Related information
Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Arts
- AAH1010 Ancient civilisations 1
- AAH1020 Ancient civilisations 2
- AAH2220 Alexander the Great and his world
- AAH2230 Imperial Egypt and the Mediterranean world
- AAH2240 Archaeological fieldwork in Tuscany
- AAH2250 Archaeology of the Roman Mediterranean
- AAH2260 Imperial Rome: A study in power and perversion in the early empire
- AAH2570 Minoans and Mycenaeans
- AAH2580 The middle kingdom in Egypt: from collapse to recovery and foreign rule
- AAH2800 The golden age of Athens
- AAH2970 The early dynastic period and old kingdom in Egypt, 3050-2150
- AAH2990 Egypt's golden age and its aftermath
- AAH3220 Alexander the Great and his world
- AAH3230 Imperial Egypt and the Mediterranean world
- AAH3240 Archaeological fieldwork in Tuscany
- AAH3250 Archaeology of the Roman Mediterranean
- AAH3260 Imperial Rome: A study in power and perversion in the early empire
- AAH3570 Minoans and Mycenaeans
- AAH3580 The middle kingdom in Egypt: from collapse to recovery and foreign rule
- AAH3800 The golden age of Athens
- AAH3950 Kleopatra's Egypt
- AAH3970 The early dynastic period and old kingdom in Egypt, 3050-2150
- AAH3990 Egypt's golden age and its aftermath
- AAH4060 Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
- AAH4100 Research methods in classical antiquity
- AAH4730(A) Dissertation part 1
- AAH4730(B) Dissertation part 2
- AAH4740 Reading the ancient past
- AAM4001 Research project in archaeology and ancient history
- AAM4060 Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
- AAM4100 Research methods in classical antiquity
- AAM4740 Reading the ancient past
- AAM5010 Research in archaeology: the new kingdom
- AAM5020 Research topics in archaeology: Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt
- AAM5060 Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
- AAM5740 Reading the ancient past
- AEH1001 Arts exchange unit
- AEH1002 Arts exchange unit
- AEH1003 Arts exchange unit
- AEH1004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH2004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH3004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4005 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH4006 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5001 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5002 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5003 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEH5004 Arts Exchange Unit
- AEL2001 Writing at work
- AIA1000 World prehistory
- AIA2100 Archaeological theories and controversies
- AIA2200 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- AIA3000 Archaeology of indigenous Australia
- AIA3100 Archaeological theories and controversies
- AIA3300 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- AIS1011 Introduction to Australian indigenous societies I
- AIS1012 Issues in aboriginal education
- AIS1020 Aborigines and white Australia: colonial encounters
- AIS1050 Aboriginal peoples, gender, and the colonial frontier
- AIS2010 Social justice and indigenous Australians
- AIS2011 Dynamics of indigenous cultures
- AIS2020 Interrogating racism: indigenous Australians and the state
- AIS2025 Activism, politics and indigenous Australia
- AIS2035 Australian Indigenous literature
- AIS2045 Australian indigenous art and design
- AIS2055 Power, knowledge, Aborigines: between representation and reality
- AIS2060 Indigenous legal issues
- AIS2070 Australian Aboriginal women
- AIS2080 Contesting laws: culture, colonialism and land
- AIS2090 Hearing the country: Studies in indigenous Australian ethnoecology
- AIS2110 Indigenous heritage in the contemporary world
- AIS2120 Museums and galleries: popular expressions of indigenous cultures
- AIS2170 Australian indigenous women
- AIS2180 Aborigines: Sport, race and gender
- AIS2807 Australian indigenous health
- AIS2808 Human rights and the indigenous Australian experience
- AIS2809 Tourism and indigenous Australia
- AIS3010 Social justice and indigenous Australians
- AIS3011 Dynamics of indigenous cultures
- AIS3020 Interrogating racism: indigenous Australians and the state
- AIS3025 Activism, politics and indigenous Australia
- AIS3035 Australian Indigenous literature
- AIS3045 Australian indigenous art and design
- AIS3055 Power, knowledge, Aborigines: between representation and reality
- AIS3060 Indigenous legal Issues
- AIS3070 Australian Aboriginal women
- AIS3080 Contesting laws: culture, colonialism and land
- AIS3090 Hearing the country: Studies in indigenous Australian ethnoecology
- AIS3110 Indigenous heritage in the contemporary world
- AIS3120 Museums and galleries: popular expressions of indigenous cultures
- AIS3170 Australian indigenous women
- AIS3180 Aborigines: Sport, race and gender
- AIS3807 Australian indigenous health
- AIS3808 Human rights and the indigenous Australian experience
- AIS3809 Tourism and indigenous Australia
- AIS4010 Theories and research methodologies in Australian indigenous studies
- AIS4030(A) Honours dissertation part 1
- AIS4030(B) Honours dissertation part 2
- AIS4031 Honours dissertation
- AIS4040 Interrogating race and power in Australian indigenous studies
- AIS4041 Protocols and power in indigenous studies
- AIS5000 Research project in Australian indigenous studies
- AIS5000(A) Research project in Australian indigenous studies A
- AIS5000(B) Research project in Australian indigenous studies B
- ALM4110 General linguistics
- ALM4120 Applied linguistics
- ALM4130 Language in society
- ALM4140 Special topic in applied linguistics
- ALM4150 Research design in applied linguistics
- ALM4190 Research project
- ALM4250 Second language acquisition
- ALM4350 World Englishes
- ALM5010 Topics in linguistics
- ALM5130 Language in society
- ALM5150 Research design in applied linguistics
- ALM5210 Language and learning
- ALM5230 Bilingualism
- ALM5250 Second language acquisition
- ALM5270 Literacy
- ALM5290 Child language acquisition
- ALM5350 World Englishes
- ALM5370 Discourse analysis
- ALM5390 Language and Identity
- ALM5410 Research Project
- ALM5460 Special topic in applied linguistics
- ALM5510 Language maintenance in practice
- ALM5510A Language maintenance in practice
- ALM5510B Language maintenance in practice
- ANY1010 Culture, power, difference: Indigeneity and Australian identity
- ANY1020 Culture, power and globalisation
- ANY2110 Magic, science and religion
- ANY2140 Polynesia: Great anthropological debates
- ANY2160 Understanding prejudice and discrimination
- ANY2170 Visualising cultures: film and ethnography
- ANY2180 Witchcraft in the modern world
- ANY2350 Questions of identity: ethnicity, nationalism and globalisation
- ANY2530 Modernities in the making: Indigenous peoples and colonial cultures
- ANY3120 Magic, science and religion
- ANY3140 Polynesia: Great anthropological debates
- ANY3170 Visualising cultures: film and ethnography
- ANY3180 Witchcraft in the modern world
- ANY3230 Culture and conflict in Indonesia
- ANY3350 Questions of identity: ethnicity, nationalism and globalisation
- ANY3480 The third world
- ANY3520 Theorising culture
- ANY3530 Modernities in the making: Indigenous peoples and colonial cultures
- ANY4100 Violences
- ANY4200 Anthropology honours seminar
- ANY4300 Into the field: The theory and practice of ethnography
- ANY4380(A) Thesis in anthropology part 1
- ANY4380(B) Thesis in anthropology part 2
- ANY4440 Asia and the West
- ANY4520 Theorising culture
- ASM4000 Research Project
- ASM4230 Culture and conflict in Indonesia
- ASM4290 Into the field: The theory and practice of Ethnography
- ASM4380 Women, psychiatry and madness
- ASM4430 The third world
- ASM4440 Asia and the West
- ASM4800 Special Subject (Third Year Subject Upgraded to Fourth)
- ASM5080 Theory and practice of research
- ASM5100 Violences
- ASM5290 Into the field: The theory and practice of Ethnography
- ASM5800 Special Subject (Fourth Year Subject Upgraded to Fifth)
- ASN2010 Global change and changing identities in Asia
- ASN2020 War and memory in the Asia Pacific: Legacies of World War II
- ASN2030 Narratives in a globalizing Asia: from oral literature to the modern novel
- ASN2170 Women in Asia: Gender, Tradition and Modernity
- ASN3010 Global change and changing identities in Asia
- ASN3020 War and Memory in the Asia Pacific: Legacies of World War II
- ASN3030 Narratives in a globalizing Asia: from oral literature to the modern novel
- ASN3071 Theory and research in Asian Studies
- ASN3170 Women in Asia: Gender, tradition and modernity
- ASN4499 Honours seminar in Asian studies
- ASN4929 Dissertation
- ASN4929(A) Dissertation Part 1
- ASN4929(B) Dissertation Part 2
- AST4000 Contemporary Issues in Asia
- AST4060 Japan and Asia since 1945: war legacies and memory wars
- AST4090 Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- AST4110 Research Project in Asian Studies
- AST4220 Investigating other societies: Area studies in Global perspective
- AST4680 Research Project A
- AST4690 Research Project B
- AST4700A Research Dissertation - Part 1
- AST4700B Research Dissertation - Part 2
- AST5000 Contemporary Issues in Asia
- AST5060 Japan and Asia since 1945: war legacies and memory wars
- AST5090 Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- AST5110 Research Project in Asian Studies
- AST5220 Investigating other societies: Area studies in Global perspective
- AST5250 Reading Subject
- AST5680 Research Project A
- AST5690 Research Project B
- AST5700A Research Dissertation - Part 1
- AST5700B Research Dissertation - Part 2
- ATD4090 Applied industry research
- ATM4010 Tourism industry and marketing
- ATM4020 Ecotourism management
- ATM4060 Contemporary Issues in Tourism
- ATM4120 Sustainable tourism development and planning
- ATM4141 Cultural tourism and special events
- ATM5001 Study Abroad - Tourism
- ATM5010 Tourism industry and marketing
- ATM5020 Ecotourism management
- ATM5060 Contemporary issues in tourism
- ATM5070 International tourism marketing
- ATM5090 Applied industry research
- ATM5100 Industry Internship
- ATM5140 Cultural Tourism
- ATM5500 Industry research thesis
- ATM5500(A) Industry research thesis
- ATM5500(B) Industry research thesis
- AUS1010 Out of empire: Australia in the world
- AUS1020 Democracy and nation
- AUS1040 Holiday business: An introduction to the tourism industry
- AUS1050 Cultural tourism
- AUS1060 Australian idol: exploring contemporary Australia
- AUS1070 Sport and society in Australia
- AUS2000 Anzac legends: Australians at war
- AUS2001 Broken earth: Journeys through the Australian landscape
- AUS2002 Beyond Gallipoli: Australians in two World Wars
- AUS2003 Gallipoli journey: Anzac and the Ottomans
- AUS2004 Gallipoli's shadow: Australia at war
- AUS2005 Anzac journey: Gallipoli and the Ottomans
- AUS2015 A world of sport: Culture, communities and communication
- AUS2040 Travel writing and new technologies
- AUS2050 Australian sports writing
- AUS2070 Australia in a globalizing world
- AUS2220 Where do you get it? Consumerism in Australia
- AUS3000 Anzac legends: Australians at war
- AUS3001 Broken earth: Journeys through the Australian landscape
- AUS3002 Beyond Gallipoli: Australians in two World Wars
- AUS3003 Gallipoli journey: Anzac and the Ottomans
- AUS3004 Gallipoli's shadow: Australia at war
- AUS3005 Anzac journey: Gallipoli and the Ottomans
- AUS3015 A world of sport: Culture, communities and communication
- AUS3040 Travel writing and new technologies
- AUS3050 Australian sports writing
- AUS3070 Australia in a globalizing world
- AUS3220 Where do you get it? Consumerism in Australia
- AUS4010 Exploring Australia: Diverse people, diverse lives
- AUS4025 Australia unlimited: Local issues, global challenges
- AUS4220 Australian landscape
- AUS5000 Research Project
- AUS5003 Research Project in Australian Studies
- AUS5010 Exploring Australia: Diverse people, diverse lives
- AUS5025 Exploring Australia: Diverse people, diverse lives
- AUS5035A Research Dissertation in Australian Studies - Pt 1
- AUS5035B Research Dissertation in Australian Studies - Pt 2
- AUS5220 Australian landscape
- BHS1711 Understanding human behaviour
- BHS1712 Introduction to social behaviour
- BHS2110 Researching behaviour: Principles and practice
- BHS2340 The criminal mind
- BHS2490 The self and others: Identity and the experience of difference in the 21st Century
- BHS2711 Personality: Beyond the persona
- BHS3000 Digital selves
- BHS3110 Researching behaviour: Principles and practice
- BHS3130 Contemporary issues in behavioural studies
- BHS3340 The criminal mind
- BHS3490 The self and others: Identity and the experience of difference in the 21st century
- BHS3711 Personality: Beyond the persona
- BHS4000 Honours Research Project
- BHS4000(A) Honours Research Project Part 1
- BHS4000(B) Honours Research Project Part 2
- BHS4030 Researching behaviour: Advanced practice and reporting
- BHS4040 Behavioural studies in the 21st Century: Issues and paradigms
- CHB1010 Ethics, biotechnology and genetics: Current issues in bioethics
- CHB1020 Biotechnology, justice and the law
- CHB2100 Bioethics, the human body and the international marketplace
- CHB3100 Bioethics, the human body and the international marketplace
- CHB4101 Ethics
- CHB4102 Questions of life and death
- CHB4203 Ethical issues in patient care
- CHB4204 Legal issues in bioethics
- CHB4215 Bioethics supervised research paper
- CHB5101 Ethics
- CHB5102 Questions of life and death
- CHB5203 Health care ethics: Principles and practice
- CHB5204 Bioethics, public policy, and the law
- CHB5206 Bioethics supervised research paper
- CHB5207 Ethical issues in professional life
- CHB5233 Principles of health care ethics
- CHB5255 Legal issues in bioethics and health care ethics
- CHB5288 Ethical issues in legal and professional life
- CHI1010 Chinese 1
- CHI1020 Chinese 2
- CHI1030 Chinese 3
- CHI1040 Chinese 4
- CHI1050 Chinese 5
- CHI1060 Chinese 6
- CHI1070 Chinese 7
- CHI1080 Chinese 8
- CHI1090 Chinese 9
- CHI1100 Chinese 10
- CHI1110 Chinese 11
- CHI1120 Chinese 12
- CHI1450 Chinese for business communication, part 1
- CHI1460 Chinese for business communication, part 2
- CHI1650 Chinese translation 1
- CHI1660 Chinese translation 2
- CHI1901 Chinese 1
- CHI1902 Chinese 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1904 Chinese 4 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI1990 Language study abroad program
- CHI1991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2010 Chinese 1
- CHI2020 Chinese 2
- CHI2030 Chinese 3
- CHI2040 Chinese 4
- CHI2050 Chinese 5
- CHI2060 Chinese 6
- CHI2070 Chinese 7
- CHI2080 Chinese 8
- CHI2090 Chinese 9
- CHI2100 Chinese 10
- CHI2110 Chinese 11
- CHI2120 Chinese 12
- CHI2335 Chinese media studies, part 1
- CHI2345 Chinese media studies, part 2
- CHI2430 Understanding modern China
- CHI2440 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI2450 Chinese for business communication part 1
- CHI2460 Chinese for business communication part 2
- CHI2550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI2560 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 2
- CHI2650 Chinese translation 1
- CHI2660 Chinese translation 2
- CHI2750 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1
- CHI2760 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2
- CHI2850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI2860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI2901 Chinese 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2902 Chinese 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2904 Chinese 4 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2960 Professional Chinese language internship, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2975 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2976 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2985 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2986 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI2990 Language study abroad program
- CHI2991 Language study abroad program
- CHI2992 Language study abroad program
- CHI3050 Chinese 5
- CHI3060 Chinese 6
- CHI3070 Chinese 7
- CHI3080 Chinese 8
- CHI3090 Chinese 9
- CHI3100 Chinese 10
- CHI3110 Chinese 11
- CHI3120 Chinese 12
- CHI3335 Chinese media studies, part 1
- CHI3345 Chinese media studies, part 2
- CHI3430 Understanding modern China
- CHI3440 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI3450 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI3460 Chinese for business communication, Part 2
