print version
Units indexed by Title: T
- LAW7045 Takeovers
- BTF4260 Tax administration and policy
- BTF5260 Tax administration and policy
- LAW7337 Tax disputes and written advocacy
- LAW5152 Taxation law 506
- BTG3221 Taxation law and practice
- BTG9221 Taxation law and practice
- BTW3221 Taxation law and practice
- BTC3150 Taxation law
- BTF3931 Taxation law
- BTX9651 Taxation law
- BTF4220 Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTF5220 Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTF4280 Taxation of international transactions
- BTF5280 Taxation of international transactions
- GSB5602 Taxation of retirement funds
- BTF4210 Taxation of trusts and partnerships
- BTF5210 Taxation of trusts and partnerships
- APG4633 Teaching and learning Asian languages
- APG5633 Teaching and learning Asian languages
- MEU9001 Teaching and learning in health professional education
- ATS3620 Teaching history
- ATS4620 Teaching history
- EDF6322 Teaching music: policy and practice
- ATS2767 Technical aspects of performance making
- ATS2768 Technical aspects: Practical investigation
- FIT2043 Technical documentation for software engineers
- MTH1035 Techniques for modelling (advanced)
- MTH1030 Techniques for modelling
- ATS1307 Techniques in Geography and Environmental Science
- ATS2434 TechnoDiscourse
- ATS3434 TechnoDiscourse
- ARC1102 Technologies and environments 1
- ARC2101 Technologies and environments 2
- ARC3101 Technologies and environments 3
- ARC4101 Technologies and Environments 4
- APG4812 Technology and translation
- APG5874 Technology and translation
- LAW7221 Technology contracts and licensing law
- SCI3094 Technology management for scientists II
- SCI3090 Technology management for scientists
- FIT2074 Technology, information and organisations
- ATS2532 Teen film and television
- ATS3532 Teen film and television
- ECE4044 Telecommunications protocols
- ECE2041 Telecommunications
- ATS2528 Television genres
- ATS3528 Television genres
- MRE5001 Terotechnology and life cycle costs
- LAW7320 Terrorism and human rights
- APG5853 Terrorism and security studies research dissertation - Part 1
- APG5854 Terrorism and security studies research dissertation - Part 2
- APG5852 Terrorism and security studies research dissertation
- APG5851 Terrorism and security studies research project
- ATS2701 Terrorism and violence in global politics
- ATS3701 Terrorism and violence in global politics
- APG4666 Terrorism, counter-terrorism & intelligence
- APG5666 Terrorism, counter-terrorism & intelligence
- APG4311 Text and community in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- APG5311 Text and community in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- ATS4311 Text and community in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
- ATS2485 Textual Theories and Practice: an Introduction
- ATS3485 Textual Theories and Practice: an Introduction
- ATS2603 The age of crusades: Cultures and societies
- ATS3603 The age of crusades: Cultures and societies
- ENE3606 The air environment
- ATS2617 The American civil war
- ATS3617 The American civil war
- ATS2683 The analysis of discourse: Texts, narrative and society
- ATS3683 The analysis of discourse: Texts, narrative and society
- APG5805 The Art and Business of international development
- FBS9005 The assessment and management of problem behaviours
- ATS1323 The bible as history
- ATS2721 The body and society
- ATS3721 The body and society
- TAD2025 The body in contemporary art
- TAD3025 The body in contemporary art
- VCO3207 The business of illustration
- ECW2451 The business of sport
- SWM5160 The child in society: promoting children's wellbeing and responding to child maltreatment
- MID1003 The childbearing journey
- ATS3104 The contemporary German novel
- CMH1006 The context for mental health practice
- ATS1284 The criminal justice process
- ATS2398 The criminal mind
- ATS3398 The criminal mind
- ATS2761 The cyborg subject: Identity and subjectivity in the 21st century
- ATS2914 The dark hero: Demonic, deranged and cursed
- ATS3914 The dark hero: Demonic, deranged and cursed
- ESC2032 The dynamic biosphere: Changing fauna and flora through geological time
- ESC3232 The dynamic biosphere: Changing fauna and flora through geological time
