Units indexed by Faculty: Faculty of Business and Economics
- AFC1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- AFC1030 Introduction to financial accounting
- AFC2000 Financial institutions and markets
- AFC2050 Industry-based learning component 1
- AFC2051 Industry-based learning component 2
- AFC2120 Financial accounting
- AFC2131 Cost information for decision making
- AFC2140 Corporate finance
- AFC2240 Equities and investment analysis
- AFC2340 Debt markets and fixed income securities
- AFC2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFC3051 Industry-based learning component 3
- AFC3120 Advanced financial accounting
- AFC3131 Performance measurement and control
- AFC3140 Advanced corporate finance
- AFC3141 Strategic management accounting
- AFC3160 Auditing and assurance
- AFC3170 Management of financial intermediaries
- AFC3220 Comparative international financial reporting
- AFC3230 Financial analysis and valuation
- AFC3240 International finance
- AFC3340 Options, financial futures and other derivatives
- AFC3440 Pension and financial planning
- AFC3540 Modelling in finance
- AFF1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- AFF1121 Introduction to financial accounting
- AFF1300 Money and capital markets
- AFF2391 Cost information for decision making
- AFF2401 Commercial banking and finance
- AFF2491 Company reporting
- AFF2631 Financial management
- AFF2701 Equity markets
- AFF2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFF2903 Physical risk treatment
- AFF3111 Personal financial planning
- AFF3121 Investments and portfolio management
- AFF3301 Money market operations
- AFF3331 International banking and finance
- AFF3351 Investment banking
- AFF3431 Performance measurement and control
- AFF3491 Advanced financial accounting theory and practice
- AFF3511 Strategic management accounting
- AFF3631 Auditing and assurance
- AFF3651 Treasury management
- AFF3751 Futures and options markets
- AFF3791 Comparative international accounting
- AFF3841 Lending decisions
- AFF3851 Advanced accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFF5011 Issues in risk management
- AFF5021 Case studies in risk management
- AFF5031 Principles of risk transfer
- AFF5040 Advanced investments
- AFF5050 Advanced international banking
- AFF5070 Strategic policy and entrepreneurship
- AFF5080 Business accounting: strategic issues
- AFF5090 Financial reporting and statement analysis
- AFF5100 Advanced strategic management accounting
- AFF5130 Financial statement analysis and business valuation
- AFF5150 Financial reporting issues
- AFF5180 Research dissertation
- AFF5200 Issues in competitive advantage I
- AFF5230 Financial markets and long-term funding
- AFF5250 Corporate treasury management
- AFF5260 Money market dealing
- AFF5270 Funds management
- AFF5280 Institutional asset and liability management
- AFF5380 Credit risk modelling
- AFF5390 Advanced financial planning
- AFF5401 Issues in competitive advantage II
- AFF9020 Introduction to risk principles
- AFF9130 Financial planning
- AFF9140 Bank lending
- AFF9150 Options, futures and risk management
- AFF9160 International banking and finance
- AFF9250 Financial management theory
- AFF9260 Australian capital markets
- AFF9350 Portfolio management and theory
- AFF9551 International study program in accounting
- AFF9730 International finance
- AFF9770 Risk financing and treasury management
- AFG9040 Accounting theory and current issues
- AFG9041 Auditing and assurance
- AFG9044 Business finance
- AFG9070 Financial management
- AFG9071 Introductory accounting
- AFG9072 Management accounting
- AFG9073 Financial accounting
- AFG9144 Financial institutions management
- AFW1000 Principles of accounting and finance
- AFW1002 Introduction to financial accounting
- AFW1004 Accounting and finance concepts
- AFW1300 Money and capital markets
- AFW1310 Introduction to Islamic banking and finance
- AFW2020 Cost information for decision making
- AFW2341 International financial management
- AFW2401 Commercial banking and finance
- AFW2491 Company reporting
- AFW2631 Financial management
