- HSC1100 Introduction to research and evidence
- HSC1200 Introduction to public health
- HSC1300 Human health and disease
- HSC1400 The Australian healthcare system
- HSC2062 Communicating health
- HSC2100 Emerging challenges in health
- HSC2200 Health and the human lifespan
- HSC2300 Health promotion and disease prevention
- HSC3001 Health, law and ethics
- HSC3002 Health for all in a global world
- HSC3011 Contemporary health challenges
- HSC3052 Health promotion in community and organisational settings
- HSC3072 Health policy and politics
- HSC4001 Health science research project 1
- HSC4002 Health science research project 2
- HSC4011 Advanced studies in public health research
- PBH1101 Introduction to qualitative research
- PBH1102 Introduction to communicating health
- PBH1104 Global health: Opportunities and challenges
- PBH2001 Foundations of epidemiology
- PBH2002 Foundations of biostatistics
- PBH2003 Culture, society and health
- PBH2004 Health, law and ethics
- PBH2005 Health program planning
- PBH2006 Treatment and technologies
- PBH2008 Introduction to health policy and politics
- PBH2107 Public health and ethics short international program
- PBH3001 Public health and clinical research methods
- PBH3002 Disease prevention and control
- PBH3003 Environmental determinants of health and disease
- PBH3004 Health program evaluation
- PBH3005 Social and behavioural sciences in public health
- PBH3006 Public health research practicum
- PBH3007 Health promotion practicum
- PBH3008 Case studies in global and public health
- PBH3009 Chronic disease epidemiology and control
- PBH3010 Health data management
- PBH3011 Advanced biostatistics for public health
- PBH3012 Translating research into practice
- SWK1011 Introduction to human services practice
- SWK2001 Introduction to the Australian welfare state
- SWK2110 Social welfare and the law
- SWK2140 Social welfare and practice with communities
- SWK3080 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 1
- SWK3220 Social work: Orientation to practice
- SWK3230 Social work research
- SWK3310 Social welfare practice and research
- SWK3400 Critical social work 1: Individuals and families (context and practice)
- SWK3410 Critical social work 2: Community work, context and practice
- SWK3440 Leadership in social work and human services
- SWK4001 Honours research methods
- SWK4002 Honours project seminar
- SWK4003 Social work honours dissertation
- SWK4030 Human rights, legal and ethics knowledge for social work practice
- SWK4031 Working with complexity
- SWK4032 Working with complexity: Honours
- SWK4060 Planning for supervised professional practice placement 2
- SWK4400 Critical social work 3: Group work and community engagement (context and practice)
- SWK4401 Critical social work 4: Individual, health and society (context and practice)
- SWK4450 Social policy and social justice
- SWK4451 Social policy and social justice: Honours