CRT6030 French language
- CRT6040 German language
- CSE3318 Data communications and computer networks
- CVL4010 Rites of passage: Culture and celebrating life cycle events
- CVL4020 Life cycle events: Literature, music and life stories
- CVL4030 Celebrant and client: Legal, ethical and personal issues
- CVL4040 Professional celebration of rites of passage
- CVL5090 Civil ceremonies placement
- CWH1001 Family planning: Sexual and reproductive health
13 October 2017
22 February 2025