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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Engineering

Course code: 0032 + Course abbreviation: BE + Total credit points required: 192 (48 points at Bachelor of Engineering level 1, plus 144 points from the relevant engineering branch*) + 4 years full-time, 8 years part-time

    * Not all branches are offered at Malaysia campus

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton; Malaysia)

Course description

Candidates for the Bachelor of Engineering choose to specialise in one of seven branches of engineering*: chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical and computer systems engineering, industrial engineering and engineering management, materials engineering, mechanical engineering and mechatronics engineering. The common first level studies allow students to keep open the option of entering any of the seven branches. There are limits on the number of students who may enrol in each branch and, where demand exceeds supply, students will be admitted on the basis of academic merit (results at level 1). Students who do not get their first choice will be offered a place in one of their other preferences. If students wish to change branches at a later level of the course, some additional units may be required and the transition could extend the duration of the course beyond four levels full-time.

Following the completion of the common first level, students transfer into one of the seven branches of engineering at Clayton or Malaysia. Each of the seven branches of engineering is outlined below and requires an additional three levels of study after the completion of level 1.

    * Not all branches are offered at both campuses. See the individual branch entries below for details of offerings.

Course objectives

Studies in this course aim to produce graduates with a foundation in general engineering and a detailed knowledge of a specialisation in one of the offered branches of engineering. See the individual branch entries below for details.

Course structure

Two of the eight units in the common level 1 are compulsory. A student’s choice of the remaining units must take into account both the amount of mathematics, chemistry and physics completed prior to admission to the course, and the branch of engineering into which the student hopes to proceed at the end of the first level. The large majority of students entering the faculty have completed the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), and references in the following paragraphs are to the prerequisite VCE subjects. Some domestic and international students enter the faculty with equivalent qualifications, and advice about unit choice for students with qualifications other than the VCE may be obtained from the faculty administration offices.

Course requirements

The large majority of students entering the faculty have completed the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), and references in the following paragraphs are to the prerequisite VCE subjects. Some domestic and international students enter the faculty with equivalent qualifications, and advice about unit choice for students with qualifications other than the VCE may be obtained from the faculty administration offices. Foundation units are required for students who have not completed appropriate VCE studies:

  • if a student has completed only one of VCE units 3 and 4 of Chemistry or Physics and has not completed VCE units 3 and 4 of Specialist Mathematics, the student will be required to complete ENG1090 and one of ENG1070 or ENG1080, depending on subjects not taken at VCE.
  • if a student has successfully completed VCE units 3 and 4 of Specialist Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, the student will have space for two electives. This will enable the student to take two units from ENG1061, ENG1071 and ENG1081. Alternatively, the student may take all five of the engineering electives and one of ENG1061, ENG1071 and ENG1081.

For information about course requirements for later levels of this program, students should refer to the entries in their chosen engineering branch.

First level

A total of eight units must completed.

Core units

Select at least four units from:

Foundation units

Students who have not completed VCE units 3 and 4 of Chemistry or Physics and/or Specialist mathematics are required to select one or two appropriate foundation units(s) from:

Elective units

Select none, one or two units from:

Total: 48 points

Chemical engineering

Students may enter this branch of engineering at the Clayton or Malaysia campus after completion of the common first level. It is recommended that students wishing to enter this branch of engineering complete ENG1010 in the first level.

The core units covered in levels 1 and 2 provide the necessary background in the sciences, engineering fundamentals such as fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, and chemical engineering principles. Levels 3 and 4 of the course are designed around the core topics of mass transfer and separation processes, reaction engineering, chemical thermodynamics, process control, particle technology, process design, sustainability and safety. Practical work forms an essential part of many units, and considerable emphasis is placed on this aspect of the program. Process simulation software is used by students throughout the course. Management studies are introduced in later levels and a greater emphasis is placed on synthesis and design, culminating in each student completing a design project, and a major research project in the final level. Students are given the opportunity to integrate a period of industrial experience or time at an overseas university with their studies.

