Related information
Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Education
- DEH1001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH1002 Education Exchange 2
- DEH1003 Education Exchange 3
- DEH1004 Education Exchange 4
- DEH2001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH2002 Education Exchange 2
- DEH2003 Education Exchange 3
- DEH2004 Education Exchange 4
- DEH3001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH3002 Education Exchange 2
- DEH3003 Education Exchange 3
- DEH3004 Education Exchange 4
- DEH4001 Education Exchange 1
- DEH4002 Education Exchange 2
- DEH4003 Education Exchange 3
- DEH4004 Education Exchange 4
- EDF1120 Multicultures in Australian society
- EDF1121 Exploring science
- EDF1124 Music fundamentals
- EDF1126 Information and computer technology in education
- EDF1127 Understanding science
- EDF1128 Gateway to mathematics
- EDF1204 Curriculum studies: primary maths 1
- EDF1303 Learning and educational inquiry 1
- EDF1304 Learning and educational inquiry 2
- EDF1305 Entering the profession 1
- EDF1306 Spaces of difference
- EDF1307 Early literacy and numeracy 1
- EDF1321 ECE: Movement, environment and community
- EDF1322 ECE: Science and technology
- EDF1324 ECE: Creative arts
- EDF1503 Foundations of early childhood education
- EDF1600 Introduction to the biophysical foundations of human movement
- EDF1611 Introduction to sport fitness and outdoor recreation
- EDF1612 Outdoor recreation education
- EDF1613 Biophysical foundations of physical activity A
- EDF1614 Biophysical foundations of physical activity B
- EDF1615 Experiential environmental education
- EDF1616 Lifespan physical activity and wellness
- EDF2002 The teachers' world
- EDF2004 Issues in classroom environments
- EDF2005 Professional responsibilities, practice and relationships
- EDF2120 Indigenous issues
- EDF2123 Exploring mathematics
- EDF2124 Program music: seeing with your ears
- EDF2125 Fitness leadership
- EDF2127 Art fundamentals
- EDF2201 Child development 1
- EDF2202 Child development 2
- EDF2203 Curriculum studies: primary studies of society and environment
- EDF2204 Curriculum studies : primary science
- EDF2241 Reading popular culture
- EDF2301 Multiliteracies: mediating the world
- EDF2302 Re-imagining children's learning
- EDF2303 Movement, environment and community
- EDF2304 Early literacy and numeracy 2
- EDF2306 Global educational contexts: policy, practice, and research
- EDF2321 Working with diverse learners
- EDF2323 Inquiry in professional practice: upper primary
- EDF2324 Inquiry in professional practice: junior primary
- EDF2330 The middle years: a period of transition
- EDF2611 Experiencing aquatic environments
- EDF2612 Experiential education in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF2613 Adventure education
- EDF2614 Outdoor leadership and programming
- EDF2615 Community physical activity and wellness
- EDF2616 Coaching
- EDF2618 Dance in education
- EDF2801 Adult educational practices 1
- EDF2802 Contexts of adult learning and development
- EDF2803 Learning and researching in work-related contexts
- EDF2805 Multimedia in adult education: implementation and evaluation
- EDF2905 Studio arts: two dimensional studies
- EDF3006 Adolescent development and learning
- EDF3007 Mediating the world of learning
- EDF3008 Researching educational practices
- EDF3009 Schooling: local - global
- EDF3105 Teaching studies B
- EDF3122 Studio arts: digital art (education)
- EDF3124 Introduction to world music
- EDF3125 Children's literature: issues and analysis
- EDF3201 Curriculum studies: primary art and music
- EDF3202 Curriculum studies: primary health and physical education
- EDF3203 Curriculum studies: primary technology
- EDF3301 Numeracy
- EDF3304 Integrating the curriculum 2: different places
- EDF3306 Literacy
- EDF3501 Early childhood literacy
- EDF3502 Contexts and issues in family studies
- EDF3504 Early childhood expressive arts
- EDF3506 Cultural studies (early childhood)
- EDF3507 Early childhood teaching studies 3
- EDF3508 Early childhood teaching studies 4
- EDF3613 Research issues in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF3614 Expeditionary learning
- EDF3615 Experiencing the Australian landscape
- EDF3616 Camp planning and practices
- EDF3617 Professional practice in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF3618 Research planning in sport and outdoor recreation
- EDF3619 Sport and physical activity education
- EDF3621 Outdoor education studies
- EDF3802 Work, development and identity
- EDF3804 Independent work-based project
- EDF3805 Educational project management
- EDF3806 Future directions in adult learning and development