- CHI3550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI3560 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI3650 Chinese translation 1
- CHI3660 Chinese translation 2
- CHI3750 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1
- CHI3760 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2
- CHI3850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI3860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI3903 Chinese 3 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3904 Chinese 4 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3905 Chinese 5 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3906 Chinese 6 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3955 Professional Chinese language internship, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3960 Professional Chinese language internship, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3965 Chinese translation 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3966 Chinese translation 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3975 Chinese translation for professional purposes 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3976 Chinese translation for professional purposes 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3985 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3986 Basic Interpreting Skills (Mandarin) 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI3990 Language study abroad program
- CHI3991 Language study abroad program
- CHI3992 Language study abroad program
- CHI4010 Chinese 1
- CHI4020 Chinese 2
- CHI4030 Chinese 3
- CHI4040 Chinese 4
- CHI4050 Chinese 5
- CHI4060 Chinese 6
- CHI4070 Chinese 7
- CHI4079 Chinese 7
- CHI4080 Chinese 8
- CHI4089 Chinese 8
- CHI4090 Chinese 9
- CHI4099 Chinese 9
- CHI4100 Chinese 10
- CHI4109 Chinese 10
- CHI4110 Chinese 11
- CHI4119 Chinese 11
- CHI4120 Chinese 12
- CHI4129 Chinese 12
- CHI4430 Understanding modern China
- CHI4439 Understanding modern China
- CHI4440 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI4449 Understanding contemporary China
- CHI4450 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI4459 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI4460 Chinese for business communication, Part 2
- CHI4469 Chinese for business communication, Part 2
- CHI4550 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI4559 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 1
- CHI4560 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI4569 Professional Chinese language internship, Part 2
- CHI4850 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 1
- CHI4860 Basic interpreting skills (Mandarin) 2
- CHI4907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4908 Chinese 8 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4910 Chinese 10 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4912 Chinese 12 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4920(A) Dissertation Part 1
- CHI4920(B) Dissertation Part 2
- CHI4929 Dissertation
- CHI4929(A) Dissertation Part 1
- CHI4929(B) Dissertation Part 2
- CHI4945 Chinese for business communication, part 1 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI4990 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4991 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI4992 Language Study Abroad Program
- CHI5010 Chinese 1
- CHI5020 Chinese 2
- CHI5030 Chinese 3
- CHI5040 Chinese 4
- CHI5050 Chinese 5
- CHI5060 Chinese 6
- CHI5070 Chinese 7
- CHI5080 Chinese 8
- CHI5090 Chinese 9
- CHI5100 Chinese 10
- CHI5110 Chinese 11
- CHI5120 Chinese 12
- CHI5450 Chinese for business communication, Part 1
- CHI5460 Chinese for Business Communication, Part 2
- CHI5907 Chinese 7 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5909 Chinese 9 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5911 Chinese 11 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5920 Research project
- CHI5930 Research essay in Chinese studies
- CHI5946 Chinese for business communication, part 2 (Incountry Program)
- CHI5990 Individual option
- CJM4030 Criminal justice practice and reform
- CJM4040 Managing criminal justice issues
- CJM5000 Criminal justice research project
- CJM5005 Criminal Justice Internship
- CJM5050 Criminal justice dissertation
- CJM5050A Criminal justice dissertation - Part 1
- CJM5050B Criminal justice dissertation - Part 2
- CJM5060 Supervised reading in criminal justice and criminology
- CJM5080 Regulating criminal justice
- CLA1010 Classical mythology
- CLA1020 Life and culture in ancient Greece and Rome
- CLA1110 Introductory Latin A/1
- CLA1111 Introductory ancient Greek A/1
- CLA1120 Introductory Latin B/1
- CLA1121 Introductory ancient Greek B/1
- CLA1210 Intermediate Latin A/1
- CLA1211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/1
- CLA1220 Intermediate Latin B/1
- CLA1221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/1
- CLA2030 Ancient Greek epic
- CLA2040 Ancient Greek theatre
- CLA2050 Performing Rome: from comedy to the Colosseum
- CLA2060 Eros and the body: sexuality and body politics in the classical world
- CLA2110 Introductory Latin A/2
- CLA2111 Introductory ancient Greek A/2
- CLA2120 Introductory Latin B/2
- CLA2121 Introductory ancient Greek B/2
- CLA2210 Intermediate Latin A/2
- CLA2211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/2
- CLA2220 Intermediate Latin B/2
- CLA2221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/2
- CLA2310 Advanced Latin A/2
- CLA2320 Advanced Latin B/2
- CLA3030 Ancient Greek epic
- CLA3040 Ancient Greek theatre
- CLA3050 Performing Rome: from comedy to the Colosseum
- CLA3060 Eros and the body: Sexuality and body politics in the classical world
- CLA3110 Introductory Latin A/3
- CLA3111 Introductory ancient Greek A/3
- CLA3120 Introductory Latin B/3
- CLA3121 Introductory ancient Greek B/3
- CLA3210 Intermediate Latin A/3
- CLA3211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/3
- CLA3220 Intermediate Latin B/3
- CLA3221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/3
- CLA3310 Advanced Latin A/3
- CLA3320 Advanced Latin B/3
- CLA4000 Reading Greek
- CLA4010 Reading Latin
- CLA4020 Research seminar: Ritual and drama, the politics of antiquity
- CLA4030(A) Honours Dissertation in Classical Studies, Part 1
- CLA4030(B) Honours Dissertation in Classical Studies, Part 2
- CLA4110 Introductory Latin A/3
- CLA4111 Introductory ancient Greek A/3
- CLA4120 Introductory Latin B/3
- CLA4121 Introductory ancient Greek B/3
- CLA4210 Intermediate Latin A/3
- CLA4211 Intermediate ancient Greek A/3
- CLA4220 Intermediate Latin B/3
- CLA4221 Intermediate ancient Greek B/3
- CLA4310 Advanced Latin A/3
- CLA4320 Advanced Latin B/3
- CLS1010 Texts and contexts 1
- CLS1020 Texts and contexts 2
- CLS1220 Centres and margins
- CLS2000 Introduction to critical theory
- CLS2025 19th century fiction: Realism, capitalism and psychoanalysis
- CLS2030 Reading Freud and Jung
- CLS2035 Intellectuals and power: a history of institutions
- CLS2045 Writing lives: Women's auto/biography and historical fiction
- CLS2050 Narrative practices
- CLS2055 Nature, culture and colonisation
- CLS2075 Popular fiction and popular culture
- CLS2080 Science fiction: From monsters to cyborgs
- CLS2085 Science Fiction: Monsters to Cyborgs
- CLS2100 Reading the canon: critical approaches
- CLS2130 Culture and society: Introduction to cultural theory
- CLS2160 Chinese literature and modernity
- CLS2180 Africa and its others
- CLS2250 Post-Marxist critical theory
- CLS2280 The fate of art: Philosophical aesthetics and contemporary culture
- CLS2420 Literature and phenomenology: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- CLS2530 Modernism in European literature
- CLS2550 The romantic revolution in European thought and literature
- CLS2790 Postmodernism and the novel
- CLS2810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century
- CLS2820 Earthworks: literature and environment
- CLS2920 Authority, death and desire: Medieval to renaissance literature
- CLS2950 Freud and feminism
- CLS3000 Introduction to critical theory
- CLS3025 19th Century Fiction: Realism, capitalism and psychoanalysis
- CLS3030 Reading Freud and Jung
- CLS3035 Intellectuals and power: a history of institutions
- CLS3045 Writing lives: Women's auto/biography and historical fiction
- CLS3050 Narrative practices
- CLS3055 Nature, culture and colonisation
- CLS3075 Popular fiction and popular culture
- CLS3080 Science fiction: From monsters to cyborgs
- CLS3085 Science Fiction: From Monsters to Cyborgs
- CLS3100 Reading the canon: critical approaches
- CLS3130 Culture and society: Introduction to cultural theory
- CLS3150 Belief and perception
- CLS3160 Chinese literature and modernity
- CLS3180 Africa and its others
- CLS3250 Post-Marxist critical theory
- CLS3280 The fate of art: Philosophical aesthetics and contemporary culture
- CLS3420 Literature and phenomenology: De Sade, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Tolstoy
- CLS3530 Modernism in European literature
- CLS3550 The romantic revolution in European thought and literature
- CLS3790 Postmodernism and the novel
- CLS3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century
- CLS3820 Earthworks: Literature and environment
- CLS3920 Authority, death and desire: Medieval to renaissance literature
- CLS3950 Freud and feminism
- CLS4030 Poetics
- CLS4070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CLS4080(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- CLS4080(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- CLS4100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CLS4155 Belief and perception
- CLS4200 Semiotics and Poststructuralism
- CLS4225 Hermeneutics
- CLS4760 Gender, body and performance
- CLS4835 Popular culture and ethics
- COG2111 Pattern recognition and sensory processes
- COG2112 Cognition and learning
- COG2113 Development of thought and action
- COG3111 Cognitive neuroscience
- COG3112 Linguistics and language processing
- COG3113 Bionics and prosthetics
- COM1010 Media studies
- COM1020 Introduction to communication studies
- COM1510 Media and culture
- COM1520 Communications and society
- COM2000 Media, modernities and the everyday
- COM2010 Computer and video games: Technology, culture, industry
- COM2015 Managing communication in multicultural organisations
- COM2025 Communication realms and interfaces
- COM2030 Media text: Practices and audiences
- COM2036 Strategic communication/Public relations practice
- COM2050 New media: Communications in the electronic age
- COM2055 Communication and creativity
- COM2065 Communicating science
- COM2070 Media mates and moguls: Political economy of the media
- COM2080 Youth media
- COM2100 The public sphere
- COM2120 Class, culture and regional identity
- COM2130 Print cultures: Books as media
- COM2140 On the road: travel and representation
- COM2150 Inscribing Italy: travels and imaginings
- COM2160 Communications ethics, policy and law
- COM2200 Animation cultures
- COM2240 Australian media histories
- COM2400 Music as communication
- COM2408 Screen theories and techniques
- COM2409 Media texts
- COM2411 Media, culture, power
- COM2413 Cultural and communications policy
- COM2417 Virtual cultures: Sex, politics and war in cyberspace
- COM2418 Digital culture and new reading practices
- COM2419 The cyborg subject: Identity and subjectivity in the 21st century
- COM2420 Communication research and methodology
- COM2423 Media audiences
- COM3000 Media, modernities and the everyday
- COM3010 Computer and video games: Technology, culture, industry
- COM3015 Managing communication in multicultural organisations
- COM3020 The second media age
- COM3025 Communication realms and interfaces
- COM3030 Media text: practices and audiences
- COM3036 Strategic communication/public relations practice
- COM3050 New media: Communications in the electronic age
- COM3055 Communication and creativity
- COM3060 The practising consultant
- COM3065 Communicating science
- COM3070 Media mates and moguls: Political economy of the media
- COM3080 Youth media
- COM3090 Media, violence, protest, terror
- COM3100 The public sphere
- COM3120 Class, culture and regional identity
- COM3130 Print cultures: Books as media
- COM3140 On the road: travel and representation
- COM3150 Inscribing Italy: travels and imaginings
- COM3160 Communications ethics, policy and law
- COM3200 Animation cultures
- COM3240 Australian media histories
- COM3300 Research readings
- COM3400 Music as communication
- COM3408 Screen theories and techniques
- COM3409 Media texts
- COM3411 Media, culture, power
- COM3413 Cultural and communications policy
- COM3417 Virtual cultures: Sex, politics and war in cyberspace
- COM3420 Communication research and methodology
- COM3423 Media audiences
- COM3650 Social drama and political rhetoric
- COM3700 Comedy
- COM3800 Foundations of communication
- COM4001 Researching and writing Australia
- COM4002 The first media age
- COM4006 New communications media
- COM4008 Media, ethics and practice
- COM4009 Issues in international communications
- COM400H(A) Dissertation Part 1
- COM400H(B) Dissertation Part 2
- COM4010 Communications, convergence and public policy
- COM4010(H) Research issues and methodology
- COM4020 Communications and cultural studies applied: Industry practice
- COM4020(H) Industry practice applied
- COM4030(H) Contemporary Media and Communications Theory
- COM4040(H) Current Issues in International Media and Communications
- COM4050(H) Honours Thesis
- COM405H(A) Honours Thesis Part 1
- COM405H(B) Honours Thesis Part 2
- COM4060(H) Readings in social, political and cultural theory
- COM4090 Media, violence, protest, terror
- COM4090(H) Media, Violence, Protest, Terror
- COM4110 Battle lines: war and (post)modernity
- COM4120 Cultural memory and the Spanish civil war
- COM4130 Audiences and the social influence of media
- COM4131 Contemporary media and communications theory
- COM4140 Communicating the body
- COM4201 Communication organisations and technologies
- COM4202 Communication policy and management
- COM4203 Communication systems and networks
- COM4203(H) Communication systems and networks
- COM4204 Communication economies and society
- COM4204(H) Communication economies and society
- COM4206 Communication arts and literacies
- COM4207 Strategic communication
- COM4208 Persuasive communication
- COM4209 Communication research
- COM4211 Researching global audiences
- COM4300 Honours research readings
- COM4302 Media flows
- COM4302(H) Media flows
- COM4421 Media, social relations and power
- COM4550 Eyewitness: Reportage, representation and war
- COM4550(H) Eyewitness: Reportage, representation and war
- COM5001 Researching and writing Australia
- COM5002 The first media age
- COM5004 Industry Research Project
- COM5006 New communications media
- COM5008 Media, Ethics and Practice
- COM5009 Issues in international communications
- COM5010 Communications, convergence and public policy
- COM5011 Industry research thesis
- COM5011(A) Industry research thesis part 1
- COM5011(B) Industry research thesis part 2
- COM5020 Communications and cultural studies applied: Industry practice
- COM5110 Battle lines: war and (post)modernity
- COM5120 Cultural memory and the Spanish civil war
- COM5130 Audiences and the social influence of media
- COM5140 Communicating the body
- COM5201 Communication organisations and technologies
- COM5203 Communication systems and networks
- COM5204 Communication economies and society
- COM5206 Communication Arts and Literacies
- COM5207 Strategic communication
- COM5208 Persuasive communication
- COM5209 Communication research
- COM5210 Research dissertation
- COM5210(A) Research Dissertation
- COM5210(B) Research Dissertation
- COM5211 Researching global audiences
- COM5220 Research dissertation
- COM5302 Media flows
- COM5303 International Field Trip in Media and Communications
- COM5550 Eyewitness: Reportage, representation and war
- CRI1001 Understanding crime
- CRI1002 Criminal justice in action: Police, courts and corrections
- CRI2008 Crime and the media
- CRI2015 Policing and society
- CRI2020 Prisons, power and justice
- CRI2030 Drugs, crime and society
- CRI2040 Crime and punishment
- CRI2050 International crime and justice
- CRI2060 Criminal behaviour in South Africa: A psychosocial approach
- CRI2140 Sex and crime
- CRI2210 Child justice: Human rights, law reform and socio-criminology of deviance
