

Monash University

Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Law

  • LAW1101 Introduction to legal reasoning
  • LAW1104 Research and writing
  • LAW1111 Foundations of Law
  • LAW1112 Public law and statutory interpretation
  • LAW1113 Torts
  • LAW1114 Criminal law 1
  • LAW2101 Contract A
  • LAW2102 Contract B
  • LAW2111 Constitutional law
  • LAW2112 Property A
  • LAW2201 Torts A
  • LAW2202 Torts B
  • LAW3111 Equity
  • LAW3112 Corporations law
  • LAW3301 Criminal law and procedure A
  • LAW3302 Criminal law B
  • LAW3402 Property B
  • LAW4101 Administration of criminal justice
  • LAW4104 Australian banking law
  • LAW4108 Constitutional law of Malaysia
  • LAW4111 Crime and gender
  • LAW4112 Advanced constitutional law
  • LAW4113 Current problems in criminal law
  • LAW4115 Environmental law
  • LAW4119 Contemporary workplace relations law
  • LAW4121 Insurance law
  • LAW4122 International law
  • LAW4123 International organisations
  • LAW4125 Comparative antitrust law
  • LAW4126 Asian legal systems
  • LAW4127 Collective labour rights
  • LAW4129 Law and discrimination
  • LAW4130 Law and social theory
  • LAW4132 Law of employment
  • LAW4133 International law seminar: International public order
  • LAW4137 Legal philosophy
  • LAW4140 Media law 2
  • LAW4151 Law, gender and feminism
  • LAW4153 Comparative European legal systems
  • LAW4155 International human rights
  • LAW4156 Conflict of laws - private international law
  • LAW4158 Indigenous peoples and the law
  • LAW4159 International business transactions
  • LAW4160 Negotiation and conflict resolution
  • LAW4161 Introduction to European Union law
  • LAW4162 Family property and financial disputes
  • LAW4163 Parents children and the state
  • LAW4164 International refugee law and practice
  • LAW4165 Comparative constitutions and rights
  • LAW4166 Citizenship and migration law
  • LAW4170 Trusts
  • LAW4172 Human rights in Australian law
  • LAW4173 Research unit A
  • LAW4174 Research unit B
  • LAW4176 Applied legal research
  • LAW4177 Introduction to family law
  • LAW4178 Comparative civil procedure
  • LAW4179 International commercial arbitration
  • LAW4180 International law of the sea I : Marine resources and management
  • LAW4184 International criminal law
  • LAW4188 International banking law
  • LAW4189 Comparative criminal law
  • LAW4190 Construction law: Principles and Practice
  • LAW4193 Biotechnology and the law
  • LAW4196 Consumer law
  • LAW4197 Current issues in indigenous rights: International, comparative and regional perspectives
  • LAW4198 Australian commercial law
  • LAW4199 International laws of armed conflict
  • LAW4214 Supervised research paper
  • LAW4219 The law of financial transactions
  • LAW4225 Non-adversarial justice
  • LAW4227 Criminal investigation law and procedure
  • LAW4228 Problem based learning seminar
  • LAW4229 Comparative tax policy
  • LAW4230 Animal law
  • LAW4242 Introduction to transitional justice
  • LAW4243 Tax policy
  • LAW4244 Construction law (dispute resolution)
  • LAW4247 Current issues in statutory interpretation
  • LAW4249 Environmental activism, ecoterrorism and the law
  • LAW4250 The global lawyer
  • LAW4251 Advanced copyright: Global law and policy
  • LAW4301 Advanced torts
  • LAW4302 The law of public listed companies
  • LAW4303 Civil procedure
  • LAW4304 Forensic evidence: Law, science, medicine and technology
  • LAW4305 Federal criminal justice
  • LAW4306 Sentencing and sanctions
  • LAW4307 International law of the sea II
  • LAW4308 Restitution
  • LAW4309 Lawyers ethics and society
  • LAW4310 Trial practice and advocacy
  • LAW4311 Succession law
  • LAW4312 Legal issues in medicine
  • LAW4313 International environmental law
  • LAW4314 International space law
  • LAW4316 Media law 1
  • LAW4317 Law Review
  • LAW4318 Competition law
  • LAW4319 Superannuation law
  • LAW4322 Advanced taxation law
  • LAW4323 Evidence
