Related information
Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
- AMB1003 Industrial experience year
- APS1010 Foundations of ambulance paramedic practice
- APS1020 Foundations of ambulance paramedic care
- APS1030 Clinical practice - 1
- APS1040 The professional ambulance paramedic
- APS1050 Ambulance paramedic care
- APS1060 Clinical practice - 2
- APY1910 Psychology
- BEH1011 Clinical concepts of paramedic practice
- BEH1012 Human biological concepts applied to paramedic practice
- BEH2011 Professionalism and community based emergency health systems
- BEH2012 Paramedic management of cardio-respiratory conditions
- BEH2021 Evidence Based Practice,Research& Population Health within Community Based Emergency Health Services
- BEH2022 Paramedic management of trauma and environmental conditions
- BEH2032 Paramedic clinical practice 1
- BEH2041 Human development and health across the lifespan
- BEH2501 Community Health, Culture and Society
- BEH3011 Paramedic management of medical conditions
- BEH3012 Clinical leadership and emergency preparedness
- BEH3021 Paramedic management of health conditions at life stages
- BEH3022 Research and Contemporary Challenges in Community Based Emergency Health
- BEH3031 Paramedic clinical practice 2
- BEH3032 Paramedic management of critical care specialty situations
- BEH3042 Advanced Paramedic Clinical Practice 3
- BEH3051 Paramedic Management of Mental Health
- BEH4100 Advanced studies in community-based emergency health
- BEH4200 Community Emergency Health research project- part A
- BEH4300 Community Emergency Health research project - part B
- BME1130 Health and human behaviour
- BME3032 Introduction to the health system
- BMS1011 Biomedical chemistry
- BMS1021 Cells, tissues and organisms
- BMS1031 Medical biophysics
- BMS1042 Biomedical sciences and society
- BMS1052 Human neurobiology
- BMS1062 Molecular biology
- BMS2011 Structure of the human body
- BMS2021 Biochemistry of human function
- BMS2031 Body systems
- BMS2042 Human genetics
- BMS2052 Microbes in health and disease
- BMS2062 Introduction to bioinformatics
- BMS3011 Biomedical basis of disease 1
- BMS3021 Molecular medicine and biotechnology
- BMS3042 Biomedical basis of disease
- BMS4100 Biomedical science research project
- BMS4200 Advanced studies in biomedical science
- BMS5100 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences
- BMS5101 Research Project in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)
- BMS5200 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences
- BMS5201 Advanced Studies in Biomedical Sciences (Part-time)
- BND1010 Human nutrition: an introduction to nutrients
- BND1022 Food chemistry
- BND1032 Social nutrition
- BND2011 Nutritional physiology
- BND2021 Nutritional biochemistry
- BND2031 Health psychology for dieticians
- BND2042 Nutrition and immunology
- BND2052 Applied food science
- BND2062 Food microbiology
- BND2072 Introduction to health care systems
- BND3011 Food science and skills
- BND3021 Nutrition assessment skills
- BND3031 Health education and promotion
- BND3041 Nutrition across the lifespan
- BND3052 Clinical dietetics I
- BND3082 Public health nutrition
- BND4011 Clinical Dietetics II
- BND4021 Food service management
- BND4032 Clinical Dietetics III
- BND4042 Program planning
- BND5011 Research skills for Dieticians
- BND5012 Issues in human nutrition
- BND5021 Honours research project 1
- BND5022 Honours research project 2
- BND5101 Advanced Nutrition Support and Management of Malnutrition
- BND5102 Advancing Your Health Professional Practice
- BNS1072 Foundations of behavioural neuroscience
- BNS2011 Brain structure and function I
- BNS2012 Brain Structure and Function II
- BNS2082 Introductory research in behavioural neuroscience
- BNS3021 Neurochemistry and Behaviour
- BNS3052 Drugs, brain and altered awareness
- BNS3062 Imaging and brain disorders
- BNS4100 Behavioural neuroscience honours: Research project
- BNS4200 Behavioural neuroscience honours: Research design and analysis
- CCS5100 Research Project in Medical Science
- CCS5101 Research Project in Medical Science (Part-time)
- CCS5200 Advanced Studies in Medical Science
- CCS5201 Advanced Studies in Medical Science (Part-time)
- CCS5300 Research Project in Health Sciences
- CCS5301 Research Project in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- CCS5400 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
- CCS5401 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- CGP1002 Depression and other mood disorders
- CGP1003 Anxiety
- CMA1001 History and philosophy: Channels and points
- CMA1002 Modern physiology: Physiology and assessment of pain
- CMA1003 Acupuncture techniques and therapeutics
- CMA1004 Clinical practice
- CMH1005 Clinical practice essentials
- CMH1006 The context for mental health practice
- CMH1007 Concepts in mental health illness
- CMH1008 Issues for mental health
- CMH2001 Mental health of the elderly
- CMH2002 Perspectives in developmental mental health
- CMH2003 Transcultural mental health
- CMH2004 Mental health in rural settings
- CMH2005 Dual disabilities
