print version
Units indexed by Title: A
- ATS2391 A world of sport: Culture, communities and communication
- ATS3391 A world of sport: Culture, communities and communication
- ATS2820 Abnormal psychology and behavioural disorders
- PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
- MPH2057 Aboriginal health
- ATS2677 Aboriginal languages of Australia
- ATS3677 Aboriginal languages of Australia
- ATS1250 Aboriginal peoples, gender, and the colonial frontier
- ATS1253 Aboriginal research: past present and future
- ATS1249 Aborigines and white Australia: colonial encounters
- ATS2363 Aborigines: Sport, race and gender
- ATS3363 Aborigines: Sport, race and gender
- ATS4084 Academic discourse in French
- ATS1297 Academic writing
- ATS2670 Accents and varieties of English
- ATS3670 Accents and varieties of English
- ATS2894 Accommodating minorities in Australia?
- ATS3894 Accommodating minorities in Australia?
- AFG1004 Accounting and finance concepts
- AFW1004 Accounting and finance concepts
- EDF4401 Accounting education
- GSB9004 Accounting for business
- AFX9580 Accounting information and systems modelling
- AFC2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFF2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFG2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFW2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFX5310 Accounting processes and systems
- AFW3042 Accounting research project
- AFG9040 Accounting theory and current issues
- AFG3040 Accounting theory
- AFW3040 Accounting theory
- BCH3990 Action in biochemistry research project
- BMS3930 Action in biomedical science major research project
- BMS3990 Action in biomedical science minor research project
- DEV3990 Action in developmental biology research project
- MIS3990 Action in immunology and stem cell research project
- MIC3990 Action in microbiology research project
- PHA3990 Action in pharmacology research project
- PHY3990 Action in physiology research project
- ETC2430 Actuarial statistics
- CMA1003 Acupuncture techniques and therapeutics
- OCC4121 Adaptive and Assistive Technology
- PSY3190 Addiction studies
- APG4130 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- APG5130 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- ATS3159 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- ATS4159 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- LAW4101 Administration of criminal justice 406
- LAW3101 Administrative law 306
- LAW7411 Administrative law practice
- BTG3240 Administrative law
- BTW3240 Administrative law
- EDF3006 Adolescent development and learning
- EDF6802 Adult education and training: theories and pedagogies
- EDF2801 Adult educational practices 1
- EDF6861 Adult learning: perspectives and contexts
- MPM1202 Adult psychiatry 1
- MPM1301 Adult psychiatry II
- FOR5005 Adult sexual assault
- FIT3001 Advanced 3D
- AFW3750 Advanced accounting for management information
- AFF3851 Advanced accounting information systems and financial modelling
- OCC5121 Advanced Adaptive and Assistive Technology
- MAE4965 Advanced aerodynamics and turbulence
- CHM3952 Advanced analytical chemistry
- ECC5730 Advanced applied general equilibrium analysis
- ARC4001 Advanced Architecture Studio 1
- ARC4002 Advanced Architecture Studio 2
- TAD4503 Advanced art theory
- OCC5131 Advanced Assessment of children: Methods, policy, ethics and issues
- MKF5403 Advanced business research methods
- MKF5463 Advanced buyer behaviour
- SWM5110 Advanced casework practice
- MTE4592 Advanced ceramics and applications
- MHP5071 Advanced clinical health psychology
- GMD5071 Advanced clinical practice 1
- MED5091 Advanced clinical practice 1
- MED5092 Advanced clinical practice 2
- GMD5082 Advanced clinical practice II
- PGW6122 Advanced clinical practice in wound care
- RTP4011 Advanced Clinical Practice: Radiation Therapy Treatment Review 1
- RTP5011 Advanced Clinical Practice; Radiation Therapy Treatment Review 2
- DPSY6106 Advanced clinical practice
- EPM5016 Advanced clinical trials
- ECE4074 Advanced computer architecture
- ECE5074 Advanced computer architecture
- FIT3144 Advanced computer science project
