Monash University: University Handbooks: Postgraduate Handbook 2001: Subjects indexed by faculty
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Research degrees

Students may choose to complete a postgraduate program in music that is (i) musicology-oriented, (ii) ethnomusicology-oriented, (iii) composition-oriented, (iv) music education-oriented, (v) performance-oriented, or a combination of these. Facilities are available for the supervision of PhD and research masters candidates in most of the main areas of music, including historical and systematic musicology and ethnomusicology, music education, music performance and music composition. The concentration is on European (Western), Asian and Australian music, including medieval and renaissance music, 19th and 20th-century music, contemporary music, music education, music semiotics, musical time, electronic music, popular and folk music, church music, organology, dance studies, music-dance relationships, and music of South, East and Southeast Asia and Africa. For further information, refer to the front of the Arts postgraduate section and at
Mid-year entry is available for all of the courses and programs listed below.

Doctor of Philosophy (Music Composition)*

General information

Course code: To be advised * Course fees: Local students - HECS band 1; international students - $13,000 pa * Coordinator: Thomas Reiner
The PhD in musical composition is designed for composers to develop a research-based composition folio that makes an independent and original contribution to knowledge. Candidates will create a substantial folio of original compositions that demonstrates the ability to conceive and research an aesthetic argument, to develop and shape sonic materials, and to understand music technology as a compositional tool. In addition, candidates will write a critical commentary that demonstrates their capacity to articulate the conceptual and aesthetic basis for their folio of compositions, to assess their compositional work in the context of contemporary music and sonic art, and to research and convey creative processes involved in the production of sound and music. Candidates will work closely with their supervisor(s), whose primary role is to identify and develop candidates' goals and to strengthen their intellectual and technical capacity to meet these goals.

Entry requirements

The minimum qualifications for admission to PhD are:

Candidates who have obtained the above minimum qualifications without having undertaken composition subjects at either honours, masters qualifying, or masters levels need to demonstrate their ability to compose through the submission of at least three substantial original musical works to the satisfaction of the school's coordinator in composition.

Credit provision

No provision for credit is provided


The PhD regulations make provision for composition masters degree candidates to transfer their candidature after a minimum period of nine months full-time (or part-time equivalent), but before 36 months, of satisfactory performance.

Master of Arts in Music by coursework and research

General information

Course code: 2846 * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Coordinator: Margaret Kartomi

Entry requirements

Applicants for the degree of MA in music by research should have completed an honours degree with a grade of H2A or higher in music or a Masters Qualifying in Music with a research component with an overall grade of H2A or above as well as a grade of distinction or above for the research component.

Course structure

Students complete two of the following 12-point subjects and undertake a 66 per cent thesis of 25,000 to 35,000 words. The MA by coursework and research is normally completed in one and a half years of full-time study, or three years part-time.

The minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in Music by research is 60 C, ie a grade of credit or above is required in every subject and for the thesis.
The Master of Arts in Music is also offered as a 100 per cent research degree where students complete a thesis of 40,000 to 60,000 words.

Master of Arts (Music Performance) by coursework and research

General information

Course code: To be advised * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,500 * Coordinator: Margaret Kartomi and Peter Handsworth
This course is intended to offer students the opportunity to carry out a project on an approved topic in music performance research by preparing a well-researched, high-quality recital performance of challenging works which are recorded and submitted as part of a portfolio along with a program booklet and explanatory research essay for examination. Music performance research is a relatively newly developing area of endeavour in many universities. Students are trained in advanced critical thinking and research planning and methods and are guided to carry out a unified research program with performance and written outcomes.
On completion, students should have developed instrumental or vocal performance skills and self-confidence to the level required for professional performance, have widened their knowledge of repertoire and style, have acquired appropriate skills in research and writing, and be able to apply experience gained in the course to the community as leading musicians.