Areas of study

Upon entry to the branch of chemical engineering, students choose to specialise in one of three streams. Each stream involves 126 points of core chemical engineering units and 18 points of units at levels 3 and 4 (12 points at level 3 and 6 points at level 4) from one of the following three streams:


The opportunities for the application of chemical engineering skills in biotechnology are widespread – from tissue engineering to biosensor development and from development of an artificial kidney to drug delivery – from fermentation processes to biofuels and from drug development to biopolymers.

Nanotechnology and materials

Nanotechnology is literally engineering at the molecular level. Over the last two decades, the ability to manipulate matter at the molecular level has improved dramatically. This revolution will allow fabrication of an entire new generation of products that are cleaner, stronger, lighter and more precise. Chemical engineers will play a major role in this revolution.

Sustainable processing

Sustainable processing is concerned with the principles of sustainability and life cycle assessment to the development of environmentally clean technologies for product manufacturing and power generation. In this stream, students will learn how to develop processes for generating energy and for manufacturing existing and new products from renewable raw material sources.

Course requirements

This is a new course structure for students entering level 2 of the program from 2006 onwards. Level 4 will be offered from 2008. Students who entered level 2 of the program prior to 2006 should refer to the handbook for the level in which they commenced the course.

Second level

Total: 48 points

Third level
Core units
Stream units

Select one stream from:

Biotechnology stream
  • BCH2011 Structure and function of cellular biomolecules
  • CHE3171 Bioprocess technology
Nanotechnology and materials stream
  • CHE3172 Nanotechnology and materials I
  • MTE2541 Nanostructure of materials
Sustainable processing stream
  • CHE3175 Process engineering
  • ENE3612 Environmental impact and management systems

Total: 48 points

Fourth level
Core units
  • CHE4117 Design project (12 points)
  • CHE4118 Chemical engineering research project (12 points)
  • CHE4161 Engineers in society
  • CHE4162 Particle technology
  • CHE4163 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
Stream units
Biotechnology stream
  • CHE4171 Biochemical engineering
Nanotechnology and materials stream
  • CHE4172 Nanotechnology and materials II
Sustainable processing stream
  • CHE4173 Sustainable processing II

Total: 48 points

Civil engineering

Students may enter this branch of engineering at the Clayton campus after completion of the common first level. It is recommended that students wishing to enter this branch of engineering complete ENG1020 in the first level.

The intention of level 2 is to develop ‘sub-professional’ skills, ie the ability to design commonplace engineering artefacts in the context of suitable theoretical treatment. At the same time, students gain some appreciation for the breadth of civil engineering. Theory is developed in parallel with the applications (problems). The theoretical insights are further developed in levels 3 and 4, as more complex scenarios are considered.

Level 3 is designed to develop ‘core professional’ skills. It includes a management unit, engineering investigation, road engineering, two structural units, a water unit and a geomechanics unit. The water and geomechanics groups share a groundwater unit.

Level 4 is seen as a period of specialisation. Each student must take both 'Project A' and 'Civil engineering practice 4' (6 points each) and a minimum of four civil engineering electives (6 points each). The remaining 12 points may be taken anywhere within the university (including the Civil Engineering department), as long as the units do not substantially duplicate a unit already studied. Some of the electives are multidisciplinary.

Course requirements

This is a new course structure for students entering level 2 of the program from 2006 onwards. Students who entered level 2 of the program prior to 2006 should refer to the handbook for the level in which they commenced the course.