- ECE4077 Advanced computing techniques
- ECE4032 Advanced control
- AFC3140 Advanced corporate finance
- BTX5541 Advanced corporations law
- LAW7277 Advanced corporations law
- ATS2822 Advanced counselling and case management
- BIO4200 Advanced coursework in biology
- GEN4200 Advanced coursework in genetics
- STA2032 Advanced data analysis
- ARC5002 Advanced Design Research Project
- ARC5001 Advanced Design Research Studio
- FIT3008 Advanced digital video
- CHE5175 Advanced distillation design
- PSC6211 Advanced drug delivery and lead optimization
- MEC4428 Advanced dynamics
- APG4672 Advanced editing
- APG5672 Advanced editing
- ENG2091 Advanced engineering mathematics A
- ENG2092 Advanced engineering mathematics B
- DPH6001 Advanced epidemiology
- ATS4771 Advanced European studies in Europe part A
- ATS4772 Advanced European studies in Europe Part B
- LAW5161 Advanced evidence 506
- ATS2518 Advanced fiction writing
- ATS3518 Advanced fiction writing
- AFF3491 Advanced financial accounting theory and practice
- AFC3120 Advanced financial accounting
- AFX9560 Advanced financial accounting
- AFF5390 Advanced financial planning
- PSC3272 Advanced formulation and nanotechnology
- OCC5111 Advanced hand therapy theory, principles, and practice
- ECC5870 Advanced health economics
- ATS3800 Advanced history workshop
- CHM3941 Advanced inorganic chemistry
- FIT5010 Advanced internet protocols and applications
- APG5885 Advanced interpreting
- APG5807 Advanced Japanese interpreting
- ATS4167 Advanced Japanese language in Japan 12 points
- APG4131 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- APG5131 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- ATS3160 Advanced Japanese Language: Language and Communication System
- APG4132 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- APG5132 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- ATS4814 Advanced journalism project
- ATS2755 Advanced Latin A/2
- ATS3758 Advanced Latin A/3
- ATS4713 Advanced Latin A/3
- ATS2756 Advanced Latin B/2
- ATS3759 Advanced Latin B/3
- ATS4714 Advanced Latin B/3
- MKX5641 Advanced marketing communication
- MSC4200 Advanced materials science
- LAW7475 Advanced mediation: Skills and theory A
- LAW7476 Advanced mediation: Skills and theory B
- RAD4160 Advanced medical imaging and clinical skills
- NUR4926 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice
- PSC6111 Advanced medicinal chemistry and drug action
- PSC6311 Advanced medicine use and safety
- MEH5070 Advanced MICA Paramedic Practice
- AFX4030 Advanced modelling in finance
- BCH3031 Advanced molecular biology: Modern concepts and applications
- LAW7312 Advanced negotiation and mediation skills
- FIT5011 Advanced network design and performance
- FIT5037 Advanced network security
- NUR5315 Advanced nursing practice in context
- MTH3060 Advanced ordinary differential equations
- CHM3922 Advanced organic chemistry
- OCC5151 Advanced orthotics (theory, principles, evidence and practice)
- NUR5217 Advanced paediatric nursing
- BEH3042 Advanced Paramedic Clinical Practice 3
- MRP4012 Advanced pathology for radiographic practice
- NUR5703 Advanced pathophysiology and health assessment
- CHM3911 Advanced physical chemistry
- PHS4210 Advanced physics part time I
- PHS4220 Advanced physics part time II
- PHS4200 Advanced physics
- ATS2509 Advanced poetry writing
- ATS3509 Advanced poetry writing
- EDF6224 Advanced practicum in language teaching: LOTE
- EDF6238 Advanced practicum in language teaching: TESOL
- DPSY6299 Advanced practicum
- EDF6503 Advanced professional counselling psychology: clinical, research, and ethical issues
- LAW5149 Advanced professional practice 506
- OCC4082 Advanced professional practice
- ATS2490 Advanced Professional Writing
- ATS3490 Advanced Professional Writing
- FIT3107 Advanced programming for database applications
- FIT5059 Advanced programming for database applications
- FIT3140 Advanced programming
- SCS5201 Advanced Project in Medical Science (Part-time)
- FIT1016 Advanced project level 1
- FIT2044 Advanced project level 2
- LAW7270 Advanced property law
- CMH2006 Advanced psychological interventions
- BEX6200 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
