Preservice certificates and diplomas

Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (CHED)

General information

Course code: 2550 · Flexible delivery · Course coordinator: Dr Helen Edwards · Offered by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED), telephone (03) 9905 6800
The Graduate Certificate in Higher Education is designed to equip teachers in higher education institutions for the rapidly changing teaching and learning environment in which they operate. It seeks to encourage a scholarly and professional approach to university teaching. Upon completing the course, participants should be able to demonstrate knowledge and competence in the following areas: designing a teaching program, using a range of teaching methods, designing and applying assessment strategies and providing student support. Participants should also be able to demonstrate the application of the above knowledge and competences to their discipline or professional area.

Admission requirements

Participants must have a first degree and be actively engaged in teaching in a higher education institution and have email and Internet access. Currently the course is available only to staff members at Monash.

Course outline
Core subjects

Note that HED5001 is a prerequisite for all other subjects. HED5001, HED5002 and HED5003 are prerequisites for HED5004. This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course is equivalent to one semester of full-time study but will normally be taken as part-time study over two semesters. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Centre for Higher Education Development, telephone (03) 9905 6800 or visit their web site at

Graduate Diploma in Children's Services (GradDipChildServ)

General information

Course code: 0907 · Peninsula campus · Contact: Ms Marie Hammer (telephone (03) 9904 4288 for initial inquiries)
The Graduate Diploma in Children's Services is designed to prepare graduates for employment in children's services.

Admission requirements

Applicants must have a minimum of a three-year university qualification in primary education or equivalent

Course outline

The course consists of the following eight subjects, including field studies or a practical placement undertaken in the second year of the course:

First year
Second year

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Length of course/workload required

This course consists of the equivalent of one year of full-time study taken on-campus and some units may be offered externally depending on student demand. The course is offered part-time, with at least two subjects being offered each semester. Depending on the interest of students enrolling in the course, subjects may be offered in an intensive summer or winter school, thereby enabling students to complete the course in less than two years. The expected number of hours per week for a part-time student is 24.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Peninsula campus (telephone (03) 9904 4288) or visit our web site at

Graduate Diploma of Education (Primary) (GradDipEd[Prim])

General information

Course code: 0341 · Peninsula campus · Contact: Dr Barbara Clarke (telephone (03) 9904 4288 for initial inquiries)
This course is designed to prepare graduates from a range of disciplines for eligibility for employment as primary school teachers in the government, Catholic and independent school systems. Students should form a broad conceptual understanding of the field of education and will be expected to engage as active participants in both on-campus and off-campus components of the course.

Admission requirements

The minimum entry requirement is an approved degree. For overseas degrees, the faculty accepts assessments made by the Qualifications Assessment Unit, Department of Education, St Andrews Place, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000.
Applications are made through Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). Application forms can be obtained from Victorian newsagents from August and from VTAC, which can be found on the web site at Applications should be submitted to VTAC by the end of September (later applications may be accepted on payment of a late fee).

Course outline

The Graduate Diploma of Education consists of eight on-campus subjects which are linked with four school experience rounds. Four blocks of teaching practice are arranged throughout the course. Students will be in schools for a total of up to 60 days, comprising 45 days of fully supervised practicum and 15 days of related fieldwork. Candidates must satisfactorily complete each of the eight units of study and receive a satisfactory teaching assessment to be eligible for the award.

Core subjects

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.
Assessment in the course ranges from examinations, seminar papers and written assignments to practical work, fieldwork folios and teaching assignments. It is common for a class test to be held as a substitute for an examination. In assessing a student's progress throughout the course, performance in class, oral work, class tests and other work may be taken into account. Students who fail in any subject may be limited in the number of subjects they are permitted to pursue, or if their performance is generally unsatisfactory they may be refused permission to re-enrol. Students whose performance in any two teaching rounds is deemed unsatisfactory may be excluded from the course.

Length of course/workload required

This course consists of one year of full-time study taken on-campus. The expected number of hours per week for a full-time student is 48.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Peninsula campus (telephone (03) 9904 4288) or visit our web site at

Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary) (GradDipEd[Sec])

General information

Course code: 0074 · Full-time · Clayton (on-campus) · Course code: 1737 · Part-time · Clayton (on-campus) · Contact: course coordinator Ms Debbie Corrigan (telephone (03) 9905 2819 or the Graduate Diploma of Education office, telephone (03) 9905 2881 for initial inquiries) · Course code: 1737 · Part-time · Gippsland (distance education) · Contact: Dr Keith Stead (telephone (03) 5122 6969 or (03) 9902 6969 for initial inquiries)
The faculty offers a one-year full-time or two years part-time course leading to the award of the Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary), for graduates wishing to become teachers. The course combines academic studies of the foundations of education with methods and practice of teaching in subjects appropriate to the student's first degree. It is offered on-campus at Clayton and by distance education from the Gippsland campus.