- AFW2700 Ethics and business
- AFW2710 Financial accounting A
- AFW2720 Financial accounting B
- AFW2760 Auditing A
- AFW2780 Corporate finance A
- AFW2851 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFW3021 Performance measurement and control
- AFW3040 Accounting theory
- AFW3041 Auditing and assurance
- AFW3042 Accounting research project
- AFW3046 Investment and portfolio analysis
- AFW3050 Financial accounting issues
- AFW3121 Investments and portfolio management
- AFW3331 International banking and finance
- AFW3651 Treasury management
- AFW3730 Financial accounting C
- AFW3740 Group statements
- AFW3750 Advanced accounting for management information
- AFW3770 Auditing B
- AFW3790 Corporate finance B
- AFW3841 Lending decisions
- AFX1230 Introduction to risk
- AFX3021 Risk financing
- AFX3031 Risk transfer
- AFX3141 Risk identification and mitigation
- AFX3355 Property investment
- AFX3551 International study program in accounting
- AFX3871 International study program in banking and finance
- AFX4000 Research methods
- AFX4010 Research proposal
- AFX4012 Research project
- AFX4018 Research dissertation
- AFX4030 Advanced modelling in finance
- AFX4040 Issues in accounting information systems
- AFX4050 Issues in auditing and assurance
- AFX4060 Issues in corporate finance
- AFX4070 Issues in financial accounting
- AFX4080 Issues in banking
- AFX4090 Issues in management accounting
- AFX4110 Advanced research methods
- AFX4130 Bank management and risk analysis
- AFX4140 Corporate financial theory
- AFX4150 Empirical research in analysis of financial statements
- AFX4180 Mathematical finance
- AFX5120 Assurance, governance and fraud
- AFX5310 Accounting processes and systems
- AFX5320 Business analytics
- AFX5330 Integrated systems for business enterprises
- AFX5860 International studies in banking and finance
- AFX5900 CPA reporting and professional practice
- AFX5910 CPA assurance services and auditing
- AFX5920 CPA corporate governance and accountability
- AFX5940 CPA financial risk management
- AFX9004 New venture finance
- AFX9500 Introductory accounting
- AFX9510 Quantitative methods
- AFX9520 Accounting information systems and financial modelling
- AFX9530 Financial accounting
- AFX9540 Business finance
- AFX9550 Management accounting
- AFX9560 Advanced financial accounting
- AFX9570 Auditing and assurance
- BEH1001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH1004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH2004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3005 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH3006 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH4004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH5004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9001 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9002 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9003 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEH9004 Business and economics exchange unit
- BEW3100 Work placement program
- BEW3101 Business internship
- BEW3150 Industry based learning program
- BEW3200 Research project in sports event management
- BEW3300 Research project, innovation and enterprise
- BEW3640 Electronic commerce project management
- BEW4000 Research methodology 1
- BEW4010 Research methodology 2
- BEW4020 Directed studies 1
- BEW4030 Directed studies 2
- BEW4100 Research project and report
- BEW4500 Bachelor of business and commerce honours
- BEX5000 Quantitative business research methods
- BEX5010 Quantitative business research methods
- BTC1110 Business law
- BTC2190 International trade law
- BTC2210 Australian company law
- BTC2720 Workplace law
- BTC3100 Sustainability and the law
- BTC3130 Stock exchange and derivatives law
- BTC3150 Taxation law
- BTC3200 Finance law
- BTC3300 Marketing law
- BTC3350 Business taxation and GST
- BTC4320 Finance law
- BTC4330 Marketing law
- BTC4335 Business taxation and GST
- BTF1010 Commercial law
- BTF2220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTF2223 Corporate crime
- BTF2601 Banking law
- BTF2991 Employment law