- CRI2220 Forensic criminology: Victim and offender profiling
- CRI2270 Victimology
- CRI2271 Victimology in South Africa
- CRI3008 Crime and the media
- CRI3015 Policing and society
- CRI3020 Prisons, power and justice
- CRI3030 Drugs, crime and society
- CRI3040 Crime and punishment
- CRI3050 International crime and justice
- CRI3060 Criminal behaviour in South Africa: A psychosocial approach
- CRI3140 Sex and crime
- CRI3210 Child Justice: Human rights, Law reform and socio-criminology of deviance
- CRI3220 Forensic criminology: Victim and offender profiling
- CRI3270 Victimology
- CRI3271 Victimology in South Africa
- CRI4000(A) Criminal Justice Honours Thesis Part 1
- CRI4000(B) Criminal Justice Honours Thesis Part 2
- CRI4010 Criminology and criminal justice for the 21st century
- CRI4020 Researching criminal justice
- CRJ1001 Crime: Theory and practice
- CRJ1002 The criminal justice process
- CRJ2001 Comparative criminal justice: An international perspective
- CRJ2002 Crime and Violence: Rural, Regional and Urban Communities
- CRJ3001 Comparative criminal justice: An international perspective
- CRJ3002 Crime and Violence: Rural, Regional and Urban Communities
- CRJ3003 Offender Profiling
- CRJ4001 Crime prevention: A global perspective
- CRJ4002 Policing, security and risk management
- CRJ4004 Criminal behaviours and enterprises: Individuals, groups and organisations
- CRJ5004 Criminal behaviours and enterprises: Individuals, groups and organisations
- CRT4030 Poetics
- CRT4070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CRT4080(A) Research Project Part 1
- CRT4080(B) Research Project Part 2
- CRT4100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CRT4200 Semiotics and post-structuralism
- CRT4225 Hermeneutics
- CRT4760 Gender, body and performance
- CRT4830 Popular culture and ethics
- CRT5030 Poetics
- CRT5070 Lacan and subjectivity
- CRT5100 Deleuze and Foucault
- CRT5200 Semiotics and Post-Structuralism
- CRT5225 Hermeneutics
- CRT5760 Gender, body and performance
- CRT5830 Popular culture and ethics
- CRT6000 Critical theory: A survey
- CRT6010 Critical theory: An approach
- CRT6020 Critical theory: A theorist
- CRT6030 French language
- CRT6040 German language
- CVL4010 Rites of passage: Culture and celebrating life cycle events
- CVL4020 Life cycle events: Literature, music and life stories
- CVL4030 Celebrant and client: Legal, ethical and personal issues
- CVL4040 Professional celebration of rites of passage
- CVL5090 Civil ceremonies placement
- DTH4000 Dramatic theory, criticism and research methods
- DTH4001 Design for theatre
- DTH4002 Creating the new: Theatre and its experiments
- DTH4003 Performance investigation
- DTH4004 Rethinking theatre history
- DTH5001 Design for theatre
- DTH5002 Creating the new: Theatre and its experiments
- DTH5003 Performance investigation
- DTH5004 Rethinking theatre history
- DTH5005 New critical approaches
- DTH5006 Theatre industry project
- DTH5007 Research project
- DTM5100 Literature review
- DTS1001 Performance in context I
- DTS1002 Performance in context II
- DTS1320 Body, space, text
- DTS1420 Body, voice, text
- DTS2001 Ideas of theatre
- DTS2010 Mime, mask and magic
- DTS2050 Asian theatre
- DTS2060 Australian and New Zealand theatre
- DTS2070 Music theatre
- DTS2160 Women and theatre
- DTS2170 Musical Theatre Workshop
- DTS2450 Contemporary drama
- DTS2500 The Study of dance
- DTS2510 Choreographic project
- DTS2520 The Actor, past and present
- DTS2630 Shakespeare: Text and performance
- DTS2660 Technical Aspects of Performance Making
- DTS2670 Technical aspects: Practical investigation
- DTS2830 Drama into film
- DTS2870 Stages: Issues in theatre history
- DTS3000 Theories of directing
- DTS3010 Mime, mask and magic
- DTS3040 Directing workshop
- DTS3050 Asian theatre
- DTS3060 Australian and New Zealand theatre
- DTS3070 Music theatre
- DTS3160 Women and theatre
- DTS3170 Musical theatre workshop
- DTS3260 Independent theatre practice
- DTS3400 Script development
- DTS3450 Contemporary drama
- DTS3500 The study of dance
- DTS3510 Choreographic project
- DTS3520 The actor,past and present
- DTS3630 Shakespeare: Text and performance
- DTS3650 Social drama and political rhetoric
- DTS3700 Comedy
- DTS3800 Drama in performance
- DTS3830 Drama into film
- DTS3870 Stages: Issues in theatre history
- DTS3970 Preparation for performance: Design
- DTS4000 Dramatic theory, criticism and research methods
- DTS4002 Creating the new: Theatre and its experiments
- DTS4004 Rethinking theatre history
- DTS4500 Research Dissertation
- DTS4500(A) Research Dissertation Part 1
- DTS4500(B) Research Dissertation Part 2
- DTS4600 Thesis /Investigative project
- DTS4600(A) Thesis /Investigative Project Part 1
- DTS4600(B) Thesis /Investigative Project Part 2
- DTS4800 Creative project
- DTS4800(A) Creative Project Part 1
- DTS4800(B) Creative Project Part 2
- DTS4820 Twentieth Century Australian Drama
- DTS5600 Thesis/Performance project
- EIL1010 English as an international language: Communication
- EIL1020 English as an international language: Language and critical analysis
- EIL2110 English as an international language: Meaning, language and purpose
- EIL2120 English as an international language: The language of spoken English
- EIL3102 English as an international language: Professional communication
- EIL3110 English as an international language: Language and culture
- EIL3130 English as an international language: Language and power
- EIL3210 English as an international language: The language of written english
- EIL4001 A critical approach to language
- EIL4002 Language use in diverse fields
- EIL4003 English as a tool for writing research
- EIL4004 International communication and culture
- EIL4101 Special topics in English as an international language
- EIL4201 English as an International language: Minor thesis and methodology
- EIL4201(A) English as an international language: Minor thesis and methodology part 1
- EIL4201(B) English as an international language: Minor thesis and methodology part 2
- EIL4301 English as an international language: Multilingual identity
- EIL4401 English in international professional contexts
- EIL4402 Renationalising English: Language, culture, and communication
- EIL4404 Issues in teaching English as an international language
- EIL5001 Research project in English as an international language
- ENH1010 Reading writing literature
- ENH1200 Reading Africa - an introduction
- ENH1220 Worlds in conflict: Empire, margins, difference
- ENH1250 Academic writing
- ENH1260 Professional writing
- ENH1270 Murder most foul: Crime writing
- ENH1990 Introduction to fantasy narratives
- ENH2030 Rewriting Victorian Narratives: Origins and Oblivion
- ENH2055 Textual Theories and Practice: an Introduction
- ENH2110 Renaissance literature: Power and love
- ENH2130 Literature and Opposition, 1660-1800
- ENH2135 The Colonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1830-1950
- ENH2145 The Postcolonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1950-2000
- ENH2150 Australian Urban Fictions
- ENH2165 Feisty Damsels and Pale Riders: Reconfiguring romance in Australian fiction and film
- ENH2175 Reading otherwise: Literature, gender, psychoanalysis
- ENH2185 Advanced Professional Writing
- ENH2190 Gods and fairies: An introduction to middle English
- ENH2195 The poetics of memory
- ENH2225 Heroes' twilight: Representations of war and conflict
- ENH2230 Shakespeare: Interpretations and Transmutations
- ENH2315 Romantic literature I
- ENH2330 Victorian Literature
- ENH2360 Fairy tale traditions
- ENH2401 English language and text
- ENH2402 Literature and history
- ENH2404 Popular writing and criticism
- ENH2405 Contemporary fiction
- ENH2407 Authorship and writing
- ENH2410 Puritans and Sinners: Interrogating the American Tradition
- ENH2470 Modern english literature: Modernism and postmodernism
- ENH2530 Contemporary English literature
- ENH2570 Writing Women
- ENH2585 Writing gender and sexuality in English literature
- ENH2620 Grammar and expression
- ENH2650 Poetry: Text and performance
- ENH2660 Here and there: The literature of travel
- ENH2680 Introduction to poetry writing
- ENH2681 Advanced poetry writing
- ENH2690 Gender and authority in Australian literature
- ENH2710 Orientations: Reading Asia
- ENH2750 Contemporary Women's Fiction and Theory
- ENH2770 Short fiction classic and contemporary
- ENH2780 Writing as Social Practice 1
- ENH2800 In Other Worlds: Postcolonial Literature
- ENH2810 Novel into film
- ENH2980 Introduction to fiction writing
- ENH2981 Advanced fiction writing
- ENH2991 Children's Literature: A Comparative Study
- ENH3030 Rewriting Victorian Narratives: Origins and Oblivion
- ENH3055 Textual Theories and Practice: an Introduction
- ENH3110 Renaissance literature: Power and love
- ENH3130 Literature and Opposition, 1660-1800
- ENH3135 The Colonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1830-1950
- ENH3145 The Postcolonial Child: Australian Children's Books 1950-2000
- ENH3150 Australian Urban Fictions
- ENH3165 Feisty Damsels and Pale Riders: Reconfiguring romance in Australian fiction and film
- ENH3175 Reading otherwise: Literature, gender, psychoanalysis
- ENH3180 The pleasures of the text: research in english
- ENH3185 Advanced Professional Writing
- ENH3190 Romance and ribaldry: an introduction to Middle English
- ENH3195 The poetics of memory
- ENH3225 Heroes' Twilight: Representations of War and Conflict
- ENH3230 Shakespeare: Interpretations and Transmutations
- ENH3315 Romantic Literature I
- ENH3330 Victorian Literature
- ENH3360 Fairy Tale Traditions
- ENH3404 Popular writing and criticism
- ENH3405 Contemporary fiction
- ENH3407 Authorship and writing
- ENH3410 Puritans and sinners: Interrogating the American tradition
- ENH3470 Modern English literature: Modernism and postmodernism
- ENH3530 Contemporary English literature
- ENH3570 Writing women
- ENH3585 Writing gender and sexuality in English literature
- ENH3620 Grammar and expression
- ENH3650 Poetry: Text and performance
- ENH3660 Here and there: The Literature of travel
- ENH3680 Introduction to poetry writing
- ENH3681 Advanced poetry writing
- ENH3690 Gender and authority in Australian literature
- ENH3710 Orientations: Reading Asia
- ENH3750 Contemporary women's fiction and theory
- ENH3770 Short fiction classic and contemporary
- ENH3780 Writing as social practice 1
- ENH3800 In other worlds: Postcolonial literature
- ENH3810 Novel into film
- ENH3980 Introduction to fiction writing
- ENH3981 Advanced fiction writing
- ENH3991 Children's literature: A comparative study
- ENH4195 Legal fictions: Bodies, image, discourse
- ENH4210 Writing the child
- ENH4250 Gothic revivals
- ENH4265 Writers and the creative process
- ENH4270 Feminist poetics
- ENH4280 The fiction industry
- ENH4340 Australian Autobiography
- ENH4370 Contemporary Australian poetry and fiction
- ENH4500 Supervised reading subject
- ENH4580 Ireland, Swift, England: Special author course
- ENH4600 Minor Thesis
- ENH4600(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- ENH4600(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- ENH4620 Literary theory
- ENH4700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENH4750 Exotic erotic other: World writing in English
- ENH4760 Visions and revisions: Reworkings
- ENM4120 Dissertation
- ENM4210 Writing the child
- ENM4250 Gothic revivals
- ENM4260 Writers and the creative process
- ENM4270 Feminist Poetics
- ENM4370 Contemporary Australian poetry and fiction
- ENM4580 Ireland, Swift, England: Special author subject
- ENM4620 Literary theory
- ENM4700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENM4750 Exotic erotic other: World writing in English
- ENM4760 Visions and revisions: Reworkings
- ENM5210 Writing the child
- ENM5250 Gothic revivals
- ENM5260 Writers and the creative process
- ENM5270 Feminist Poetics
- ENM5370 Contemporary Australian poetry and fiction
- ENM5580 Ireland, Swift, England: Special author subject
- ENM5620 Literary theory
- ENM5640 The Life of the text: Genesis, production, reception
- ENM5700 Drama of the age of Shakespeare
- ENM5750 Exotic erotic other: World writing in English
- ENM5760 Visions and revisions: Reworkings
- ENV4020 Perspectives on environment and sustainability
- ENV4030 Environmental analysis
- ENV4040 Frontiers in sustainability and environment
- ENV4050 Environmental governance and citizenship
- ENV405C(A) Research project part 1
- ENV405C(B) Research project part 2
- ENV414F Ecological systems and management
- ENV415F Law and the environment
- ENV416F Introduction to economics
- ENV423E The conserver society
- ENV4260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- ENV431E Environmental psychology
- ENV432E Environment and health
- ENV435E Human evolution and environment
- ENV4371 Stakeholder engagement & corporate environmental sustainability
- ENV4372 Strategic management for corporate environmental sustainability
- ENV437E Corporate sustainability management
- ENV441E Sustainability measurement
- ENV444E Directed project - corporate environmental management
- ENV445E Energy, environment infrastructure
- ENV5020 Perspectives on environment and sustainability
- ENV5030 Environmental analysis
- ENV5040 Frontiers in sustainability and environment
- ENV5050 Environmental governance and citizenship
- ENV514F Ecological systems and management
- ENV515F Law and the environment
- ENV516F Introduction to economics
- ENV520E Environmental economics and policy
- ENV521E Coastal environments
- ENV523E The conserver society
- ENV531E Environmental psychology
- ENV532E Environment and health
- ENV533E Environmental internship
- ENV537E Corporate sustainability management
- ENV541E Sustainability measurement
- ENV545E Energy, environment infrastructure
- EUM4010 European Union: History, debates, politics
- EUM4020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European integration
- EUM4130 Comparative regionalism
- EUM4140 Business, civil society and lobbying in the European Union
- EUM4160 The European Union and the world
- EUM4230 Research paper in European and international studies
- EUM4940 European Union study in region part A
- EUM4950 European Union study in region part B
- EUM4960 Intensive European Union study in Italy
- EUM4970 European Union internship in Brussels
- EUM5010 European Union: History, debates, politics
- EUM5020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European integration
- EUM5130 Comparative regionalism
- EUM5140 Business, civil society and lobbying in the European Union
- EUM5160 The European Union and the world
- EUM5200 Research in European and international studies
- EUM5200A Research in European and international studies A
- EUM5200B Research in European and international studies B
- EUM5230 Research paper in European and international studies
- EUM5940 European Union study in region part A
- EUM5950 European Union study in region part B
- EUM5960 Intensive European Union study in Italy
- EUM5970 European Union internship in Brussels
- EUR1100 Foundations of contemporary Europe: modernity and enlightenment
- EUR1200 Foundations of contemporary Europe: liberalism, socialism, romanticism
- EUR2080 The identity of Europe today
- EUR2090 Culture and conflict: Europe in the 20th century
- EUR2110 The European Union: Institutions, policy-making and evolution
- EUR2140 Modern Eastern and Central Europe: Culture and society
- EUR2620 The idea of Europe: recent debates among intellectuals and policy-makers
- EUR2910 European studies in Europe - Part A
- EUR2920 European studies in Europe - Part B
- EUR3080 The Identity of Europe today
- EUR3090 Culture and conflict: Europe in the 20th century
- EUR3110 The European Union: Institutions, policy-making and evolution
- EUR3140 Modern Eastern and Central Europe: Culture and society
- EUR3620 The idea of Europe: recent debates among intellectuals and policy-makers
- EUR3910 European studies in Europe - Part A
- EUR3920 European studies in Europe - Part B
- EUR4000 Research project
- EUR4000(A) Research project part 1
- EUR4000(B) Research project part 2
- EUR4020 Religion and secularism in the quest for European Integration
- EUR4530 Special reading course
- EUR4620 The idea of Europe: recent debates among intellectuals and policy-makers
- EUR4910 Advanced European studies in Europe part A
- EUR4920 Advanced European studies in Europe Part B