- ESC2111 The dynamic earth I: Building of continents and the environment
- ESC2122 The dynamic earth II: Global processes
- EDF4325 The early childhood curriculum
- ATS2351 The early dynastic period and old kingdom in Egypt, 3050-2150
- ATS3351 The early dynastic period and old kingdom in Egypt, 3050-2150
- ECF5030 The emergence of the knowledge based economy
- ATS2640 The ethics of global conflict
- ATS3640 The ethics of global conflict
- APG4898 The European Union and the Developing World
- APG5898 The European Union and the Developing World
- ATS4898 The European Union and the Developing World
- APG4438 The European Union and the world
- APG5438 The European Union and the world
- LAW7281 The expert witness in the adversary system
- LAW7284 The expert witness in the courtroom
- MPM5205 The family in psychiatry: Theoretical and practical perspectives
- ATS4759 The fiction industry
- APG4397 The first media age
- APG5397 The first media age
- ATS1309 The Global challenge
- BTX5160 The globalisation of law and development in Asia
- ATS2349 The golden age of Athens
- ATS3349 The golden age of Athens
- APG5846 The Greeks and the good life
- APG4308 The highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- APG5308 The highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- ATS4308 The Highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- ATS2582 The history of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- ATS3582 The history of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- ATS2600 The holocaust in an age of genocide
- ATS3600 The holocaust in an age of genocide
- ATS2637 The human body and the international marketplace
- ATS3637 The human body and the international marketplace
- MON2001 The human context of illness
- ATS3525 The Idea of Europe
- ATS4766 The Idea of Europe
- SWK4420 The individual, health and society
- ECC3570 The international economy since 1945
- ATS2606 The island world of Southeast Asia
- ATS3606 The island world of Southeast Asia
- ATS2898 The Italian City through an historical and literary perspective
- ATS3898 The Italian City through an historical and literary perspective
- ATS3243 The Italian experience in Australia
- ATS4243 The Italian experience in Australia
- ATS2238 The Italian novel: from Realism to Modernism
- ATS3240 The Italian novel: from Realism to Modernism
- LAW4523 The judiciary in comparative perspective
- LAW4523E The judiciary in comparative perspective
- LAW4167 The justice system, theory and practice 406
- ATS1338 The Language game: Why do we talk the way we do?
- VCO1303 The language of graphic design
- LAW7434 The law of climate change
- BTX5060 The law of employment
- BTX9060 The law of employment
- LAW4219E The law of financial transactions
- LAW5101 The law of public listed companies 506
- MBA9002 The legal environment of business
- APG5761 The Life of the text: Genesis, production, reception
- MGC3130 The management of change
- ATS2580 The Middle East in the modern world
- ATS3580 The Middle East in the modern world
- ATS2348 The middle kingdom in Egypt: from collapse to recovery and foreign rule
- ATS3348 The middle kingdom in Egypt: from collapse to recovery and foreign rule
- EDF2330 The middle years: a period of transition
- ATS2875 The moral psychology of evil
- ATS3875 The moral psychology of evil
- MTH2132 The nature and beauty of mathematics
- ATS2581 The Ottoman Empire: From Gazi to Gallipoli
- ATS3581 The Ottoman empire: From Gazi to Gallipoli
- APG4771 The past around us
- ATS2420 The Philosophical Aspects of Literature: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- ATS3420 The Philosophical Aspects of Literature: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- ATS2849 The philosophy of equality and difference
- ATS3782 The pleasures of the text: research in english
- ATS2491 The poetics of memory
- ATS3491 The poetics of memory
- ATS2406 The Portrayal of Capitalist Society: Dickens, Flaubert, Dostoevsky
- ATS3406 The Portrayal of Capitalist Society: Dickens, Flaubert, Dostoevsky
- SCI2010 The practice and application of science
- BTH4200 The practice of biotechnology
- ATS3764 The practising consultant
- LAW7329 The privatising state: Reform, regulation and reinvention