- BTF3091 Stock exchange and derivatives law
- BTF3100 Environmental law for business
- BTF3181 Marketing law
- BTF3201 International trade law
- BTF3900 Research project in business law and taxation
- BTF3931 Taxation law
- BTF3951 Business taxation and GST
- BTF4200 Income and deductions
- BTF4210 Taxation of trusts and partnerships
- BTF4220 Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTF4230 Taxation of capital gains
- BTF4240 Workplace taxation
- BTF4250 Business tax planning
- BTF4260 Tax administration and policy
- BTF4270 Superannuation and retirement benefits
- BTF4280 Taxation of international transactions
- BTF4290 Business transactions taxes
- BTF4310 Research project
- BTF5200 Income and deductions
- BTF5210 Taxation of trusts and partnerships
- BTF5220 Taxation of companies and shareholders
- BTF5230 Taxation of capital gains
- BTF5240 Workplace Taxation
- BTF5250 Business tax planning
- BTF5260 Tax administration and policy
- BTF5270 Superannuation and retirement benefits
- BTF5280 Taxation of international transactions
- BTF5290 GST and other indirect taxes
- BTG9220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTG9221 Taxation law and practice
- BTG9241 Employment law
- BTG9243 Finance law
- BTG9270 Business law
- BTW1200 Business law
- BTW1201 South African business law A
- BTW2121 South African taxation of individuals
- BTW2122 South African taxation of businesses
- BTW2161 Tourism law
- BTW2201 South African business law 2
- BTW2213 Malaysian company law
- BTW2220 Corporations law and trusts
- BTW2223 Corporate crime
- BTW2241 Comparative workplace relations law
- BTW2313 Malaysian corporate governance
- BTW3153 Malaysian income tax law
- BTW3201 International trade law
- BTW3221 Taxation law and practice
- BTW3240 Administrative law
- BTW3241 Employment law
- BTW3242 Business taxation and GST
- BTW3243 Finance law
- BTW3281 Marketing law
- BTW3300 South African administration of deceased and insolvent estates
- BTW3301 South African business law 3
- BTW3641 Information technology law
- BTX4100 Corporate environmental responsibility
- BTX4900 Research report
- BTX5000 Corporate governance
- BTX5003 CPA taxation
- BTX5010 Current issues in corporate law
- BTX5020 Intellectual property laws
- BTX5030 Comparative corporate law
- BTX5031 Insurance law
- BTX5040 Legal aspects of corporate social responsibility
- BTX5050 Asian business law
- BTX5060 The law of employment
- BTX5070 Labour relations law
- BTX5080 Workplace negotiations
- BTX5090 Good governance and accountability in non-profit and social enterprises
- BTX5100 Corporate environmental responsibility
- BTX5121 Information technology law
- BTX5130 International law and policy
- BTX5131 Advanced banking law
- BTX5150 Competition and marketing law
- BTX5180 Financial services regulation
- BTX5190 International trade law
- BTX5490 Minor thesis
- BTX5601 Retirement funds management
- BTX5602 Taxation of retirement funds
- BTX5800 Research project
- BTX5801 Final research project
- BTX5841 Human resources management law
- BTX5900 Research project
- BTX9020 Business law
- BTX9060 The law of employment
- BTX9070 Labour relations law
- BTX9120 Intellectual property laws
- BTX9190 International trade law
- BTX9380 Banking law
- BTX9500 Business and corporations law
- BTX9541 Corporations law and trusts
- BTX9601 General principles of retirement funds
- BTX9602 Legal framework of retirement funds
- BTX9603 Retirement funds administration
- BTX9604 Retirement funds benefits
- BTX9605 Retirement funds governance
- BTX9651 Taxation law
- BTX9760 Risk control and the law
- BTX9841 Human resources management law
- DBA6000 Quantitative business research methods
- DBA6004 Directed reading 4
- DBA6005 Research project 1
- DBA6006 Research project 2
- DBA6007 DBA seminar
- DBA6008 Current issues in business
- DBA6009 Research report
- DBA6010 Qualitative business research methods
- ECC1000 Principles of microeconomics
- ECC1100 Principles of macroeconomics
- ECC2000 Intermediate microeconomics
- ECC2010 Intermediate macroeconomics
- ECC2300 Current issues in macroeconomic policy