- FNM4920 Directed reading in French studies 1
- FNM4930 Directed reading in French studies 2
- FNM5920 Directed reading in French studies 1
- FNM5930 Directed reading in French studies 2
- FRN1010 French studies 1
- FRN1020 French studies 2
- FRN1030 French studies 3
- FRN1040 French studies 4
- FRN1050 French studies 5
- FRN1060 French studies 6
- FRN1070 French studies 7
- FRN1080 French studies 8
- FRN2010 French studies 1
- FRN2020 French studies 2
- FRN2030 French studies 3
- FRN2040 French studies 4
- FRN2050 French studies 5
- FRN2060 French studies 6
- FRN2070 French studies 7
- FRN2080 French studies 8
- FRN2090 French studies 9
- FRN2100 French studies 10
- FRN2290 France on film
- FRN2603 The Media in France
- FRN2701 Business French
- FRN2702 French Noir: Dark visions of self and society in post-war France
- FRN2705 Rebelling against conventionality: expressions of French individualism
- FRN2706 Representing Paris: Literature and Visual Culture
- FRN2707 Contemporary French fiction: Rewriting identity
- FRN2708 Realism and representation: Literature and visual culture
- FRN2710 Individual Option
- FRN2801 French studies abroad 2/1
- FRN2802 French studies abroad 2/2
- FRN2803 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 1
- FRN2807 French studies abroad 2
- FRN3050 French studies 5
- FRN3060 French studies 6
- FRN3070 French studies 7
- FRN3080 French studies 8
- FRN3090 French studies 9
- FRN3100 French studies 10
- FRN3290 France on film
- FRN3603 The Media in France
- FRN3701 Business French
- FRN3702 French Noir: Dark visions of self and society in post-war France
- FRN3705 Rebelling against conventionality: expressions of French individualism
- FRN3706 Representing Paris: Literature and visual culture
- FRN3707 Contemporary French fiction: Rewriting identity
- FRN3708 Realism and representation: Literature and visual culture
- FRN3804 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 1
- FRN3805 Translation: Theory and practice
- FRN3806 Twentieth-Century French poetry
- FRN3807 French studies abroad (Summer Semester) 2
- FRN3812 Individual option
- FRN3901 French studies abroad 3/1
- FRN3902 French studies abroad 3/2
- FRN3903 French studies abroad 3/3
- FRN3904 New Caledonia study abroad program
- FRN4090 French studies 9
- FRN4100 French studies 10
- FRN4600 Academic discourse in French
- FRN4801 The Female body
- FRN4805 Translation: Theory and practice
- FRN4806 Twentieth-Century French poetry
- FRN4902 Honours dissertation
- FRN4902(A) Honours dissertation Part 1
- FRN4902(B) Honours dissertation Part 2
- FRN4912 Special reading course
- FRN4913 French studies abroad 4/1
- FRN4914 French studies abroad 4/2
- FTM4042 Historical film theory and criticism
- FTM4052 Contemporary film theory and criticism
- FTM4110 New research methods in film and television studies
- FTM4120 Research essay in film and television studies
- FTM4220 Experimental screen culture
- FTM4230 Critical studies in television
- FTM5042 Historical film theory and criticism
- FTM5052 Contemporary film theory and criticism
- FTM5100 Research project in film And television studies
- FTM5110 New research methods in film and television studies
- FTM5120 Research essay in film And television studies
- FTM5220 Experimental screen culture
- FTM5230 Critical studies in television
- FTM5310 Australian film theory and criticism
- FTM5320 Reframing authors and genres
- FTM5330 Film festivals and internship
- FTV1010 Contemporary television studies
- FTV1050 Contemporary film studies
- FTV2010 Television genres
- FTV2040 Australian film studies
- FTV2050 Film genres
- FTV2070 Women in contemporary cinema: Culture and difference
- FTV2080 Teen film and television
- FTV2110 Independent cinema in southeast Asia
- FTV2120 Malaysian cinema
- FTV2190 Forms of narrative cinema
- FTV2220 Alternative film and video
- FTV2230 Australian television culture
- FTV2240 Cinema institutions: The new hollywood
- FTV2670 Asian cinema
- FTV2710 Documentary film: An Australian focus
- FTV3010 Television genres
- FTV3020 From film theory to video practice
- FTV3030 Film and television research methodologies
- FTV3040 Australian film studies
- FTV3050 Film genres
- FTV3070 Women in contemporary Cinema: Culture and difference
- FTV3080 Teen film and television
- FTV3110 Independent cinema in southeast Asia
- FTV3120 Malaysian cinema
- FTV3190 Forms of narrative cinema
- FTV3220 Alternative film and video
- FTV3230 Australian television culture
- FTV3240 Cinema institutions: The new Hollywood
- FTV3670 Asian cinema
- FTV3710 Documentary film: An Australian focus
- FTV4002(A) Minor Thesis Part 1
- FTV4002(B) Minor Thesis Part 2
- FTV4042 Historical film theory and criticism
- FTV4052 Contemporary film theory and criticism
- FTV4500 Special reading course
- GES1003 Introduction to human Geography
- GES1004 Techniques in Geography and Environmental Science
- GES1020 Australian physical environments: Evolution, status and management
- GES1030 Introduction to Physical Geography
- GES1050 The Global challenge
- GES1070 Natural hazards and Human vulnerability
- GES2000 Research methods in Geography and Environmental Science
- GES2010 Global environmental management
- GES2080 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- GES2130 Soils, land use and the environment
- GES2160 Coastal Geomorphology and Management
- GES2170 Biogeography - the status of Australian Biota
- GES2190 Climatology: Surface-atmosphere processes and Interactions
- GES2210 Environmental hydrology
- GES2230 Climatology
- GES2240 Geomorphology and soils
- GES2250 Environmental assessment and decision making
- GES2320 Tourism and the Environment
- GES2340 Cities and sustainability
- GES2460 Environmental policy and management
- GES2660 Power and poverty: Geographies of uneven Global development
- GES2760 Place and the politics of identity
- GES2810 Geographical information systems (GIS) for Environmental Management
- GES2860 Climate change and variability
- GES2900 The Southern African atmospheric environment: A synoptic approach
- GES2910 Fundamentals of geographical information science
- GES3000 Research methods in Geography and environmental science
- GES3010 Global environmental management
- GES3080 Archaeological field and laboratory methods
- GES3210 Environmental hydrology
- GES3220 Tourism and the environment
- GES3230 Climatology
- GES3240 Geomorphology and soils
- GES3250 Environmental assessment and decision making
- GES3260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- GES3270 Research project in geography and environmental science
- GES3330 Field studies in regional sustainability
- GES3340 Cities and sustainability
- GES3350 Resource evaluation and management
- GES3360 Soils, landscape and their management
- GES3370 Applied environmental climatology
- GES3420 Researching human environments
- GES3460 Environmental Policy and Management
- GES3470 Urbanisation and regional development in the Indo-Pacific rims
- GES3520 Social space: Urban justice
- GES3530 Landscape processes
- GES3555 Environmental change: past to future
- GES3570 Quaternary ecology and ecosystem Management
- GES3610 Geographical information systems for Business and social science applications
- GES3660 Power and poverty: Geographies of uneven global development
- GES3750 Sharing prosperity: Geographies of work, regional development and economy
- GES3810 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental management
- GES3820 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental management
- GES3890 Earth system interactions: From biogeochemical cycles to global change
- GES3900 The Southern African atmospheric environment: A synoptic approach
- GES4420 Researching human environments
- GES4520 Social space and urban justice
- GES4750 Sharing prosperity: Geographies of work, regional development and economy
- GES4820 Seminar in Geography
- GES4840 Directed studies in Geography
- GES4860(A) Honours thesis part 1
- GES4860(B) Honours thesis part 2
- GES4890 Earth system interactions: From biogeochemical cycles to global change
- GLM4000 Globalising research methods
- GLM5000 Global research project
- GLM5001 Global workplace project
- GLO2000 Global studies
- GLO3000 Global studies
- GLO3001 Global research
- GLO4000 Globalising research methods
- GLO4011 Dissertation part I (Global studies)
- GLO4012 Dissertation part II (Global studies)
- GND1010 Sex, gender, knowledge
- GND2010 Contemporary feminist theory
- GND2030 Gender, media and consumption
- GND2050 Sex, science and the body
- GND2070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
- GND2080 Feminism and popular culture: Love, sex and romance
- GND3010 Contemporary feminist theory
- GND3020 Feminist research
- GND3030 Gender, media and consumption
- GND3050 Sex, science and the body
- GND3070 Rethinking global culture: Sex, race, consumption
- GND3080 Feminism and popular culture: Love, sex and romance
- GND4000 Honours thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words)
- GND4001 Honours thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words) Part 1
- GND4002 Honours Thesis (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 Words) Part 2
- GND4010 Gender, sexuality, power
- GND4020 Feminist research (Honours)
- GND4030 Gender, globalisation and development: Research issues
- GNDPLT401 Combined Gender Studies and Politics Minor Thesis Part 1
- GNDPLT402 Combined Gender Studies and Politics Minor Thesis Part 2
- GNM4070 German studies 7
- GNM4080 German studies 8
- GNM4090 German studies 9
- GNM4100 German studies 10
- GNM4165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GNM4166 German language and society: Research project
- GNM4275 Critics of civilisation
- GNM4355 Research project in German studies
- GNM4365 Research project in German studies (2)
- GNM4365A Research project in German studies (2) - Part 1
- GNM4365B Research project in German studies (2) - Part 2
- GNM4375 Special reading course
- GNM4385 Age of Goethe
- GRN1010 German studies 1
- GRN1020 German studies 2
- GRN1030 German studies 3
- GRN1040 German studies 4
- GRN1050 German studies 5
- GRN1060 German studies 6
- GRN1070 German studies 7
- GRN1080 German studies 8
- GRN1090 German studies 9
- GRN1100 German Studies 10
- GRN2010 German studies 1
- GRN2020 German studies 2
- GRN2030 German studies 3
- GRN2040 German studies 4
- GRN2050 German studies 5
- GRN2060 German studies 6
- GRN2070 German studies 7
- GRN2080 German studies 8
- GRN2090 German studies 9
- GRN2100 German studies 10
- GRN2135 Second language acquisition and attrition
- GRN2215 German studies, intermediate, part 1
- GRN3050 German studies 5
- GRN3060 German studies 6
- GRN3070 German studies 7
- GRN3080 German studies 8
- GRN3090 German studies 9
- GRN3100 German studies 10
- GRN3125 German dialects and dialectology
- GRN3135 Second language acquisition and attrition
- GRN3165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GRN3235 The contemporary novel
- GRN3245 On the brink of modernity (1890-1920)
- GRN3250 German travel writing from the 18th to the 20th century
- GRN3260 German romanticism - Literature, aesthetics, philosophy
- GRN3295 Introduction to the study of media culture
- GRN3995 Language study abroad program
- GRN4070 German studies 7
- GRN4080 German studies 8
- GRN4090 German studies 9
- GRN4100 German studies 10
- GRN4165 Language and society: Sociolinguistics from a German language perspective
- GRN4275 Critics of civilisation
- GRN4355 Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (1)
- GRN4365 Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (2)
- GRN4365(A) Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (2) Part 1
- GRN4365(B) Honours dissertation in German literary studies and linguistics (2) Part 2
- GRN4375 Special reading course in German
- GRN4415 German Studies 7
- GRN4995 Language study abroad program
- GSC3000 Applied social research
- GSC3001 Cooperative placement
- GYM4260 Cultural landscape, environment and sustainability in Italy
- GYM4330 Field studies in regional sustainability
- GYM4350 Resource evaluation and management
- GYM4370 Applied environmental climatology
- GYM4420 Researching human environments
- GYM4520 Social space and urban justice
- GYM4600 Global positioning systems (GPS): Applications in GIS
- GYM4610 Geographical information systems (GIS) for social science applications
- GYM4620 Processing and deployment of image data in GIS
- GYM4650 GIS applications: Project formulation and database assembly
- GYM4750 Sharing prosperity: Geographies of work, regional development and economy
- GYM4900 Research paper in Geography and environmental science
- GYM4920 Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental science
- GYM5460 Minor internship project
- GYM5470 Major internship project
- GYM5480 Research project
- GYM5490 Major research project
- HON4441 Combined thesis part 1
- HON4442 Combined Thesis Part 2
- HPL1503 Global and regional studies I: Modern world events and issues
- HPL1504 Global and regional studies II
- HPL2501 Australian history
- HPL2502 United states politics: Media and power
- HPL2505 Courtesans, concubines and conquest
- HPL2506 Researching and writing community history
- HPL2507 Politics and society
- HPL2510 Governing Australia: Federal politics and policy
- HPL2511 Community studies
- HPL3502 United States politics: Media and power
- HPL3503 International relations
- HPL3504 Theories and Research in History and Politics
- HPL3505 Courtesans, concubines and conquest
- HPL3506 Researching and writing community history
- HPL3507 Politics and society
- HPL3510 Governing Australia: Federal politics and policy
- HPL4000(A) Dissertation (History) Part 1
- HPL4000(B) Dissertation (History) Part 2
- HPL4001(A) Dissertation (Politics) Part 1
- HPL4001(B) Dissertation (Politics) Part 2
- HPL4503 International relations
- HPL4510 Research writing in history and politics
- HPL5503 International relations
- HSM4301 Program planning and evaluation in the human services
- HSM4302 Management and leadership in the human services
- HSM4303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSM4304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM4305 Research methods
- HSM4306 Research practicum
- HSM4309 Rethinking received ideas in social welfare
- HSM4310 Building Practice Wisdom in Social Welfare
- HSM4503 International relations
- HSM4521 Mechanisms for international governance
- HSM4801 Theory and practice in sociology
- HSM4802 Contemporary sociological issues
- HSM5301 Research Practicum
- HSM5302 Research Practicum
- HSM5303 Human services management: Structure and context
- HSM5304 Human services management: Principles and process
- HSM5305 Research methods
- HSY1010 Medieval Europe
- HSY1020 Renaissance Europe
- HSY1050 Asian civilisations: The cycle of empires
- HSY1060 Asian civilisations: Crisis and transformation
- HSY1111 Nations at War I: From Napoleon to Gallipoli
- HSY1112 Nations at war 2: genocide and total war
- HSY1120 Conflict and coexistence: jews, christians, muslims
- HSY1190 The bible as history
- HSY1200 Histories of God
- HSY2015 History, film and TV in 20th century Australia
- HSY2025 Beyond Machiavelli: Crisis and renewal in early modern Italy
- HSY2045 Decoding 'The Da Vinci Code': histories behind the story
- HSY2050 Fears and fantasies: deviance and criminality in the modern world
- HSY2055 Murderous cities: Killers, slums and social reform
- HSY2060 History wars: the uses of the past
- HSY2065 Suspicious minds: A history of distrust
- HSY2075 Soldiers of fortune: mercenaries, states and violence
- HSY2085 Witches and depravity in the medieval and early modern world
- HSY2095 The modern middle east
- HSY2105 Religion and Genocide in 20th Century India
- HSY2130 The Ottoman Empire: From Gazi to Gallipoli
- HSY2140 Faith and power: Islam in history and society
- HSY2145 The history of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY2190 Modern Indonesia: Nation and State
- HSY2225 History and film: Nazi Germany and the Jewish holocaust
- HSY2260 Australian Aboriginal history
- HSY2265 The world of the bible: text and context
- HSY2275 Islam: Principles, civilisations, influences
- HSY2300 Twentieth century Australia
- HSY2325 From convict colony to white Australia
- HSY2400 Sexuality, decadence and modernity in Europe c1880-1918
- HSY2410 History of sexuality 1800 - to the Present
- HSY2415 Twentieth century news media: The prerogative of the harlot.
