Units indexed by Code: B
- BCH2011 Structure and function of cellular biomolecules
- BCH2022 Metabolic basis of human diseases
- BCH3021 Cellular organisation: organelle structure and function in health and disease
- BCH3031 Advanced molecular biology: modern concepts and applications
- BCH3042 Cell signal transduction: role in cancer and human disease
- BCH3052 Protein biology: from sequence to structure and disease
- BCH3990 Action in biochemistry research project
- BCH4100 Biochemistry and molecular biology research project
- BCH4110 Biochemistry and molecular biology research project part time I
- BCH4120 Biochemistry and molecular biology research project part time II
- BCH4200 Advanced studies in biochemistry and molecular biology
- BCH4210 Advanced studies in biochemistry and molecular biology part time I
- BCH4220 Advanced studies in biochemistry and molecular biology part time II
- BEH1001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1011 Clinical concepts of paramedic practice
- BEH1012 Human biological concepts applied to paramedic practice
- BEH2001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2011 Professionalism and community based emergency health systems
- BEH2012 Paramedic management of cardio-respiratory conditions
- BEH2021 Evidence Based Practice,Research& Population Health within Community Based Emergency Health Services
- BEH2022 Paramedic management of trauma and environmental conditions
- BEH2032 Paramedic clinical practice 1
- BEH2041 Human development and health across the lifespan
- BEH2501 Community Health, Culture and Society
- BEH3001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3005 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3006 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3011 Paramedic management of medical conditions
- BEH3012 Clinical leadership and emergency preparedness
- BEH3021 Paramedic management of health conditions at life stages
- BEH3022 Research and Contemporary Challenges in Community Based Emergency Health
- BEH3031 Paramedic clinical practice 2
- BEH3032 Paramedic management of critical care specialty situations
- BEH3042 Advanced Paramedic Clinical Practice 3
- BEH3051 Paramedic Management of Mental Health
- BEH4001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4100 Advanced studies in community-based emergency health
- BEH4200 Community Emergency Health research project- part A
- BEH4300 Community Emergency Health research project - part B
- BEH5001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEW3100 Work placement program
- BEW3101 Business internship
- BEW3150 Industry based learning program
- BEW3200 Research project in sports event management
- BEW3300 Research project, innovation and enterprise
- BEW3640 Electronic commerce project management
- BEW4000 Research methodology 1
- BEW4010 Research methodology 2
- BEW4020 Directed studies 1
- BEW4030 Directed studies 2
- BEW4100 Research project and report
- BEW4500 Bachelor of business and commerce honours
- BEX5000 Quantitative business research methods
- BEX5010 Quantitative business research methods
- BHS1711 Understanding human behaviour
- BHS1712 Introduction to social behaviour
- BHS2110 Researching behaviour: Principles and practice
- BHS2340 The criminal mind
- BHS2490 The self and others: Identity and the experience of difference in the 21st Century
- BHS2711 Personality: Beyond the persona
- BHS3000 Digital selves
- BHS3110 Researching behaviour: Principles and practice
- BHS3130 Contemporary issues in behavioural studies
- BHS3340 The criminal mind
- BHS3490 The self and others: Identity and the experience of difference in the 21st century
- BHS3711 Personality: Beyond the persona
- BHS4000(A) Honours Research Project Part 1
- BHS4000(B) Honours Research Project Part 2
- BHS4000 Honours Research Project
- BHS4030 Researching behaviour: Advanced practice and reporting
- BHS4040 Behavioural studies in the 21st Century: Issues and paradigms
- BIO1011 Biology I
- BIO1022 Biology II
- BIO1042 Environmental biology
- BIO1711 Human biology
- BIO1722 Cell biology
- BIO2011 Ecology
- BIO2022 Evolution and systematics
- BIO2031 Biodiversity and bioresources
- BIO2042 Conservation biology
- BIO2181 Evolution of plant diversity