  • LAW4324 Corporate governance and shareholders remedies
  • LAW4325 Advanced evidence
  • LAW4326 Cyberlaw
  • LAW4327 Honours thesis
  • LAW4328 Professional practice
  • LAW4329 Comparative cyberlaw
  • LAW4330 Family law assistance program - professional practice
  • LAW4331 Administrative law
  • LAW4340 Sport and the law
  • LAW4341 Copyright and designs
  • LAW4484 Malaysian and Singaporean constitutional systems
  • LAW4513 Capital markets regulation: A comparative perspective
  • LAW4515 International criminology
  • LAW4516 Comparative perspectives on crime and punishment
  • LAW4523 The judiciary in comparative perspective
  • LAW4526 World trade organisation dispute settlement
  • LAW4528 Comparative consumer bankruptcy
  • LAW4531 Product liability law from a comparative perspective
  • LAW4532 Climate change and international law
  • LAW4533 International and comparative taxation law
  • LAW4534 Law and biology
  • LAW4535 International and comparative trade mark law
  • LAW4536 International and comparative family law
  • LAW4537 Public policy, regulation and the law
  • LAW4538 Lawyers, literature and cinema
  • LAW4539 Modern constitutionalism - a comparative perspective
  • LAW4641 Intellectual property: theory, copyright and design
  • LAW4642 Issues in medical ethics and law
  • LAW4643 Corporate social responsibility
  • LAW4644 Comparative remedies
  • LAW4645 International perspectives on torts law
  • LAW4646 Sexuality and the law
  • LAW4647 Great books of the common law
  • LAW4648 Ethics and criminal justice
  • LAW4649 Mediation and law: From problem solving to narrative building
  • LAW4651 Comparative evidence law
  • LAW4652 Transnational litigation
  • LAW4653 Privacy and surveillance in an information age: Comparative law perspectives
  • LAW4654 Law and liberty
  • LAW4655 Comparative issues in patent law
  • LAW4656 Varieties of the secular: Law, religion, and social change
  • LAW4658 International litigation and arbitration
  • LAW4659 Game theory and the law
  • LAW4660 Regulating relationships and families
  • LAW4662 Air and space law
  • LAW4663 International environmental governance
  • LAW4664 Comparative dispute resolution
  • LAW4665 Comparative cybercrime
  • LAW4666 European human rights law
  • LAW4667 Human dignity in comparative perspective
  • LAW4668 International investment law
  • LAW4669 Humans rights and the European Union
  • LAW4670 Introduction to islamic law
  • LAW4704 Taxation law
  • LAW4802 Research practicum
  • LAW4803 Clinical externship
  • LAW4804 Law reform and community development
  • LAW4805 Mooting and advocacy competition
  • LAW4806 Jessup moot competition
  • LAW4807 Vis arbitration moot
  • LAW4808 Law Review editorship 1
  • LAW4809 Law Review editorship 2
  • LAW5000 Australian legal reasoning and methods
  • LAW5001 Principles of criminal law and procedure
  • LAW5002 Principles of contract law A
  • LAW5003 Principles of torts
  • LAW5004 Principles of public law and statutory interpretation
  • LAW5005 Principles of contract law B
  • LAW5006 Principles of property law
  • LAW5007 Principles of constitutional law
  • LAW5008 Principles of equity
  • LAW5009 Advanced property law
  • LAW5010 Principles of trusts
  • LAW5012 Principles of evidence
  • LAW5013 Principles of litigation and dispute resolution
  • LAW5014 Principles of administrative law
  • LAW5015 Ethics in legal practice
  • LAW5016 Principles of corporations law
  • LAW5017 Advanced corporations law
  • LAW5050 Professional practice (JD)
  • LAW5051 Research practicum
  • LAW5053 Law Review editorship 1
  • LAW5054 Law Review editorship 2
  • LAW5055 Vis arbitration moot
  • LAW5080 Australian legal system
  • LAW5081 Australian legal process and research
  • LAW5082 Masters research
  • LAW5083 Extended research
  • LAW5084 Minor thesis
  • LAW5185 Graduate research paper
  • LAW5300 Commercial tenancy law
  • LAW5301 Copyright
  • LAW5302 European union law and policy
  • LAW5303 Forensic family law