- CMH2006 Advanced psychological interventions
- CMH2007 Primary mental health practice
- CPE7601 Healthcare information systems
- CPE7602 Developing health care information systems
- CPE7603 Contemporary issues in health informatics
- CPE7604 Health information systems management
- CPE7605 Electronic health record
- CPE7606 Project management for health professionals
- CRH1000 Rural health issues and practice
- CRH1001 Research methods in health
- CRH1002 Rural health politics and policies
- CRH1005 Alcohol and other drug related issues in rural communities
- CRH1010 Indigenous health for health professionals
- CRH1016 Interprofessional rural health practice
- CRH1021 Interprofessional rural health project
- CRH1032 Applied research for health practitioners
- CRH1044 Minor thesis - Final grade
- CRH1047 Health, ecology and environmental change
- CWH1001 Family planning: Sexual and reproductive health
- DCP0001 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories I
- DCP0002 Normal developmental observation
- DCP0003 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories II
- DCP0004 Psychodynamic assessment of children and adolescents
- DCP0005 Principles of child psychotherapy
- DCP0006 Principles of adolescent psychotherapy
- DCP0007 Principles of short term therapy and crisis work
- DCP0008 Principles of working with parents
- DFM1001 Introduction to general practice
- DFM3002 Stress management
- DFM3003 Pain management
- DFM3004 Palliative care
- DFM3005 Preventive care
- DFM3006 Issues in general practice prescribing
- DFM3007 Diabetes
- DFM3008 Men's sexual and reproductive health
- DFM3009 Evidence based general practice
- DFM3010 Cardiovascular health
- DPH6001 Advanced epidemiology
- DPH6002 Statistical methods for public health
- DPH6003 Advanced research methods in public health
- DPH6004 Health leadership and management
- DPH6005 Doctor of public health: Public health practice
- DPSY5101 Psychopathology part 1
- DPSY5102 Psychological assessment part 1
- DPSY5103 Research methods in professional psychology
- DPSY5104 Fundamentals of professional practice
- DPSY5105 Clinical developmental psychology
- DPSY5161 Legal, ethical and professional issues in neuropsychology
- DPSY5162 Neuroanatomy for the clinical neuropsychologist
- DPSY5201 Psychopathology part 2
- DPSY5202 Psychological assessment part 2
- DPSY5203 Theories and techniques of intervention part 1
- DPSY5261 Neuropsychological models of cognition and behaviour part 1
- DPSY5262 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 1
- DPSY5263 Neuropsychological assessment
- DPSY5264 Neurology and neuroimaging for the neuropsychologist
- DPSY5265 Neuropsychological syndromes
- DPSY5299 Introductory practicum
- DPSY6101 Advanced clinical management 1
- DPSY6103 Theories and techniques of intervention part 2
- DPSY6105 Psychopharmacology
- DPSY6106 Advanced clinical practice
- DPSY6107 Health psychology and behavioural medicine
- DPSY6162 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 2
- DPSY6199 Intermediate practicum
- DPSY6201 Advanced clinical management 2
- DPSY6203 Psychopharmacology
- DPSY6204 Clinical neuropsychology
- DPSY6261 Developmental neuropsychology
- DPSY6262 Case analysis and professional practice in neuropsychology 3
- DPSY6263 Recovery of function and rehabilitation after brain injury
- DPSY6299 Advanced practicum
- DPSY7111 Introduction to forensic psychology
- DPSY7112 Psychology and children's and family law
- DPSY7131 Clinical health and medical psychology part 1
- DPSY7141 Clinical child, adolescent and family psychology part 1
- DPSY7199 Advanced specialised practicum
- DPSY7211 Psychology and criminal law
- DPSY7212 Psychology and civil law
- DPSY7231 Clinical health and medical psychology part 2
- DPSY7241 Clinical child, adolescent and family psychology part 2
- EBP1000 Systematic review evidence for treatment interventions
- EBP1001 Implementation of the evidence
- EBP1002 Introduction to evidence-based practice
- ECX9720 Introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics
- EPM5001 Health indicators and health surveys
- EPM5002 Mathematical background for biostatistics
- EPM5003 Principles of statistical inference
- EPM5004 Linear models
- EPM5005 Data management and statistical computing
- EPM5006 Clinical biostatistics
- EPM5007 Design of randomised controlled trials
- EPM5008 Longitudinal and correlated data analysis
- EPM5009 Categorical data and generalised linear models
- EPM5010 Survival analysis
- EPM5011 Biostatistics practical project - Double unit
- EPM5012 Bioinformatics
- EPM5013 Bayesian statistical methods
- EPM5014 Probability and distribution theory
- EPM5015 Biostatistics practical project - Single unit
- EPM5016 Advanced clinical trials
- EPM5020 Comparative moral theory and ethics
- EPM5021 Research with vulnerable populations
- EPM5022 Critical appraisal skills
- EPM5023 International research bioethics
- EPM5024 Research, bioethics and law
- EPM5025 Research ethics practicum
- FBS9001 Fundamentals of forensic behavioural science
