- AVM5004 Regulatory aviation medicine
- FOR3001 Principles of forensic medicine and science
- HSC1100 Introduction to research and evidence
- HSC1200 Introduction to public health
- HSC1300 Human health and disease
- HSC1400 The Australian healthcare system
- HSC2100 Emerging challenges in health
- HSC2200 Health and the human lifespan
- HSC2300 Health promotion and disease prevention
- HSC4001 Health science research project 1
- HSC4002 Health science research project 2
- HSC4011 Advanced studies in public health research
- IPE1011 Foundations of health in primary clinical care
- MPH5002 Foundations of health promotion and program planning
- MPH5020 Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
- MPH5022 Evaluating public health programs
- MPH5040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH5041 Introductory biostatistics
- MPH5042 Climate change and public health
- MPH5200 Regression methods for epidemiology
- MPH5203 Environmental influences on health
- MPH5207 Chronic disease: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5213 Research methods
- MPH5214 Demographic methods
- MPH5218 Infectious diseases: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5222 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- MPH5231 Research design and project proposal
- MPH5232 Research conduct, analysis, write-up and submission
- MPH5236 Clinical trials
- MPH5239 Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
- MPH5241 Introduction to occupational health and safety
- MPH5242 Psychosocial work environment
- MPH5243 Chemical and biological hazards
- MPH5244 Ergonomic and physical hazards
- MPH5252 Global health care delivery: principles and challenges
- MPH5255 Health and human rights
- MPH5256 Injury epidemiology and prevention
- MPH5265 Law for health systems
- MPH5266 Clinical leadership and management
- MPH5267 Principles of health care quality improvement
- MPH5268 Economics and financial management in health care
- MPH5269 Foundations of health policy
- MPH5270 Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
- MPH5271 Implementation and innovation in health care
- MPH5272 Principles of health systems
- MPH5273 Case study in health services management
- MPH5274 Public health practicum
- MPH5276 Safety management systems
- MPH5277 Practical data management
- MPH5281 Management theory and practice
- MPH5283 Ethics, good research practice and practical research methods
- MPH5286 Applying and practicing the principles of patient safety and quality improvement
- MPH5288 Introduction and challenges in public health
- MPH5289 Professional practice development
- MPH5301 Health systems and policy
- MPH5302 Biostatistics: Concepts and applications
- MPH5303 Epidemiology of infectious diseases
- MPH5304 Leading and managing in public health and health care
- MPH5305 Epidemiology: Concepts and applications
- MPH5306 Health promotion, planning and evaluation in public health
- MPH5307 Introduction to health law principles
- MPH5308 Developing health systems
- MPH5309 Occupational health and safety
- MPH5310 Introduction to environmental health
- MPH5311 Safety and quality in health care
- MPH5312 Advances in managing patient care processes
- MPH5313 Challenges in public health
- MPH5314 Epidemiology of chronic disease
- MPH5315 Introduction to management
- MPH6040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH6041 Introductory biostatistics
- PBH1102 Introduction to communicating health
- PBH1104 Global health: Opportunities and challenges
- PBH2001 Foundations of epidemiology
- PBH2002 Foundations of biostatistics
- PBH2003 Culture, society and health
- PBH2004 Health, law and ethics
- PBH2005 Health program planning
- PBH2006 Treatment and technologies
- PBH2008 Introduction to health policy and politics
- PBH3001 Public health and clinical research methods
- PBH3002 Disease prevention and control
- PBH3003 Environmental determinants of health and disease
- PBH3004 Health program evaluation
- PBH3005 Social and behavioural sciences in public health
- PBH3006 Public health research practicum
- PBH3007 Health promotion practicum
- PBH3008 Case studies in global and public health
- PBH3009 Chronic disease epidemiology and control
- PBH3010 Health data management
- PBH3011 Advanced biostatistics for public health
- PBH3012 Translating research into practice