- ECC2360 Environmental economics
- ECC2400 Current issues in applied microeconomics
- ECC2410 Introductory econometrics
- ECC2440 Mathematics for economics and business
- ECC2450 Sports economics
- ECC2600 Behaviour, rationality and organisation
- ECC2700 Economic issues in health and health care
- ECC2800 Prosperity, poverty and sustainability in a globalised world
- ECC2840 Australian economic institutions and policy
- ECC2890 Economic development of East Asia
- ECC3410 Applied econometrics
- ECC3570 The international economy since 1945
- ECC3640 Economics of climate change
- ECC3650 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ECC3660 Monetary economics
- ECC3670 Economics of developing countries
- ECC3690 International economics
- ECC3710 Labour economics
- ECC3800 History of economic thought
- ECC3810 Public finance
- ECC3830 Competition and regulation
- ECC3840 Mathematical economics
- ECC3850 Economics pre-honours
- ECC3860 Integrated economic modelling
- ECC4364 Economics of climate change
- ECC4365 Applied general equilibrium economics
- ECC4366 Monetary economics
- ECC4367 Economics of developing countries
- ECC4369 International economics
- ECC4371 Labour economics
- ECC4380 History of economic thought
- ECC4381 Public finance
- ECC4383 Competition and regulation
- ECC4384 Mathematical economics
- ECC4650 Microeconomics
- ECC4660 Macroeconomics
- ECC4670 Economic development
- ECC4690 International trade
- ECC4700 Competition, regulation and policy
- ECC4710 Post-Keynesian economics
- ECC4720 Law and economics
- ECC4750 Financial economics
- ECC4790 Project evaluation
- ECC4810 Public economics
- ECC4830 Welfare economics
- ECC4840 Industrial organisation
- ECC4860 Applied economics research paper
- ECC4870 Health economics
- ECC4990 Economic evaluation of health services
- ECC5650 Microeconomic theory
- ECC5660 Macroeconomic theory
- ECC5690 Theories in international and development economics
- ECC5710 Health industry-based learning
- ECC5730 Advanced applied general equilibrium analysis
- ECC5800 Economics seminar
- ECC5810 Public economics
- ECC5840 Information, incentives and games
- ECC5850 Mathematical economic theory
- ECC5870 Advanced health economics
- ECC6650 Research topics in advanced microeconomics
- ECC6660 Research topics in advanced macroeconomics
- ECC6690 Research topics in open economy
- ECC9000 Microeconomics
- ECC9010 Macroeconomics
- ECC9400 Current issues in applied microeconomics
- ECF1100 Microeconomics
- ECF1200 Macroeconomics
- ECF2331 Monetary theory and policy
- ECF2450 Sports economics
- ECF2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECF3120 Consumer economics
- ECF3731 Managerial economics
- ECF5010 Research issues paper
- ECF5020 The economics of e-commerce
- ECF5030 The emergence of the knowledge based economy
- ECF5040 Industry economics
- ECF5050 Economics of innovation and high technology
- ECF5200 Game theory and business strategy
- ECF5300 Special Research Topics in Applied Economics
- ECF5610 Sustainable economic development and the environment
- ECF9210 Introduction to international economics
- ECF9530 Economics
- ECG9101 Economic policy
- ECG9102 Introduction to macroeconomic theory and policy
- ECG9121 Economics of international trade
- ECG9161 Theory and practice of economic reforms
- ECG9170 Issues in labour economics
- ECW1101 Introductory microeconomics
- ECW1102 Introductory macroeconomics
- ECW2141 Economics of labour markets
- ECW2450 Sports economics
- ECW2451 The business of sport
- ECW2600 Tourism economics
- ECW2721 Trade finance and foreign exchange
- ECW2730 Macroeconomic policy
- ECW2731 Managerial economics
- ECW3121 Economics of international trade and finance
- ECW3143 Economics of money and banking
- ECW3146 Regional development and policy
- ECW3150 Natural resources and environment
- ECW3291 Multinational trade and investment
- ECW3301 Case studies in international trade
- ECW3830 Competition and regulation
- ECX2123 Economics of innovation and high technology
- ECX2550 Business in Asia
- ECX3550 Business in Asia
- ECX3900 Business economics
