
Primary science and technology education


6 points + Second semester + Peninsula + 4 hours lectures/tutorial/workshops, 8 hours independent study

Synopsis: The students will be introduced to the relevant science and technology curriculum and standards framework with historical and contemporary changes in the teaching of science and technology being considered in the context of a range of teaching strategies used in the primary school and early childhood settings. Students will explore ways of stimulating and enriching children's natural curiosity by presenting a broad range of learning experiences through the design, development and practice of integrating science and technology curricula using a variety of media and learning environments. Teaching and assessment strategies will be an important aspect of the course.

Assessment: Group peer science or technology lesson presentation, complete with lesson plan, resources and a means for assessing student learning (1000 words): 20% + Technology task, which includes the preparation, design and construction of a machine and the submission of a design brief and construction report (1000 words): 20% + Professional folio which consists of a professional journal (3500 words), two essay reading tasks (1000 words each), and a bibliography of resources (500 words): 60%