- IAR2205 The production of space and place
- APG4673 The professional editor
- APG5673 The professional editor
- NUR3202 The professional nursing role
- MPM5206 The psychiatry of intellectual and developmental disabilities
- EDF6610 The psychology of the gifted child
- ATS2440 The public sphere
- ATS3440 The public sphere
- APG5865 The publishing firm
- CHE5160 The pulp and paper industry
- LAW7314 The regulatory process
- ATS2712 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- ATS3712 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- ATS2612 The Renaissance in Florence
- ATS3612 The Renaissance in Florence
- ATS2595 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- ATS3595 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- FBS9002 The role of mental health in criminal offending
- ATS2422 The romantic revolution in European thought and literature
- ATS3422 The romantic revolution in European thought and literature
- ATS2915 The roots of fantasy: Fables, fairy tales and imaginary voyages
- ATS3915 The roots of fantasy: Fables, fairy tales and imaginary voyages
- ATM1020 The science of climate
- ATM1030 The science of weather
- ATS3763 The second media age
- ATS2399 The self and others: Identity and the experience of difference in the 21st Century
- ATS3399 The self and others: Identity and the experience of difference in the 21st century
- EDF6641 The social and political contexts of early childhood
- ATS3816 The social context of language learning
- ATS2550 The Southern African atmospheric environment: A synoptic approach
- ATS3550 The Southern African atmospheric environment: A synoptic approach
- MBA5510 The strategic environment of business
- ATS2480 The study of dance
- ATS3480 The study of dance
- LAW7343 The use of force in international law
- ATS2596 The Vietnam War
- ATS3596 The Vietnam war
- EDF4119 The world of Jewish education
- ATS2585 The world of the Bible
- ATS3585 The world of the Bible
- APG4626 The World since 1900
- APG5626 The World since 1900
- APG5756 Theatre industry project
- ATS2916 Theatre theory I - Ideas
- APG5870 Theoretical and methodological issues in applied social research
- PAR4301 Theoretical foundations of MICA paramedic practice
- APG5876 Theoretical issues in literary and cultural translation
- ATS4743 Theoretical perspectives of conflict, crime, victimisation and criminal justice
- PHS3142 Theoretical physics II
- PHS3131 Theoretical physics
- APG4655 Theories and principles of international crisis management
- APG5655 Theories and principles of international crisis management
- ATS3797 Theories and Research in History and Politics
- ATS4680 Theories and research methodologies in Australian Indigenous studies
- DPSY5203 Theories and techniques of intervention part 1
- DPSY6103 Theories and techniques of intervention part 2
- ECC5690 Theories in international and development economics
- ATS3773 Theories of directing
- MPM1009 Theories of personality and human behaviour and their therapeutic application
- APG4258 Theorising culture
- ATS4258 Theorising culture
- ATS2560 Theorising sexed bodies: Contemporary feminist theory
- ATS3560 Theorising sexed bodies: Contemporary feminist theory
- APG4677 Theory and practice in sociology
- ATS4677 Theory and practice in sociology
- APG4804 Theory and practice of community development 1
- APG4805 Theory and practice of community development 2
- MID3000 Theory and Practice of Complex Midwifery
- APG4816 Theory and practice of interpreting
- APG4638 Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting
- APG5638 Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting
- ATS4857 Theory and practice of sociology
- EDF6233 Theory and practice of TESOL
- EDF6201 Theory and principles of bilingual/immersion education
- MKF9110 Theory and process of buyer behaviour
- ATS3747 Theory and research in Asian Studies
- FIT2014 Theory of computation
- TAD4100 Theory Reading Unit
- ADD5092 Theory workshop
- ADM5002 Theory workshop
- NUR1441 Therapeutic dimensions in nursing
- NUR5208 Therapeutic medication management
- TRC2200 Thermo-fluids and power systems
- MAE2402 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- MEC3454 Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- CHE2164 Thermodynamics I
- MEC2405 Thermodynamics