- ECX4000 Reading subject
- ECX5000 Reading subject
- ECX5410 Applied microeconomics
- ECX5420 Applied macroeconomics
- ECX5465 Microeconomics
- ECX5466 Macroeconomics
- ECX5470 Competition, regulation and policy
- ECX5472 Law and economics
- ECX5475 Financial economics
- ECX5479 Project evaluation
- ECX5484 Industrial organisation
- ECX5486 Issues seminar
- ECX9120 Introduction to microeconomic theory and policy
- ECX9700 Introduction to health economics
- ECX9710 Pharmaceutical economics
- ECX9730 Economic evaluation in health care
- ECX9741 Applied health economics and health policy
- ECX9750 Principles of health economics for developing countries
- ETC1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETC1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETC2000 Intermediate microeconomics
- ETC2110 Intermediate macroeconomics
- ETC2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETC2430 Actuarial statistics
- ETC2440 Mathematics for economics and business
- ETC2450 Applied forecasting for business and economics
- ETC2470 Applied business modelling
- ETC2480 Business modelling methods
- ETC2500 Marketing research analysis
- ETC2520 Probability and statistical inference for economics and business
- ETC3400 Principles of econometrics
- ETC3410 Applied econometrics
- ETC3420 Bayesian modelling and risk analysis
- ETC3440 Introductory econometrics
- ETC3450 Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC3460 Financial econometrics
- ETC3470 Econometrics pre-honours
- ETC3490 Business simulation
- ETC3500 Survey data analysis
- ETC3510 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC3530 Contingencies in insurance and pensions
- ETC3840 Mathematical economics
- ETC3860 Integrated economic modelling
- ETC4010 Special reading unit in econometrics honours
- ETC4340 Principles of econometrics
- ETC4341 Applied econometrics
- ETC4345 Time series analysis for business and economics
- ETC4346 Financial econometrics
- ETC4349 Business simulation
- ETC4350 Survey data analysis
- ETC4351 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC4384 Mathematical economics
- ETC4400 Econometric theory
- ETC4410 Applied econometrics 2
- ETC4420 Microeconometrics
- ETC4430 Quantitative economic policy
- ETC4460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC4480 Optimization for management
- ETC4541 Special topics in econometrics
- ETC4860 Research paper
- ETC5000 Special reading unit 1
- ETC5010 Special reading unit 2
- ETC5020 Special reading unit 3
- ETC5351 Modelling in finance and insurance
- ETC5400 Research topics in econometrics
- ETC5410 Special topics in econometrics
- ETC5420 Microeconometrics
- ETC5460 Financial econometrics 2
- ETC5470 Econometrics graduate seminar
- ETC9010 Data modelling and computing
- ETF2480 Business modelling
- ETF2700 Mathematics for business
- ETF3200 Quantitative business analysis
- ETF3300 Quantitative methods for financial markets
- ETF3480 Optimisation for managers
- ETF3500 Survey data analysis
- ETF3600 Quantitative models for business research
- ETF5000 Special reading unit 1
- ETF5010 Special reading unit 2
- ETF5020 Special reading unit 3
- ETF5200 Applied econometrics
- ETF5231 Business forecasting
- ETF5300 Applied financial econometrics
- ETF5400 Special topics in econometrics I
- ETF5410 Special topics in econometrics II
- ETF5470 Econometrics graduate seminar
- ETF5480 Optimisation for managers
- ETF5500 Survey data analysis
- ETF5550 Research project
- ETF5555 Minor thesis
- ETF5600 Quantitative models for business research
- ETF9100 Introductory applied econometrics
- ETF9121 Data analysis in business
- ETF9200 Econometric analysis in business
- ETF9300 Financial econometrics
- ETF9350 Econometrics for financial markets
- ETF9480 Business modelling
- ETF9700 Mathematics for business
- ETW1000 Business and economic statistics
- ETW1010 Data modelling and computing
- ETW1102 Business statistics
- ETW2111 Business data modelling
- ETW2410 Introductory econometrics
- ETW2420 Survey methods and managerial statistics
- ETW2480 Business modelling methods
- ETW3112 Survey data analysis