  • LAW5304 Overview of international human rights law
  • LAW5305 International trade law
  • LAW5306 Corporate insolvency
  • LAW5307 Occupational health and safety
  • LAW5308 Current issues in evidence
  • LAW5309 Public sector employment law
  • LAW5310 Sentencing
  • LAW5311 Takeovers
  • LAW5312 Competition law
  • LAW5313 Planning law
  • LAW5314 International environmental law
  • LAW5315 Commercial alternative dispute resolution
  • LAW5316 Trade marks and commercial designations
  • LAW5317 Principles of privacy and freedom of information
  • LAW5318 International aspects of intellectual property
  • LAW5319 Law of employee relations
  • LAW5320 Local government law
  • LAW5321 Protecting commercial innovation: Patents and trade secrets
  • LAW5322 Superannuation law and practice
  • LAW5323 Collective labour rights
  • LAW5324 Discrimination law, theory and policy
  • LAW5325 Defamation law
  • LAW5326 Comparative European legal systems
  • LAW5327 International human rights
  • LAW5328 International business transactions
  • LAW5329 Introduction to European Union law
  • LAW5330 International refugee law and practice
  • LAW5331 Comparative constitution and rights
  • LAW5332 International commercial arbitration
  • LAW5333 Comparative criminal law
  • LAW5334 Psychiatry, psychology and law
  • LAW5335 Contemporary problems in the administration of criminal justice
  • LAW5336 Law of the internet
  • LAW5337 Labour law for corporate lawyers
  • LAW5338 International humanitarian law
  • LAW5339 Technology contracts and licensing law
  • LAW5340 Intellectual property
  • LAW5341 Trade mark practice
  • LAW5342 Current issues in electronic commerce law
  • LAW5343 Privacy and surveillance: Law, policy and governance
  • LAW5344 Negotiation: Essential skills for dispute resolution
  • LAW5345 Human rights, business and the global economy
  • LAW5346 Design law and practice
  • LAW5347 Consumer policy and regulation
  • LAW5348 Indigenous rights and international law
  • LAW5349 Corporate law
  • LAW5350 Principles of taxation
  • LAW5351 Comparative competition law
  • LAW5352 Electronic workplace law
  • LAW5353 Cybercrime
  • LAW5354 International criminal justice
  • LAW5355 Advocacy: Theory and practice
  • LAW5356 Corporate and white collar crime
  • LAW5357 Corporate governance and directors' duties
  • LAW5358 Current issues in workplace law
  • LAW5359 International human rights law and women
  • LAW5360 Advanced conflict resolution skills
  • LAW5361 Foundations of regulation: Policy, principles and practice
  • LAW5362 Regulatory methods
  • LAW5363 Regulatory performance: evaluating what works
  • LAW5364 Economic, social and cultural rights and international law
  • LAW5365 Terrorism and human rights
  • LAW5366 International banking and finance: Law and practice
  • LAW5367 Energy law, regulation and policy
  • LAW5368 Regulation of Australian water resources
  • LAW5369 World Trade Organization (WTO) law
  • LAW5370 Discrimination law and human rights at work
  • LAW5371 Protecting the rights of minorities, marginalised and vulnerable people
  • LAW5372 Principles of construction law
  • LAW5373 Comparative bills of rights
  • LAW5374 Federal labour law
  • LAW5375 Arbitration of international commercial disputes
  • LAW5376 International criminal law: Procedural and practical aspects
  • LAW5377 The use of force in international law
  • LAW5378 Comparative corporate governance
  • LAW5379 Procurement law
  • LAW5380 International human rights law and development
  • LAW5381 Human rights advocacy: Australian law and practice
  • LAW5382 Principles of environmental law
  • LAW5383 International refugee law and human rights
  • LAW5384 International investment law
  • LAW5385 Corporate finance law
  • LAW5386 Health law and human rights
  • LAW5387 Non-adversarial family and children's law
  • LAW5388 Patenting for commercialisation
  • LAW5389 The law of climate change
  • LAW5390 Workplace bargaining and agreements law