- FBS9002 The role of mental health in criminal offending
- FBS9003 Mental health and the correctional system
- FBS9004 Developmental aspects of forensic behavioural science
- FBS9005 The assessment and management of problem behaviours
- FBS9006 Advanced risk assessment and risk management
- FBS9007 Personality disorder in the forensic context
- FBS9009 Psychiatric nursing in the forensic context
- FOR1001 Medical evidence
- FOR1002 Injury interpretation
- FOR1003 Ethics, medicine and the law
- FOR2001 Traffic medicine
- FOR2003 Custodial medicine
- FOR2004 Elements of the forensic sciences
- FOR2005 Adult sexual assault
- FOR2006 Paediatric forensic medicine
- FOR2007 Elements of forensic toxicology
- FOR2010 Project in forensic medicine
- FOR5001 Sexual assault nursing I
- FOR5002 Sexual assault nursing II
- FOR5003 Understanding injuries
- FOR5004 Nursing and the criminal justice system
- FPA5001 Ethical and legal issues in forensic pathology
- FPA5002 Forensic science support for forensic pathology
- FPA5003 Foundations of clinical forensic medicine
- FPA5004 Autopsy practice
- FPA5005 Medical testimony
- FPA5006 Interpreting injuries at autopsy
- FPA5007 Death investigation
- GHS9841 Research methods and issues
- GHS9850 Nursing practice and management
- GMA1011 Medicine 1
- GMA2000 Year A Graduate entry MBBS
- GMA2022 Medicine 2
- GMB3031 Medicine and Surgery 1
- GMB3042 Medicine and Surgery 2
- GRS1001 Introduction to reproductive endocrinology
- GRS1002 Gonadal development and function
- GRS1003 Pregnancy and parturition
- GRS1004 Reproductive health
- GRS1005 Fertility regulation
- GRS2001 Animal sciences
- GRS2002 Assisted reproductive and genetic technologies
- HSC1031 Foundations of health
- HSC1041 Health sociology
- HSC1051 Working With People
- HSC1052 Health and social care systems
- HSC1061 Introduction to research in health science
- HSC1072 Health promotion 1
- HSC1082 Population health
- HSC1092 Human body in health and illness
- HSC1301 Human structure and function 1
- HSC1302 Human structure and function 2
- HSC2031 Epidemiology and public health
- HSC2042 Population health and diversity
- HSC2051 Health Promotion 2
- HSC2052 Management in the health sector
- HSC2061 Legal and ethical frameworks
- HSC2062 Communicating health
- HSC2092 Community partnerships and capacity building
- HSC2301 Processes of disease
- HSC2302 Communicable diseases
- HSC3011 Contemporary health challenges
- HSC3031 Research Methods in Health Science
- HSC3052 Health Promotion in primary and clinical settings
- HSC3061 Health program evaluation
- HSC3072 Health policy and politics
- HSC3082 Health Promotion Practicum
- HSC5002 Health promotion: A determinants approach
- HSC5010 Working in the Australian healthcare system
- HSC5012 Strategies for health promotion
- HSC5022 Evaluation in health promotion
- HSC5031 Health promotion program planning
- HSC5032 Health literacy
- HSC5041 Significant issues for health promotion
- IRD5000 Master of biomedical science (Part 1): Monash Institute of Medical Research
- MCE1100 Introduction to mammalian embryology
- MCE1101 Infertility and treatment strategies
- MCE1103 IVF processes; embryo culture
- MCE1112 IVF processes: cryopreservation
- MCE1200 Total quality management in assisted reproductive technologies
- MCE1201 Micromanipulation, molecular embryology and stem cells
- MCE1212 Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- MCE1213 Regulation and ethics in assisted reproductive technologies
- MCM9014 Musculoskeletal medicine
- MCM9017 Medical ethics
- MCM9019 Ophthamology
- MCM9201 Depression and anxiety disorders in general practice
- MCM9202 Clinical nutrition
- MCM9204 Dermatology
- MCM9207 Child health
- MCM9208 Practice management
- MCM9212 Community geriatrics
- MCM9301 Women's sexual and reproductive health in general practice
- MCM9302 Stress management
- MCM9303 Pain management
- MCM9304 Palliative care
- MCM9305 Preventive care in clinical practice
- MCM9306 Issues in general practice prescribing
- MCM9307 Diabetes
- MCM9308 Mens sexual and reproductive health
- MCM9310 Cardiovascular health
- MCP0001 Child psychotherapy 1 year 1
- MCP0002 Child psychotherapy 2 year 1
- MCP0003 Child psychotherapy 3 year 2
- MCP0004 Child psychotherapy 4 year 2
- MCP0005 Child psychotherapy 5 year 3
- MCP0006 Child psychotherapy 6 year 3
- MDM4010 Introduction to Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Health
- MDM4020 Emergency preparedness
- MDM4030 Major incident management
- MDM4040 Disaster recovery
- MDM4050 Primary Health Care for CBRNE events
- MDM4060 Mass Gatherings Health Care
- MDM4070 Responding to International Disasters and Humanitarian Crises
- MDM4080 Clinical Care in Mass Casualty Events
- MED1011 Medicine 1
- MED1022 Medicine 2
- MED2000 Year 2 Final Grade
- MED2031 Medicine 3
- MED2042 Medicine 4
- MED3051 Medicine and surgery 1
- MED3062 Medicine and surgery 2
- MED4000 Year 4 Final Grade
- MED4071 General practice and psychological medicine
- MED4082 Women's and children's health
- MED5091 Advanced clinical practice 1
- MED5092 Advanced clinical practice II