- HSY2440 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- HSY2460 The Vietnam War
- HSY2555 Australian jewry: History and society
- HSY2560 Jews in the modern world
- HSY2570 Modern Israel: History, politics and society
- HSY2580 The holocaust in an age of genocide
- HSY2600 Cults and the end of time: A history of millenarian discourse
- HSY2630 Renaissance Florence
- HSY2640 The age of crusades: Cultures and societies
- HSY2645 Arthur: History and myth
- HSY2655 Troubadours and street singers: Music and popular culture 1100-1600
- HSY2710 The island world of Southeast Asia
- HSY2725 Nationalism and revolution in Southeast Asia
- HSY2735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- HSY2850 The Australian city: Contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HSY2860 The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY2920 Death and disease: Healers and quacks in history
- HSY2950 Slavery, freedom and revolution: The enlightenment and the French revolution
- HSY2955 Searching for the American dream
- HSY2985 Twentieth-century America: Race, rights and power
- HSY2990 The American civil war
- HSY2995 Dissent, revolution and freedom: Inventing the United States to 1850
- HSY3005 Special reading unit
- HSY3015 History, film and TV in 20th century Australia
- HSY3025 Beyond Machiavelli: Crisis and renewal in Early Modern Italy
- HSY3045 Decoding 'The Da Vinci Code': Histories behind the story
- HSY3050 Fears and fantasies: Deviance and criminality in the modern world
- HSY3055 Murderous cities: Killers, slums and social reform
- HSY3060 History wars: The uses of the past
- HSY3065 Suspicious minds: A history of distrust
- HSY3075 Soldiers of fortune: mercenaries, states and violence
- HSY3080 Reading history
- HSY3085 Witches and depravity in the medieval and early modern world
- HSY3095 The modern Middle East
- HSY3105 Religion and genocide in 20th century India
- HSY3125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HSY3130 The Ottoman empire: From Gazi to Gallipoli
- HSY3135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY3140 Faith and power: Islam in history and society
- HSY3145 The history of the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY3165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HSY3190 Modern Indonesia: Nation and State
- HSY3195 Israelis and Palestinians between war and peace
- HSY3200 Advanced history workshop
- HSY3225 History and film: Nazi Germany and the Jewish holocaust
- HSY3260 Australian Aboriginal history
- HSY3265 The world of the bible: text and context
- HSY3275 Islam: Principles, civilisations, influences
- HSY3300 Twentieth century Australia
- HSY3325 From convict colony to white Australia
- HSY3400 Sexuality, decadence and modernity in Europe c1880-1918
- HSY3410 History of sexuality 1800 - to the present
- HSY3415 Twentieth century news media: The prerogative of the harlot.
- HSY3440 The rise and fall of Nazi Germany
- HSY3460 The Vietnam war
- HSY3555 Australian Jewry: History and society
- HSY3560 Jews in the modern world
- HSY3570 Modern Israel: History, politics and society
- HSY3580 The holocaust in an age of genocide
- HSY3600 Cults and the end of time: A history of millenarian discourse
- HSY3630 Renaissance Florence
- HSY3640 The age of crusades: Cultures and societies
- HSY3645 Arthur: History and myth
- HSY3655 Troubadours and street singers: Music and popular culture 1100-1600
- HSY3690 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- HSY3710 The island world of Southeast Asia
- HSY3725 Nationalism and revolution in Southeast Asia
- HSY3735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- HSY3805 Teaching history
- HSY3850 The Australian city: Contemporary problems in historical perspective
- HSY3860 The Renaissance in Florence
- HSY3920 Death and disease: Healers and quacks in history
- HSY3950 Slavery, freedom and revolution: The enlightenment and the French revolution
- HSY3955 Searching for the American dream
- HSY3985 Twentieth-Century America: Race, rights and power
- HSY3990 The American civil war
- HSY3995 Dissent, revolution and freedom: Inventing the United States to 1850
- HSY4030 Special subject 1: First semester
- HSY4040 Special subject 1: Second semester
- HSY4095 History and heritage
- HSY4115 Private and public voices in renaissance correspondence
- HSY4125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HSY4135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HSY4140 The Raj imagined: Stories and films of British India in their historical context
- HSY4165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HSY4175 Interpreting the Bible: Jewish and Christian perspectives
- HSY4180 Images of the Natural World: Issues in Environmental History
- HSY4185 Colonial encounters: Ideas of race and 'otherness'
- HSY4195 Israelis and Palestinians between war and peace
- HSY4210 History and memory: Oral history, life stories and commemoration
- HSY4260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HSY4270 Research methods in biography and life writing
- HSY4280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
- HSY4290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
- HSY4320 Citizens: Histories of Australian citizenship
- HSY4330 Cultures of devotion in Renaissance Italy
- HSY4340 The Highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- HSY4370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HSY4430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HSY4440 Genocidal thought
- HSY4470 Genocide and colonialism
- HSY4490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HSY4510 History and the museum
- HSY4590 Imagining Europe: Representations and images of a continent
- HSY4620 Family history and genealogy
- HSY4660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
- HSY4690 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- HSY4730 Reading and writing Australian history
- HSY4740 The French revolution: Issues and debates
- HSY4760 The body, gender and history
- HSY4805 Teaching history
- HSY4810 History, biography and autobiography
- HSY4820 Local and community history
- HSY4840 Text and community in renaissance Italy
- HSY4950 Hidden transcripts: Cultural approaches to the past
- HSY4970(A) General seminar part 1
- HSY4970(B) General seminar part 2
- HSY4990 Dissertation
- HSY4990(A) Dissertation part 1
- HSY4990(B) Dissertation part 2
- HSYPLT401 Combined History and Politics Minor Thesis Part 1
- HSYPLT402 Combined History and Politics Minor Thesis Part 2
- HUM4000(A) Honours dissertation (A)
- HUM4000(B) Honours Dissertation (B)
- HUM4002 Selected topics in theory and practice
- HYM4001 Research project in history
- HYM4002 Researching the past: Historical sources, method and interpretation
- HYM4050 Special subject in history (Semester 1)
- HYM4070 Special subject in history (1st Semester)
- HYM4075 Studying the renaissance
- HYM4080 Special subject in history (2nd Semester)
- HYM4085 Reading history
- HYM4095 History and heritage
- HYM4100A Research project in history Part 1
- HYM4100B Research project in history part 2
- HYM4115 Private and public voices in renaissance correspondence
- HYM4120 Reading and writing Australian history
- HYM4125 Dante's medieval world: politics, religion and the city
- HYM4135 Facing history: representing the Arab-Israeli conflict
- HYM4165 Final journey: the life and death of European Jews, 1900-1945
- HYM4175 Interpreting the Bible: Jewish and Christian perspectives
- HYM4180 Images of the natural world: Issues in Environmental history
- HYM4185 Colonial encounters: Ideas of race and 'otherness'
- HYM4195 Israelis and Palestinians between war and peace
- HYM4200 History and memory: Oral history, life stories and commemoration
- HYM4260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HYM4270 Research methods in biography and life writing
- HYM4280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
- HYM4290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
- HYM4320 Citizens: Histories of Australian citizenship
- HYM4330 Cultures of devotion in Renaissance Italy
- HYM4340 The highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- HYM4370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HYM4430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HYM4440 Genocidal thought
- HYM4470 Genocide and colonialism
- HYM4490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HYM4510 History and the museum
- HYM4560 The past around Us
- HYM4590 Imagining Europe: Representations and images of a continent
- HYM4620 Family history and Genealogy
- HYM4640 The World Since 1900
- HYM4660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
- HYM4690 Angels and demons: Rome, the papacy and the world
- HYM4820 Local and community history
- HYM4840 Text and community in Renaissance Italy
- HYM4900 History, biography and autobiography
- HYM4950 Hidden transcripts: Cultural approaches to the past
- HYM4960 The body, gender and history
- HYM5035 Renaissance research project
- HYM5045A Renaissance research project Part 1
- HYM5045B Renaissance research project Part 2
- HYM5050 Special subject in history (Semester 1)
- HYM5060 Special subject in history (Semester II)
- HYM5070 Research project in history
- HYM5095 History and heritage
- HYM5100 Public history research project
- HYM5100A Research project in history Part 1
- HYM5105B Research project in history Part 2
- HYM5115 Private and public voices in Renaissance correspondence
- HYM5120 Reading and writing Australian history
- HYM5170 Public history placement
- HYM5175 Interpreting the Bible: Jewish and Christian perspectives
- HYM5180 Images of the natural world: Issues in environmental history
- HYM5185 Colonial encounters: Ideas of race and 'otherness'
- HYM5200 History and memory: Oral history, life stories and commemoration
- HYM5260 Medieval dialogues: Reason, mysticism and society
- HYM5270 Research methods in biography and life writing
- HYM5280 Reading and writing biography and life stories
- HYM5290 Holocaust memories: Landscape, mourning, identity
- HYM5320 Citizens: Histories of Australian citizenship
- HYM5330 Cultures of devotion in renaissance Italy
- HYM5340 The highland clearances: Displacement, migration and memory in Scotland
- HYM5370 Fantasies of the flesh: The body in history
- HYM5410A Research project in holocaust and genocide studies - Part 1
- HYM5410B Research project in holocaust and genocide studies - Part 2
- HYM5420 Placement for holocaust and genocide studies
- HYM5430 Perfecting America: Rhetoric, reform and reaction
- HYM5440 Genocidal thought
- HYM5470 Genocide and colonialism
- HYM5480A Research project in biography and life writing - Part 1
- HYM5480B Research project in biography and life writing - Part 2
- HYM5490 Fascism, Nazism, and racial and social utopias
- HYM5510 History and the museum
- HYM5590 Imagining Europe: Representations and images of a continent
- HYM5620 Family history and genealogy
- HYM5640 The World since 1900
- HYM5660 Recording oral history: Theory and practice
- HYM5740 The French revolution: Issues and debates
- HYM5820 Local and community history
- HYM5840 Text and community in renaissance Italy
- HYM5900 History, biography and autobiography
- HYM5950 Hidden transcripts: Cultural approaches to the past
- HYM5960 The body, gender and history
- IDA4120 Community development in a globalising World
- IDA4140 Urbanisation and regional development in the Indo-Pacific rims
- IDA4230 Research in political ecology
- IDA4320 Doctrines of development
- IDA5040 Special topics in international development
- IDA5130 Environmental revolutions
- IDA5220 The Art and Business of international development
- IDA5310 Final project in M. Idea
- INM1010 Indonesian 1
- INM1020 Indonesian 2
- INM1030 Indonesian 3
- INM1040 Indonesian 4
- INM1050 Indonesian 5
- INM1060 Indonesian 6
- INM1070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM1080 Indonesian for special purposes: Seni drama
- INM2010 Indonesian 1
- INM2020 Indonesian 2
- INM2030 Indonesian 3
- INM2040 Indonesian 4
- INM2050 Indonesian 5
- INM2060 Indonesian 6
- INM2070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM2080 Indonesian for special purposes: Seni drama
- INM2430 Beginning Javanese, Part 1
- INM2440 Beginning Javanese, Part 2
- INM2990 Language study abroad program
- INM2991 Language study abroad program
- INM2992 Language study abroad program
- INM3050 Indonesian 5
- INM3060 Indonesian 6
- INM3070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM3080 Indonesian for special purposes: Seni drama
- INM3090 Special project in Indonesian I
- INM3100 Special project in Indonesian II
- INM3430 Beginning Javanese, Part 1
- INM3440 Beginning Javanese, Part 2
- INM3990 Language study abroad program
- INM3991 Language study abroad program
- INM3992 Language study abroad program
- INM4010 Indonesian 1
- INM4020 Indonesian 2
- INM4030 Indonesian 3
- INM4040 Indonesian 4
- INM4050 Indonesian 5
- INM4060 Indonesian 6
- INM4070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM4080 Indonesian for special purposes: Seni drama
- INM4090 Special project in Indonesian I
- INM4100 Special project in Indonesian II
- INM4439 Beginning Javanese, Part 1
- INM4449 Beginning Javanese, Part 2
- INM4499 Special reading course in Indonesian studies
- INM4579 Special project in Indonesian
- INM4929 Honours thesis - Indonesian
- INM4929(A) Honours Thesis - Indonesian Part 1
- INM4929(B) Honours Thesis - Indonesian Part 2
- INM4990 Language study abroad program
- INM4991 Language study abroad program
- INM4992 Language study abroad program
- INM4993 Language study abroad program
- INM5010 Indonesian 1
- INM5020 Indonesian 2
- INM5030 Indonesian 3
- INM5040 Indonesian 4
- INM5050 Indonesian 5
- INM5060 Indonesian 6
- INM5070 Indonesian for special purposes: Media masa
- INM5080 Indonesian for special purposes: Seni drama
- INM5090 Special project in Indonesian I
- INM5100 Special project in Indonesian II
- INM5920 Research project
- INS2020 Islam in the Malay world
- INS2990 Language study abroad program
- INS3020 Islam in the Malay world
- INS3110 Literary traditions of Indonesia
- INS3990 Language study abroad program
- INS4119 Literary traditions of Indonesia
- INS5110 Literary traditions of Indonesia
- INS5210 Modern Indonesian Literature - Defining National Identity
- INS5310 Theatre in Indonesia - Tradition, Innovation, Contestation
- INT1010 Contemporary worlds 1
- INT1020 Contemporary worlds 2
- INT2015 Production, consumerism and the environment in the contemporary world
- INT2030 Nationality, ethnicity and conflict
- INT2040 Globalization and its discontents
- INT2050 Mobile worlds: Migrants, refugees and the politics of belonging
- INT2055 Global disasters: impact, inquiry and change
- INT2060 Global cultures, local traditions: Creating and consuming (popular) culture
- INT2065 International development in a globalising world
- INT2075 Faith in the future: Religion and spirituality in a globalising world
- INT2085 Governing the global economy: Stability, efficiency, justice
- INT2095 Travel and global encounters
- INT2120 After war: justice, memory, reconciliation
- INT2130 Global cities: past, present future
- INT2150 Global indigeneity
- INT2160 Transnational culture in theatre, literature and film
- INT2910 Poverty, ecology, and international justice
- INT2920 The ethics of global conflict
- INT3015 Production, consumerism and the environment in the contemporary World
- INT3030 Nationality, ethnicity and conflict
- INT3040 Globalization and its discontents
- INT3050 Mobile worlds: Migrants, refugees and the politics of belonging
- INT3055 Global disasters: impact, inquiry and change
- INT3060 Global cultures, local traditions: Creating and consuming (popular) culture
- INT3065 International development in a globalising world
- INT3075 Faith in the future: Religion and spirituality in a globalising world
- INT3085 Governing the global economy: Stability, efficiency, justice
- INT3095 Travel and global encounters
- INT3120 After war: justice, memory, reconciliation
- INT3130 Global cities: past, present future
- INT3140 After atrocity: the holocaust, South Africa, Rwanda
- INT3150 Global indigeneity
- INT3160 Transnational culture in theatre, literature and film
- INT3910 Poverty, ecology, and international justice
- INT3920 The ethics of global conflict
- INT4000(A) Dissertation Part 1
- INT4000(B) Dissertation Part 2
- INT4010 Global justice: civil and human rights after 1945
