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Clayton Second semester 2007 (Day)
The unit presents a structured treatment of the design of switched mode power electronic converters. It begins by considering semiconductor devices and topologies of various types of converters that suit particular applications. Then, detailed design processes are developed, taking into account converter topology and semiconductor device selection, design of magnetic components, voltage-mode and current-mode closed loop control, use of simulation, physical design layout, and EMI/EMC considerations, in the context of particular applications. Finally, specific real-world systems such as electronic lighting ballast's, UPSs and high-frequency induction heating systems are presented as examples.
To understand the use of power electronic switching conversion techniques to control electrical power in a wide-range of applications.
To select appropriate converter topologies and structures for specific applications.
To be able to design and construct practical switched mode power electronic converters.
To be able to use simulation tools as part of the design process.
Continuous assessment: 30%
Examination: (3 hours) 70%. Students must achieve a mark of 45% in each of these two components to achieve an overall pass grade.
3 hours lectures, 3 hours laboratory and practice classes and 6 hours of private study per week
ECE4505, ECE5055, ECE5505