- CIV2206 Mechanics of solids
- CIV2242 Geomechanics 1
- CIV4210 Project A
- CIV4211 Project B
- ENG1001 Engineering design: Lighter, faster, stronger
- ENG1002 Engineering design: Cleaner, safer, smarter
- ENG1003 Engineering mobile apps
- ENG1005 Engineering mathematics
- ENG1060 Computing for engineers
- ENG2005 Advanced engineering mathematics
- MNE2010 Fixed plant engineering
- MNE2030 Project, risk and safety management
- MNE3010 Rock mechanics
- MNE3020 Resource estimation
- MNE3030 Ventilation
- MNE3040 Surface mining systems
- MNE3050 Underground mining
- MNE3060 Blasting and fragmentation
- MNE4010 Mine planning and scheduling
- MNE4020 Design and feasibility project
- MNE4040 Mineral processing
- MNE4070 Research project 3
- MNE4120 Instrumentation, automation and asset management
- RSE1010 Natural resources engineering
- RSE3141 Solar energy
- RSE4111 Numerical modelling
- RSE4112 Advanced rock mechanics