- INT4020 Civilising global politics
- INT4140 After atrocity: the holocaust, South Africa, Rwanda
- ISA2035 Diplomacy in contemporary international relations
- ISA2045 Democratization and human rights in Africa
- ISA2070 Africa in the modern world
- ISA2110 South Africa: Democracy and development
- ISA3035 Diplomacy in contemporary international relations
- ISA3045 Democratization and human rights in Africa
- ISA3070 Africa in the modern world
- ISA3110 South Africa: Democracy and development
- ITA1010 Italian studies 1
- ITA1020 Italian studies 2
- ITA1030 Italian studies 3
- ITA1040 Italian studies 4
- ITA1050 Italian studies 5
- ITA1060 Italian studies 6
- ITA1070 Italian studies 7
- ITA1080 Italian studies 8
- ITA2010 Italian studies 1
- ITA2020 Italian studies 2
- ITA2030 Italian studies 3
- ITA2040 Italian studies 4
- ITA2050 Italian studies 5
- ITA2060 Italian studies 6
- ITA2070 Italian studies 7
- ITA2080 Italian studies 8
- ITA2090 Italian studies 9
- ITA2100 Italian studies 10
- ITA2190 Individual option
- ITA2230 Italian language and society
- ITA2240 Renaissance Italy
- ITA2260 Italy on film
- ITA2270 Modern Italian literature and society II
- ITA2990 Language study abroad program
- ITA3050 Italian studies 5
- ITA3060 Italian studies 6
- ITA3070 Italian studies 7
- ITA3080 Italian studies 8
- ITA3090 Italian studies 9
- ITA3100 Italian studies 10
- ITA3150 Individual option
- ITA3230 Italian language and society
- ITA3240 Renaissance Italy
- ITA3260 Italy on film
- ITA3330 Women in Italy: Representations and realities
- ITA3350 Modern Italian literature and society IV
- ITA3360 Italian Theatre from Goldoni to Fo
- ITA3370 Tradurre / tradire: Italian literary translation
- ITA3450 The Italian experience in Australia
- ITA3470 Dante
- ITA3990 Language study abroad program 3/1
- ITA3991 Language study abroad program 3/2
- ITA4000 Honours dissertation
- ITA4000(A) Honours dissertation Part 1
- ITA4000(B) Honours dissertation Part 2
- ITA4070 Italian studies 7
- ITA4080 Italian studies 8
- ITA4090 Italian studies 9
- ITA4100 Italian studies 10
- ITA4340 Women in Italy: Representations and realities
- ITA4360 Italian theatre from Goldoni to Fo
- ITA4370 Tradurre / Tradire: Italian Literary Translation
- ITA4380 Italian encounters: translation, literature and cultural identity
- ITA4380(H) Italian encounters: translation, literature and cultural identity
- ITA4440 Special reading course
- ITA4440(A) Special reading course Part 1
- ITA4440(B) Special reading course Part 2
- ITA4460 The Italian experience in Australia
- ITA4480 Dante
- ITA4490 Language study abroad program
- ITA4491 Language study abroad program 4/2
- ITA5380 Italian encounters: translation, literature and cultural identity
- ITM4010 Global justice: civil and human rights after 1945
- ITM4020 Civilising global politics
- ITM4140 After atrocity: the holocaust, South Africa, Rwanda
- ITM5010 Global justice: civil and human rights after 1945
- ITM5020 Civilising global politics
- JAL4130 Japanese sociolinguistics
- JAL4140 Asian languages in contact
- JAL4210 Issues in Japanese language education
- JAL4530 Teaching and learning Asian languages
- JAL4590 Japanese linguistics
- JAL4610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
- JAL4710 Acquisition of Japanese Language
- JAL4730 Japanese pedagogic grammar
- JAL5130 Japanese sociolinguistics
- JAL5140 Asian languages in contact
- JAL5210 Issues in Japanese language education
- JAL5530 Teaching and learning Asian languages
- JAL5590 Japanese linguistics
- JAL5610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
- JAL5710 Acquisition of Japanese Language
- JAL5730 Japanese pedagogic grammar
- JIT4100 Interpreting A
- JIT4200 Theory and practice of translation B
- JIT4611 Introduction to Japanese business communication
- JIT4621 Interpreting current events in Japanese and English B
- JIT4622 Interpreting B
- JIT4623 Japanese Companies Overseas
- JIT4731 Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting
- JIT4811 Theory and practice of translation A
- JIT4832 Translation of Japanese business documents
- JIT4843 Advanced theory and practice of translation
- JIT5100 Interpreting A
- JIT5200 Theory and practice of translation B
- JIT5611 Introduction to Japanese Business Communication
- JIT5622 Interpreting B
- JIT5623 Japanese Companies Overseas
- JIT5731 Theory and practice of Japanese interpreting
- JIT5811 Theory and practice of translation A
- JIT5832 Translation of Japanese business documents
- JIT5842 Advanced Japanese interpreting
- JIT5843 Advanced theory and practice of translation
- JIT5940 Projects in Japanese interpreting and translation
- JLG4000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JLG4010 Japanese 1
- JLG4020 Japanese 2
- JLG4030 Japanese 3
- JLG4040 Japanese 4
- JLG4050 Japanese 5
- JLG4059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4060 Japanese 6
- JLG4069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4070 Japanese 7
- JLG4079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4080 Japanese 8
- JLG4089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JLG4090 Japanese 9
- JLG4100 Japanese 10
- JLG4110 Japanese 11
- JLG4120 Japanese 12
- JLG4720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- JLG4852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JLG5000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JLG5010 Japanese 1
- JLG5020 Japanese 2
- JLG5030 Japanese 3
- JLG5040 Japanese 4
- JLG5050 Japanese 5
- JLG5059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5060 Japanese 6
- JLG5069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5070 Japanese 7
- JLG5079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5080 Japanese 8
- JLG5089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JLG5090 Japanese 9
- JLG5100 Japanese 10
- JLG5110 Japanese 11
- JLG5120 Japanese 12
- JLG5720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan
- JLG5852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JLG5862 Current Issues in Japanese media
- JPL1010 Japanese 1
- JPL1020 Japanese 2
- JPL1030 Japanese 3
- JPL1040 Japanese 4
- JPL1050 Japanese 5
- JPL1059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1060 Japanese 6
- JPL1069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1070 Japanese 7
- JPL1079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1080 Japanese 8
- JPL1089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL1090 Japanese 9
- JPL1100 Japanese 10
- JPL1110 Japanese 11
- JPL1120 Japanese 12
- JPL1550 Japanese for Background Speakers, Part 1
- JPL1560 Japanese Background Speakers, Part 2
- JPL2010 Japanese 1
- JPL2020 Japanese 2
- JPL2030 Japanese 3
- JPL2040 Japanese 4
- JPL2050 Japanese 5
- JPL2059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2060 Japanese 6
- JPL2069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2070 Japanese 7
- JPL2079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2080 Japanese 8
- JPL2089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL2090 Japanese 9
- JPL2100 Japanese 10
- JPL2110 Japanese 11
- JPL2120 Japanese 12
- JPL2652 Reading Japanese texts level B
- JPL2752 Intermediate Japanese reading skills
- JPL2852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JPL2990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- JPL2991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL2993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL3000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JPL3050 Japanese 5
- JPL3059 Japanese 5 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3060 Japanese 6
- JPL3069 Japanese 6 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3070 Japanese 7
- JPL3079 Japanese 7 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3080 Japanese 8
- JPL3089 Japanese 8 (Kanazawa)
- JPL3090 Japanese 9
- JPL3100 Japanese 10
- JPL3110 Japanese 11
- JPL3120 Japanese 12
- JPL3550 Advanced Japanese Language: Language and Communication System
- JPL3752 Intermediate Japanese reading skills
- JPL3852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JPL3990 Language study in Japan 6 points
- JPL3991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL3992 Language Study in Japan 24 Points
- JPL3993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPL4000 Adjunct unit in advanced Japanese
- JPL4070 Japanese 7
- JPL4080 Japanese 8
- JPL4090 Japanese 9
- JPL4100 Japanese 10
- JPL4110 Japanese 11
- JPL4120 Japanese 12
- JPL4200 Theory and practice of translation B
- JPL4481(A) Honours thesis in Japanese Part 1
- JPL4481(B) Honours thesis in Japanese Part 2
- JPL4482(A) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part A - Part 1
- JPL4482(B) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part A - Part 2
- JPL4483(A) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part B - Part 1
- JPL4483(B) Honours thesis in Japanese - Part B - Part 2
- JPL4610 Research methodology for applied linguistics
- JPL4621 Interpreting current events in Japanese and English B
- JPL4622 Interpreting B
- JPL4720 Advanced Japanese language in Japan 12 points
- JPL4832 Translation of Japanese business documents
- JPL4852 Advanced Japanese reading skills
- JPL4990 Language study in Japan 6 Points
- JPL4991 Language study in Japan 12 points
- JPL4992 Language study in Japan 24 points
- JPL4993 Language study in Japan 18 points
- JPS1090 Understanding Contemporary Japan
- JPS2110 Japanese society and the new millennium
- JPS2130 Introduction to Japanese sociolinguistics
- JPS2140 Touring Japanese Culture
- JPS2150 Japanese culture: Identity and tradition
- JPS2190 Japanese management and the economy
- JPS2530 Japanese language acquisition and use
- JPS2590 Introduction to Japanese linguistics
- JPS2710 Australia-Japan relations
- JPS2990 Japanese studies in Japan 6 points
- JPS2991 Japanese studies in Japan (12 Points)
- JPS3110 Japanese society and the new millennium
- JPS3130 Introduction to Japanese sociolinguistics
- JPS3140 Touring Japanese culture
- JPS3150 Japanese culture: Identity and tradition
- JPS3190 Japanese management and the economy
- JPS3530 Japanese language acquisition and use
- JPS3590 Introduction to Japanese linguistics
- JPS3710 Australia-Japan relations
- JPS3990 Japanese studies in Japan (6 Points)
- JPS3991 Japanese studies in Japan (12 Points)
- JPS3992 Japanese studies in Japan (24 Points)
- JRM4901 Research and Reporting
- JRM4902 Reporting with Sound and Image
- JRM4903 Journalism and the Law
- JRM4904 Journalism Studies
- JRM4907 Journalism and Society
- JRM4908 Print Features
- JRM4910 Editing and publishing
- JRM4911 Online Journalism
- JRM4912 Radio Journalism
- JRM4913 Video Journalism
- JRM4914 Reporting the Environment
- JRM4915 Investigative Reporting
- JRM4916 Specialist Reporting
- JRM5907 Journalism and Society
- JRM5914 Reporting the Environment
- JRM5915 Investigative Reporting
- JRM5916 Specialist Reporting
- JRM5920 Journalism Research Project
- JRM5930 Journalism Studies Project
- JRM5940 Journalism Professional Project
- JRM5950 Journalism and Australian Studies Research Project
- JRN1902 Newsroom practice and theory
- JRN1903 Feature writing
- JRN2901 International journalism
- JRN2903 Online journalism
- JRN2904 Editing for print media
- JRN2905 Radio journalism
- JRN2906 Television journalism
- JRN2907 Radio and television journalism
- JRN2909 Media law
- JRN2910 Journalism ethics
- JRN3901 International journalism
- JRN3902 Applied journalism research project
- JRN3903 Online journalism
- JRN3904 Editing for print media
- JRN3908 Environmental reporting
- JRN3909 Media law
- JRN3910 Journalism ethics
- JRN4901 Investigative journalism
- JRN4902 Practice and representation in journalism
- JST4050 Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST4060 Projects in Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST4100 Japanese In-country Study Tour
- JST4110 Advanced studies in Japanese society
- JST4120 Work and economic organisation in Japan
- JST4180 Advanced topics in Japanese culture
- JST4190 Advanced Studies in Japanese Economics
- JST5050 Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST5060 Projects in Australia-Japan cultural interaction
- JST5100 Japanese In-country Study Tour
- JST5110 Advanced studies in Japanese society
- JST5120 Work and economic organisation in Japan
- JST5180 Advanced topics in Japanese culture
- JWC1000 Introductory Hebrew, Part A
- JWC1005 Introductory Hebrew, Part B
- JWC1010 Modern Hebrew language and literature I, Part A
- JWC1020 Modern Hebrew language and literature I, Part B
- JWC1060 Yiddish language, culture and literature 1A
- JWC1070 Yiddish language, culture and literature 1B
- JWC2010 Modern Hebrew language and literature II, Part A
- JWC2020 Modern Hebrew language and literature II, Part B
- JWC2030 Jewish law: Ancient, medieval, modern
- JWC2040 Modern Jewish literature
- JWC2110 Yiddish language, culture and literature 2A
- JWC2120 Yiddish language, culture and literature 2B
- JWC2270 Reading gender in Judaism
- JWC2280 Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah
- JWC2425 On the Edge of Destruction: Polish Jewry Between the Two World Wars
- JWC2540 Israeli culture through cinema and literature
- JWC2610 Yiddish writers in translation
- JWC2620 God: From Sinai to Auschwitz
- JWC3010 Hebrew language and literature III, Part A
- JWC3020 Hebrew language and literature III, Part B
- JWC3030 Jewish law: Ancient, medieval, modern
- JWC3040 Modern Jewish literature
- JWC3050 Hebrew literature research project
- JWC3110 Yiddish Language, culture and literature 3A
- JWC3120 Yiddish Language, culture and literature 3B
- JWC3260 Jewish literature of destruction
- JWC3270 Reading gender in Judaism
- JWC3280 Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah
- JWC3425 On the Edge of Destruction: Polish Jewry Between the Two World Wars
- JWC3540 Israeli culture through cinema and literature
- JWC3610 Yiddish writers in ttranslation
- JWC3620 God: From Sinai to Auschwitz
- JWC4000(A) Dissertation (Jewish Civilisation) Part 1
- JWC4000(B) Dissertation (Jewish Civilisation) Part 2
- JWC4010 Reading Jewish texts: From antiquity to modernity
- JWC4020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWC4030 Jewish history, Jewish memory
- JWC4040 Jewish literature of subversion
- JWC4260 Jewish literature of destruction
- JWM4010 Reading Jewish texts: From antiquity to modernity
- JWM4020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWM4030 Jewish history, Jewish memory
- JWM4040 Jewish literature of subversion
- JWM4050 Rethinking jewish community in Australia: policy and praxis
- JWM4260 Jewish literature of destruction
- JWM5010 Reading Jewish texts: From antiquity to modernity
- JWM5020 Between homeland and holy land: Israel in Jewish thought
- JWM5030 Jewish history, Jewish memory
- JWM5040 Jewish literature of subversion
- JWM5050 Rethinking jewish community in Australia: policy and praxis
- KLG4010 Korean 1
- KLG4020 Korean 2
- KLG4030 Korean 3
- KLG4040 Korean 4
- KLG4050 Korean 5
- KLG4060 Korean 6
- KLG5010 Korean 1
- KLG5020 Korean 2
- KLG5030 Korean 3
- KLG5040 Korean 4
- KLG5050 Korean 5
- KLG5060 Korean 6
- KOR1010 Korean 1
- KOR1020 Korean 2
- KOR1030 Korean 3
- KOR1040 Korean 4
- KOR1050 Korean 5
- KOR1060 Korean 6
- KOR1450 English to Korean translation 1
- KOR1460 English to Korean Translation 2
- KOR1470 Korean to English translation 1
- KOR1480 Korean to English translation 2
- KOR2010 Korean 1
- KOR2020 Korean 2
- KOR2030 Korean 3
- KOR2040 Korean 4
- KOR2050 Korean 5
- KOR2060 Korean 6
- KOR2450 English to Korean translation 1
- KOR2460 English to Korean translation 2
- KOR2470 Korean to English translation 1
- KOR2480 Korean to English translation 2
- KOR2990 Language study in Korea 6 Points
- KOR2991 Language study in Korea 12 Points
- KOR2992 Language study in Korea 24 Points
- KOR3001 Project in Korean 1
- KOR3002 Project in Korean 2
- KOR3050 Korean 5
- KOR3060 Korean 6
- KOR3450 English to Korean translation 1
- KOR3460 English to Korean translation 2
- KOR3470 Korean to English translation 1
- KOR3480 Korean to English translation 2
- KOR3990 Language study in Korea 6 Points
- KOR3991 Language study in Korea 12 Points
- KOR3992 Language study in Korea 24 Points
- KOR4001 Project in Korean 1
- KOR4002 Project in Korean 2
- KOR4990 Language study abroad program
- KOS2010 Korean Politics and Economy
- KOS3020 Korean Society and Culture
- LIN1010 The Language game: Why do we talk the way we do?