  • LAW5392 Globalisation and international economic law
  • LAW5393 Law of workforce management
  • LAW5394 Banking law
  • LAW5395 Arbitration of domestic commercial disputes
  • LAW5396 Economics of regulation
  • LAW5397 Issues in consumer policy
  • LAW5398 International labour law
  • LAW5399 Personal property securities
  • LAW5400 International trade mark law
  • LAW5402 Innovation: labour, competition and intellectual property law perspectives
  • LAW5403 International covenant on civil and political rights
  • LAW5404 Genocide and international law
  • LAW5407 Current issues in torts
  • LAW5408 Remedies in commercial disputes
  • LAW5409 Principles of family law
  • LAW5410 Collaborative practice
  • LAW5411 Advanced mediation: Skills and theory A
  • LAW5412 Advanced mediation: Skills and theory B
  • LAW5413 Legal process and professional conduct
  • LAW5414 Public international law
  • LAW5415 Domestic and international debt capital markets
  • LAW5416 Children's rights in Australian law
  • LAW5417 Children's rights in international law
  • LAW5418 Transitional justice
  • LAW5419 The law of financial transactions
  • LAW5420 Malaysian and Singaporean constitutional systems
  • LAW5421 Managing high conflict personalities in legal disputes
  • LAW5422 Victorian charter of rights and responsibilities
  • LAW5423 Private international law in commercial disputes
  • LAW5424 Human trafficking and the law
  • LAW5425 Current issues in copyright
  • LAW5426 Regulating business: Enforcement and compliance
  • LAW5427 Freedom of speech - law theory and policy
  • LAW5428 Health law
  • LAW5429 Advanced commercial negotiation skills
  • LAW5430 Advanced evidence and proof in litigation
  • LAW5431 International entertainment law
  • LAW5432 Workplace investigations and misconduct
  • LAW5433 Victims, law and mass atrocity
  • LAW5434 Principles of government law and administration
  • LAW5435 Comparative perspectives on crime and punishment
  • LAW5436 International and comparative family law
  • LAW5437 The Chinese legal system: A comparative analysis
  • LAW5438 Current issues in sports law
  • LAW5439 Sexual & gender minorities and human rights
  • LAW5440 International commercial dispute resolution advocacy
  • LAW5441 Australian tax policy
  • LAW5442 Racial, ethnic and linguistic minorities and human rights
  • LAW5443 Language, communication and legal process
  • LAW5444 Advanced commercial contracts masterclass
  • LAW5445 Commercial equity
  • LAW5446 Comparative media law
  • LAW5447 Intellectual property and the internet
  • LAW5448 Copyright x: Monash
  • LAW5449 Advanced administrative law
  • LAW5450 Principles of succession law
  • LAW5451 Indigenous people and the law
  • LAW5600 Issues in medical ethics and law
  • LAW5601 Comparative remedies
  • LAW5602 International perspectives on torts law
  • LAW5603 Comparative cyberlaw
  • LAW5604 International environmental governance
  • LAW5605 Comparative dispute resolution
  • LAW5606 Restitution
  • LAW5607 Comparative evidence law
  • LAW5608 Transnational litigation
  • LAW5609 Law and liberty
  • LAW5610 Varieties of the secular: Law, religion, and social change
  • LAW5611 Comparative issues in patent law
  • LAW5612 International litigation and arbitration
  • LAW5613 Game theory and the law
  • LAW5614 Regulating relationships and families
  • LAW5615 Environmental activism, ecoterrorism and the law
  • LAW5616 Air and space law
  • LAW5617 International and comparative taxation law
  • LAW5618 Comparative cybercrime
  • LAW5619 European human rights law
  • LAW5620 Privacy and surveillance in an information age: Comparative law perspectives
  • LAW5621 Mediation and law: From problem solving to narrative building
  • LAW5622 Human dignity in comparative perspective
  • LAW5623 Human Rights and the European Union
  • LAW5624 Introduction to Islamic law
  • LAW6300 Doctor of Juridical Science seminar
  • MON2005 Law in professional contexts