Entry requirements

To be admitted into the course, students should normally have a BMus(Hons) or equivalent with first class honours or high second class honours (2A), or a Masters Qualifying (Music Performance) with a research component at a grade of H2A or above, or equivalent. Two confidential professional references are required on the appropriate form, to be completed by people who have known the applicant over at least a year and forwarded directly to the School of Music - Conservatorium, not to the applicant.
A 45-minute audition is also required for all applicants (fee $40). Auditions take place in May and November each year. Applicants enrolled in the school's fourth-year chief practical studies subjects MUS4960 or MUM4990 may regard their final recital examination as being in lieu of an audition. The level and duration of the audition needs to match the expectations of the school's fourth-year final practical examination; ie applicants will play major repertoire and a variety of compositional styles.
In the case of overseas or interstate students, a video recording of a performance will be accepted for consideration of entry in lieu of an audition. However, the video must be recorded in one session, be uncut, and be accompanied by a statutory declaration.
Credit is not normally allowed for the 66 per cent research degree. However, if the applicant can demonstrate that they have undertaken a subject equivalent to MUM5020 or MUM5060, at fifth-year level, and that this subject has not been used to take out a degree or an award of any kind, credit may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Course structure

Each student must take the following two core subjects:

In addition, each student must complete a portfolio comprising a 60-minute solo or solo and ensemble recital (66 per cent), which is recorded on compact disc and submitted with a recital annotation booklet (1500 words, 10 per cent) and a research essay (9000 words, 24 per cent) in a bound folder.

Length of course/workload required

One-and-a-half years full-time or three years part-time.

Master of Arts (Music Composition)*

General information

Course code: To be advised * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Coordinator: Thomas Reiner
The Master of Arts in Music Composition is designed for composers to develop a distinctive compositional voice and to research and acquire a range of compositional techniques. Candidates will create a folio of original compositions that demonstrates their ability to work in various media, including traditional, electro-acoustic, and contemporary solo and chamber combinations. In addition, candidates will write a critical commentary that demonstrates their capacity for research into compositional approaches and musical aesthetics in the context of contemporary music. Through regular work in the School of Music - Conservatorium's music studios, candidates will acquire a knowledge of music technology and an understanding of music technology as a compositional tool. Candidates will work closely with their supervisor(s), whose primary role is to identify and develop candidates' goals and to strengthen their intellectual and technical capacity to meet these goals.

Entry requirements

Applicants for the degree of MA in musical composition should have completed an honours degree with a composition component with an overall grade of H2A or above as well as a grade of distinction or above for the composition component, or a masters qualifying in music with a composition component with an overall grade of H2A or above as well as a grade of distinction or above for the composition component. Candidates who have obtained the above minimum qualifications without having undertaken composition subjects at either honours or masters qualifying levels need to demonstrate their ability to compose through the submission of at least two original musical works to the satisfaction of the school's coordinator of composition.

Course structure

Course structure is 100 per cent research in the form of musical composition. In close consultation with their supervisor, a candidate will be required to develop a composition folio consisting of both musical scores and sound recordings. The overall duration of the submitted music would normally be between 30 to 45 minutes. Depending on the complexity of the submitted music, however, the overall duration may deviate considerably from the given range. Together with the folio of compositions, candidates are required to write a critical commentary of between 10,000 and 15,000 words. The critical commentary must be scholarly in character and, at a minimum, address the following: (1) explication of aesthetic arguments that provide a conceptual basis for the submitted compositions (2) compositional approach, process, and techniques (3) aesthetic placement and stylistic predecessors, (4) sonic realisation and performance context.
The period of candidature is two years full-time or four years part-time. Minimum candidature for all research students is one year full-time or two years part-time.
Full-time candidates are expected to allocate 48 hours per week to compositional activities and meet with their supervisor(s) on a regular basis. Full-time candidates are required to attend a minimum of 12 of the school's postgraduate seminars during each year of their candidature. Part-time candidates are required to attend a minimum of six seminars per year.
Candidates are required to present at least one postgraduate seminar during the course of their candidature.

Master of Arts in Music by coursework

General information

Course code: 0017 * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Coordinator: Margaret Kartomi
The MA by coursework may be undertaken by an approved combination of coursework and a research project, or a portfolio of compositions. Students have a choice of specialising in musicology, ethnomusicology or composition.

Entry requirements

Students wishing to enter the MA in Music by coursework will need to have completed an honours year with at least an H2B grade for either a (i) BA with a music major, (ii) Bachelor of Music or (iii) Bachelor of Education, or have achieved at least a credit average in a (i) Masters Qualifying in Music or (ii) Postgraduate Diploma in Music.
Students should consult the head of the school to discuss their preferred choice of coursework, that is: (i) musicology-oriented, (ii) ethnomusicology-oriented, or (iii) composition-oriented; in this regard students should have demonstrated experience in music composition.