- LIN1020 Describing and analysing language and communication
- LIN2070 Eastern Austronesian languages of Indonesia, East Timor and Oceania
- LIN2080 Language across time
- LIN2090 Syntax: Grammatical structure, typology and universals
- LIN2110 Phonetics and phonology
- LIN2150 Accents and varieties of English
- LIN2160 Managing intercultural communication
- LIN2190 History and sociolinguistics of English
- LIN2310 Semantics: the study of meaning in human languages
- LIN2330 Pragmatics: Strategies for communication
- LIN2350 Sociolinguistics
- LIN2370 Aboriginal languages of Australia
- LIN2390 Language and identity
- LIN2430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
- LIN2490 Literacies and communication: Education, media and cyberspace
- LIN2510 Structure of English
- LIN2550 Second language acquisition and attrition
- LIN2570 The analysis of discourse: Texts, narrative and society
- LIN2590 History and Philosophy of Linguistics
- LIN3030 Issues in language endangerment
- LIN3070 Eastern Austronesian languages of Indonesia, East Timor and Oceania
- LIN3080 Language across time
- LIN3090 Syntax: Grammatical structure, typology and universals
- LIN3110 Phonetics and phonology
- LIN3150 Accents and varieties of English
- LIN3160 Managing intercultural communication
- LIN3180 Data management for linguists
- LIN3190 History and sociolinguistics of English
- LIN3310 Semantics: the study of meaning in human languages
- LIN3330 Pragmatics: Strategies for communication
- LIN3350 Sociolinguistics
- LIN3370 Aboriginal languages of Australia
- LIN3390 Language and identity
- LIN3430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
- LIN3490 Literacies and communication: Education, media and cyberspace
- LIN3510 Structure of English
- LIN3550 Second language acquisition and attrition
- LIN3570 The analysis of discourse: Texts, narrative and society
- LIN4040 Researching and documenting languages
- LIN4050 Issues in Language endangerment and language maintenance
- LIN4060 Working with linguistic archival materials
- LIN4660 Minor thesis
- LIN4660(A) Minor thesis Part 1
- LIN4660(B) Minor thesis Part 2
- LIN4720 Special topics in linguistics
- LIN4740 Linguistic theory
- LIN4990 Linguistics study abroad program
- LLC3010 The social context of language learning
- LLC4000(H) Writing worlds: The novel from Cervantes to Calvino
- LLC4010 European language policy
- LLC4010(H) European language policy
- LLC4020 Global modernities: Experiences of modernity
- LLC4020(H) One World or many? Global experiences of modernity
- LLC4030(H) Introduction to translation studies
- LLC4040 Writing madness
- LLC4050 Freud's Vienna
- LLC4070 Managing intercultural communication
- LLC5010 European language policy
- LLC5020 Global Modernities: experiences of modernity
- LLC5040 Writing madness
- LLC5050 Freud's Vienna
- LLC5070 Managing intercultural communication
- MAH5000 Children and Society
- MAH5010 Children and the Legal Process
- MAI4000 Research project in Asian development and governance
- MAI4001 Research project: Asian development and governance II (Advanced)
- MAL1000 Malaysian studies
- MIN4000 Introduction to mind and society
- MIN5010 Contested terrain: Contemporary debates in social conflict, power and the study of the mind
- MIN5020 Research project in mind and society
- MIN5020(A) Research project in mind and society
- MIN5020(B) Research project in mind and society
- MIN5080 Race, self & social conflict
- MIN5090 Pathologies of the self
- MUM4080 Music during the age of enlightenment, 1750-1800
- MUM4090 Trios, quartets and quintets, 1835-1935
- MUM4120 20th and 21st century repertoire studies
- MUM4320 Conducting I
- MUM4330 Conducting II
- MUM4420 Research methods in music
- MUM4600 Special research project in music
- MUM4640 Fieldwork techniques and technology
- MUM4760A Special project: Composition and music technology - Part 1
- MUM4760B Special project: Composition and music technology - Part 2
- MUM4960 Chief practical study I
- MUM4980 Music pedagogy
- MUM5010 Topics in musicology
- MUM5020 Directed reading in music
- MUM5030 Australian music history
- MUM5040 Medieval and renaissance music
- MUM5050 Music scholarship
- MUM5060 Research project in musicology Or ethnomusicology
- MUM5061A Portfolio of compositions and critical commentary - Part 1
- MUM5061B Portfolio of compositions and critical commentary - Part 2
- MUM5650 Compositional thought: Writings by composers and sound artists
- MUM5990 Chief practical study II
- MUS1000 Music and popular culture: Asia
- MUS1030 Music and popular culture: Asia and Australia
- MUS1040 American music and popular culture
- MUS1060 Gamelan performing Arts
- MUS1100 Exploring music I
- MUS1110 Exploring Music II
- MUS1120 Ensemble studies I
- MUS1130 Ensemble studies II
- MUS1980 Chief practical study I
- MUS1990 Chief practical study II
- MUS2020 Professional practice 1
- MUS2030 Professional practice 2
- MUS2040 Audio culture: Developments in new music
- MUS2070 Ensemble studies III
- MUS2080 Ensemble studies IV
- MUS2110 Analytical and compositional techniques I
- MUS2120 Analytical and compositional techniques II
- MUS2140 From Schubert to Strauss: Music of the romantic ideal
- MUS2200 Neo-traditional musics of the world
- MUS2480 Performance studies: Indonesian Gamelan
- MUS2490 Indonesian Gamelan: Special studies
- MUS2660 Composition techniques: Structure, pitch and space
- MUS2980 Chief practical study III
- MUS2990 Chief practical study IV
- MUS3200 Neo-Traditional musics and their Socio-Cultural interpretation
- MUS3280 Applied music I
- MUS3290 Applied music II
- MUS3310 Composition techniques: Chance, sets and computers
- MUS3320 Jazz history: Readings in history, biography, improvisation and world music
- MUS3330 Music of North and South India
- MUS3390 Music aesthetics, criticism, sociology and psychology
- MUS3450 Asian performance studies
- MUS3490 Indonesian Gamelan: Special studies
- MUS3580 Contemporary music
- MUS3610 Professional practice 3
- MUS3620 Professional practice 4
- MUS3660 Composition techniques: Film and orchestration
- MUS3880 Music of China, Japan and Korea
- MUS3910 Music of Sub-Saharan Africa
- MUS3980 Chief practical study V
- MUS3990 Chief practical study VI
- MUS4030 Special project: Practical study
- MUS4030(A) Special project: Practical study part 1
- MUS4030(B) Special project: Practical study part 2
- MUS4420 Research methods
- MUS4600 Special research project in music
- MUS4640 Fieldwork techniques and technology
- MUS4720(A) Thesis part 1
- MUS4720(B) Thesis part 2
- MUS4760 Special project: Composition and music technology
- MUS4760(A) Special project: Composition and music technology part 1
- MUS4760(B) Special project: Composition and music technology part 2
- MUS4980 Music pedagogy
- PCE4000 Thesis
- PCE4010 Policing, protest and politics
- PCE4030 The politics of police accountability
- PCY3002 Policy internship
- PER1040 Interdisciplinary performance project
- PER1260 Production practice
- PER2000 The aesthetics of performance
- PER2040 Making performance: Theory and practice
- PER3000 Contemporary performance culture
- PER3040 Writing/Performance
- PER3050 Performance project
- PHL1010 Introduction to philosophy A
- PHL1020 Introduction to philosophy B
- PHL1030 Thinking: Analysing arguments
- PHL1070 Philosophy: Life, death and morality
- PHL1080 Philosophy: Time, self and freedom
- PHL1090 Philosophy of film
- PHL1130 Plato and platonism
- PHL1140 Introducing logic
- PHL1150 Ethics
- PHL1650 Philosophy of mind
- PHL2001 Ethics at work: Ethical issues in professional life
- PHL2030 Thinking: Analysing arguments
- PHL2040 Philosophical explorations of world religions
- PHL2110 Res Cogitans: Descartes on mind and knowledge
- PHL2115 Making knowledge: Modern scientific controversies
- PHL2120 Language, truth and power
- PHL2130 Plato and platonism
- PHL2140 Introducing logic
- PHL2150 Ethics
- PHL2170 Symbolic logic
- PHL2180 Morality, objectivity and agency: Issues in meta-ethics
- PHL2210 Thinking about science
- PHL2230 Feminist philosophers
- PHL2260 Philosophy of Art
- PHL2330 Issues in political theory
- PHL2510 Political philosophy
- PHL2650 Philosophy of mind
- PHL2670 Philosophy of religion
- PHL2810 Environmental ethics
- PHL2850 Topics in Indian Philosophy
- PHL3040 Philosophical explorations of world religions
- PHL3100 Philosophical issues in applied ethics
- PHL3115 Making knowledge: Modern scientific controversies
- PHL3240 Aristotle and Aristotelianism
- PHL3260 Philosophy of Art
- PHL3310 Recent philosophy
- PHL3330 Issues in political theory
- PHL3350 Moral psychology
- PHL3410 Theory of knowledge
- PHL3430 The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone De Beauvoir
- PHL3510 Political philosophy
- PHL3570 Recent logic
- PHL3590 Mind and meaning
- PHL3610 Philosophy of law
- PHL3650 Philosophy of mind
- PHL3690 Metaphysics
- PHL3790 Issues in logical theory
- PHL3810 Environmental ethics
- PHL3850 Topics in Indian Philosophy
- PHL3880 Space, time and deity: Themes from Leibniz and Hume
- PHL3890 Science, happiness and death in Stoic and Epicurean philosophy
- PHL4000 Honours research project
- PHL4000(A) Honours research project part 1
- PHL4000(B) Honours research project part 2
- PHL4010 Philosophy honours A
- PHL4020 Philosophy honours B
- PHM4000A Masters qualifying research project - part 1
- PHM4000B Masters qualifying research project - part 2
- PHM4010 Masters qualifying in philosophy A
- PHM4020 Philosophy masters qualifying B
- PHM5010 Philosophy masters A
- PHM5070 The Greeks and the good life
- PHM5110 Philosophy masters B
- PLB1005 Moral studies: Contemporary ethical issues
- PLM4030 Ethics in world politics
- PLM4060 Research project (Politics)
- PLM4065 Advanced seminar in International political economy
- PLM4075 Foreign aid and world development B
- PLM4080 Counter-terrorism policy, legislation, community engagement and support
- PLM4090 Interfaith relations in the 21st century
- PLM4100 Terrorism, counter-terrorism & intelligence
- PLM4145 Crises of reason: Psyche, society and morality
- PLM4210 Leaders, politics and publics
- PLM4290 China: The quest for modernisation
- PLM4310 Wars of recognition: Terrorism and political violence
- PLM4320 Republicanism and constitutionalism in Australia
- PLM4340 Fringe politics and extremist violence: An Introduction to terrorism
- PLM4390 Grand theories of politics
- PLM4420 Islam and modernity
- PLM4430 Political Islam
- PLM4440 Global soul: Consumers, citizens and rebels
- PLM4460 Conflict resolution and Islam in the Middle East
- PLM4480 Culture, norms and Ideas in international politics
- PLM4490 Islam in Turkey and Indonesia
- PLM4520 Perspectives on world politics
- PLM4600 Strategic studies
- PLM4700 Green Political Theory
- PLM4750 Special reading course
- PLM4800 Australian national government
- PLM4930 Southeast Asian politics
- PLM5000 Research dissertation
- PLM5000A Research dissertation - Part 1
- PLM5000B Research dissertation - Part 2
- PLM5010 Terrorism and security studies research project
- PLM5020 Terrorism and security studies research dissertation
- PLM5020A Terrorism and security studies research dissertation - Part 1
- PLM5020B Terrorism and security studies research dissertation - Part 2
- PLM5030 Ethics in world politics
- PLM5065 Advanced seminar in International political economy
- PLM5070 Foreign aid and world development B
- PLM5075 Foreign aid and world development B
- PLM5080 Counter-terrorism policy, legislation, community engagement and support
- PLM5090 Interfaith relations in the 21st century
- PLM5100 Terrorism, counter-terrorism & intelligence
- PLM5145 Crises of reason: Psyche, society and morality
- PLM5210 Leaders, politics and publics
- PLM5290 China: the quest for modernisation
- PLM5310 Wars of recognition: Terrorism and political violence
- PLM5320 Republicanism and constitutionalism in Australia
- PLM5340 Fringe politics and extremist violence: An introduction to terrorism
- PLM5390 Grand theories of politics
- PLM5420 Islam and modernity
- PLM5430 Political Islam
- PLM5440 Global Soul: Consumers, citizens and rebels
- PLM5460 Conflict resolution and Islam in the Middle East
- PLM5480 Culture, norms and ideas in International politics
- PLM5490 Islam in Turkey and Indonesia
- PLM5520 Perspectives on world politics
- PLM5600 Strategic studies
- PLM5620 Research project (Politics)
- PLM5700 Green Political Theory
- PLM5750 Special reading course
- PLM5800 Australian national government
- PLM5995 Internship in counter-terrorism studies
- PLT1020 Australian politics and government
- PLT1031 Introduction to international relations
- PLT1040 Introduction to international relations
- PLT1050 Nature, law and revolution: Political ideas in context
- PLT1120 Fanatics and fundamentalists: The global politics of violence
- PLT2015 Foreign policies of the great and emerging powers
- PLT2040 Raging against the machine: The politics of rock and global identities
- PLT2050 World politics and international law
- PLT2070 Ideas and power
- PLT2090 Reflections on humanity: Truth, freedom and power
- PLT2120 Politics and violence: Conquest, exclusion and reconciliation
- PLT2140 Progress and despair: Modern political ideologies and theories
- PLT2170 Politics and the media in Australia
- PLT2230 International political economy
- PLT2270 Ministers, minders and bureaucrats
- PLT2340 Politics and modern Russia: Foundations and antecedents
- PLT2370 America: Decay of the liberal dream?
- PLT2380 Gender and politics
- PLT2460 Crisis zone: The international relations of the Middle East
- PLT2521 Parties and power in Australia
- PLT2631 China: Revolution versus pragmatism
- PLT2650 Terrorism and violence in global politics
- PLT2701 Victorian state politics and policy
- PLT2850 Defended to death? Arms control and international security
- PLT2870 Power and influence in Australia
- PLT2910 Australian political economy
- PLT2940 Power and (in)justice in world politics
- PLT2960 Seeking A new world order? Washington and world politics
- PLT2970 Australia and the world
- PLT2980 Issues in global politics
- PLT2990 Politics of environmentalism
- PLT3015 Foreign policies of the great and emerging powers
- PLT3040 Raging against the machine: The politics of rock and global identities
- PLT3050 World politics and international law
- PLT3070 Ideas and power
- PLT3090 Reflections on humanity: Truth, freedom and power
- PLT3120 Politics and violence: Conquest, exclusion and reconciliation
- PLT3140 Progress and despair: Modern political ideologies and theories
- PLT3170 Politics and the media in Australia
- PLT3230 International political economy
- PLT3270 Ministers, minders and bureaucrats
- PLT3340 Contemporary Russia: Identities, transformations and conflicts
- PLT3370 America: Decay of the liberal dream?
