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Units indexed by Code: J
- JAL4130 Japanese sociolinguistics
- JAL4140 Asian languages in contact
- JAL4210 Issues in Japanese language education
- JAL4530 Teaching and learning Asian languages
- JAL4590 Japanese linguistics
- JAL4610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
- JAL4710 Acquisition of Japanese Language
- JAL4730 Japanese pedagogic grammar
- JAL5130 Japanese sociolinguistics
- JAL5140 Asian languages in contact
- JAL5210 Issues in Japanese language education
- JAL5530 Teaching and learning Asian languages
- JAL5590 Japanese linguistics
- JAL5610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
- JAL5710 Acquisition of Japanese Language
- JAL5730 Japanese pedagogic grammar
- JIT4100 Interpreting A
- JIT4200 Theory and practice of translation B
- JIT4611 Introduction to Japanese business communication
- JIT4621 Interpreting current events in Japanese and English B
- JIT4622 Interpreting B
- JIT4623 Japanese Companies Overseas
- JIT4731 Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting
- JIT4811 Theory and practice of translation A
- JIT4832 Translation of Japanese business documents
- JIT4843 Advanced theory and practice of translation
- JIT5100 Interpreting A
- JIT5200 Theory and practice of translation B
- JIT5611 Introduction to Japanese Business Communication
- JIT5622 Interpreting B
- JIT5623 Japanese Companies Overseas
- JIT5731 Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting
- JIT5811 Theory and practice of translation A
- JIT5832 Translation of Japanese business documents
- JIT5842 Advanced Japanese interpreting
- JIT5843 Advanced theory and practice of translation
- JIT5940 Projects in Japanese interpreting and translation
- JLG4000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JLG4010 Japanese 1
- JLG4020 Japanese 2
- JLG4030 Japanese 3
- JLG4040 Japanese 4
- JLG4050 Japanese 5
- JLG4059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4060 Japanese 6
- JLG4069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4070 Japanese 7
- JLG4079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4080 Japanese 8
- JLG4089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4090 Japanese 9
- JLG4100 Japanese 10
- JLG4110 Japanese 11
- JLG4120 Japanese 12
- JLG4720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- JLG4852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JLG5000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JLG5010 Japanese 1
- JLG5020 Japanese 2
- JLG5030 Japanese 3
- JLG5040 Japanese 4
- JLG5050 Japanese 5
- JLG5059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5060 Japanese 6
- JLG5069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5070 Japanese 7
- JLG5079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5080 Japanese 8
- JLG5089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5090 Japanese 9
- JLG5100 Japanese 10
- JLG5110 Japanese 11
- JLG5120 Japanese 12
- JLG5720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- JLG5852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JLG5862 Current Issues in Japanese media
- JPL1010 Japanese 1
- JPL1020 Japanese 2
- JPL1030 Japanese 3
- JPL1040 Japanese 4
- JPL1050 Japanese 5
- JPL1059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1060 Japanese 6
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- JPL1070 Japanese 7
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- JPL1080 Japanese 8
- JPL1089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1090 Japanese 9
- JPL1100 Japanese 10
- JPL1110 Japanese 11
- JPL1120 Japanese 12
- JPL1550 Japanese for Background Speakers, Part 1
- JPL1560 Japanese Background Speakers, Part 2
- JPL2010 Japanese 1
- JPL2020 Japanese 2
- JPL2030 Japanese 3
- JPL2040 Japanese 4
- JPL2050 Japanese 5
- JPL2059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2060 Japanese 6
- JPL2069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2070 Japanese 7
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- JPL2080 Japanese 8
- JPL2089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
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- JPL2110 Japanese 11
- JPL2120 Japanese 12
- JPL2652 Reading Japanese texts level B
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- JPL2852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JPL2990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- JPL2991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL2993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL3000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JPL3050 Japanese 5
- JPL3059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3060 Japanese 6
- JPL3069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3070 Japanese 7
- JPL3079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3080 Japanese 8
- JPL3089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3090 Japanese 9
- JPL3100 Japanese 10
- JPL3110 Japanese 11
- JPL3120 Japanese 12
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- JPL3752 Intermediate Japanese reading skills
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- JPL3990 Language study in Japan 6 points
- JPL3991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL3992 Language Study in Japan 24 Points
- JPL3993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL4000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JPL4070 Japanese 7
- JPL4080 Japanese 8
- JPL4090 Japanese 9
- JPL4100 Japanese 10
- JPL4110 Japanese 11
- JPL4120 Japanese 12
- JPL4200 Theory and practice of translation B
- JPL4481(A) Honours thesis in Japanese Part 1
- JPL4481(B) Honours thesis in Japanese Part 2
- JPL4482(A) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part A - Part 1
- JPL4482(B) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part A - Part 2
- JPL4483(A) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part B - Part 1
- JPL4483(B) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part B - Part 2
- JPL4610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
- JPL4621 Interpreting current events in Japanese and English B
- JPL4622 Interpreting B
- JPL4720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan 12 points
- JPL4832 Translation of Japanese business documents
- JPL4852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JPL4990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- JPL4991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL4992 Language study in Japan 24 points