- ETW3200 Quantitative business analysis
- ETW3232 Forecasting for business
- ETW3410 Applied econometrics
- ETW3420 Principles of forecasting and applications
- ETW3480 Decision analysis for managers
- ETX1100 Business statistics
- ETX2011 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- ETX2121 Data analysis in business
- ETX3231 Business forecasting
- ETX5440 Econometric theory
- ETX5443 Quantitative economic policy
- ETX9000 Business and economic statistics
- ETX9344 Introductory econometrics
- ETX9520 Quantitative methods for risk analysis
- GSB5000 Commercialisation project
- GSB5011 Pathways from science to wealth
- GSB5100 Master of business project
- GSB5601 Retirement funds management
- GSB5602 Taxation of retirement funds
- GSB9001 Personal development - critical thinking and communication
- GSB9002 Personal development - managing self and relationships
- GSB9003 Personal development - professional advancement
- GSB9004 Accounting for business
- GSB9100 Research commercialisation planning
- GSB9601 General principles of retirement funds
- GSB9602 Legal framework of retirement funds
- GSB9603 Retirement funds administration
- GSB9604 Retirement funds benefits
- GSB9605 Retirement funds governance
- GSB9606 Retirement funds investments
- MBA5005 Strategic management
- MBA5030 Specialist elective 1
- MBA5040 Specialist elective 2
- MBA5050 Specialist elective 3
- MBA5060 Specialist elective 4
- MBA5070 Specialist elective 5
- MBA5080 Specialist elective 6
- MBA5090 Strategy and policy
- MBA5100 New venture business planning project
- MBA5400 MBA corporate project 1
- MBA5410 MBA corporate project 2
- MBA9001 Managerial and leadership skills
- MBA9002 The legal environment of business
- MBA9003 Economics for managers
- MBA9004 Accounting for business
- MBA9005 Corporate finance
- MBA9006 Marketing
- MBA9007 Business analysis
- MBA9008 Managing and leading people at work
- MBA9009 Managing information
- MBA9010 Supply chain and operations management
- MBA9050 International business
- MBA9051 Entrepreneurship and venture capital
- MBA9052 Project management
- MBA9053 Problem solving and critical thinking techniques
- MGC1010 Introduction to management
- MGC1020 Organisations: Contexts and strategies
- MGC2110 Principles of strategic management
- MGC2120 Managing international business
- MGC2130 Asian management
- MGC2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGC2310 Introduction to public management
- MGC2320 Business and government
- MGC2410 Industrial relations
- MGC2420 Employee relations
- MGC2430 Human resource management
- MGC2950 Systems thinking for sustainability; a policy perspective
- MGC3110 Strategic management
- MGC3120 International management
- MGC3130 The management of change
- MGC3230 Services management
- MGC3250 Management in small firms
- MGC3420 Human resource development
- MGC3430 International human resource management
- MGC3450 Managing conflict
- MGC3510 Management of technology
- MGF1010 Introduction to management
- MGF1100 Managerial communication
- MGF2111 Organisational behaviour
- MGF2341 Managing employee relations
- MGF2351 International business
- MGF2511 Managing quality, innovation and knowledge
- MGF2661 Human resource management
- MGF3361 Performance management
- MGF3381 Managing information systems
- MGF3401 Strategic management
- MGF3420 Human resource development
- MGF3430 International human resource management
- MGF3450 Managing conflict
- MGF3621 Organisational change
- MGF3681 International management
- MGF3881 Current issues in human resource management
- MGG5325 Human resource development
- MGG5352 Management processes and systems
- MGG5810 Cultural values and management practices
- MGG5820 Management development for global business
- MGG9370 Management theory and practice
- MGG9371 Strategic management
- MGW1010 Introduction to management
- MGW1100 Managerial communication
- MGW2150 Sports event management
- MGW2200 Festivals and events
- MGW2230 Organisational behaviour
- MGW2322 Recruitment and selection
- MGW2323 Employment relations
- MGW2332 Managing services