- MED5100 Final MBBS grade
- MED5102 Contemporary developments in clinical practice: Patient safety
- MED7001 Bachelor of medical science 1
- MED7002 Bachelor of medical science 2
- MED7011 Medical Science Research Project A
- MED7012 Medical Science Research Project B
- MED7201 Medical Research Methods 1
- MED7202 Medical Research Methods 2
- MEH1001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH1002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2003 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH2004 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3001 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3002 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3003 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH3004 Faculty of medicine exchange unit
- MEH4306 Integrated emergency medical system
- MEH4308 Clinical practicum
- MEH5010 Clinical research in emergency health services
- MEH5020 Clinical governance in emergency health service
- MEH5030 Clinical education in emergency health services
- MEH5040 Clinical leadership and management in emergency health services
- MEH5050 Emergency health services clinical project
- MEH5070 Advanced MICA Paramedic Practice
- MEU0004 Best evidence in health professional education
- MEU0007 Contemporary issues in health professional education
- MEU0008 Advanced teaching practice development
- MEU9001 Teaching and learning in health professional education
- MEU9002 Clinical teaching
- MEU9003 Assessment in health professional education
- MEU9004 Course Planning in Health Professional Education
- MEU9005 Introduction to Leadership and Change management in Health Professional Education
- MEU9006 Evaluation in Health Professional Education
- MEU9007 Supervision in Health Professional Education
- MEU9008 Designing for e-Learning in Health Professional Education
- MEU9009 Advanced Clinical Assessment in Postgraduate Training
- MEU9010 Independent Study in Health Professional Education
- MEU9011 Educational research methods for the health professions
- MEU9012 Simulation in health professional education and assessment
- MEU9013 Independent Project in Health Professional Education
- MFM1002 Clinical nutrition
- MFM1004 Dermatology
- MFM1005 Preventive care in clinical practice
- MFM1006 Women's health
- MFM1007 Child health
- MFM1008 Practice management
- MFM1012 Community geriatrics
- MFM1014 Musculoskeletal medicine
- MFM1017 Ethics
- MFM1019 Ophthalmology
- MFM2000 Principles of general practice
- MFM2001 Masters thesis
- MFM2006 Introduction to research methods
- MFM2006R Introduction to research methods
- MFM2007 Learning and teaching
- MFM2008 Applied research in general practice
- MHP5011 Introduction to health psychology
- MHP5032 Health promotion
- MHP5051 Clinical health psychology
- MHP5052 Counselling and professional practice 1
- MHP5062 Advanced health promotion
- MHP5071 Advanced clinical health psychology
- MHP5072 Psychological assessment
- MHP5081 Multivariate statistics
- MHP5082 Professional practice
- MHP5102 Placement I
- MHP5112 Placement II
- MHP5122 Placement III
- MHP5191 Research design and proposal
- MHP5192 Research ethics and conduct
- MHP5193 Data analysis and results
- MHP5194 Writing up and submission
- MHS5000 Research design and proposal
- MHS5001 Research ethics and conduct
- MHS5002 Data analysis and results
- MHS5003 Writing up and submission
- MHT0001 Understanding mental development - Child to adolescent
- MHT0002 Mental health - Practical considerations
- MHT0003 Counselling techniques for members of the teaching profession
- MHT0004 Organisational and group aspects of the school environment
- MID1001 With childbearing woman
- MID1002 Making practice connections
- MID1003 The childbearing journey
- MID2004 Being with Birthing Women
- MID2005 With women: Rethinking pain (consortium unit NRSG216 Australian Catholic University)
- MID2006 Practice allegiances
- MID2007 Unpacking midwifery knowledge
- MID2102 Towards a midwife self
- MID2107 Babies needing extra care (consortium unit NRSG335 Australian Catholic University)
- MID2108 Working with babies
- MID2109 Feeding Babies
- MID3009 Women's health: Sociopolitical context (consortium unit NRSG219 Australian Catholic Uni)
- MID3103 Childbearing obstacles
- MID3104 Navigating childbearing challenges
- MID3105 Women's health: Women's business
- MID3106 Women's health practice
- MID3110 Professional Midwifery practice
- MID3201 Midwifery practice elective
- MID9001 Woman midwife partnerships
- MID9002 Extending midwifery partnerships
- MID9003 Midwifery and maternity in context
- MID9004 Becoming a midwife
- MID9005 Advancing midwifery practice
- MIMR5001 Master of biomedical science (Part 1): Monash Institute of Medical Research PT
- MIS4021 Medical imaging science 1
- MIS5000 Medical imaging science 2
- MIS5020 Medical imaging science 3
- MME5001 Clinical placement 1
- MME5002 Clinical placement 2
- MME5003 Clinical placement 3
- MME5004 Clinical placement 4
- MMR4000 Physics and instrumentation 1
- MMR4010 Professional practice 1
- MMR4012 Clinical studies 1
- MMR4020 Radiobiology and dosimetry