- BEX6100 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
- MRE5103 Advanced reliability
- DPH6003 Advanced research methods in public health
- AFX4110 Advanced research methods
- FBS9006 Advanced risk assessment and risk management
- AFF5040 Advanced security analysis
- APG4324 Advanced seminar in International political economy
- APG5324 Advanced seminar in International political economy
- ATS4324 Advanced seminar in international political economy
- MPM5202 Advanced skills in primary care and community psychiatry
- DPSY7199 Advanced specialised practicum
- EDF3622 Advanced sports coaching and development
- MPH2070 Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
- AFF5100 Advanced strategic management accounting
- CIV4234 Advanced structural analysis
- CIV4235 Advanced structural design
- DEV4210 Advanced studies in anatomy and developmental biology part time I
- DEV4220 Advanced studies in anatomy and developmental biology part time II
- DEV4200 Advanced studies in anatomy and developmental biology
- ARC4501 Advanced Studies in Architecture 1
- ARC4502 Advanced Studies in Architecture 2
- ARC5502 Advanced Studies in Architecture 3
- BCH4210 Advanced studies in biochemistry and molecular biology part time I
- BCH4220 Advanced studies in biochemistry and molecular biology part time II
- BCH4200 Advanced studies in biochemistry and molecular biology
- BMS4200 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS5201 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)
- BMS5200 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences
- BEH4100 Advanced studies in community-based emergency health
- HSC4011 Advanced studies in contemporary and global health research
- EDF6613 Advanced studies in gifted education
- CCS5401 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- PHC5201 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- SCS5401 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- CCS5400 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
- PHC5200 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
- SCS5400 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
- APG4646 Advanced studies in Japanese society
- APG5646 Advanced studies in Japanese society
- CCS5201 Advanced Studies in Medical Science (Part-time)
- CCS5200 Advanced Studies in Medical Science
- SCS5200 Advanced Studies in Medical Science
- MIC4210 Advanced studies in microbiology part time I
- MIC4220 Advanced studies in microbiology part time II
- MIC4200 Advanced studies in microbiology
- NUR5201 Advanced Studies in Nursing (Part-time)
- NUR5200 Advanced Studies in Nursing
- PHA4210 Advanced studies in pharmacology part time I
- PHA4220 Advanced studies in pharmacology part time II
- PHA4200 Advanced studies in pharmacology
- PHY4210 Advanced studies in physiology part time I
- PHY4220 Advanced studies in physiology part time II
- PHY4200 Advanced studies in physiology
- PSY5201 Advanced Studies in Psychology (Part-time)
- PSY5200 Advanced Studies in Psychology
- RUR5201 Advanced Studies in Rural Health (Part time)
- RUR5200 Advanced Studies in Rural Health
- MIS4210 Advanced studies in stem cells and regenerative medicine PT 1
- MIS4220 Advanced studies in stem cells and regenerative medicine PT 2
- MIS4200 Advanced studies in stem cells and regenerative medicine
- MKX5611 Advanced supply chain management
- LAW5153 Advanced taxation law 506
- APG4639 Advanced theory and practice of translation
- APG5639 Advanced theory and practice of translation
- NUR5214 Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing
- FIT4010 Advanced topics in algorithms and discrete structures
- FIT4012 Advanced topics in computational science
- FIT4007 Advanced topics in information systems
- FIT5181 Advanced topics in information systems
- FIT4009 Advanced topics in intelligent systems
- APG4647 Advanced topics in Japanese culture
- APG5647 Advanced topics in Japanese culture
- LAW7467 Advanced torts
- APG4690 Advanced translation
- APG5690 Advanced translation
- FIT3044 Advanced website authoring
- PSY3210 Advances in leadership
- PSY3260 Advances in Psychology, Mental Health and Neuroscience