- BIO2231 Animal diversity
- BIO2242 Animal structure and function
- BIO2282 Plant structure and function
- BIO2721 Human development and genetics
- BIO2742 Exercise physiology and fitness assessment
- BIO3011 Research methods in biology
- BIO3021 Marine biology
- BIO3052 Animal behaviour
- BIO3082 Plant responses to the environment
- BIO3091 Ecology of australian vegetation
- BIO3111 Ecological management
- BIO3122 Freshwater ecology
- BIO3132 Biology of Australian vertebrates
- BIO3990 Biology in action research project
- BIO4100 Biology research project
- BIO4200 Advanced coursework in biology
- BMC4100 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Research Project
- BMC4110 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Research Project 1 (Part time)
- BMC4111 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Research Project 2 (Part time)
- BMC4200 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Coursework
- BMC4210 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Coursework 1 (P/T)
- BMC4220 Medicinal Chemistry Honours Coursework 2 (Part time)
- BME1130 Health and human behaviour
- BME3032 Introduction to the health system
- BMS1011 Biomedical chemistry
- BMS1021 Cells, tissues and organisms
- BMS1031 Medical biophysics
- BMS1042 Biomedical sciences and society
- BMS1052 Human neurobiology
- BMS1062 Molecular biology
- BMS2011 Structure of the human body
- BMS2021 Biochemistry of human function
- BMS2031 Body systems
- BMS2042 Human genetics
- BMS2052 Microbes in health and disease
- BMS2062 Introduction to bioinformatics
- BMS3011 Biomedical basis of disease 1
- BMS3021 Molecular medicine and biotechnology
- BMS3042 Biomedical basis of disease
- BMS4100 Biomedical science research project
- BMS4200 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS5100 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences
- BMS5101 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)
- BMS5200 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences
- BMS5201 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)
- BND1010 Human nutrition: an introduction to nutrients
- BND1022 Food chemistry
- BND1032 Social nutrition
- BND2011 Nutritional physiology
- BND2021 Nutritional biochemistry
- BND2031 Health psychology for dieticians
- BND2042 Nutrition and immunology
- BND2052 Applied food science
- BND2062 Food microbiology
- BND2072 Introduction to health care systems
- BND3011 Food science and skills
- BND3021 Nutrition assessment skills
- BND3031 Health education and promotion
- BND3041 Nutrition across the lifespan
- BND3052 Clinical dietetics I
- BND3082 Public health nutrition
- BND4011 Clinical Dietetics II
- BND4021 Food service management
- BND4032 Clinical Dietetics III
- BND4042 Program planning
- BND5011 Research skills for Dieticians
- BND5012 Issues in human nutrition
- BND5021 Honours research project 1
- BND5022 Honours research project 2
- BND5101 Advanced Nutrition Support and Management of Malnutrition
- BND5102 Advancing Your Health Professional Practice
- BNS1072 Foundations of behavioural neuroscience
- BNS2011 Brain structure and function I
- BNS2012 Brain Structure and Function II
- BNS2082 Introductory research in behavioural neuroscience
- BNS3021 Neurochemistry and Behaviour
- BNS3052 Drugs, brain and altered awareness
- BNS3062 Imaging and brain disorders
- BNS4100 Behavioural neuroscience honours: Research project
- BNS4200 Behavioural neuroscience honours: Research design and analysis
- BTC1110 Business law
- BTC2190 International trade law
- BTC2210 Australian company law
- BTC2720 Workplace law
- BTC3100 Sustainability and the law
- BTC3130 Stock exchange and derivatives law
- BTC3150 Taxation law
- BTC3200 Finance law
- BTC3300 Marketing law
- BTC3350 Business taxation and GST
- BTC4320 Finance law
- BTC4330 Marketing law
- BTC4335 Business taxation and GST
- BTF1010 Commercial law
- BTF2220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTF2223 Corporate crime
- BTF2601 Banking law
- BTF2991 Employment law
- BTF3091 Stock exchange and derivatives law
- BTF3100 Environmental law for business
- BTF3181 Marketing law
- BTF3201 International trade law
- BTF3900 Research project in business law and taxation
- BTF3931 Taxation law