Course structure

The course length is one year full-time or two years part-time. Students choose from two options: (i) a coursework option (in either musicology or ethnomusicology), ie choose three of the following 12-point subjects and undertake a research project valued at 12 points (MUM5060.12) or, (ii) a composition option (MUM5061.24 Portfolio of compositions and paper) and choose other 12-point subjects to the value of 24 points.

The minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in Music by coursework is 60 C, ie a grade of credit or above is required in every subject.

Composition option

Coordinator: Thomas Reiner
Students doing this option can expect to acquire the experience and skills at an advanced level to develop a career as a composer. The program offers individual supervision of students' composition projects and encourages work in various media, including traditional, electro-acoustic, and contemporary solo and ensemble combinations. Students prepare (a) a portfolio of original compositions, including one significant work of large proportions and other compositions employing a variety of instrumental combinations and electro-acoustic media, and (b) a critical commentary giving descriptive, analytical and contextual information about the portfolio of compositions.
On completion of this option, students should have developed advanced techniques in music composition, a high standard of compositional skill through examination of the processes of music-making and training in compositional craft, associated research skills at both a theoretical and a practical level appropriate to postgraduate study, and a greater understanding of the cultural context of music composition.
Students choosing this option must enrol for MUM5061.24, plus two other 12-point subjects from:

Masters of Arts in Music Education

General information

Course code: 0017 * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Coordinator: Margaret Kartomi
Subjects for this degree are offered jointly by the Faculty of Arts (Music) and the Faculty of Education. The course is designed primarily to meet the requirements of teachers, educators and educational administrators who wish to obtain higher professional qualifications and expertise in music education. Students are given the opportunity to focus on the processes of music learning and transmission as well as formal aspects of education administration.

Entry requirements

Students wishing to enter the MA in Music Education will need to have completed an honours year with at least a H2B grade average in either (i) BA degree with a music major, (ii) Bachelor of Music, (iii) Bachelor of Education, or (iv) Masters Qualifying in Music (refer to education subjects below) with at least a credit average.

Course structure

The course length is one year full-time or two years part-time. Candidates complete a total of four subjects comprising a selection of one 12-point subject offered by the Music school and a selection of three 12-point graduate subjects or one subject and a thesis offered for the Master of Educational Studies degree in the Faculty of Education.

Music subjects
Education subjects

The minimum pass grade for subjects in the Master of Arts in Music Education is 60 C, ie a grade of credit or above is required in every subject.

Masters Qualifying in Music with a research component

General information

Program code: 1988 * Program fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Coordinator: Margaret Kartomi
The Masters Qualifying in Music with a research component is a preliminary year of study in preparation for the MA in Music by research, the MA (Music Performance), and the MA (Music Composition).

Entry requirements

The standard entry requirement is a bachelors degree with a credit average in the third part of the major sequence.

Program structure

The course length is one year full-time or two years part-time. Candidates must take MUM4420.12 (Research methods) and select three other 12-point subjects from the following list:

For the composition option, candidates must take MUM4420.12 (Research methods), MUM4760.24 (Special project: composition and music technology) for 24 points and one other 12-point subject from the above list.

Masters Qualifying in Music by coursework

General information

Program code: 1987 * Program fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Coordinator: Margaret Kartomi
The Masters Qualifying in Music by coursework involves one-year of full-time or two years of part-time study in preparation for the MA in Music by coursework only or by coursework and thesis or coursework and portfolio of compositions and the MA in Music Education.

Entry requirements

The standard entry requirement is a bachelors degree with a credit average in the third part of the major sequence.

Course structure

The course length is one year full-time or two years part-time. In the Masters Qualifying in Music by coursework, students take a selection of four approved, 12-point subjects totalling 48 points, from the following:

Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (Music)

General information

Course code: 0162 * Course fees: Local students - HECS; international students - $A13,000 * Coordinator: Margaret Kartomi
The Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (Music) program has been approved by the Department of School Education as a fourth-year qualification for primary and secondary music teachers.

Entry requirements

The standard entry requirement is a pass in an appropriate three-year bachelor degree in music or teacher training in music plus two years of approved teaching experience.