- EDF3807 Contemporary workplaces: issues and practices
- EDF4004 Assessing learning
- EDF4005 Productive classrooms
- EDF4006 Professional engagement
- EDF4007 Schooling and diversity
- EDF4012 Educating students with special needs
- EDF4070 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4071 Professional experience 1B
- EDF4072 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4073 Professional experience 2B
- EDF4102 Curriculum studies: primary English 2
- EDF4104 Curriculum studies: primary mathematics 2
- EDF4105 Teaching studies C
- EDF4106 Teaching studies D
- EDF4110 Arts education
- EDF4111 Business education
- EDF4112 English language and literacy education
- EDF4113 General science education
- EDF4114 Health, outdoor and physical education
- EDF4115 Information, communication technologies and new media
- EDF4116 Mathematics and numeracy education
- EDF4117 Second language pedagogy
- EDF4118 Social and environmental education
- EDF4119 The world of Jewish education
- EDF4201 Child development 4: children with additional educational needs
- EDF4205 Initiatives in health education
- EDF4211 Introduction to European arts
- EDF4214 Learning technologies: databases and multimedia
- EDF4216 Issues and planning in primary mathematics
- EDF4220 Science education: teaching and learning in science
- EDF4236 Computers in education
- EDF4237 Curriculum developments in physical education and health
- EDF4238 Negotiated investigation in education
- EDF4240 Teaching language and literacy: curriculum and pedagogy
- EDF4248 Historical understanding in schools: from research Into practice
- EDF4250 Understanding classroom relationships
- EDF4303 The teacher as researcher
- EDF4311 Professional contexts 1
- EDF4312 Professional contexts 2
- EDF4401 Accounting education
- EDF4402 Biology education
- EDF4403 Chemistry education
- EDF4404 Drama education
- EDF4405 Economics education
- EDF4406 English education
- EDF4407 Geography education
- EDF4408 History education
- EDF4409 Health education
- EDF4410 Information technology/computing education
- EDF4411 Languages other than English (LOTE) education 1
- EDF4412 Languages other than English (LOTE) education 2
- EDF4413 Legal studies education
- EDF4415 Mathematics education
- EDF4416 Media education
- EDF4417 Music education 1
- EDF4418 Music education 2
- EDF4419 Physics education
- EDF4420 Science education
- EDF4421 Social education
- EDF4422 Outdoor education
- EDF4423 Physical education
- EDF4424 Psychology education
- EDF4425 Visual art education 1
- EDF4426 Visual art education 2
- EDF4427 Business management education
- EDF4428 Jewish studies education
- EDF4429 English as a second language (ESL) education
- EDF4501 Early childhood mathematics, science and technology
- EDF4502 The early childhood professional
- EDF4504 Contemporary issues in early childhood education
- EDF4506 Administration and management in early childhood services
- EDF4507 Early childhood teaching studies 5
- EDF4508 Early childhood teaching studies 6
- EDF4510 Connecting the curriculum
- EDF4511 ESL in content areas
- EDF4512 Gifted education
- EDF4513 Indigenous and traditional education in a global world
- EDF4514 Vocational and workplace learning
- EDF4701 Fieldwork placement I
- EDF4702 Fieldwork placement II
- EDF4730 Professional experience 1A
- EDF4731 Professional experience 1B
- EDF4733 Professional experience 2A
- EDF4734 Professional experience 2B
- EDF4801 Professional development and leadership at work
- EDF4802 Introduction to project and resource management
- EDF5110 Professional experience 1
- EDF5111 Professional experience 2
- EDF5112 Learning and teaching A
- EDF5113 Learning and teaching B
- EDF5114 Language and literacy in primary contexts
- EDF5115 Enabling literacy and numeracy
- EDF5116 Primary mathematics education
- EDF5117 Valuing science, innovation and society
- EDF5118 Health and wellbeing in the primary curriculum
- EDF5119 Communicating through the arts
- EDF5151 Honours thesis part 1
- EDF5152 Honours thesis part 2
- EDF5153 Honours thesis extension 1
- EDF5154 Honours thesis extension 2
- EDF5409 Play and pedagogy
- EDF5410 Curriculum studies: early childhood
- EDF5411 Social, political & professional contexts of early childhood teaching
- EDF5412 Field experience
- EDF5413 Family studies
- EDF5414 Child development principles
- EDF5415 Issues in child development
- EDF5416 Perspectives of early childhood education
- EDF6005 Reading, interpreting and communicating research
- EDF6006 Introduction to quantitative research methods
- EDF6007 Qualitative approaches to research
- EDF6008 Working with theory in research