Second level
  • CIV2206 Mechanics of solids
  • CIV2207 Computing and water systems modelling
  • CIV2225 Design of steel and timber structures
  • CIV2226 Design of concrete and masonry structures
  • CIV2242 Introductory geoengineering
  • CIV2263 Water systems
  • CIV2282 Transport and traffic engineering
  • ENG2091 Advanced engineering mathematics A

Total: 48 points

Third level
  • CIV3204 Engineering investigation
  • CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
  • CIV3221 Building structures and technology
  • CIV3222 Bridge design and assessment
  • CIV3247 Geoengineering
  • CIV3248 Groundwater and environmental geoengineering
  • CIV3264 Urban water and wastewater systems
  • CIV3283 Road engineering

Total: 48 points

Fourth level
Core units
Elective units

Select a minimum of 24 points from:

  • CIV3203 Civil engineering construction
  • CIV4211 Project B (enrolment in this unit is by departmental approval only)
  • CIV4234 Advanced structural analysis
  • CIV4235 Advanced structural design
  • CIV4248 Ground hazards and environmental geotechnics
  • CIV4249 Foundation engineering
  • CIV4261 Integrated urban water management
  • CIV4268 Water resources management
  • CIV4283 Transport planning
  • CIV4284 Transport systems
  • Free electives

Total: 48 points

Electrical and computer systems engineering

Students may enter this branch of engineering at the Clayton or Malaysia campus after completion of the common first level. It is recommended that students wishing to enter the electrical and computer systems engineering (ECSE) branch complete ENG1030 and ENG1040 in the first level.

The first three levels of the course provide a broad foundation in electrical and computer systems engineering and in the physical sciences such as physics, chemistry and mathematics. At levels 3 and 4, students, while completing their core units and a management unit, are able to choose from a large number of electives in electrical power systems, computer systems, control engineering, electronics, telecommunications engineering, biomedical engineering and robotics. These units build upon material studied in earlier levels. Electives comprise approximately 37 per cent of levels 3 and 4.

The design and thesis projects at level 3 and 4 build self-reliance and planning capabilities in both individual and team-based environments. Projects are often related closely to the department's exceptionally strong research and collaborative industry programs within its research centres.

Course requirements

This is a new course structure for students entering level 2 of the program from 2006 onwards. Students who entered level 2 of the program prior to 2006 should refer to the handbook for the level in which they commenced the course.

Second level

Total: 48 points

Third level
  • ECE3022 Wireless and guided EM or ECE3051 Electrical power engineering
  • ECE3031 Control systems or ECE3073 Computer systems
  • ECE3091 Engineering design
  • ECE3092 Systems engineering and reliability analysis
  • ECE3093 Optimisation estimation and numerical methods
Elective units
  • 18 points of electives from the ECSE elective list below

Total: 48 points

Fourth level

Core units

Select the two units not already taken from:

  • ECE3022 Wireless and guided EM or ECE3051 Electrical power engineering
  • ECE3031 Control systems or ECE3073 Computer systems
  • 18 points of electives from the ECSE elective list below

Total: 48 points

ECSE electives

Elective units are selected from the following units. Note that not all units will be taught in any level, and many will be offered only in alternate levels. One of the elective units may, with the written permission of the head of department, be a unit chosen from elsewhere in the university, provided the unit does not substantially duplicate material already studied.

  • ECE4012 Applied digital signal processing
  • ECE4023 RF electronics
  • ECE4024 Wireless communications
  • ECE4032 Advanced control
  • ECE4042 Communications theory
  • ECE4043 Optical communications
  • ECE4044 Telecommunications protocols
  • ECE4045 Network performance
  • ECE4053 Electrical energy – generation and supply
  • ECE4054 Electrical energy – power converters and motor control
  • ECE4055 Electrical energy – power electronic applications
  • ECE4058 Electrical energy – high voltage engineering
  • ECE4063 Large scale digital design
  • ECE4074 Advanced computer architecture
  • ECE4075 Real time embedded systems
  • ECE4076 Computer vision
  • ECE4077 Advanced computing techniques
  • ECE4078 Intelligent robotics
  • ECE4081 Medical instrumentation
  • ECE4084 Biomechanics of human musculoskeletal systems
  • ECE4086 Medical imaging technology
  • ECE4087 Medical technology innovation

Industrial engineering and engineering management

Students may enter this branch of engineering at the Clayton campus after completion of the common first level. It is recommended that students wishing to enter this branch of engineering complete ENG1020, ENG1030 and ENG1040 in the first level.