- MGW2351 International business
- MGW2430 Human resource management
- MGW2501 Introduction to Tourism
- MGW2511 Managing quality, innovation and knowledge
- MGW2522 Tourist communication
- MGW2601 Tourism planning
- MGW2700 Project management for small to medium enterprises
- MGW3121 International business strategy
- MGW3130 Organisational change and development
- MGW3210 Organisational wellness
- MGW3352 Service operations management
- MGW3381 Management information systems
- MGW3401 Strategic management
- MGW3430 International human resource management
- MGW3502 Tourism policy
- MGW3521 Tourist behaviour
- MGW3541 Tourism management projects
- MGW3542 Sustainable tourism destinations
- MGW3681 International management
- MGX1400 Systems thinking for sustainability
- MGX3100 Management ethics and corporate governance
- MGX3441 Human resource strategy
- MGX3771 Operations management
- MGX3991 Leadership principles and practices
- MGX4000 Introductory management research methods
- MGX4100 Perspectives and paradigms in management theory
- MGX4200 Data analysis for organisational research
- MGX4300 Contemporary issues in management
- MGX4400 Research thesis
- MGX5000 Introductory management research methods
- MGX5010 Mapping the business landscape
- MGX5020 Business ethics in a global environment
- MGX5030 Corporate social responsibility
- MGX5120 Contemporary Asia
- MGX5130 Equity and diversity in the workplace
- MGX5171 Managing the multinational enterprise: cases and issues
- MGX5181 International business strategy
- MGX5210 Perspectives in organisations and management
- MGX5220 Managing work, family and life
- MGX5261 Human resource management issues
- MGX5300 Governance
- MGX5310 International management process
- MGX5330 Privatisation
- MGX5340 International public policy and management
- MGX5360 Strategic management in the public sector
- MGX5370 Policy analysis
- MGX5440 Public sector financial management
- MGX5461 Contemporary issues in globalisation
- MGX5470 International manufacturing
- MGX5510 Organisational learning and knowledge management
- MGX5551 Strategic human resource management
- MGX5560 Case studies in services management
- MGX5610 Work and employment relations in a global context
- MGX5620 Pay, participation and performance
- MGX5630 Principles of negotiation
- MGX5631 International human resource management
- MGX5640 Cross-cultural management communication
- MGX5670 Leadership
- MGX5700 Re-engineering the organisation
- MGX5710 The contemporary world
- MGX5730 International trade policy
- MGX5760 International institutions and organisations
- MGX5770 Business and government
- MGX5780 Principles and practices of the WTO
- MGX5870 Organisational and business dynamics
- MGX5900 Research report
- MGX5901 Research report (introduction)
- MGX5950 Human resources development
- MGX9110 Diplomacy and statecraft
- MGX9220 Work and employment relations
- MGX9230 Public policy
- MGX9270 Public management
- MGX9280 Leadership theory and practice
- MGX9420 E-business
- MGX9600 Managing people and organisations
- MGX9660 International business theory and practice
- MGX9720 Managing organisational change
- MGX9761 Strategic management
- MGX9850 Human resource management
- MGX9940 Managerial effectiveness
- MKC1200 Principles of marketing
- MKC2110 Buyer behaviour in marketing
- MKC2130 Marketing decision analysis
- MKC2210 Marketing management
- MKC2500 Marketing research analysis
- MKC3120 Marketing implementation
- MKC3130 Strategic issues in marketing
- MKC3220 International marketing
- MKC3300 Marketing law
- MKC3451 Stakeholder analysis in marketing
- MKC3460 Integrated marketing communication
- MKC3500 Survey data analysis
- MKF1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKF2111 Buyer behaviour
- MKF2121 Marketing research methods
- MKF2131 Marketing decision analysis
- MKF2401 Marketing issues in packaging design
- MKF2761 Agribusiness marketing management
- MKF3001 Special studies unit
- MKF3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- MKF3131 Strategic marketing
- MKF3141 Issues in competitive advantage