- BTF3951 Business taxation and GST
- BTF4200 Income and deductions
- BTF4210 Taxation of trusts and partnerships
- BTF4220 Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTF4230 Taxation of capital gains
- BTF4240 Workplace taxation
- BTF4250 Business tax planning
- BTF4260 Tax administration and policy
- BTF4270 Superannuation and retirement benefits
- BTF4280 Taxation of international transactions
- BTF4290 Business transactions taxes
- BTF4310 Research project
- BTF5200 Income and deductions
- BTF5210 Taxation of trusts and partnerships
- BTF5220 Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTF5230 Taxation of capital gains
- BTF5240 Workplace Taxation
- BTF5250 Business tax planning
- BTF5260 Tax administration and policy
- BTF5270 Superannuation and retirement benefits
- BTF5280 Taxation of international transactions
- BTF5290 GST and other indirect taxes
- BTG9220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTG9221 Taxation law and practice
- BTG9241 Employment law
- BTG9243 Finance law
- BTG9270 Business law
- BTH1011 Biotechnology, science, business, law and ethics 1
- BTH1802 Fundamentals of biotechnology
- BTH2012 Biotechnology regulation, law and ethics
- BTH2711 Introductory microbiology
- BTH2722 Microbial function and immunology
- BTH2732 Recombinant DNA technology
- BTH2741 Biochemistry
- BTH2752 Cellular metabolism
- BTH2811 Bioprocess technology
- BTH2820 Crop science
- BTH3012 Biotechnology science, industry and commercialisation
- BTH3611 Plant and cellular biotechnology
- BTH3711 Food and industrial microbiology
- BTH3722 Medical microbiology
- BTH3732 Environmental microbiology
- BTH3741 Medical aspects of cell biology
- BTH3752 Molecular biology and biotechnology
- BTH3820 Plant biotechnology
- BTH4100 Biotechnology research project
- BTH4200 The practice of biotechnology
- BTW1200 Business law
- BTW1201 South African business law A
- BTW2121 South African taxation of individuals
- BTW2122 South African taxation of businesses
- BTW2161 Tourism law
- BTW2201 South African business law 2
- BTW2213 Malaysian company law
- BTW2220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTW2223 Corporate crime
- BTW2241 Comparative workplace relations law
- BTW2313 Malaysian corporate governance
- BTW3153 Malaysian income tax law
- BTW3201 International trade law
- BTW3221 Taxation law and practice
- BTW3240 Administrative law
- BTW3241 Employment law
- BTW3242 Business taxation and GST
- BTW3243 Finance law
- BTW3281 Marketing law
- BTW3300 South African administration of deceased and insolvent estates
- BTW3301 South African business law 3
- BTW3641 Information technology law
- BTX4100 Corporate environmental responsibility
- BTX4900 Research report
- BTX5000 Corporate governance
- BTX5003 CPA taxation
- BTX5010 Current issues in corporate law
- BTX5020 Intellectual property laws
- BTX5030 Comparative corporate law
- BTX5031 Insurance law
- BTX5040 Legal aspects of corporate social responsibility
- BTX5050 Asian business law
- BTX5060 The law of employment
- BTX5070 Labour relations law
- BTX5080 Workplace negotiations
- BTX5090 Good governance and accountability in non-profit and social enterprises
- BTX5100 Corporate environmental responsibility
- BTX5121 Information technology law
- BTX5130 International law and policy
- BTX5131 Advanced banking law
- BTX5150 Competition and marketing law
- BTX5180 Financial services regulation
- BTX5190 International trade law
- BTX5490 Minor thesis
- BTX5601 Retirement funds management
- BTX5602 Taxation of retirement funds
- BTX5800 Research project
- BTX5801 Final research project
- BTX5841 Human resources management law
- BTX5900 Research project
- BTX9020 Business law
- BTX9060 The law of employment
- BTX9070 Labour relations law
- BTX9120 Intellectual property laws
- BTX9190 International trade law
- BTX9380 Banking law
- BTX9500 Business and corporations law
- BTX9541 Corporations law and trusts
- BTX9601 General principles of retirement funds
- BTX9602 Legal framework of retirement funds
- BTX9603 Retirement funds administration
- BTX9604 Retirement funds benefits
- BTX9605 Retirement funds governance
- BTX9651 Taxation law
- BTX9760 Risk control and the law
- BTX9841 Human resources management law
13 October 2017
22 February 2025