In level 2 students undertake industrial engineering and engineering management units as well as units in engineering design, dynamics, materials, thermo-fluids and mathematics. Further specialist industrial engineering units are offered in levels 3 and 4.

Students undertake a multidisciplinary project in level 3, which is undertaken in conjunction with students from other faculties and is conducted in an actual business environment. In level 4, there is a 12 point project thesis in which each student, or a pair of students, must undertake a research, design and/or industry-based project. The department offers a range of electives in level 4, including mechanical and industrial engineering units.

Course requirements

This is a new course structure for students entering level 2 of the program from 2006 onwards. Students who entered level 2 of the program prior to 2006 should refer to the handbook for the level in which they commenced the course.

Second level

Total: 48 points

Third level

Total: 48 points

Fourth level
Core units
  • IND4309 Engineering project: project thesis A
  • IND4310 Engineering project: project thesis B
Elective units*

Select 36 points from:

  • IND4313 Production planning and control
  • IND4314 Design of productive systems
  • IND4315 Computer integrated manufacturing
  • IND4316 Systems reliability and maintenance
  • IND4318 Managing strategic change
  • IND4336 Systems modelling and simulation II
  • IND4337 Professional practice for engineers II
  • IND4338 Industrial marketing

Total: 48 points

    * Students can also select from the list of ‘Mechanical engineering’ level 4 electives for the Bachelor of Engineering.

Materials engineering

Students may enter this branch of engineering at the Clayton campus after completion of the common first level. It is recommended that students wishing to enter this branch of engineering complete ENG1050 in the first level.

At level 2, students are introduced to fundamental aspects of the structure of materials and its relationship to engineering properties, along with further training in mathematics and other essential skills.

In the third and fourth levels, the units involve aspects of both materials science and materials engineering in which a wide treatment is given to the properties of metals, plastics, rubber and ceramics. At level 3 students are able to take an elective unit from the wide range of units offered by other faculties. In the final two semesters, special attention is given to topics such as materials design and selection, optimisation of properties, mechanical behaviour including shaping and fabrication, and the performance of materials in service. Practical work forms an essential part of most units and a substantial research project in a field of materials (metals, plastics, rubber or ceramics) is completed in the final two semesters.

Course requirements

This is a new course structure for students entering level 2 of the program from 2005 onwards. Students who entered level 2 of the program prior to 2005 should refer to the handbook for the level in which they commenced the course.

Second level
  • ENG2091 Advanced engineering mathematics A
  • MTE2541 Nanostructure of materials
  • MTE2542 Microstructural development
  • MTE2543 Materials selection and design
  • MTE2544 Functional materials
  • MTE2545 Engineering materials I
  • MTE2546 Mechanics of materials
  • MTE2547 Structure-property relationships in materials

Total: 48 points

Third level
Core units
  • MTE3541 Materials durability
  • MTE3542 Microstructural design in structural materials
  • MTE3543 Microstructure to applications: the mechanics of materials
  • MTE3544 Management and practice in materials engineering
  • MTE3545 Functional materials and devices
  • MTE3546 Engineering materials II
  • MTE3547 Materials characterisation and modelling
Elective units

Select one elective unit from:

  • MTE3590 Materials modelling
  • MTE3591 Composites, thermosets and elastomers
  • MTE4593 Materials and the environment
  • MTE4594 Engineering alloys processing, design and selection
  • MTE4595 Corrosion - mechanisms and protection methods
  • MTE4596 Biomaterials
  • Inter-faculty elective*

Total: 48 points

Fourth level
Core units
  • MTE4525 Project I
  • MTE4526 Project II
  • MTE4571 Materials engineering design and practice
  • MTE4572 Polymer and composite processing and engineering
  • MTE4573 Processing and engineering of metals and ceramics
Elective units**