- MID5005 Advancing midwifery practice
- EDF2613 Adventure education
- MKX3671 Advertising campaigns
- MKX2241 Advertising copywriting
- VCO2402 Advertising design 1
- VCO3403 Advertising design 2
- MKX3621 Advertising management
- MKX2231 Advertising media strategy
- APG4809 Advocacy for community rights
- LAW7303 Advocacy: Theory and practice
- MAE2404 Aerodynamics I
- MAE3401 Aerodynamics II
- MAE5401 Aerodynamics
- PAR4207 Aeromedical and retrieval coordination
- PAR4203 Aeromedical and Retrieval Practicum
- PAR4205 Aeromedical and retrieval project
- PAR4202 Aeromedical and retrieval: Clinical
- PAR4204 Aeromedical retrieval rescue
- MAE2403 Aerospace computational mechanics
- MAE3408 Aerospace control
- MAE3402 Aerospace design project
- MAE3406 Aerospace materials
- MAE4404 Aerospace practices
- ATS2417 Africa and its others
- ATS3417 Africa and its others
- ATS2643 Africa in the modern world
- ATS3643 Africa in the modern world
- ATS2687 African music: Musical change, social change and performance
- ATS3687 African music: Musical change, social change and performance
- ATS2860 After the death of God: Continental philosophy of religion from Nietzsche to today
- ATS3860 After the death of God: Continental philosophy of religion from Nietzsche to today
- APG4752 Age of Goethe
- FIT3094 AI for gaming
- LAW4102 Air law 406
- MAE4980 Aircraft engines
- MAE2401 Aircraft structures 1
- MAE3407 Aircraft structures II
- MAE5402 Aircraft structures
- MAE5404 Airworthiness
- CRH5005 Alcohol and other drug related issues in rural communities
- SRH2010 Alcohol and other drug related issues in rural communities
- MPH5087 Alcohol and other drugs in society: a national and global perspective
- ATS2342 Alexander the Great and his world
- ATS3342 Alexander the Great and his world
- MTH3150 Algebra and number theory II
- MTH2121 Algebra and number theory
- MTH3121 Algebra and number theory
- FIT1029 Algorithmic problem solving
- FIT2071 Algorithms and data structures with C++
- FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures
- ATS2362 Aliens and natives: reading science fiction through colonialism
- ATS3362 Aliens and natives: reading science fiction through colonialism
- ATS2782 Alternative and mainstream communities
- ATS2536 Alternative film and video
- ATS3536 Alternative film and video
- PGW1111 Alternative therapies
- ATS2696 America: Decay of the liberal dream?
- ATS3696 America: Decay of the liberal dream?
- ATS1343 American music and popular culture
- APG4711 An evolving democracy: Australia in the twentieth century and beyond
- ECE2061 Analogue electronics
- HSC2141 Analysing patterns of health and disease
- APG4684 Analysing quantitative data
- APG5684 Analysing quantitative data
- MTH3160 Analysis and topology
- MTH1020 Analysis of change
- PSC2021 Analytical methods
- DWG2511 Anatomical Drawing A
- DWG3516 Anatomical Drawing B
- DEV4110 Anatomy and developmental biology research project part time I
- DEV4120 Anatomy and developmental biology research project part time II
- DEV4100 Anatomy and developmental biology research project
- ATS1247 Ancient civilisations 1
- ATS1248 Ancient civilisations 2
- ATS2925 Ancient Egyptian Language: intermediary stage
- ATS3925 Ancient Egyptian Language: intermediary stage
- ATS2924 Ancient Egyptian Language: the basics
- ATS3924 Ancient Egyptian Language: the basics
- ATS2401 Ancient Greek epic
- ATS3401 Ancient Greek epic
- ATS2402 Ancient Greek theatre
- ATS3402 Ancient Greek theatre
- ATS2610 Ancient religions
- ATS3610 Ancient religions
- APG4288 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- ATS3288 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- ATS4288 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- BIO3052 Animal behaviour
- BIO2231 Animal diversity
- GRS2001 Animal sciences
- BIO2242 Animal structure and function
- ATS2759 Animation cultures
- ATS3766 Animation cultures
- ATS4686 Anthropology honours seminar
- LAW7220 Anti-money laundering
- ATS2390 Anzac journey: Gallipoli and the Ottomans
- ATS3390 Anzac journey: Gallipoli and the Ottomans
- ATS2385 Anzac legends: Australians at war
- ATS3385 Anzac legends: Australians at war