- PLT3380 Gender and politics
- PLT3440 Victorian parliamentary internship
- PLT3460 Crisis Zone: The International relations of the Middle East
- PLT3521 Parties and power in Australia
- PLT3631 China: Revolution versus pragmatism
- PLT3650 Terrorism and violence in global politics
- PLT3701 Victorian state politics and policy
- PLT3850 Defended to death? Arms control and international security
- PLT3870 Power and influence in Australia
- PLT3910 Australian political economy
- PLT3930 Southeast Asian politics
- PLT3940 Power and (in)justice in world politics
- PLT3960 Seeking A new world order? Washington and world politics
- PLT3970 Australia and the world
- PLT3980 Issues in global politics
- PLT3990 Politics of environmentalism
- PLT4030 Ethics in world politics
- PLT4049 Honours thesis
- PLT4049(A) Honours thesis part 1
- PLT4049(B) Honours thesis part 2
- PLT4065 Advanced seminar in international political economy
- PLT4090 Interfaith relations in the 21st century
- PLT4210 Leaders, politics and publics
- PLT4299 China: The quest for modernisation
- PLT4319 Wars of recognition: Terrorism and political violence
- PLT4349 Fringe Politics and extremist violence: An introduction to terrorism
- PLT4399 Grand theories of politics
- PLT4429 Islam and modernity
- PLT4430 Political Islam
- PLT4449 Global Soul: Consumers, citizens and rebels
- PLT4469 Conflict resolution and Islam in the Middle East
- PLT4490 Islam in Turkey and Indonesia
- PLT4569 Special reading unit
- PLT4609 Strategic studies
- PLT4759 Special reading course
- PLT4809 Australian national government
- PLT4930 Southeast Asian politics
- PRF4000 Work in context
- PRF4010 Labour market analysis and career planning
- PRF4020 Professional research and communication
- PRF4030 Understanding teams and organisations
- PRF4040 Professional studies internship
- PRJ1220 Public relations writing
- PRJ2221 Public relations principles and practice
- PRJ2251 Publicity and promotion
- PRJ2252 Crisis and risk communication
- PRJ3231 Public relations consulting
- PRJ3261 Public relations campaigns
- PRJ3631 Public relations internship
- PRL1001 Foundations of public relations
- PRL1002 Principles of public relations writing
- PRL2001 Strategic communications management
- PRL2002 Public relations research and techniques
- PRL2003 Public relations theory and processes
- PRL3004 Sports promotion cases
- PSI3000 Professional internship
- PSS1711 Exploring human behaviour
- PSS1712 Behaviour across the lifespan
- PSS2711 Knowing me, knowing you: Perspectives on personality
- PSS2712 Behavioural disorders
- PSS2713 The individual in a social context
- PSS3716 Psychology of sport and adventure
- PSS3717 Psychology at work
- PSS3718 Forensic psychology
- PSS3719 Parapsychology
- PSS3720 People and other animals: Studying the relationship between humans and other species
- PSS4711 Methods in psychological sciences
- PUB4001 Publishing history, culture and commerce
- PUB4002 Authorship, editing and text
- PUB4003 Publishing processes and new technology
- PUB4004 New publishing media
- PUB4007 Advanced editing
- PUB4008 The professional editor
- PUB4010 Selling the book and publication rights
- PUB4020 Copy editing for professionals
- PUB5001 History of publishing and the impact of the book
- PUB5002 Authorship, editing and text
- PUB5004 New publishing media
- PUB5005 Publishing industry project
- PUB5006 The publishing firm
- PUB5007 Advanced editing
- PUB5008 The professional editor
- PUB5010 Selling the book and Publication Rights
- PUB5100 Publishing internship project
- RCD4601 Facilitating community development
- RCD4602 Theory and practice of community development 1
- RCD4603 Theory and practice of community development 2
- RCD4604 Collaborative engagement in communities
- RLM4000 Research paper in religion and theology
- RLM4040 Islamic thought in the modern world
- RLM4060 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RLM4070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLM4100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
- RLM4110 Sustainability and the sacred
- RLM4140 Confronting death through ceremony and symbol: A cross-cultural analysis
- RLM4145 Interpreting the sources of Islam: the Qur'an and hadith
- RLM5000 Research paper in religion and theology
- RLM5040 Islamic thought in the modern world
- RLM5060 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RLM5070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLM5100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
- RLM5110 Sustainability and the sacred
- RLM5140 Confronting death through ceremony and symbol: A cross-cultural analysis
- RLT2140 Principles of Christian theology
- RLT2160 Reforming theologies: Reforming societies
- RLT2170 Christian theology: Grace and church
- RLT2180 Scripture, sacrament and society
- RLT2210 Starring God: Religion, myth and film
- RLT2480 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- RLT3140 Principles of Christian theology
- RLT3145 Interpreting the sources of Islam: the Qur'an and Hadith
- RLT3160 Reforming theologies: Reforming societies
- RLT3170 Christian theology: Grace and Church
- RLT3180 Scripture, sacrament and society
- RLT3480 The religious quest: Eastern faith and illumination
- RLT4000(A) Minor thesis in religion and theology part 1
- RLT4000(B) Minor thesis in religion and theology part 2
- RLT4040 Islamic thought in the modern world
- RLT4070 Buddhism: Society, politics and ethics
- RLT4100 Religion and ceremony in Australian society
- RLT4110 Sustainability and the sacred
- RLT4140 Confronting death through ceremony and symbol: A cross-cultural analysis
- RLT4145 Interpreting the sources of Islam: the Qur'an and Hadith
- RLT4400 Medieval women and their world: Constructing identities 1100-1450
- RUP1000 Strategic planning
- RUP1001 Statutory planning
- RUP2001 Spatial planning
- RUP2002 Sustainable communities
- RUP3000 Professional (Third Year) planning internship
- RUP3001 Economic development planning
- RUP3002 Planning communication
- SCD4301 Participatory planning: Local, national and international perspectives
- SCD4302 Governance and Community
- SCD5301 Research practicum
- SCD5302 Research practicum
- SCD5305 Research methods
- SCW1302 Governing inequality: Foundations of social welfare provision
- SCW1303 Foundations of interpersonal practice
- SCW1304 Communication and counselling skills
- SCW1305 Constructive groups and teams
- SCW2303 Case management theory and practice
- SCW2304 Community development
- SCW2306 Field education and practice
- SCW2307 Human services management and practice
- SCW2311 Social issues and personal values
- SCW2312 Welfare law, rights & ethics
- SCW3303 Insights Into practice
- SCW3304 Paradigms of practice
- SCW3306 Field education and practice
- SCW3307 Human services management and practice
- SCW3310 Social policy
- SCW4305 Research methods for social and community welfare
- SCY1100 Introduction to sociology I
- SCY1200 Introduction to sociology II
- SCY1801 Sociological reflections on everyday life
- SCY1802 Global sociology
- SCY2021 Media, communications and societies
- SCY2030 Sociology of community corrections
- SCY2031 Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY2041 Multiculturalism, citizenship and identity
- SCY2050 Health, technologies and society
- SCY2070 Families, labour and intimacy
- SCY2100 Social theory
- SCY2121 Youth, culture and social change
- SCY2131 Sociology of Religion
- SCY2142 Sociology of Education
- SCY2151 The body, health and society
- SCY2181 Sociology of prisons
- SCY2210 Gender and sociology
- SCY2251 Children and society
- SCY2261 Social research methods
- SCY2272 Sociology of popular music
- SCY2290 Spiritualities, faiths and religions: Society and the transcendent
- SCY2310 Population and migration
- SCY2400 Social psychology
- SCY2420 Sociology of Economic Life: Money, Morals and Markets
- SCY2460 Men, masculinity and society
- SCY2470 Women, gender and society
- SCY2480 Political sociology
- SCY2560 Work and social change
- SCY2570 Sociology by numbers: Introduction to data analysis
- SCY2651 The unconscious in social life
- SCY2801 Sociology of family and generation
- SCY2802 Sociology of race and ethnic relations
- SCY2803 Sociology of children
- SCY2804 Work and technology
- SCY2805 Sociology of deviance
- SCY2806 Sociology of health and illness
- SCY2809 Environmental sociology
- SCY2811 Social justice
- SCY2813 Globalisation and change in regional Australia
- SCY2814 Social movements and change
- SCY2815 Analysing social data
- SCY2816 Qualitative social research
- SCY2817 Quantitative social research
- SCY2818 Identity, gender and sexuality
- SCY2990 Representing the Holocaust: Popular Culture, Literature and Memory
- SCY3021 Media, communications and societies
- SCY3030 Sociology of community corrections
- SCY3031 Sexuality, gender and social relations
- SCY3041 Multiculturalism, citizenship and identity
- SCY3050 Health, technologies and society
- SCY3070 Families, labour and intimacy
- SCY3100 Social theory
- SCY3121 Youth, culture and social change
- SCY3131 Sociology of Religion
- SCY3142 Sociology of Education
- SCY3150 Contemporary issues in sociological research
- SCY3151 The body, health and society
- SCY3181 Sociology of prisons
- SCY3210 Gender and sociology
- SCY3251 Children and society
- SCY3261 Social research methods
- SCY3272 Sociology of popular music
- SCY3290 Spiritualities, faiths and religions: Society and the transcendent
- SCY3310 Population and migration
- SCY3380 Women, psychiatry and madness
- SCY3400 Social psychology
- SCY3420 The Sociology of Economic Life: Money, Morals and Markets
- SCY3460 Men, masculinity and society
- SCY3470 Women, gender and society
- SCY3480 Political sociology
- SCY3560 Work and social change
- SCY3570 Sociology by numbers: Introduction to data analysis
- SCY3651 The unconscious in social life
- SCY3801 Sociology of family and generation
- SCY3803 Sociology of children
- SCY3804 Work and technology
- SCY3805 Sociology of deviance
- SCY3806 Sociology of health and illness
- SCY3809 Environmental sociology
- SCY3811 Social justice
- SCY3813 Globalisation and change in regional Australia
- SCY3814 Social movements and change
- SCY3815 Structure and analysis in sociology
- SCY3816 Interpretation and meaning in sociology
- SCY3818 Identity, gender and sexuality
- SCY3990 Representing the Holocaust: Popular Culture, Literature and Memory
- SCY4500 Sociology honours seminar A
- SCY4520 Sociology honours seminar B
- SCY4540 Theory and practice of sociology
- SCY4580(A) Thesis in sociology part 1
- SCY4580(B) Thesis in sociology part 2
- SCY4660 Professional honours in social research I: Key issues
- SCY4670 Professional honours in social research II: Research project
- SCY4801 Theory and practice in sociology
- SHM4000A Research project part 1
- SHM4000B Research project part 2
- SHM4010 School of historical studies placement
- SHM5000A Research project part 1
- SHM5000B Research project part 2
- SHM5010 School of historical studies placement
- SHS2010 Ancient religions
- SHS2020 Jesus and the jews
- SHS2265 The world of the bible: text and context
- SHS2470 Spiritual journeys: mysticism, sufism and kabbalah
- SHS2735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- SHS3010 Ancient religions
- SHS3020 Jesus and the Jews
- SHS3265 The world of the Bible: text and context
- SHS3470 Spiritual journeys: mysticism, sufism and kabbalah
- SHS3735 Myth and meaning in ancient worlds
- SLA1050 Polish studies 5
- SLA1060 Polish studies 6
- SLA2070 Polish studies 7
- SLA3400 Language study abroad program
- SLA4600(A) Thesis part 1
- SLA4600(B) Thesis part 2
- SPN1010 Spanish studies 1
- SPN1020 Spanish studies 2
- SPN1030 Spanish studies 3
- SPN1040 Spanish studies 4
- SPN1050 Spanish studies 5
- SPN1060 Spanish studies 6
- SPN1308 Study abroad program 1A
- SPN1309 Study abroad program 1B
- SPN2010 Spanish studies 1
- SPN2020 Spanish studies 2
- SPN2030 Spanish studies 3
- SPN2040 Spanish studies 4
- SPN2050 Spanish studies 5
- SPN2060 Spanish studies 6
- SPN2070 Spanish language 7
- SPN2080 Spanish studies 8
- SPN2190 Individual option
- SPN2280 Hispanic film
- SPN2290 Spanish communication in a global world
- SPN2310 Study abroad program
- SPN2950 History of the spanish language
- SPN3050 Spanish studies 5
- SPN3060 Spanish studies 6
- SPN3070 Spanish language 7
- SPN3080 Spanish studies 8
- SPN3100 Spanish studies 10
- SPN3280 Hispanic culture through film
- SPN3290 Spanish communication in a global world
- SPN3311 Study abroad program 3A
- SPN3312 Study abroad program 3B
- SPN3560 Culture and identity in hispanic America
- SPN3730 Dictatorship and democracy in contemporary Spanish fiction
- SPN3770 Contesting cultures and identities in modern Spain
- SPN3910 Discourse and power in the media and politics of the Hispanic world
- SPN3930 Individual Option
- SPN4000(A) Honours dissertation part 1
- SPN4000(B) Honours dissertation part 2
- SPN4100 Spanish studies 10
- SPN4250 Twentieth-century spanish American literature
- SPN4580 Research in Spanish linguistics
- SPN4650 Latin American studies in culture and power
- SPN4990 Language study abroad program
- SYM4005 Qualitative research strategies
- SYM4015 Secondary analysis of official statistics
- SYM4025 Survey research
- SYM4045 Analysing quantitative data
- SYM4055 Data analysis software for social research
- SYM4065 Issues in public policy
- SYM4085 Research practicum
- SYM5005 Qualitative research strategies
- SYM5015 Secondary analysis of official statistics
- SYM5025 Survey research
- SYM5035 Theoretical and methodological issues in applied social research
- SYM5045 Analysing quantitative data
- SYM5055 Data analysis software for social research
- SYM5065 Issues in public policy
- SYM5075 Applied social research project
- SYM5075A Applied social research project - part 1
- SYM5075B Applied social research project - part 2
- SYM5085 Research practicum
- TRN4000 Research methodology in translation studies
- TRN4010 Technology and translation
- TRN4020 Directed reading in translation studies
- TRN4030 Introduction to interpreting and translation studies
- TRN4040 Translation 1: Discourse analysis
- TRN4050 Translation 2: Language for special purposes
- TRN4100 The business of translation and interpreting
- TRN4200 Theory and practice of interpreting
- TRN4201 Major translation project
- TRN4201A Major translation project - Part 1
- TRN4201B Major translation project - Part 2
- TRN4202 Minor translation project
- TRN4300 Intermediate interpreting
- TRN5010 Technology and translation
- TRN5020 Directed reading in translation studies
- TRN5030 Introduction to interpreting and translation studies
- TRN5060 Theoretical issues in interpreting translation studies
- TRN5080 Research project in translation/Interpreting studies
- TRN5090 Dissertation in translation/Interpreting studies
- TRN5090A Dissertation in translation/interpreting studies
- TRN5090B Dissertation in translation/interpreting studies
- TRN5100 The business of translation and interpreting
- TRN5201 Major translation project
- TRN5201A Major translation project part 1
- TRN5201B Major translation project part 2
- TRN5202 Minor translation project
- TRN5300 Intermediate interpreting
- TRN5400 Advanced interpreting
- TSD1611 Understanding University Learning
- TSD1612 Knowledge and Context
- UKR1010 Ukrainian studies 1
- UKR1020 Ukrainian studies 2
- UKR1050 Ukrainian studies 5
- UKR1060 Ukrainian studies 6
- UKR2050 Ukrainian studies 5
- UKR2060 Ukrainian studies 6
- UKR2070 Ukrainian studies 7
- UKR2080 Ukrainian studies 8
- UKR3070 Ukrainian studies 7
- UKR3080 Ukrainian studies 8
- UKR3090 Ukrainian studies 9
- UKR3100 Ukrainian studies 10
- UKR4000(A) Honours thesis part 1
- UKR4000(B) Honours thesis part 2
- UKR4090 Ukrainian studies 9
- UKR4100 Ukrainian studies 10
- VAM4000 Research essay in visual culture
- VAM4023 Visual culture internship
- VAM4030 Themes in nineteenth-century Australian art
- VAM4050 Twentieth-century Australian modernism
- VAM4070 Australian postmodernism
- VAM4084 The Culture and Imagery of Cities
- VAM5000 Research essay in visual culture
- VAM5023 Visual culture internship
- VAM5050 Twentieth-century Australian modernism
- VAM5070 Australian postmodernism
- VAM5084 Culture and Imagery of Cities
- VSA2230 Australian visual culture: Heidelberg to contemporary
- VSA2800 Colonial/postcolonial: Australian art and film
- VSA2820 Male trouble: masculinities in visual culture
- VSA3230 Australian visual culture: Heidelberg to contemporary
- VSA3800 Colonial/postcolonial: Australian art and film
- VSA3820 Male trouble: Masculinities in visual culture
- VSA4056 Twentieth century Australian modernism
- VSA4086 The Culture and Imagery of Cities
- WLI2000 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- WLI2005 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- WLI3000 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- WLI3005 Faculty of arts workplace learning internship
- WRT2407 Postcolonial and diasporic literature
- WRT3421 Writing techniques
- WRT3422 Writing experiments
- WRT4401 Literary theory
- WSM4005 Research component (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 words)
- WSM4005A Research component - Part 1 (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 words)
- WSM4005B Research component - Part 2 (Dissertation of 15,000-18,000 words)
- WSM4010 Gender, sexuality, power
- WSM4020 Feminist research
- WSM4041 Gender issues
- WSM4700 Gender, globalisation and development: Research issues
- WSM5010 Gender, sexuality, power
- WSM5040 Gender issues
- WSM5700 Gender, globalisation and development: Research issues
- WTR4001 Project Management
- WTR4002 Science of water
- WTR4003 Water, sustainability and development
- WTR4004 Water governance and policy
- WTR4100 Catchment and aquatic ecosystem health
- WTR4200 Water and community development
- WTR4300 Water planning and economics
- WTR4400 Water supply and sanitation
- WTR5000 Specialisation project
- WTR5000(A) Integrated water management specialisation project Part A
- WTR5000(B) Integrated water management specialisation project Part B
13 October 2017
22 February 2025