Select a minimum of 18 points from:

  • ENG4616 Schools technology studies project
  • MTE4531 Advanced experimental techniques
  • MTE4538 Optoelectronic materials
  • MTE4540 Cement and concrete
  • MTE4592 Advanced ceramics and applications
  • MTE4593 Materials and the environment
  • MTE4594 Engineering alloys processing, design and selection
  • MTE4595 Corrosion - mechanisms and protection methods
  • MTE4596 Biomaterials

Total: 48 points

    * All inter-faculty electives must be approved by the course adviser

    ** Some elective units are offered only every second level.

Mechanical engineering

Students may enter this branch of engineering at the Clayton or Malaysia campus after completion of the common first level. It is recommended that students wishing to enter this branch of engineering complete ENG1020, ENG1030 and ENG1040 in the first level.

Specialisation in the field of mechanical engineering begins in the second level of the program and focuses more directly on engineering practice and the engineering sciences. In the third level, engineering science and practice studies are extended to a professional level and students are increasingly encouraged to learn independently and to make use of the learning resources available to them.

During the fourth level, students undertake an independent full level project in an area of personal interest. The results of this are presented and examined by thesis. In addition, students complete two core units covering aspects of industrial innovation, technology and society, plus four engineering electives offering scope for specialisation, for example in mechatronics and robotics, aerodynamics or engineering design. An inter-faculty business unit completes the final level.

Course requirements

This is a new course structure for students entering level 2 of the program from 2007 onwards. Students who entered the program prior to 2006 should refer to the handbook for the level in which they commenced the course.

Second level

Total: 48 points

Third level

Total: 48 points

Fourth level
  • MEC4401 Project I
  • MEC4402 Project II
  • MEC4404 Professional practice
  • MEC44XX Technical elective
  • MEC44XX Technical elective
  • MEC44XX Technical elective
  • MEC44XX Technical elective
  • Inter-faculty (commerce) elective

Total: 48 points

Mechatronics engineering

Students may enter this branch of engineering at the Malaysia campus after completion of the common first level. It is recommended that students wishing to enter this branch of engineering complete ENG1020, ENG1030, ENG1040 and ENG1050 in first level.

At level 2, units focus on providing fundamental knowledge across the wide range of disciplines that form the basis of mechatronics. Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, electronics, mechanics, programming and digital electronics are some of the topics covered in second level.

During level 3, further fundamental knowledge is introduced together with units that build on these fundamentals to cover areas of mechatronics to a professional level. These specialised areas include mechatronics and manufacturing, and power electronics and drives.

At level 4, students undertake further units that draw together a wide range of fundamental knowledge in a mechatronics context such as robotics. Level 4 of the course allows for specialisation in wider areas of mechatronics through the selection of three elective units. Students have the opportunity to study a unit from another faculty as one of their electives and to undertake a substantial independent investigation in their chosen area of engineering interest. There is a strong emphasis on project work throughout the mechatronics course. As well as project units in second, third and fourth level many other units contain a strong project/design element.

Course requirements

This is a new course structure for students entering level 2 of the program from 2005 onwards. Students who entered level 2 of the program prior to 2005 should refer to the handbook for the level in which they commenced the course.

This branch of the Bachelor of Engineering ceased intake into level 2 at the Clayton campus at the end of 2005, but will continue to be offered at the Malaysia campus as part of the Bachelor of Engineering Students seeking to undertake mechatronics engineering at Clayton campus should consider applying for a course transfer into the Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering.

Second level

Total: 48 points

Third level

Total: 48 points

Fourth level
Elective units
  • 18 points of approved elective units* from within the faculty (6 of the 18 points may be taken as an inter-faculty elective)

Total: 48 points

    * All elective units must be approved by the course director.

Contact details

Telephone +61 3 9905 3404, email or visit

Course adviser


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