- FIT3002 Applications of data mining
- FIT3126 Applications with C++
- PSC3202 Applied analytical methods
- ETC2470 Applied business modelling
- ECE4012 Applied digital signal processing
- ETC4410 Applied econometrics 2
- ECC3410 Applied econometrics
- ETC3410 Applied econometrics
- ETF3200 Applied econometrics
- ETF9200 Applied econometrics
- ETW3410 Applied econometrics
- ECC4860 Applied economics research paper
- ECX5486 Applied economics research paper
- ETF5300 Applied financial econometrics
- BND2052 Applied food science
- ETC2450 Applied forecasting for business and economics
- ECC3650 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ECX9741 Applied health economics and health policy
- APG5717 Applied industry research
- LAW7404 Applied legal ethics
- LAW4176 Applied legal research 406
- APG4699 Applied linguistics
- ECX5420 Applied macroeconomics
- ECX5410 Applied microeconomics
- ATS3819 Applied music I
- ATS3820 Applied music II
- PGP5011 Applied pharmacy practice I
- PGP5012 Applied pharmacy practice II
- PHS1711 Applied physics
- FIT5178 Applied project management
- CRH5032 Applied research for health practitioners
- MFM2008 Applied research in general practice
- PAC3522 Applied research project
- MEU9014 Applied simulation
- APG5872 Applied social research project - part 1
- APG5873 Applied social research project - part 2
- APG5871 Applied social research project
- ETF5200 Applied time series econometrics
- MPH2086 Applying and practicing the principles of patient safety and quality improvement
- NUR1201 Appreciating research and scholarship
- LAW7443 Arbitration of domestic commercial disputes
- LAW7339 Arbitration of international commercial disputes
- ATS2544 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- ATS3544 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- ATS2344 Archaeological fieldwork in Tuscany: Introduction to the Etruscan civilisation
- ATS3344 Archaeological fieldwork in Tuscany: Introduction to the Etruscan civilisation
- ATS4678 Archaeology & ancient history dissertation part 1
- ATS4679 Archaeology & ancient history dissertation part 2
- ATS2543 Archaeology of Indigenous Australia
- ATS3543 Archaeology of Indigenous Australia
- ATS2345 Archaeology of the Roman Mediterranean
- ATS3345 Archaeology of the Roman Mediterranean
- ARC3401 Architecture and the City
- ARC1301 Architecture communications 2
- ARC2301 Architecture communications 3
- ARC2001 Architecture Design Studio 3
- ARC2002 Architecture Design Studio 4
- ARC3001 Architecture Design Studio 5
- ARC3002 Architecture Design Studio 6
- ARC5401 Architecture Research Methods
- FIT3121 Archival systems
- FIT5087 Archival systems
- ATS2703 Arms control and world politics
- ATS3703 Arms control and world politics
- VCO2903 Art and Design in film
- ATS2419 Art and philosophy: The function of sensible form in the arts
- ATS3419 Art and philosophy: The function of sensible form in the arts
- TAD2120 Art and Social Change
- TAD3120 Art and Social Change
- EDF2127 Art fundamentals
- TAD2200 Art language primer for Prato
- ATS2604 Arthur: History and myth
- ATS3604 Arthur: History and myth
- PRM1511 Artists' Books
- EDF4110 Arts education
- APG4659 Arts management: organizations and processes
- APG5659 Arts management: organizations and processes
- APG4661 Arts management: strategy and policy
- APG5661 Arts management: strategy and policy
- ATS2539 Asian cinema
- ATS3539 Asian cinema
- APG4631 Asian languages in contact
- APG5631 Asian languages in contact
- LAW4126 Asian legal systems
- MGC2130 Asian management
- ATS4692 Asian studies dissertation part 1
- ATS4693 Asian studies dissertation part 2
- ATS4691 Asian studies dissertation
- APG4705 Asian studies research dissertation part 1
- APG5713 Asian studies research dissertation part 1
- APG4706 Asian studies research dissertation part 2
- APG5714 Asian studies research dissertation part 2
- APG4386 Asian studies research project part 1
- APG5386 Asian studies research project part 1
- APG4387 Asian studies research project part 2
- APG5387 Asian studies research project part 2
- MKF5200 Assessing marketing performance