- JPL4993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPS1090 Understanding Contemporary Japan
- JPS2110 Japanese society and the new millennium
- JPS2130 Introduction to Japanese sociolinguistics
- JPS2140 Touring Japanese Culture
- JPS2150 Japanese culture: Identity and tradition
- JPS2190 Japanese management and the economy
- JPS2530 Japanese language acquisition and use
- JPS2590 Introduction to Japanese linguistics
- JPS2710 Australia-Japan relations
- JPS2990 Japanese studies in Japan 6 points
- JPS2991 Japanese studies in Japan (12 Points)
- JPS3110 Japanese society and the new millennium
- JPS3130 Introduction to Japanese sociolinguistics
- JPS3140 Touring Japanese culture
- JPS3150 Japanese culture: Identity and tradition
- JPS3190 Japanese management and the economy
- JPS3530 Japanese language acquisition and use
- JPS3590 Introduction to Japanese linguistics
- JPS3710 Australia-Japan relations
- JPS3990 Japanese studies in Japan (6 Points)
- JPS3991 Japanese studies in Japan (12 Points)
- JPS3992 Japanese studies in Japan (24 Points)
- JRM4901 Research and Reporting
- JRM4902 Reporting with Sound and Image
- JRM4903 Journalism and the Law
- JRM4904 Journalism Studies
- JRM4907 Journalism and Society
- JRM4908 Print Features
- JRM4910 Editing and publishing
- JRM4911 Online Journalism
- JRM4912 Radio Journalism
- JRM4913 Video Journalism
- JRM4914 Reporting the Environment
- JRM4915 Investigative Reporting
- JRM4916 Specialist Reporting
- JRM5907 Journalism and Society
- JRM5914 Reporting the Environment
- JRM5915 Investigative Reporting
- JRM5916 Specialist Reporting
- JRM5920 Journalism Research Project
- JRM5930 Journalism Studies Project
- JRM5940 Journalism Professional Project
- JRM5950 Journalism and Australian Studies Research Project
- JRN1902 Newsroom practice and theory
- JRN1903 Feature writing
- JRN2901 International journalism
- JRN2903 Online journalism
- JRN2904 Editing for print media
- JRN2905 Radio journalism
- JRN2906 Television journalism
- JRN2907 Radio and television journalism
- JRN2909 Media law
- JRN2910 Journalism ethics
- JRN3901 International journalism
- JRN3902 Applied journalism research project
- JRN3903 Online journalism
- JRN3904 Editing for print media
- JRN3908 Environmental reporting
- JRN3909 Media law
- JRN3910 Journalism ethics
- JRN4901 Investigative journalism
- JRN4902 Practice and representation in journalism
- JST4050 Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST4060 Projects in Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST4100 Japanese In-country Study Tour
- JST4110 Advanced studies in Japanese society
- JST4120 Work and economic organisation in Japan
- JST4180 Advanced topics in Japanese culture
- JST4190 Advanced Studies in Japanese Economics
- JST5050 Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST5060 Projects in Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST5100 Japanese In-country Study Tour
- JST5110 Advanced studies in Japanese society
- JST5120 Work and economic organisation in Japan
- JST5180 Advanced topics in Japanese culture
- JWC1000 Introductory Hebrew, Part A
- JWC1005 Introductory Hebrew, Part B
- JWC1010 Modern Hebrew language and literature I, Part A
- JWC1020 Modern Hebrew language and literature I, Part B
- JWC1060 Yiddish language, culture and literature 1A
- JWC1070 Yiddish language, culture and literature 1B
- JWC2010 Modern Hebrew language and literature II, Part A
- JWC2020 Modern Hebrew language and literature II, Part B
- JWC2030 Jewish law: Ancient, medieval, modern
- JWC2040 Modern Jewish literature
- JWC2110 Yiddish language, culture and literature 2A
- JWC2120 Yiddish language, culture and literature 2B
- JWC2270 Reading gender in Judaism
- JWC2280 Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah
- JWC2425 On the Edge of Destruction: Polish Jewry Between the Two World Wars
- JWC2540 Israeli culture through cinema and literature
- JWC2610 Yiddish writers in translation
- JWC2620 God: From Sinai to Auschwitz
- JWC3010 Hebrew language and literature III, Part A
- JWC3020 Hebrew language and literature III, Part B
- JWC3030 Jewish law: Ancient, medieval, modern
- JWC3040 Modern Jewish literature
- JWC3050 Hebrew literature research project
- JWC3110 Yiddish Language, culture and literature 3A
- JWC3120 Yiddish Language, culture and literature 3B
- JWC3260 Jewish literature of destruction
- JWC3270 Reading gender in Judaism
- JWC3280 Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah
- JWC3425 On the Edge of Destruction: Polish Jewry Between the Two World Wars
- JWC3540 Israeli culture through cinema and literature
- JWC3610 Yiddish writers in ttranslation
- JWC3620 God: From Sinai to Auschwitz
- JWC4000(A) Dissertation (Jewish Civilisation) Part 1
- JWC4000(B) Dissertation (Jewish Civilisation) Part 2
- JWC4010 Reading Jewish texts: From antiquity to modernity
- JWC4020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWC4030 Jewish history, Jewish memory
- JWC4040 Jewish literature of subversion
- JWC4260 Jewish literature of destruction
- JWL1311 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 1A
- JWL1312 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 2A
- JWL1331 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 1B
- JWL1342 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 2B
- JWL2313 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 3A
- JWL2314 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 4A
- JWL2323 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 3B
- JWL2324 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 4B
- JWL3315 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 5
- JWL3316 Metals and jewellery practice and theory 6
- JWM4010 Reading Jewish texts: From antiquity to modernity
- JWM4020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWM4030 Jewish history, Jewish memory
- JWM4040 Jewish literature of subversion
- JWM4050 Rethinking jewish community in Australia: policy and praxis
- JWM4260 Jewish literature of destruction
- JWM5010 Reading Jewish texts: From antiquity to modernity
- JWM5020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWM5030 Jewish history, Jewish memory
- JWM5040 Jewish literature of subversion
- JWM5050 Rethinking jewish community in Australia: policy and praxis
13 October 2017
22 February 2025