Postgraduate certificates and diplomas

General information

Postgraduate certificates and diplomas are designed for graduates who have completed a fourth year of post-secondary study, usually in education. The normal duration for each is one semester (full-time) or two semesters (part-time) for a certificate and two semesters (full-time) or four semesters (part-time) for a diploma.
In addition, candidates who successfully complete the first two or four units of any specialisation in the Master of Education course may be awarded either a postgraduate certificate or a postgraduate diploma.

Postgraduate Certificate in Bilingual/Immersion Education (PostgradCertBilingualEd)

General information

Course code: 2036 · Clayton campus · Contact: Course coordinator Dr Margaret Gearon (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
The Postgraduate Certificate in Bilingual/Immersion Education is designed to accommodate teachers and school administrators involved in implementing a content-based immersion program in their school and to assist them to deepen their understanding of the processes of second language teaching and learning in such a context.
Candidates who successfully complete the Postgraduate Certificate in Bilingual/Immersion Education may complete a postgraduate diploma or a masters degree by undertaking a further two or four units respectively.

Admission requirements

Candidates will hold a university degree or its equivalent and be school administrators or qualified teachers of a language other than English.

Course outline

For the award of the Postgraduate Certificate in Bilingual/Immersion Education, a candidate must satisfactorily complete the following two 12-credit point subjects in the order listed.

Core subjects
Length of course/workload required

This course may be taken on-campus by part-time study over one academic year. Each subject is of one-semester length and the option of summer school study may be provided. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784), or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (PostgradCertTESOL)

Course code: 0156 · Clayton campus · Contact: Ms Marie-Thérèse Jensen (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries) · Intake into this course under the above title ceased in 1999

Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Languages Other Than English (PostgradCertLOTE)

General information

Course code: 2037 · Clayton campus · Contact: Dr Margaret Gearon (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries) · Not offered in 2000
The Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Languages Other Than English is designed, in particular, to accommodate teachers in Department of Education schools who are re-training as LOTE teachers, as well as teachers in other sectors who wish to upgrade their qualification to include the ability to teach a LOTE.
Candidates who successfully complete the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Languages Other Than English may complete a postgraduate diploma or a masters degree by undertaking a further two or four units respectively.

Admission requirements

Candidates for the postgraduate certificate will usually hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification from a recognised tertiary institution or an approved post-Year 12 major (or approved equivalent) in a language other than English and demonstrated proficiency in the language or a recognised teaching qualification.

Course outline

For the award of the postgraduate certificate a candidate must satisfactorily complete two 12-credit point subjects from one of the two options below.

Option one (two subjects) - for qualified LOTE teachers
Option two (two subjects) - for teachers re-training as LOTE teachers

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course consists of one semester of full-time study or two semesters of part-time study taken on-campus, including 22 days practicum. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or

Postgraduate Certificate of Education (International Education) [PostgadCertEd(Ed)]

General information

Course code: 2217 · Clayton campus (distance education) · Contact: Course coordinator Dr Simon Marginson (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
This course is designed primarily to meet the needs and interests of educational administrators, teachers, academics, educational service providers and student support staff engaged in international education at all levels of education. It would also be of interest to staff training officers from industry and private providers.
The course is based on the belief that as a new millennium dawns the influences of new technologies and globalisation are increasing economic and cultural interpenetration of nations, creating a new 'knowledge economy'. The emergence of this knowledge economy has profound implications for education's purposes and organisation. Increasingly educational institutions are expected to be self-funding and in response many have pursued international educational markets. This has both challenged current practices and created the need for the development of new competencies.
This course seeks to provide students with an understanding of the processes of internationalisation in education, enabling them to develop skills of planning, managing and evaluating initiatives in international education in ways that are culturally appropriate, informed and sensitive.
The course is offered through the distance education mode, with support through regular electronic communication.

Admission requirements

To be admitted into this course, students must either have completed a bachelors degree at honours level or have an ordinary degree together with relevant practical experience. There are no formal subject prerequisites.

Course outline

The course consists of two 12-credit point subjects.

Core subject
Elective subjects (one only)

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.
Students may exit the course after the completion of the core subject and one of the other three subjects with the award of a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (International Education).
Students who successfully complete two subjects in the Postgraduate Certificate of Education (International Education) may apply to transfer to the Postgraduate Diploma of Education ( International Education). Students may also apply to transfer to the Master of Education (International Education) provided their qualifications meet the eligibility criteria for that course prior to their entrance into the graduate certificate.