- MPH2022 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- EDF6532 Assessment in counselling
- MEU9003 Assessment in health professional education
- EDF3321 Assessment in the ECE curriculum
- OCC4131 Assessment of children: Methods, policy, ethics and issues
- CIV5312 Asset management I
- CIV5313 Asset management II
- MRE5004 Asset management techniques
- GRS2002 Assisted reproductive and genetic technologies
- AFX5120 Assurance, governance and fraud
- ASP2011 Astronomy
- ASP4200 Astrophysics honours part 1
- ASP4100 Astrophysics honours part 2 (project)
- ENV3726 Atmospheric processes
- ATM4200 Atmospheric science honours part 1
- ATM4100 Atmospheric science honours part 2 (project)
- APG4405 Audiences and the social influence of media
- APG5405 Audiences and the social influence of media
- ATS4405 Audiences and the social influence of media
- ATS2799 Audio culture: Developments in new music
- AFW2760 Auditing A
- AFC3160 Auditing and assurance
- AFF3631 Auditing and assurance
- AFG3041 Auditing and assurance
- AFG9041 Auditing and assurance
- AFW3041 Auditing and assurance
- AFX9570 Auditing and assurance
- AFW3770 Auditing B
- ATS2707 Australia and the world
- ATS3707 Australia and the world
- ATS2395 Australia in a globalizing world
- ATS3395 Australia in a globalizing world
- ATS2588 Australia to 1901: Making a nation
- ATS3588 Australia to 1901: Making a nation
- APG4392 Australia unlimited: Local issues, global challenges
- APG5392 Australia unlimited: Local issues, global challenges
- ATS2584 Australia's black history
- ATS3584 Australia's black history
- APG4643 Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- APG5643 Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- ATS2654 Australia-Japan relations
- ATS3654 Australia-Japan relations
- ATS2357 Australian Aboriginal women
- ATS3357 Australian Aboriginal women
- LAW4104 Australian banking law 406
- AFF9260 Australian capital markets
- LAW4198 Australian commercial law
- BTC2210 Australian company law
- ECC2840 Australian economic institutions and policy
- ATS2529 Australian film studies
- ATS3529 Australian film studies
- APG5771 Australian film theory and criticism
- ATS2569 Australian History: professional and political contexts
- ATS3569 Australian history
- ATS1259 Australian idol: exploring contemporary Australia
- ATS2366 Australian Indigenous art and design
- ATS3366 Australian Indigenous art and design
- ATS2368 Australian Indigenous health
- ATS3368 Australian Indigenous health
- ATS2365 Australian Indigenous literature
- ATS3365 Australian Indigenous literature
- APG5893 Australian Indigenous Women
- ATS2367 Australian Indigenous women
- ATS3367 Australian Indigenous women
- APG4712 Australian landscape
- APG5728 Australian landscape
- LAW7470 Australian legal reasoning and methods
- LAW7212 Australian legal system
- ATS2446 Australian media histories
- ATS3446 Australian media histories
- APG5837 Australian music history
- APG4333 Australian national government
- APG5333 Australian national government
- ATS4333 Australian national government
- ATS1301 Australian physical environments: Evolution, status and management
- ENV1022 Australian physical environments: Evolution, status and management
- ATS2704 Australian political economy
- ATS3704 Australian political economy
- ATS1353 Australian politics and government
- APG4694 Australian postmodernism
- APG5694 Australian postmodernism
- VSA4076 Australian Postmodernism
- ATS2695 Australian Public Policy
- ATS3695 Australian Public Policy
- ATS2393 Australian sports writing
- ATS3393 Australian sports writing
- ATS2537 Australian television culture
- ATS3537 Australian television culture
- ATS2488 Australian Urban Fictions
- ATS3488 Australian Urban Fictions
- ATS2740 Australian visual culture: Heidelberg to contemporary
- ATS3740 Australian visual culture: Heidelberg to contemporary
- ATS2429 Authority, death and desire: Medieval to renaissance literature
- ATS3429 Authority, death and desire: Medieval to renaissance literature
- ATS2499 Authorship and writing
- ATS3499 Authorship and writing
- APG4670 Authorship, editing and text
- APG5670 Authorship, editing and text
- MAE5405 Avionics