- MMR4022 Clinical studies 2
- MMR4023 Professional practice 2
- MMR4024 Physics and instrumentation 2
- MMR4025 Clinical studies 3
- MMR5010 Clinical studies 4
- MMR5022 Clinical studies 5
- MMR5024 Evidence based practice in medical radiations
- MMR5025 Clinical studies 6
- MOP5021 Personnel assessment
- MOP5031 Multivariate statistics
- MOP5041 Placement 1
- MOP5042 Placement 2
- MOP5052 Recruitment, selection and appraisal
- MOP5058 Positive psychology in the workplace
- MOP5062 Contemporary organisational psychology
- MOP5072 Advanced research design and thesis proposal
- MOP6011 Work groups, teams, training and development
- MOP6021 Placement 3
- MOP6022 Placement 4
- MOP6031 Psychological interventions in organisations
- MOP6041 Minor thesis
- MOP6042 Thesis - Literature review
- MOP6052 Advances in organisational psychology
- MOP6062 Thesis - Research paper
- MOP6072 Advanced research methods
- MOP6090 Organisational change and development
- MPD5001 Practice development methodologies and implementation
- MPH1003 Environmental influences on health
- MPH1008 Clinical occupational and environmental medicine
- MPH1016 Health promotion
- MPH1030 Epidemiology and demography
- MPH1031 Introductory statistics
- MPH1040 Introductory epidemiology
- MPH1041 Introductory biostatistics
- MPH2000 Regression methods for epidemiology
- MPH2002 Clinical epidemiology
- MPH2007 Chronic disease: Epidemiology and prevention
- MPH2013 Research methods
- MPH2018 Infectious diseases: epidemiology and prevention
- MPH2022 Assessment and control of workplace hazards
- MPH2025 Principles and practice of public health
- MPH2031 Public health policy
- MPH2034 Social and cultural perspectives in public health
- MPH2035 Health economics and program evaluation
- MPH2036 Clinical trials
- MPH2037 Clinical measurement
- MPH2039 Meta analysis and systematic reviews
- MPH2041 Introduction to occupational health and safety
- MPH2042 Psychosocial work environment
- MPH2043 Chemical and biological hazards
- MPH2044 Ergonomic and physical hazards
- MPH2045 Environmental health risk assessment and management
- MPH2047 Child public health
- MPH2048 Primary health care in developing countries
- MPH2049 Field methods for international health planning and evaluation
- MPH2050 Health of women and children in developing countries
- MPH2051 Communicable diseases control in developing countries
- MPH2053 Public health in refugee settings
- MPH2054 Nutritional issues in developing countries
- MPH2055 Health ethics and human rights
- MPH2056 Injury epidemiology and prevention
- MPH2057 Aboriginal health
- MPH2058 Managing community-based HIV programs in developing countries
- MPH2060 Prevention: Policies and strategies
- MPH2065 Law for health systems
- MPH2066 Clinical leadership and management
- MPH2067 Principles of health care quality improvement
- MPH2068 Financial issues in health care management
- MPH2069 Health systems policy
- MPH2070 Advanced statistical methods for clinical research
- MPH2072 Reform and development of health services
- MPH2073 Case study in health services management
- MPH2074 Introduction to clinical research methods
- MPH2076 Safety management systems
- MPH2077 Data management and computing
- MPH2082 Health communication and training
- MPH2083 Ethics, good research practice and practical research methods
- MPH2084 Critical appraisal of occupational health and safety information
- MPH2085 Human Factors for Patient Safety
- MPH2086 Applying and Practicing the Principles of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
- MPM1001 Foundations of psychiatry
- MPM1003 Child and adolescent psychiatry
- MPM1005 Psychiatry in physical health and illness
- MPM1006 Neuroscience of psychiatry
- MPM1009 Theories of personality and human behaviour and their therapeutic application
- MPM1011 Research in psychiatry semester 1
- MPM1202 Adult psychiatry 1
- MPM1301 Adult psychiatry II
- MPM5201 Cognitive behaviour therapy
- MPM5202 Advanced skills in primary care and community psychiatry
- MPM5203 Drug and alcohol use disorders
- MPM5204 Psychiatric ethics - Theory and practice
- MPM5205 The family in psychiatry: Theoretical and practical perspectives
- MPM5206 The psychiatry of intellectual and developmental disabilities
- MPM5207 Psychopharmacology
- MPM5208 Skills in critical appraisal of research
- MPM5209 Transcultural psychiatry
- MPM5210 Forensic psychiatry
- MPM5211 An internationalised approach to the psychiatry of intellectual disability
- MPM5212 Aboriginal social and emotional wellbeing
- MRP4001 Digital imaging in radiographic practice
- MRP4002 Computed tomography: Science and technology
- MRP4010 Contemporary professional practice
- MRP4011 CT clinical methods
- MRP4012 Advanced pathology for radiographic practice
- MRP4013 Radiographic interpretation and clinical decision making 1
- MRP4014 Multislice CT and clinical decision making 1
- MRP5011 Radiographic interpretation and clinical decision making 2
- MRP5012 Multislice CT and clinical decision making 2
- MRS0001 Coursework core lectures