Length of course/workload required

This course requires a minimum of at least one semester of full-time study and no more than three years of part-time study. Each of the subjects is one semester in length. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819/2784) or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Certificate of Gifted Education (PostgradCertGiftEd)

General information

Course code: 2038 · Clayton campus · Contact: Ms Leonie Kronborg (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
This course is for teachers and psychologists who wish to commence postgraduate studies in gifted education.
Candidates who successfully complete the Postgraduate Certificate of Gifted Education may receive two units (24 points) credit towards a masters degree.

Admission requirements

The course is available to trained teachers with a recognised four-year qualification and to qualified psychologists.

Course outline

The completion of two 12-credit point subjects will lead to the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Gifted Education as follows:

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course consists of two semesters of part-time study. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784), or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Certificate of Special Education (PostgradCertSpecEd)

General information

Course code: 2239 · Clayton campus · Contact: Dr Joanne Deppeler (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
This course is for teachers, educational administrators, and other health and human resource professionals who wish to commence postgraduate studies in special education. Candidates who successfully complete the Postgraduate Certificate of Special Education may receive two units (24 points) credit towards a masters degree.

Course outline

The completion of two 12-credit point subjects chosen from the following list will lead to the award of Postgraduate Certificate of Special Education:

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course may be taken on-campus by part-time study over one year. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Eduction, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819/2784) or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Diploma in Bilingual/Immersion Education (PostgradDipBilingualEd)

General information

Course code: 2039 · Clayton campus · Contact: Dr Margaret Gearon (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
The Postgraduate Diploma in Bilingual/Immersion Education is designed to accommodate teachers and school administrators involved in implementing a content-based immersion program in their school and to assist them to deepen their understanding of the processes of second language teaching and learning in such a context.
Candidates who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Bilingual/Immersion Education may receive four units (48 points) credit towards a masters degree.

Admission requirements

Candidates will hold a university degree or its equivalent and be school administrators or qualified teachers of a language other than English.

Course outline

The course consists of four 12-credit-point subjects as follows:

Core subjects

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course may be taken on campus by part-time study over two academic years. Each subject is of one-semester length and the option of summer school study will be provided for some subjects. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784) or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Diploma of Education (Leadership, Policy and Change) (PostgradDipEd[Ld,Pol&Ch])

General information

Course code: 2333 · Clayton campus · Contact: Associate Professor Peter Gronn (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
The Postgraduate Diploma of Education (Leadership, Policy and Change) is designed to meet the needs and interests of leaders and managers of educational institutions, teachers, academics and personnel working in a variety of human service organisations who exercise formal or informal leadership responsibilities for the delivery of educational and related services.
Candidates who successfully complete the Postgraduate Diploma of Education (Leadership, Policy and Change) may receive four units (48 points) credit towards a masters degree.

Admission requirements

Applicants must have an approved three-year bachelors degree and an approved fourth year of study or an approved four-year bachelors degree, or have qualifications or experience deemed by the faculty board to be the equivalent to the above awards or a pass degree accompanied by relevant experience for admission to the Postgraduate Diploma (Leadership, Policy and Change).

Course outline

The course consists of four 12-credit-point subjects as follows:

Core subjects

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course may be taken on-campus by full-time or part-time study. Full-time candidates should complete all requirements within one year while part-time candidates will complete them within two academic years. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784), or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Diploma of Education (International Education) [PostgradDipEd(IntEd)]

General information

Course code: 2135 · Clayton campus (distance education) · Contact: Dr Simon Marginson (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
This course is designed primarily to meet the needs and interests of educational administrators, teachers, academics, educational service providers and student support staff engaged in international education at all levels of education. It would also be of interest to staff training officers from industry and private providers.
The course is based on the belief that as a new millennium dawns the influences of new technologies and globalisation are increasing economic and cultural interpenetration of nations, creating a new 'knowledge economy'. The emergence of this knowledge economy has profound implications for education's purposes and organisation. Increasingly educational institutions are expected to be self-funding and in response many have pursued international educational markets. This has both challenged current practices and created the need for the development of new competencies.
This course seeks to provide students with an understanding of the processes of internationalisation in education, enabling them to develop skills of planning, managing and evaluating initiatives in international education in ways that are culturally appropriate, informed and sensitive.
The course is offered through the distance education mode, with support through regular electronic communication.

Admission requirements

To be admitted into this course, students must either have completed a bachelors degree at honours level or have an ordinary degree together with relevant practical experience. There are no formal subject prerequisites.

