Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology - 2018

Undergraduate - Course

Commencement year

This course entry applies to students commencing this course in 2018 and should be read in conjunction with information provided in the 'Faculty information' section of this Handbook by the Information Technology.

Other commencement years for this course: 2017 and 2016

Unit codes that are not linked to their entry in the Handbook are not available for study in the current year.

Course code


Credit points


Abbreviated title




Managing faculty

Business and Economics

Partner faculty

Information Technology

Admission and fees


Course progression map

B2025 (pdf)

Course type


Standard duration

4 years FT, 8 years PT

Students have a maximum of 10 years to complete this course including any periods of intermission and suspension, and must be continuously enrolled throughout.e.

Mode and location

On-campus (Clayton)


Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Information Technology

Alternative exits

Students may exit the double degree course with the award for one of the single degrees. Refer to 'Alternative exits' entry below for further requirements and details.


Commerce and information technology are inseparable in the modern world, and the need for more sophisticated technology is intense. People with the commercial skills to understand and implement technology are in high demand, and with these two degrees you will have these skills.

You could:

  • combine accounting and software development to create software programs for accountants
  • mix games development and marketing science to understand the demands of selling a video game franchise
  • pair business information systems with econometrics or actuarial science to develop expertise in the growing field of data analytics
  • learn how to commercialise information technology services and products.

NOTE: For learning outcomes and other relevant information of this double degree, refer to the single degree entries:

  • B2001 Bachelor of Commerce
  • C2000 Bachelor of Information Technology

Professional recognition

Subject to unit choice, the Bachelor of Commerce degree is accredited by relevant Australian professional bodies. Refer to the Monash Business School professional recognitionprofessional recognition ( page.


The requirements below detail what you must study in order to complete this double-degree course and receive the awards.

Units are 6 points unless otherwise specified. You must complete 192 points:

1. 96 points must be completed in Parts A and B as described below in B2001 Bachelor of Commerce component, of which:

  • at least 24 points must be completed at level 3

2. 96 points must be completed in Parts A, and B as described below in C2000 Bachelor of Information Technology component.

Commerce component

Bachelor of Commerce is a comprehensive course, and in the double degree course you complete commerce specified study and a commerce listed major.

Part A. Commerce specified study (48 points)

This will provide you with a broad foundation for your study of commerce and expose you to several commerce disciplines. This will contribute breadth to your knowledge of commerce and address the graduate course outcomes. It will also give you the opportunity to learn more about each discipline before finalising your choice of major.

a. Students complete 6 units (36 points):

  • ACC1100 Introduction to financial accounting or ACC1200 Accounting for managers
  • BTC1110 Commercial law
  • ECC1000 Principles of microeconomics
  • ETC1000 Business and economic statistics
  • MGC1010 Introduction to management
  • MKC1200 Principles of marketing

b. Students complete one elective unit (6 points) from the Faculty of Business and Economics on the Clayton campus

c. Students complete one capstone, project, international or internship experience unit (minimum 6 points) chosen from the units listed below.

Note: Students who wish to choose a 12 point unit must discuss course progression with the Faculty.

Capstone unit

  • BEX3150 Sustainability practice and organisations
  • BEX3500 Current issues in commerce

Corporate project

International experience

  • ACX3500 International study program in accounting
  • BEX3622 Issues in global business
  • BEX3722 Engaging with international business
  • BFX3871 International study program in banking and finance
  • MKX3521 Global study programs in marketing


Part B. Commerce listed major (48 points)

This will provide you with a focused program of study that will develop your expertise in one discipline area. You will develop, apply and communicate an advanced level of understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks that constitute the knowledge base of your major area of study.

You must complete one commerce listed major from your campus of enrolment. A major requires eight units with no more than two units (12 points) at level 1 and at least three units (18 points) at level 3.

Depending on the major you choose, you may have already studied one of the units as part of your commerce specified study. If so, you must complete an additional commerce unit offered at the Clayton campus to bring the combined commerce study to at least 96 points from the Faculty of Business and Economics.

If you intend to undertake an honours year, you should ensure you complete the specific units required for honours in your chosen major area of study.

Minors and majors

Refer also to the table of minors and majors which also details if an area of study is available as a minor or major.

Information technology component

Bachelor of Information Technology is about the application of computer-based technologies and systems to meet individual and organisation information needs. The course will enable you to gain the knowledge and skills needed to use IT effectively and to use, develop and manage IT-based systems.

Part A. Information technology specified study (48 points)

This will provide you with foundation skills and knowledge for your IT education and ensure a breadth of understanding of IT and its applications in organisations and society.

You must complete:*

a. One introductory programming unit (6 points) from:**

  • FIT1051 Programming fundamentals in java
  • FIT1045 Algorithms and programming fundamentals in python
  • FIT1048 Fundamentals of C++

b. The following four units (24 points):

  • FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and security
  • FIT1049 IT professional practice
  • FIT2002 IT project management
  • FIT2094 Databases

c. One of (6 points):

  • FIT2001 Systems development
  • FIT2099 Object-oriented design and implementation

d. Capstone project units (12 points) or an industry-based learning unit (18 points) from:

  • capstone project units (12 points) (depending on your choice of major)

Business information systems, computer networks and security, and software development majors

FIT3047 Industry experience studio project 1 and FIT3048 Industry experience studio project 2

Games development and Interactive media majors

FIT3039 Studio project 1 and FIT3040 Studio project 2

  • an industry-based learning unit (18 points)

FIT3045 Industry-based learning (18 points)***

* If a unit is used for both IT specified study above and a major, you will complete additional units offered by the faculty of IT to ensure a total of at least 96 points of information technology study (any unit starting with code FIT).

** Before making your choice, refer to your anticipated major as a particular one of these may be required for your major.

*** This option is available only if you are selected to participate in the Industry-based learning (IBL) program. If you intend to apply for the IBL program, please discuss your course progression with faculty staff. If you are selected for the IBL program, 6 points of the 18-points IBL project will replace an elective in the major in Part B. below.

Part B. Information technology listed major (48 points)

This will provide you with a focused program of study that will develop your expertise in one area of information technology. You will develop the practical and theoretical skills and knowledge in your chosen major needed to successfully plan, develop, implement and evaluate information products and systems.

You must complete one of the following information technology listed majors. A major requires eight units with no more than two units at level one (12 points) and at least three units (18 points) at level three.

If you intend to undertake an honours year you should ensure you complete the specific units required as a pre-requisite for honours in your chosen major area of study.

Alternative exits

You may be eligible to exit this double degree course early and graduate with one of the single awards once you have successfully completed a total of a 144 points, including all of the requirements for the relevant single degree component.

  • 144 points to exit with the Bachelor of Commerce
  • 144 points to exit with the Bachelor of Information Technology

Progression to further studies


You may be eligible to apply for a one-year honours course once you have successfully completed this double degree, or have completed all of the requirements for one of the single degrees including a total of 144 points. The following honours courses apply:

  • B3701 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
  • C3701 Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)

You are usually eligible to apply for honours if you achieve a distinction grade average (70 percent) or above in 24 points of studies in relevant discipline units at level 3. In addition, some majors require particular units to be taken for admission to honours. The details are provided with the requirements for each major to which this applies.