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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Arts (Communication)

Course code: 1708 + Course abbreviation: BA(Comn) + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Gippsland)

Off-campus (Gippsland P/T only; Singapore)

Multimode (Gippsland)

Course description

This course provides an interdisciplinary core to produce graduates who will be knowledgeable about communications and who can apply that knowledge in a range of vocational and academic areas. This degree combines a major in communication theory with studies in humanities and an additional specialisation (some offered by faculties other than Arts).

Course objectives

The degree aims to provide students with conceptual tools for describing and analysing communications media in a number of different ways.

Course structure

Students complete a compulsory major in communications, with additional studies chosen from a variety of arts disciplines.

Areas of study

In addition to the communications major, minors can be taken in Australian Indigenous studies, Australian studies, community studies, English, history-politics, philosophy, psychological studies, psychology, public relations, social and community welfare, sociology and writing.

For full information on the communications major and all minors offered, refer to the ‘Areas of study’ section on the Arts faculty website at

Course requirements

Students must the complete the following:

(a) a communications major (48 points)

(b) an arts minor (24 points)

(c) another 12 points in arts at first-year level

(d) a further 12 arts points at first, second or third-year level

(e) a specialisation sequence (36 points) in one of business computing, journalism, photomedia, multimedia, marketing, management or writing

(f) a minimum of 36 points at third-year level (includes those completed in the communications major and specialisation sequence).

Of the 144 points, 96 points must be completed within the Faculty of Arts. The remaining 48 points may be taken from disciplines in the Faculty of Arts or disciplines outside the faculty. Students undertaking a specialisation sequence in management, marketing, photography, or business computing will only be able to complete a further 12 points outside of the faculty.

Note that no more than 10 units (60 points) are to be completed at a first-year level. Students have a maximum of eight years to complete this course.

Specialisation sequences

Note that the specialisation sequence is not equivalent to a major.


Students complete the following compulsory units:

plus four of the following (including at least two units at third-year level):

Business computing (Faculty of Information Technology)

Students complete the following six units:

  • GCO1851 Computing systems and applications
  • GCO2851 Programming for business applications
  • GCO2852 Business systems analysis
  • GCO2813 Information systems design
  • GCO3851 Database management systems
  • GCO3816 Information systems and management
Marketing (Faculty of Business and Economics)

Students complete the following six units:

Management (Faculty of Business and Economics)

Students choose six of the following units:

Recommended units
  • MGW1010 Managing people and organisations
  • MGW1100 Managerial communication
  • MGW2430 Human resource management
  • MGW3130 Organisational change and development
  • MGW3401 Strategic management
Multimedia (Art and Design)
Photomedia (Art and Design)

Students complete the following six units, including at least two units at second-year level:

plus any four of the following:

  • ENH2404/3404 Popular writing and criticism
  • ENH2405/3405 Contemporary fiction
  • COM2408/3408 Screen theories and techniques
  • HPL2506/3506 Researching and writing community history
  • WRT3422 Writing 2: portfolio

Contact details

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