- MOP6042 Thesis - Literature review
- MOP6062 Thesis - Research paper
- ATS4687 Thesis in anthropology part 1
- ATS4688 Thesis in anthropology part 2
- ATS4858 Thesis in sociology part 1
- ATS4859 Thesis in sociology part 2
- ATS4862 Thesis part 1
- ATS4863 Thesis part 2
- APG5759 Thesis/Performance project
- ATS2867 Thinking about science
- ATS2833 Thinking: Analysing arguments
- ATS1833 Thinking: How to analyse arguments and improve your reasoning skills
- ETC3450 Time series analysis for business and economics
- MTH3230 Time series and random processes in linear systems
- ENV3737 Tools for environmental management
- APG5700 Topics in linguistics
- APG5835 Topics in musicology
- LAW2201 Torts A
- LAW2202 Torts B
- MCE1200 Total quality management in assisted reproductive technologies
- ATS2650 Touring Japanese culture
- ATS3650 Touring Japanese culture
- MGW2601 Tourism planning
- ATS2370 Tourism and Indigenous Australia
- ATS3370 Tourism and Indigenous Australia
- ATS2886 Tourism and the Environment
- ATS3886 Tourism and the environment
- APG5719 Tourism development, planning and special events
- ECW2600 Tourism economics
- APG4389 Tourism industry and marketing
- APG5389 Tourism industry and marketing
- BTW2161 Tourism law
- MKW2600 Tourism marketing
- MGW3502 Tourism policy
- MGP3521 Tourist behaviour
- MGW3521 Tourist behaviour
- MGP2522 Tourist communication
- MGW2522 Tourist communication
- MID2102 Towards a midwife self
- ECF2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECG2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- LAW7224 Trade mark practice
- LAW7075 Trade marks and commercial designations
- ATS3242 Tradurre / tradire: Italian literary translation
- ATS4242 Tradurre / tradire: Italian literary translation
- ENG3205 Traffic and transport
- CIV5301 Traffic engineering fundamentals
- FOR5006 Traffic medicine
- CMH2003 Transcultural mental health
- MPM5209 Transcultural psychiatry
- NUR3009 Transition to nursing practice
- OCC4081 Transition to practice 1
- OCC4092 Transition to practice 2
- APG4814 Translation 1: putting theory into practice
- APG4815 Translation 2: Language for special purposes
- ATS3083 Translation in French Studies: Theory and practice
- ATS4083 Translation in French Studies: Theory and practice
- APG5881 Translation studies abroad 1
- APG5882 Translation studies abroad 2
- ATS2635 Transnational culture in theatre, literature and film
- ATS3635 Transnational culture in theatre, literature and film
- CIV2282 Transport and traffic engineering
- CIV5315 Transport economics
- CIV5305 Transport modelling
- CHE3167 Transport phenomena and numerical methods
- CIV5314 Transport planning and policy
- CIV4283 Transport planning
- CIV4284 Transport systems
- IDE3812 Transportation design 1
- IDE3813 Transportation design 2
- IDE4809 Transportation design 3
- ATS2631 Travel and global encounters
- ATS3631 Travel and global encounters
- AFF3651 Treasury management
- AFW3651 Treasury management
- HSC2111 Treatments and technologies
- EDF3613 Trends, controversies and issues in sport and outdoor recreation
- LAW5127 Trial practice and advocacy 506
- LAW5127E Trial practice and advocacy 506
- APG4787 Trios, quartets and quintets, 1835-1935
- BIO3810 Tropical aquatic biology
- BIO3820 Tropical terrestrial biology
- ATS2605 Troubadours and street singers: Music and popular culture 1100-1600
- ATS3605 Troubadours and street singers: Music and popular culture 1100-1600
- LAW7410 Trust and office accounting
- LAW4170 Trusts 406
- ATS2589 Tudor and Stuart England: crisis, conquest and creativity, 1485-1660
- ATS3589 Tudor and Stuart England: crisis, conquest and creativity, 1485-1660
- ATS2587 Twentieth century Australia: From Anzac to Apology
- ATS3587 Twentieth century Australia: From Anzac to Apology
- ATS2594 Twentieth century news media: The prerogative of the harlot.
- ATS3594 Twentieth century news media: The prerogative of the harlot.
- ATS2616 Twentieth-century America: Race, rights and power
- ATS3616 Twentieth-Century America: Race, rights and power
- ATS2590 Twentieth-century Britain: Rule Britannia to cool Britannia
- ATS3590 Twentieth-century Britain: Rule Britannia to cool Britannia
- VCO1302 Typography 1
- VCO2304 Typography 2
- VCO3307 Typography 3