- EDF6009 Special topic in research
- EDF6010 Professional project (A)
- EDF6012 Special focus on research A
- EDF6013 Special focus on research B
- EDF6020 Professional project (B)
- EDF6031 Masters thesis part 1
- EDF6032 Masters thesis part 2
- EDF6033 Masters thesis extension 1
- EDF6034 Masters thesis extension 2
- EDF6035 Masters thesis major rewrite
- EDF6114 Curriculum: design, critique and change
- EDF6115 Communication practices and the use of new media
- EDF6116 Motivation, engagement, and learning
- EDF6123 Developing the reflective practitioner
- EDF6201 Theory and principles of bilingual/immersion education
- EDF6210 Language testing and assessment
- EDF6224 Advanced practicum in language teaching: LOTE
- EDF6228 Developing materials for content-based teaching in languages
- EDF6232 Professional practice for teachers of English as a foreign language
- EDF6233 Theory and practice of TESOL
- EDF6234 Curriculum design and evaluation in languages education
- EDF6236 Language, society and cultural difference
- EDF6238 Advanced practicum in language teaching: TESOL
- EDF6301 New literacy studies
- EDF6308 School and community literacy practices
- EDF6310 Indigenous issues in education
- EDF6322 Teaching music: policy and practice
- EDF6323 Learning music: current research issues
- EDF6324 European perspectives on music education
- EDF6401 Research on teaching and learning science and mathematics
- EDF6402 Research on science and mathematics curriculum
- EDF6441 Issues in educational multimedia
- EDF6442 The impact of computer technology on education and society
- EDF6444 Evaluation and development of educational software
- EDF6447 Explorations in learning, instructional design and technology
- EDF6501 Counselling psychology: theory, research and practice
- EDF6502 Clinical assessment and psychopathology
- EDF6503 Advanced professional counselling psychology: clinical, research, and ethical issues
- EDF6504 Developmental psychology and counselling skills
- EDF6507 Clinical placement in psychology 1
- EDF6508 Clinical placement in psychology 2
- EDF6509 Clinical placement in psychology 3
- EDF6510 Exceptionality: assessment, intervention and research
- EDF6511 Cognitive, personality and educational assessment
- EDF6512 Clinical interventions in educational and developmental psychology
- EDF6517 Research and therapeutic interventions in counselling psychology
- EDF6530 Introduction to counselling across the lifespan
- EDF6531 Counselling for the professions
- EDF6532 Assessment in counselling
- EDF6533 Cognitive-behavioural approaches to crucial issues in living
- EDF6535 Psychology thesis part 1
- EDF6536 Psychology thesis part 2
- EDF6537 Psychology extension 1
- EDF6538 Psychology extension 2
- EDF6539 Psychology thesis extension 3
- EDF6540 Ethics in counselling
- EDF6541 Field experience in counselling
- EDF6601 Studies in special education/inclusion
- EDF6602 Evidence-informed inclusive and special education practice 1
- EDF6607 Gifted education: identification and programming
- EDF6610 The psychology of the gifted child
- EDF6613 Advanced studies in gifted education
- EDF6614 Inclusive and special education practice 2
- EDF6641 The social and political contexts of early childhood
- EDF6642 Contexts for childhood
- EDF6643 Values in early childhood education
- EDF6701 Globalisation and education
- EDF6702 Internationalising the curriculum
- EDF6703 International education markets
- EDF6751 Gender and education
- EDF6801 Learning at work in the knowledge economy
- EDF6802 Adult education and training: theories and practices
- EDF6806 Sustainable community development
- EDF6810 Navigating education and work: global perspectives, local practices
- EDF6821 Power, authority and decision-making
- EDF6822 Leadership and organisation
- EDF6823 Management and change
- EDF6828 Resource management
- EDF6851 Mentoring and coaching 1
- EDF6852 Mentoring and coaching 2
- EDF6860 Locating oneself in global learning
- EDF6861 Adult learning: perspectives and contexts
- EDF6862 Global/Local learning
- EDF6863 Fostering learning in practice
- EDF6864 Work and learning
- EDF6865 Understanding research
- EDF6901 Inner leadership: understanding self and others
- EDF6902 Leading learning communities
- EDF6903 Understanding environments
- EDF6904 Leading change: professional action research project
- HED5001 Designing for Learning
- HED5002 Teaching for Learning
- HED5003 Assessing learning
- HED5004 Negotiated project
- PSY4501 Counselling
- PSY4512 Contemporary issues in developmental psychology
- PSY4513 Behaviour change interventions for practitioners
13 October 2017
15 January 2025