Course structure

The course length is one year full-time or two years part-time. Students are required to take four elective subjects (a total of 48 points) from the following:

Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (Music Performance)

General information

Course code: 1990 * Course fees: Local students (full time) - $7800; international students - $A13,500 * Coordinator: Andre de Quadros
This course has a greater orientation toward practical, creative and performing options than have other more theoretical courses offered in the department. It is designed to enhance opportunities of music teachers and performers to upgrade their skills and qualifications in solo vocal or instrumental performance. Students who achieve grades of H2B or higher may apply for entry into the MA in Music by coursework.

Entry requirements

Applicants should normally have completed (a) a Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Education or a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music, or (b) a Faculty Certificate in Music Performance with credit average grades.

Course structure

The course length is one year full-time or two years part-time. Students must take two core subjects and two electives (a total of 48 points).

Core subjects
Credit provision

Full articulation (maximum 24 points) is available for applicants who have completed a Monash Faculty Certificate in Music Performance with a credit average.
For other applicants, credit will only be granted for studies undertaken and judged to be at least equivalent to fourth-year-level subjects which have not been used to take out a degree or an award of any kind. Under no circumstances will a student be granted more than 50 per cent credit.

Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (Conducting)

General information

Course code: 1985 * Course fees: Local students (full time) - $7800; international students - $A13,500 * Coordinator: Andre de Quadros
This course is designed for music teachers and performers wishing to upgrade their skills and qualifications in band, orchestral and/or choral conducting and score study. With grades of credit average or above, students may apply for entry into the MA in Music.

Entry requirements

Applicants should normally (a) have completed a Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, or a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music, or (b) a Faculty Certificate in Music conducting with grades of credit average or above.

Course structure

The course length is one year full-time or two years part-time. Students must take three core subjects and one elective (a total of 48 points).

Core subjects
Credit provision

Full articulation (maximum 24 points) for applicants who have completed a Monash Faculty Certificate in Music Conducting with a credit average.
For other applicants, credit will only be granted for studies undertaken and judged to be at least equivalent to fourth-year-level subjects which have not been used to take out a degree or an award of any kind. Under no circumstances will a student be granted more than 50 per cent credit.

Faculty Certificate in Music Performance

General information

Program code: 2065 * Program fees: Local students (full time) - $3900; not available to international students * Coordinator: Andre de Quadros
This program is designed to upgrade the skills of music performers in solo vocal or instrumental performance. With an overall credit level result, students may apply for entry into the Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (Music) or the Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (Music Performance).

Entry requirements

Applicants should normally have (a) completed a Bachelor of Music (or Music Education) or a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music, or (b) a minimum of five years of relevant experience at a senior level, evidence of which must accompany the candidate's application for entry into the program. In addition, the following information must be presented: (i) two references which comment on the nature and extent of the experience; (ii) a full CV; (iii) a statement of up to 1000 words indicating the applicant's career objectives and reasons for applying for entry. The evidence must accompany the candidate's application for entry.
The following may also be taken into account for applicants in category (b):

In addition, applicants in both categories will need to pass an audition and either submit published original written work or pass a 30 minute music essay-writing test.

Program structure

The program length is six months full-time or one year part-time (one semester full-time or two semesters part-time).
Full-time students must take two core subjects in one semester, ie:

Part-time students must take one subject in each of two semesters, ie:

General information

Faculty Certificate in Conducting

Program code: 2066 * Program fees: Local students (full time) - $3900; not available to international students * Coordinator: Andre de Quadros
This program is designed to upgrade the skills of music performers in conducting and arranging. With an overall credit level result, students may apply for entry into the Postgraduate Diploma of Arts (Conducting).

Entry requirements

Applicants should normally have (a) completed a Bachelor of Music (or Music Education) or a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music, or (b) a minimum of five years of relevant experience at a senior level, evidence of which must accompany the candidate's application for entry into the program. In addition to this, the following information must also be presented: (i) two references which comment on the nature and extent of the experience, (ii) a full CV, and (iii) a statement of up to 1000 words indicating the applicant's career objectives and reasons for applying for entry. The evidence must accompany the candidate's application for entry.
The following may also be taken into account for applicants in category (b):

In addition, applicants in both categories will need to pass an audition and either submit published original written work or pass a 30-minute music essay-writing test.

Program structure

The program length is six months full-time or one year part-time (one semester full-time or two semesters part-time).
Full-time students must take two core subjects in one semester, ie:

Part-time students must take one subject in each of two semesters, ie:


Refer to the front of the Arts postgraduate section for further information on the PhD and research masters degrees.

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