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Clayton First semester 2007 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2007 (Day)
Malaysia First semester 2007 (Day)
Malaysia Second semester 2007 (Day)
This unit aims to develop an understanding of the context and terminology related to engineering structures. It will allow students to translate real world forces into abstract form for engineering modelling. The unit aims to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of engineering statics and their application to trusses and beams through design. Knowledge of various construction materials is developed to allow material choice for truss and beam design. Design of beams continues the theme of engineering statics through introduction to shear forces, bending moments and stress, and deflection.
At the completion of this Unit students will have the following:
Knowledge and understanding
Assessment Projects: 30%
Individual tests 30%
Closed book exam (3 hours): 40%. Students are required to pass both the continuous assessment and exam components to gain a pass in this unit.
3 hours lectures, 2 hours practice classes and seven hours of private study per week.