- MRS0002 Coursework semester 1 stream 1 lectures
- MRS0003 Coursework semester 1 stream 2 lectures
- MRS0004 Coursework semester 2 stream 1 lectures
- MRS0005 Coursework semester 2 stream 2 lectures
- MRU0001 Postgraduate research in anaesthesia
- MRU0002 Postgraduate research in biochemistry and cell biology
- MRU0003 Postgraduate research in community health
- MRU0004 Postgraduate research in environmental health
- MRU0005 Postgraduate research in epidemiology and preventive medicine
- MRU0006 Postgraduate research in forensic medicine
- MRU0007 Postgraduate research in general practice
- MRU0008 Postgraduate research in genetics
- MRU0009 Postgraduate research in health promotion
- MRU0010 Postgraduate research in human biology
- MRU0011 Postgraduate research in indigenous health
- MRU0012 Postgraduate research in medical science
- MRU0013 Postgraduate research in general medicine
- MRU0014 Postgraduate research in microbiology
- MRU0015 Postgraduate research in nursing
- MRU0016 Postgraduate research in obstetrics and gynaecology
- MRU0017 Postgraduate research in occupational health and safety
- MRU0018 Postgraduate research in paediatrics
- MRU0019 Postgraduate research in immunology
- MRU0020 Postgraduate research in pharmacology
- MRU0021 Postgraduate research in psychological medicine
- MRU0022 Postgraduate research in psychology
- MRU0023 Postgraduate research in radiography and medical imaging
- MRU0024 Postgraduate research in surgery
- MRU0025 Postgraduate research in rural health
- MRU0026 Postgraduate research in health services management
- MRU0027 Postgraduate research in reproductive biology (Human)
- MRU0028 Postgraduate research in reproductive biology (Animal)
- MRU0034 Postgraduate research in public health
- MRU0035 Postgraduate research in health services research
- MRU0036 Postgraduate research in pathology
- MRU0037 Postgraduate research in epidemiology and preventive medicine (high)
- MRU0038 Postgraduate research in social work
- MRU0039 Postgraduate research in ambulance and paramedic studies
- MRU0040 Postgraduate research in physiotherapy
- MRU0041 Postgraduate research in occupational therapy
- MRU0042 Research in Medicine and Health Sciences at Monash Malaysia
- MRU0044 Postgraduate research in radiography and medical imaging (high)
- NEH2002 Interprofessional healthcare teams 1
- NEH3001 Interprofessional healthcare teams 2
- NMS4021 Nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy 1
- NMS5000 Nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy 2
- NMS5020 Nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy 3
- NUR1001 Professional communication
- NUR1003 Nursing, society and culture
- NUR1022 Cultural Responsiveness for Health Care Professionals
- NUR1101 Perspectives of health and wellness
- NUR1102 Health assessment in clinical practice
- NUR1201 Introduction to professional studies
- NUR1202 Legal issues and concepts
- NUR1441 Therapeutic dimensions in nursing
- NUR1443 Professional issues
- NUR2001 Evidence based health care
- NUR2002 Nursing practice in context 1
- NUR2003 Contexts of healthcare
- NUR2004 Applied Nursing practice in context 2
- NUR2104 Mental Health practice 1
- NUR2201 Pharmacology and therapeutics
- NUR2202 Ethical issues in nursing
- NUR2401 Research in nursing practice
- NUR2445 Clinical assessment in nursing
- NUR2446 Leadership and management of nursing care
- NUR2447 Clinical concepts
- NUR3002 Nursing Practice in Context 3
- NUR3003 Education for Clinical Practice
- NUR3004 Preparing for practice
- NUR3005 Chronicity in healthcare
- NUR3009 Transition to rural nursing practice
- NUR3104 Mental Health practice 2
- NUR3106 Nursing practice 6: Introduction to high dependency nursing
- NUR3107 Nursing practice 7: Community nursing
- NUR3108 Nursing practice 8: Advanced clinical practicum
- NUR3202 Transition to professional roles
- NUR3203 Gender and family health
- NUR3305 Concepts of pathophysiology
- NUR3541 Health teaching and promotion
- NUR3543 Legal and ethical issues in contemporary nursing
- NUR4009 Collaborative health care
- NUR4010 Rural health emergencies
- NUR4401 Clinical honours thesis 1: Applied research methods and skills
- NUR4402 Clinical honours thesis II: Framing a research proposal
- NUR4403 Clinical honours thesis III: Conducting a research project
- NUR4404 Clinical honours thesis IV: Analysing and reporting research
- NUR4501 Acute care clinical skills
- NUR4546 Nursing research and practice
- NUR4901 Acute cardio respiratory management
- NUR4924 Critical care nursing
- NUR4925 Emergency nursing
- NUR4926 Advanced medical/surgical nursing practice
- NUR5100 Research Project in Nursing
- NUR5101 Research Project in Nursing (Part-time)
- NUR5200 Advanced Studies in Nursing
- NUR5201 Advanced Studies in Nursing (Part-time)
- NUR5215 Mental health nursing concepts and practice
- NUR5227 Integrated mental health care
- NUR5703 Advanced pathophysiology & health assessment
- NUR6201 Gerontological nursing practice
- NUR6405 Explorations in child and family nursing
- NUR9001 Contemporary nursing practice 1
- NUR9002 Contemporary nursing practice 2