Course outline
Core subjects
Elective subjects

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course requires a minimum of at least one year of full-time study and no more than three years of part-time study. Each of the subjects is of one semester in length. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Eduction, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784), or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Policy and Management (PostgradDipEdPol&Mgt)

Course code: 0152 · Clayton campus · Contact: Associate Professor Lawrie Angus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries) · Intake into this course under the above title ceased in 1998. Students currently enrolled may continue their studies under the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Leadership, Policy and Change)

Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (Education)

General information

Course code: 2783· Clayton campus · Course coordinator: Associate Professor Geoff Molloy (telephone (03) 9905 2819 for initial inquiries)
The content of the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (Education) has been accredited by the Australian Psychological Society as providing a fourth year of study in psychology. Completion of the course is a prima facie qualification for associate membership.
The postgraduate diploma aims to establish a foundation of knowledge in areas such as professional practice, human behaviour and theories of psychology. The emphasis is theoretical rather than practical. It provides advanced training in the design, execution and analysis of research with each student completing an empirical research project.
In order to develop the practical skills necessary to function as a psychologist a period of supervised practice or further study in psychology (eg. the MPsych offered by the Faculty of Education) should be undertaken following completion of the postgraduate diploma.

Admission requirements

Candidates must have an undergraduate degree that includes an Australian Psychological Society-approved major sequence in psychology. Selection is based on academic merit.

Course outline
Core subjects

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course comprises one year full-time or two years part-time study taken on-campus. The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is 48.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784)

Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (PostgradDipT&L)

Course code: 1559 · Clayton, Gippsland and Peninsula campuses · Contact: Dr Ian Mitchell (Clayton), telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries) · Intake into this course under the above title ceased in 2000

Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (PostgradDipTESOL)

General information

Course code: 0111· Clayton campus · Contact: Ms Marie-Thérèse Jensen (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries)
The Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages is designed primarily to meet the requirements of trained teachers who wish to gain higher professional qualifications and expertise in the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages.

Admission requirements

Applicants will usually hold a university degree or equivalent, be a qualified teacher and have had at least two years of relevant professional experience.
Discretionary entrance is sometimes possible, eg three years of training and a number of years of teaching experience in TESOL.
Applicants who are not native speakers of English will be required to demonstrate substantial competence in written and spoken English before admission.
Teachers who have taught ESOL for three years full-time or longer may document 22 days of lessons in their own classrooms in lieu of undertaking an externally supervised teaching practicum and EDF6238. Teachers who have gained the Royal Society of Arts Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults (RSACTEFLA) may gain an exemption of five days from the teaching practicum.

Course outline

The course consists of four 12-credit point subjects. For professional accreditation, a 22-day practicum must also be completed during the period of enrolment in the course in association with EDF6238.

Core subjects
Elective subjects (one only)

The following subjects are approved subjects for TESOL accreditation:

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.
It should be noted that all subjects taught in the PostgradDipTESOL are masters subjects and are assessed at that level. These subjects can also be taken for the MEd (TESOL) and be accredited as such. Candidates for the PostgradDipTESOL who show satisfactory performance (credit level and above) in at least two subjects may, at the discretion of the course coordinator, make application to convert to candidature for the MEd (TESOL).

Length of course/workload required

One year of full-time study taken on-campus or two years of part-time study. Each subject will require attendance at a weekly seminar of three hours per week, together with substantial reading and associated assignment work. The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is 48.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784) or visit our web site at

Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Languages Other Than English (PostgradDipLOTE)

General information

Course code: 0154 · Clayton campus · Contact: Dr Margaret Gearon (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784 for initial inquiries) · Not offered in 2000
The Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Languages Other Than English course is designed to accommodate teachers at all levels seeking to improve their professional competence, to deepen their understanding of the processes of second language learning and teaching, and to broaden their qualifications.

Admission requirements

Applicants will usually hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification from a recognised tertiary institution or an approved post-Year 12 major (or approved equivalent) in a language other than English and demonstrated proficiency in the language, or a recognised teaching qualification. Teachers who wish to upgrade their qualifications to be eligible for a teaching position in their LOTE need to have completed the language requirement prior to entering the course. Those who have only one LOTE subject to complete may seek permission of the course coordinator to undertake this as part of the postgraduate diploma.

Course outline

For the award of the postgraduate diploma in Teaching Languages Other than English, a candidate must satisfactorily complete four 12-credit point subjects, via one of the two options below:

Core subjects
Option one (four subjects)
Option two (four subjects)
Elective subjects

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress. It is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.
Those qualified for entry to MEd candidature have the opportunity of completing a masters degree with special reference to second language education. Students should also note that the subjects taught in the postgraduate diploma are masters subjects and are assessed at that level. Any student wishing to transfer from the postgraduate diploma to the masters must have completed at least two subjects at credit level or above and seek approval of the course coordinator.

Length of course/workload required

One year of full-time study taken on-campus or part-time study of not more than three years. Candidates wishing to work in government schools will need to undertake a supervised practicum of at least 22 days in the relevant LOTE (EDF6224). The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is 48.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or (03) 9905 2784), or visit our web site at