- MKF3301 Services marketing
- MKF3461 Marketing communication
- MKF3471 Sales management and negotiation
- MKF3500 Survey data analysis
- MKF3511 Monash Australian marketing study program
- MKF3521 International study program in marketing
- MKF3531 International marketing
- MKF3881 Electronic marketing
- MKF5140 Merchandise planning and control
- MKF5150 Major project
- MKF5200 Assessing marketing performance
- MKF5231 Strategic brand management
- MKF5270 Strategic marketing
- MKF5271 Product management and planning
- MKF5280 Marketing environmental sustainability
- MKF5301 Minor thesis
- MKF5391 Sales management
- MKF5401 Developing marketing orientation
- MKF5403 Advanced business research methods
- MKF5463 Advanced buyer behaviour
- MKF5500 Survey data analysis
- MKF5511 Monash Australian marketing study program
- MKF5521 International study program in marketing
- MKF5630 Services marketing
- MKF5703 Direct marketing: creative and media
- MKF5990 Marketing graduate seminar
- MKF9110 Theory and process of buyer behaviour
- MKF9120 Marketing research
- MKF9420 E-business
- MKF9790 Banking and financial services marketing
- MKF9810 Retailing
- MKP9311 Special studies in logistics
- MKW1120 Marketing theory and practice
- MKW1601 Introduction to e-business
- MKW2211 Advertising theory and practice
- MKW2221 Public relations principles and practice
- MKW2251 Publicity and promotion
- MKW2252 Crisis and risk communication
- MKW2402 Consumer behaviour
- MKW2420 Marketing research methods
- MKW2431 Business marketing
- MKW2460 Integrated marketing communication
- MKW2600 Tourism marketing
- MKW2841 E-business models and analysis
- MKW3121 Marketing planning and implementation
- MKW3141 Issues in competitive advantage
- MKW3231 Public relations consulting
- MKW3261 Public relations campaigns
- MKW3440 Marketing strategy
- MKW3442 Sales management
- MKW3444 International marketing
- MKW3841 E-business performance measurement
- MKW3881 Electronic marketing
- MKX1500 Retail management principles
- MKX1501 Buying for retail markets
- MKX2231 Advertising media strategy
- MKX2241 Advertising copywriting
- MKX2300 Professional services marketing
- MKX2521 Brand management
- MKX2531 Not for profit marketing
- MKX2901 Green marketing
- MKX3002 Enhanced research skills
- MKX3200 Sport marketing and sponsorship
- MKX3360 Retail technology
- MKX3445 International retailing
- MKX3481 Logistics and fulfillment
- MKX3621 Advertising management
- MKX3631 Marketing internship
- MKX3671 Advertising campaigns
- MKX4050 Marketing theory
- MKX4060 Marketing research practice
- MKX4070 Qualitative methods: paradigms and approaches
- MKX4080 Quantitative research methods in marketing
- MKX4900 Independent research project
- MKX5123 Marketing innovation planning
- MKX5241 Sport marketing and sponsorship
- MKX5251 Case studies in strategy
- MKX5260 International marketing
- MKX5371 Business to business marketing
- MKX5461 Contemporary issues in marketing
- MKX5561 E-marketing
- MKX5611 Advanced supply chain management
- MKX5641 Advanced marketing communication
- MKX5660 Relationship marketing
- MKX5741 Marketing decision analysis
- MKX5751 Delivering customer value
- MKX5760 Nonprofit and social marketing
- MKX9010 Introduction to the media sales environment
- MKX9021 Media customer relationship development
- MKX9031 Principles of media planning, buying and selling
- MKX9040 Media audience research
- MKX9050 Marketing theory
- MKX9060 Marketing research practice
- MKX9070 Qualitative methods: paradigms and approaches
- MKX9080 Quantitative research methods in marketing
- MKX9160 Foundations of marketing
- MKX9261 Integrated marketing communication
- MKX9550 Marketing and the international consumer
- MKX9610 Supply chain logistics
- MKX9620 Fulfilment and order management
- MKX9640 Managing supply chain inventory
- MKX9701 Direct marketing
- MKX9830 International retailing
- PMM1010 Introductory business law and accounting for non-business students
- PMM2020 Economic and statistical decision making
- PMM3020 Psychology, management and marketing
13 October 2017
22 February 2025