- NUR9003 Contemporary nursing practice 3
- NUR9004 Contemporary nursing practice 4
- NUR9008 Cognitive behavioural therapy for mental health professionals
- NUR9011 Contemporary nursing in context 1
- NUR9022 Contemporary nursing in context 2
- NUR9033 Contemporary nursing in context 3
- NUR9201 Case management in health care
- NUR9202 Nursing informatics
- NUR9203 Palliative care practice
- NUR9204 Education in nursing and midwifery
- NUR9208 Therapeutic medication management
- NUR9214 Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing
- NUR9215 Advanced nursing practice in context
- NUR9842 The social ecology of caring
- NUR9844 Health promotion and education
- OCC1011 Professional issues
- OCC1012 Occupational science
- OCC1022 Foundations of occupational therapy practice
- OCC2011 Occupational performance, capabilities and components
- OCC2020 Enabling occupation: Performance challenges 1A
- OCC2022 Skills for evidence-based practice 1
- OCC3030 Enabling occupation: Performance challenges 1B
- OCC3041 Skills for evidence-based practice 2
- OCC3052 Enabling Occupation II: Performance challenges In population health
- OCC3062 Participation community practice I: Development
- OCC3072 Occupational therapy honours project 1
- OCC4071 Participatory community practice 2: Implementation
- OCC4081 Transition to practice 1
- OCC4082 Advanced professional practice
- OCC4091 Occupational therapy honours project 2
- OCC4092 Transition to practice 2
- OCC4111 Introduction to Hand Therapy theory, principles, and practice
- OCC4121 Adaptive and Assistive Technology
- OCC5111 Advanced hand therapy theory, principles, and practice
- OCC5121 Advanced Adaptive and Assistive Technology
- OCC5131 Advanced Assessment of children: Methods, policy, ethics and issues
- PAR3010 Professional issues in paramedic practice
- PAR3020 Trends in pre hospital care services
- PAR3030 Ethical, legal and cultural issues
- PAR3040 Evidence based practice
- PAR4101 Learning and teaching for paramedic clinical teachers
- PAR4201 Introduction to aeromedical retrieval
- PAR4202 Aeromedical retrieval - Clinical
- PAR4203 Aeromedical Retrieval - Practicum
- PAR4204 Aeromedical retrieval rescue
- PAR4205 Aeromedical retrieval project
- PAR4206 International aeromedical retrieval
- PAR4301 Theoretical foundations of MICA paramedic practice
- PAR4302 Management of emergency cardiac conditions
- PAR4303 Management of emergency trauma and environmental conditions
- PAR4304 Management of emergency medical conditions
- PAR4305 Management of paediatric and obstetric patients
- PAR4307 MICA paramedic clinical practicum
- PHC5100 Research Project in Health Sciences
- PHC5101 Research Project in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- PHC5200 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
- PHC5201 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- PSL3072 Psychological foundations of law
- PSY1011 Psychology 1A
- PSY1022 Psychology 1B
- PSY2031 Developmental and biological psychology
- PSY2042 Cognitive and social psychology
- PSY2051 Research design and analysis
- PSY2112 Organisational psychology
- PSY3032 Abnormal psychology
- PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
- PSY3051 Perception and personality
- PSY3062 Research methods and theory
- PSY3120 Introduction to counselling
- PSY3130 Health psychology
- PSY3160 Psychology of language
- PSY3180 Human neuropsychology: Developmental and neurodegenerative disorders
- PSY3190 Addiction studies
- PSY3210 Advances in leadership
- PSY3220 Philosophical and theoretical psychology
- PSY3230 Psychological foundations of law
- PSY3240 Psychology of Music
- PSY3250 Positive Psychology
- PSY4100 Psychology honours: Research project
- PSY4210 Statistics and research design for professional psychology
- PSY4220 Ethical and professional issues in psychology
- PSY4230 Contemporary issues in psychobiology
- PSY4240 Contemporary issues in cross-cultural and indigenous psychology
- PSY4250 Contemporary issues in psycholinguistics
- PSY4260 Contemporary issues in development psychology
- PSY4270 Psychological assessment
- PSY4280 Contemporary issues in theoretical psychology
- PSY4502 Statistics and research design for professional psychology
- PSY4503 Psychological assessment
- PSY4504 Ethics and professional issues
- PSY4505 Psychological practice (Placement) A
- PSY4506 Psychological practice (Placement)
- PSY4507 Contemporary issues in psychobiology
- PSY4508 Contemporary issues in cross-cultural psychology
- PSY4509 Contemporary issues in cognition - Psycholinguistics
- PSY4510 Research project proposal
- PSY4511 Research project
- PSY4514 Research project B
- PSY4518 Research Project
- PSY4600 Qualitative research methods for health professionals
- PSY5100 Research Project in Psychology
- PSY5101 Research Project in Psychology (Part-time)
- PSY5200 Advanced Studies in Psychology
- PSY5201 Advanced Studies in Psychology (Part-time)
- PTY1011 Physiotherapy 1
- PTY1022 Physiotherapy 2
- PTY2000 Honours systematic review
- PTY2031 Physiotherapy 3
- PTY2042 Physiotherapy 4