Admission requirements

The entrance requirements for the Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary) course are: (a) the applicant shall have qualified for a degree and (b) the subjects studied in that degree shall include a minimum two-year sequence in relevant tertiary subjects for the method subjects to be studied in the course (for example, English, economics, mathematics etc). A major sequence in one of these subjects is desirable. Advice on the suitability of undergraduate sequences or other information about the Graduate Diploma of Education may be obtained from the course coordinators of Graduate Diploma of Education programs.
For overseas degrees, the faculty accepts assessments made by the Qualifications Assessment Unit, Department of Education, St Andrews Place, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000.

Applications - Clayton campus

Applications are made through Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). Application forms can be obtained from Victorian newsagents from August and from VTAC, which can be found on our web site at http:/ / They must be submitted to VTAC by the end of September (later applications will be accepted on payment of a late fee).

Applications - Gippsland campus

Application forms can be obtained from the Course Inquiries Centre on free call 1800 671 845 or by email at Applicants for admission to the Gippsland course must include two referee reports with their application.
Selection is based on academic merit and the faculty's ability to provide appropriate tutorial assistance, supervision and teaching practice facilities in the various method subjects.

Course outline - full-time (Clayton campus)

The full-time course consists of two methods and practice of teaching subjects and two 12-point subjects. These subjects cover four foundation areas:

The supervised teaching practice component of the methods and practice of teaching subjects is conducted in blocks, with a series of preliminary visits before each block round.

The full-time course consists of the following subjects:

In addition, service units can be undertaken in educational technology- media, computers across the curriculum, and occupational health and safety. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a range of short units, which are multi-disciplinary in nature and address recent developments in school curricula, eg technological studies, health education, Asian studies, psychology and counselling. Assistance is also available in aspects of speech and verbal communication in the classroom. Some full-time students may be required to attend sessions at a residential camp before the first teaching round.
Method and practice of teaching subjects include school placements. Three placements are undertaken during the year for students enrolled at the Clayton campus.
This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Course outline -part-time (Clayton and Gippsland campuses)
The part-time course consists of the following subjects:

Clayton campus

Gippsland campus

First year
EDF5205 Educational psychology
EDF5206 Education and society
EDF5207 Social history of schooling
Second year
EDF5208 Principles of teaching
Method and practice of teaching (first method)
Method and practice of teaching (second method)
School placement (three blocks)

First year
EDF5205 Educational psychology
EDF5206 Education and society
Method and practice of teaching (first method)
School placement (one block)
Second year
EDF5207 Social history of schooling
EDF5208 Principles of teaching
Method and practice of teaching (second method)
School placement (one block)

This is a conceptual outline only. It gives a general indication of how the course will progress and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult course coordinators to assist in planning their program.

Methods and practice of teaching subjects

Each student must choose two methods and practice of teaching subjects. Students are advised to consult the following list of teaching subjects together with the outlines for each subject and its prerequisites. This information should then be used to choose two methods and practice of teaching subjects.
The prerequisites for entry to these subjects are determined by the faculty and do not necessarily meet the requirements of particular employers in specific subject fields. Students in doubt about the suitability of their qualifications for employment with the Victorian Department of Education are invited to check with the department's recruitment unit.

Subject code


Clayton campus

Gippslan d campus


Method and practice of teaching business studies I



Method and practice of teaching commercial studies and business management



Method and practice of teaching legal studies



Method and practice of teaching economics



Method and practice of teaching business studies II



Method and practice of teaching English A




Method and practice of teaching English B



Method and practice of teaching geography



Method and practice of teaching history



Method and practice of teaching SOSE A




Method and practice of teaching SOSE B



Method and practice of teaching LOTE A




Method and practice of teaching LOTE (Indonesian)



Method and practice of teaching LOTE (Italian)



Method and practice of teaching TESL



Method and practice of teaching music A




Method and practice of teaching music B




Method and practice of teaching mathematics




Method and practice of teaching computer studies



Method and practice of teaching general science




Method and practice of teaching science



Method and practice of teaching biology



Method and practice of teaching chemistry



Method and practice of teaching physics



Method and practice of teaching psychology




Method and practice of teaching technology



Method and practice of teaching Jewish studies



Method and practice of teaching drama



Method and practice of teaching media A



Method and practice of teaching visual arts A



Method and practice of teaching visual arts B


Note that the availability of any of the methods and practice of teaching subjects from year to year is dependent on the faculty's ability to provide appropriate tutorial assistance, supervision and teaching practice facilities.

School placement program

The school placement program extends beyond the expected minimum requirements for employment in Victoria. More detailed information about teaching practice times and requirements can be obtained from the faculty office at Clayton or Gippsland. Details of orientation meetings will be available at enrolment. Three blocks of time have been set aside throughout the year for school experience for students enrolled full-time or part-time at the Clayton campus, and two blocks of time for students enrolled part-time at the Gippsland campus.

Length of course/workload required

This course consists of one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study taken on-campus or by distance education. The expected number of hours per week is 48 for a full-time student and 24 for a part-time student, except during teaching practica. The course will normally commence in mid-February. Candidates must satisfactorily complete all subjects and receive a satisfactory teaching assessment to be eligible for the award.

Further information

Further information regarding this course may be obtained from the Faculty of Education, Clayton campus (telephone (03) 9905 2881), or Gippsland campus (telephone (03) 9902 6969 or (03) 5122 6969), or visit our web site at