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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management

Course code: 1506 + Course abbreviation: GradDipPubPolMgt + Total credit points required: 48 + 2 semesters full-time, 4 semesters part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Caulfield)
Off-campus (Caulfield; Singapore)

Course description

This course is designed for graduates, in Australia and internationally, who wish to contribute to valued outcomes in the government and community sectors. Participants may work in the public, not-for-profit, local government, private or other sectors. The course focuses on understanding changing expectations about government, changing modes of delivering public services and the changing skills needed by effective leaders and managers,

Course structure

(a) Students must complete five core units (30 points):

(b) Students must complete three elective units (18 points) from the following recommended units:

  • MGX5301 e-Government, services, agencies and technology
  • MGX5360 Strategic management in the public sector
  • MGX5440 Public sector financial management
  • MGX5460 Cross cultural communication and negotiation*
  • MGX5461 Contemporary issues in globalisation
  • MGX5631 International human resource management
  • MGX5750 International environmental law and policy*
  • MGX5760 International institutions and organisations
  • MGX5770 Business and government
  • MGX5780 Principles and practices of the World Trade Organisation*
  • MGX9150 Contemporary Asia
  • MGX9330 Privatisation
  • MGX9670 International public policy and management*
  • MGX9850 Human resource management
  • Or graduate-level units taught by the Department of Management, other departments in the Faculty of Business and Economics, or other faculties of Monash University. In place of two electives taught by the Department of Management, students may enrol in units taught outside the department. Elective selection must meet overall course objectives and receive program manager approval.

Students should complete four 9000-level units before commencing 5000-level units.

Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management may apply for admission to the Masters of Public Policy and Management and would be eligible for advanced standing for eight units.

    * Offered on-campus only.

Contact details

Program manager

To be advised

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