- PTY3000 Honours research proposal
- PTY3051 Physiotherapy 5
- PTY3062 Physiotherapy 6
- PTY4000 Honours Thesis
- PTY4070 Physiotherapy 7 - clinical
- PTY4071 Physiotherapy 7 - campus
- PTY4080 Physiotherapy 8 - clinical
- PTY4082 Physiotherapy 8 - campus
- RAD1011 Radiographic imaging and methods 1
- RAD1021 Radiologic physics
- RAD1031 Radiologic biology 1
- RAD1041 Radiographic professional skills 1
- RAD1051 Clinical studies 1
- RAD1062 Radiographic imaging and methods 2
- RAD1072 Radiologic dosimetry and safety
- RAD1082 Radiologic biology 2
- RAD1092 Radiographic professional skills 2
- RAD1102 Clinical studies 2
- RAD2011 Radiographic imaging and methods 3
- RAD2021 Radiologic biology 3
- RAD2031 Pharmacology
- RAD2041 Clinical studies 3
- RAD2052 Medical imaging and methods 1 (DVI) and digital image processing 1
- RAD2062 Radiologic biology 4
- RAD2072 Radiographic professional skills 3
- RAD2082 Clinical studies 4
- RAD3011 Medical imaging and methods 2 (CT) and digital image processing 2
- RAD3021 Sonographic imaging and methods 1
- RAD3022 Sonographic imaging and methods 2
- RAD3031 Radiologic biology 5
- RAD3041 Clinical studies 5
- RAD3062 Breast imaging and professional skills 4
- RAD3082 Clinical studies 6
- RAD3092 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Physics and Technology)
- RAD4000 Radiography and medical imaging work experience
- RAD4070 Research in Medical Imaging
- RAD4080 Selected Topics in Medical Imaging & Advanced Ultrasound
- RAD4160 Advanced Medical Imaging and Clinical Skills
- RTP4000 Principles of oncology for the breast
- RTP4010 Advanced clinical practice; Breast localisation and simulation 1
- RTP5000 Principles of radiation oncology of the breast
- RTP5010 Advanced clinical practice; Breast localisation and simulation 2
- RTS4021 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 1
- RTS5000 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 2
- RTS5020 Radiation therapy planning and treatment 3
- RUR5100 Research Project in Rural Health
- RUR5101 Research Project in Rural Health (Part-time)
- RUR5200 Advanced Studies in Rural Health
- RUR5201 Advanced Studies in Rural Health (Part-time)
- SCS5100 Research Project in Medical Science
- SCS5101 Research Project in Medical Science (Part-time)
- SCS5200 Advanced Studies in Medical Science
- SCS5201 Advanced Project in Medical Science (Part-time)
- SCS5300 Research Project in Health Sciences
- SCS5301 Research Project in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- SCS5400 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
- SCS5401 Advanced Studies in Health Sciences (Part-time)
- SON4000 Physics of medical ultrasound and instrumentation
- SON4010 Embryology, anatomy and pathophysiology
- SON4020 Sonographic professional skills and sonography of the breast and thyroid
- SON4021 Sonographic abdominal imaging
- SON4022 Sonographic imaging of the reproductive system
- SON4023 Obstetric sonography
- SON4024 Musculoskeletal, neonatal and paediatric sonography
- SON4025 Sonographic vascular and postoperative imaging
- SON5000 Ultrasound research
- SRH2002 Indigenous health and well-being
- SRH3001 Rural health issues 1: Health in the rural context
- SRH4101 Counselling for rural practice
- SRH4102 Rural health issues 2: Rural health policy and practice
- SRH4103 Rural health issues 3: The dynamics of rural health practice
- SWK2010 Introduction to social work A: Social issues
- SWK2020 Introduction to human development A: Developmental concepts
- SWK2030 Introduction to social work B: Policy and practice issues
- SWK2040 Introduction to human development B: Person and environment
- SWK3120 Working with families and groups: Theory and practice
- SWK3180 Fieldwork skills and practicum I
- SWK3220 Social work in society
- SWK3230 Social work research
- SWK3240 Working with individuals: theory and practice
- SWK3250 Social work perspectives on human development
- SWK3260 Social policy and social justice I
- SWK4001 Honours research methods
- SWK4002 Honours project seminar
- SWK4003 Social Work honours dissertation
- SWK4410 Community work: Theory and practice
- SWK4420 The individual, health and society
- SWK4430 Cross-cultural social work: Theory and practice
- SWK4440 Social work management: Theory and practice
- SWK4450 Social policy and social justice II
- SWK4460 Critical and creative social work theory and practice
- SWK4560 Fieldwork skills and practicum II
- SWM5110 Advanced casework practice
- SWM5120 Criminology and social work
- SWM5130 Social service organisations, their behaviour and management
- SWM5140 Policy, program planning and evaluation I
- SWM5150 Policy, program planning and evaluation II
- SWM5160 Child abuse, child protection and the child in society
- SWM5170 Special research study
- SWM5180 Management of human resources in the social services
- SWM5190 Social work research
- SWM5200 Health and social work
- SWM5220 Social work and aged care
- SWM5230 Social workers, politics and social action
- SWM5250 Clinical supervision - becoming a professional developer
13 October 2017
22 February 2025